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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 /** \file mlme.h
00016  * \brief MLME API
00017  */
00019 #ifndef MLME_H_
00020 #define MLME_H_
00022 #include <stdbool.h>
00023 #include "mac_common_defines.h"
00024 #include "net_interface.h"
00026 /**
00027  * @brief struct mlme_pan_descriptor_t PAN descriptor
00028  *
00029  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 55) for more details
00030  */
00031 typedef struct mlme_pan_descriptor_s {
00032     unsigned CoordAddrMode:2;   /**<Coordinator address mode MAC_ADDR_MODE_16_BIT or MAC_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT */
00033     uint16_t CoordPANId;        /**<PAN-id */
00034     uint8_t CoordAddress[8];    /**< Coordinator based CoordAddrMode */
00035     uint8_t LogicalChannel;     /**< Pan's Logical channel */
00036     uint8_t ChannelPage;        /**< Channel Page*/
00037     uint8_t SuperframeSpec[2];  /**< Superframe specification */
00038     bool GTSPermit:1;           /**< true = GTS enabled false = disabled  */
00039     uint8_t LinkQuality;        /**< Link quality based on received packet to Coordinator 0-0xff  */
00040     uint32_t Timestamp;         /**< Time stamp for received packet  */
00041     uint8_t SecurityFailure;    /**< Indicates payload security failure  */
00042     mlme_security_t Key;        /**< PAN beacon used security AUX header  */
00043 } mlme_pan_descriptor_t;
00045 /**
00046  * @brief struct mlme_command_type_t Command type enumeration
00047  *
00048  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 82) for more details
00049  */
00050 typedef enum {
00051     ASSOCIATION_REQUEST = 1,            /**<Assocation request (Not supported)*/
00052     ASSOCIATION_RESPONSE = 2,           /**<Assocation response (Not supported)*/
00053     DISASSOCIATION_NOTIFICATION = 3,    /**<Disasocation Notification (Not supported)*/
00054     DATA_REQUEST = 4,                   /**<Data Request */
00055     PAN_ID_CONFLICT_NOTIFICATION = 5,   /**<Pan ID conflict notification (Not supported)*/
00056     ORPHAN_NOTIFICATION = 6,            /**<Orphan Notification (Not supported)*/
00057     BEACON_REQUEST = 7,                 /**<Beacon request */
00058     COORDINATOR_REALIGNMENT = 8,        /**<Coordinator Realignment (Not supported)*/
00059     GTS_REQUEST = 9                     /**<GTS request (Not supported)*/
00060     //Reserved
00061 } mlme_command_type_t;
00063 /**
00064  * @brief enum mlme_loss_reason_t loss reason enumeration
00065  *
00066  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 75) for more details
00067  */
00068 typedef enum {
00069     PAN_ID_CONFLICT,    /**<Pan id conflict (Not supported)*/
00070     REALIGNMENT,        /**<Cordinator Realignment(Not supported)*/
00071     BEACON_LOST         /**<FHSS indicate by this when it loose synch to coordinator*/
00072 } mlme_loss_reason_t;
00074 /**
00075  * @brief struct mlme_key_usage_descriptor_t Key usage descriptor
00076  *
00077  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 90) for more details
00078  */
00079 typedef struct mlme_key_usage_descriptor_s {
00080     unsigned FrameType:3; /**<0 = Beacon Frame, 1 = Data Frame or 3 Command Frame */
00081     unsigned CommandFrameIdentifier:4; /**< Set this part only when FrameType is 3 */
00082 } mlme_key_usage_descriptor_t;
00084 /**
00085  * @brief struct mlme_key_device_descriptor_t Key usage descriptor
00086  *
00087  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 91) for more details
00088  */
00089 typedef struct mlme_key_device_descriptor_s {
00090     uint8_t DeviceDescriptorHandle; /**< User defined unique ID to key User */
00091     bool UniqueDevice:1;            /**< true = Key description is for Key Pair Key usage only, False = group key  */
00092     bool Blacklisted:1;             /**< true = Description is black listed, False = valid to use */
00093 } mlme_key_device_descriptor_t;
00095 /**
00096  * @brief enum mlme_security_type_t Security type enumeration
00097  *
00098  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 95) for more details
00099  */
00100 typedef enum {
00101     SEC_NONE = 0,       /**< No payload encode and authentication */
00102     SEC_MIC32 = 1,      /**< No payload encode with 32-bit MIC authentication */
00103     SEC_MIC64 = 2,      /**< No payload encode with 64-bit MIC authentication */
00104     SEC_MIC128 = 3,     /**< No payload encode with 128-bit MIC authentication */
00105     SEC_ENC = 4,        /**< Payload encode enabled and without authentication */
00106     SEC_ENC_MIC32 = 5,  /**< Payload encode enabled with 32-bit MIC authentication */
00107     SEC_ENC_MIC64 = 6,  /**< Payload encode enabled with 64-bit MIC authentication */
00108     SEC_ENC_MIC128 = 7  /**< Payload encode enabled with 128-bit MIC authentication */
00109 } mlme_security_type_t;
00111 /**
00112  * @brief struct mlme_security_level_descriptor_t Security level descriptor
00113  *
00114  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 92) for more details
00115  */
00116 typedef struct mlme_security_level_descriptor_s {
00117     unsigned FrameType:3; /**<0 = Beacon Frame, 1 = Data Frame or 3 Command Frame */
00118     unsigned CommandFrameIdentifier:4; /**< Set this part only when FrameType is 3 */
00119     unsigned SecurityMinimum:3; /**< Define Minimum acceptable security level for RX */
00120     bool DeviceOverrideSecurityMinimum:1; /**< Set false */
00121 } mlme_security_level_descriptor_t;
00123 /**
00124  * @brief struct mlme_device_descriptor_t Device descriptor
00125  *
00126  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 93) for more details
00127  */
00128 typedef struct mlme_device_descriptor_s {
00129     uint16_t PANId;         /**< Pan-id */
00130     uint16_t ShortAddress;  /**< Device 16-bit short address 0xffff means not defined */
00131     uint8_t ExtAddress[8];  /**< Device Extended 64-bit address */
00132     uint32_t FrameCounter;  /**< Security Frame counter */
00133     bool Exempt:1;          /**< Set false */
00134 } mlme_device_descriptor_t;
00136 /**
00137  * @brief struct mlme_key_id_lookup_descriptor_t Key id lookup descriptor
00138  *
00139  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 94) for more details
00140  */
00141 typedef struct mlme_key_id_lookup_descriptor_s {
00142     uint8_t LookupData[9];      /**< Key Lookup data */
00143     unsigned LookupDataSize:1; /**< Key Lookup data size 0= 5 1 is 9 bytes */
00144 } mlme_key_id_lookup_descriptor_t;
00147 /**
00148  * @brief struct mlme_key_descriptor_entry_t Key descriptor entry
00149  *
00150  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 89) for more details
00151  */
00152 typedef struct mlme_key_descriptor_entry_s {
00153     mlme_key_id_lookup_descriptor_t *KeyIdLookupList;   /**< List of Key lookup data for this descriptor*/
00154     uint8_t KeyIdLookupListEntries;                     /**< Number of entries in KeyIdLookupList*/
00155     mlme_key_device_descriptor_t *KeyDeviceList;        /**< List of descriptor user entries indicating which devices are valid or blacklisted */
00156     uint8_t KeyDeviceListEntries;                       /**< Number of entries in KeyDeviceList*/
00157     mlme_key_usage_descriptor_t *KeyUsageList;          /**< List of descriptor entries indicating which frame types this key may be used with*/
00158     uint8_t KeyUsageListEntries;                        /**< Number of entries in KeyUsageList*/
00159     uint8_t Key[16];                                    /**< Actual value of Security key*/
00160 }mlme_key_descriptor_entry_t;
00162 /**
00163  * @brief MLME primitive error statuses
00164  *
00165  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 for more details
00166  */
00167 #define MLME_SUCCESS                    0x00 /**< The requested operation was completed successfully*/
00168 #define MLME_BUSY_CHAN                  0xe1 /**< CSMA-CA fail*/
00169 #define MLME_BUSY_RX                    0x01 /**< The radio is asked to change its state while receiving */
00170 #define MLME_BUSY_TX                    0x02 /**< The radio is asked to change its state while transmitting. */
00171 #define MLME_FORCE_TRX_OFF              0x03 /**< The radio is to be switched off immediately */
00172 #define MLME_IDLE                       0x04 /**< The CCA attempt has detected an idle channel */
00173 #define MLME_RX_ON                      0x06 /**< The radio is in or is to be configured into the receiver enabled state. */
00174 #define MLME_TRX_OFF                    0x08 /**< The radio is in or is to be configured into the receiver enabled state. */
00175 #define MLME_TX_ON                      0x09 /**< The radio is in or is to be configured into the receiver enabled state. */
00176 #define MLME_COUNTER_ERROR              0xdb /**< Originated messages security counter is not valid */
00177 #define MLME_IMPROPER_KEY_TYPE          0xdc /**< Received Messages key used is agains't key usage policy */
00178 #define MLME_IMPROPER_SECURITY_LEVEL    0xdd /**< Received Messages security level does not meet minimum security level */
00179 #define MLME_UNSUPPORTED_LEGACY         0xde /**< The received frame was purportedly secured using security based on IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003, and such security is not supported by this standard. */
00180 #define MLME_UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY       0xdf /**< The received frame security is not supported */
00181 #define MLME_SECURITY_FAIL              0xe4 /**< Cryptographic processing of the received secured frame failed. */
00182 #define MLME_FRAME_TOO_LONG             0xe5 /**< Either a frame resulting from processing has a length that is greater than aMaxPHYPacketSize */
00183 #define MLME_INVALID_HANDLE             0xe7 /**< Status for Purge request when Mac not detect proper queued message*/
00184 #define MLME_INVALID_PARAMETER          0xe8 /**< A parameter in the primitive is either not supported or is out of the valid range */
00185 #define MLME_TX_NO_ACK                  0xe9 /**< No ack was received after macMaxFrameRetries */
00186 #define MLME_NO_BEACON                  0xea /**< A scan operation failed to find any network beacons */
00187 #define MLME_NO_DATA                    0xeb /**< No response data were available following a request */
00188 #define MLME_NO_SHORT_ADDRESS           0xec /**< Operation fail because 16-bit address is not allocated */
00189 #define MLME_PAN_ID_CONFLICT            0xee /**< A PAN identifier conflict has been detected and communicated to the PAN coordinator. */
00190 #define MLME_TRANSACTION_EXPIRED        0xf0 /**< The transaction has expired and its information was discarded */
00191 #define MLME_TRANSACTION_OVERFLOW       0xf1 /**< MAC have no capacity to store the transaction */
00192 #define MLME_UNAVAILABLE_KEY            0xf3 /**< Received message use unknown key, or the originating device is unknown or is blacklisted with that particular key */
00193 #define MLME_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE      0xf4 /**< A SET/GET request was issued with the unsupported identifier */
00194 #define MLME_INVALID_ADDRESS            0xf5 /**< A request to send data was unsuccessful because neither the source address parameters nor the destination address parameters were present.*/
00195 #define MLME_INVALID_INDEX              0xf9 /**< An attempt to write to a MAC PIB attribute that is in a table failed because the specified table index was out of range. */
00196 #define MLME_LIMIT_REACHED              0xfa /**< A scan operation terminated prematurely because the number of PAN descriptors stored reached an implementation- specified maximum */
00197 #define MLME_READ_ONLY                  0xfb /**< A SET request was issued with the identifier of an attribute that is read only.*/
00198 #define MLME_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS           0xfc /**< Request scan request fail when scan is already active */
00199 //NOT-standard
00200 #define MLME_DATA_POLL_NOTIFICATION     0xff /**< Thread requirement feature COMM status status for indicate for successfully data poll event to refresh neighbour data */
00202 /**
00203  * @brief enum mac_scan_type_t MAC scan type
00204  *
00205  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 67) for more details
00206  */
00207 typedef enum {
00208     MAC_ED_SCAN_TYPE = 0,  /**< Energy detection scan operation */
00209     MAC_ACTIVE_SCAN = 1,   /**< Active scan operation */
00210     MAC_PASSIVE_SCAN = 2,   /**< Passive scan operation */
00211     MAC_ORPHAN_SCAN = 3     /**< Orphan scan operation (Not supported) */
00212 } mac_scan_type_t;
00214 /**
00215  * @brief enum mlme_attr_t MLME attributes used with GET and SET primitives
00216  *
00217  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 86) for more details
00218  */
00219 typedef enum {
00220     phyCurrentChannel = 0x00,       /*<Current RF channel*/
00221     macAckWaitDuration = 0x40,      /*<Integer, n. of symbols*/
00222     macAssociatedPANCoord = 0x56,   /*<Boolean, associated to PAN coordinator*/
00223     macAssociationPermit = 0x41,    /*<Boolean, if association is allowed (in coordinator)*/
00224     macAutoRequest = 0x42,          /*<Boolean, if device automatically sends data request on beacon*/
00225     macBattLifeExt = 0x43,          /*<Boolean, if BLE is enabled*/
00226     macBattLifeExtPeriods = 0x44,   /*<Integer 6-41, BLE back off periods */
00227     macBeaconPayload = 0x45,        /*<Set of bytes, beacon payload*/
00228     macBeaconPayloadLength = 0x46,  /*<Integer 0-MaxPayLoadLen*/
00229     macBeaconOrder = 0x47,          /*<Integer 0–15, Beacon tx period, 15 = no periodic beacon*/
00230     macBeaconTxTime = 0x48,         /*<Integer 0x000000–0xffffff, symbols, when last beacon was transmitted*/
00231     macBSN = 0x49,                  /*<Integer 0x00–0xff, Beacon sequence number*/
00232     macCoordExtendedAddress = 0x4a, /*<64-bit IEEE of coordinator*/
00233     macCoordShortAddress = 0x4b,    /*<16-bit addr of coordinator*/
00234     macDSN = 0x4c,                  /*<Integer 0x00–0xff, Data frame sequence number*/
00235     macGTSPermit = 0x4d,            /*<Boolean, GTS allowed?*/
00236     macMaxBE = 0x57,                /*<Integer 3–8, max value of back off exponent*/
00237     macMaxCSMABackoffs = 0x4e,      /*<Integer 0–5*/
00238     macMaxFrameTotalWaitTime = 0x58,/*<Integer, max of CAP symbols while waiting for data requested by DREQ or PEND*/
00239     macMaxFrameRetries = 0x59,      /*<Integer 0–7*/
00240     macMinBE = 0x4f,                /*<Integer 0–macMaxBE*/
00241     macPANId = 0x50,                /*<PAN ID, 16 bits*/
00242     macPromiscuousMode = 0x51,      /*<Boolean*/
00243     macResponseWaitTime = 0x5a,     /*<Integer 2–64  The maximum time in SuperFrameDurations to wait for responses*/
00244     macRxOnWhenIdle = 0x52,         /*<Boolean*/
00245     macSecurityEnabled = 0x5d,      /*<Boolean*/
00246     macShortAddress = 0x53,         /*<Short address, 16 bits*/
00247     macSuperframeOrder = 0x54,      /*<Integer 0–15, The length of the active portion of the outgoing super frame, 15 = none*/
00248     macSyncSymbolOffset = 0x5b,     /*<Integer 0x000–0x100 (symbols) time stamp offset*/
00249     macTimestampSupported = 0x5c,   /*<Boolean*/
00250     macTransactionPersistenceTime = 0x55, /*<Integer 0x0000–0xffff (unit periods)*/
00251     macKeyTable = 0x71,             /*<A table of KeyDescriptor entries, each containing keys and related information required for secured communications.*/
00252     macKeyTableEntries = 0x72,      /*<The number of entries in macKeyTable.*/
00253     macDeviceTable = 0x73,          /*<List of Descriptor entries, each indicating a remote device*/
00254     macDeviceTableEntries = 0x74,   /*<The number of entries in macDeviceTable.*/
00255     macSecurityLevelTable = 0x75,   /*<A table of SecurityLevelDescriptor entries*/
00256     macSecurityLevelTableEntries = 0x76,    /*<The number of entries in macSecurityLevelTable*/
00257     macFrameCounter = 0x77,         /*<The outgoing frame counter*/
00258     macAutoRequestSecurityLevel = 0x78, /*<0x00–0x07  The security level used for automatic data requests.*/
00259     macAutoRequestKeyIdMode = 0x79,      /*< The key identifier mode used for automatic data requests.*/
00260     macAutoRequestKeySource = 0x7a, /*<Key source for automatic data*/
00261     macAutoRequestKeyIndex = 0x7b,  /*<The index of the key used for automatic data*/
00262     macDefaultKeySource = 0x7c,      /*<Default key source*/
00263     //NON standard extension
00264     macLoadBalancingBeaconTx = 0xfd,  /*< Trig Beacon from load balance module periodic */
00265     macLoadBalancingAcceptAnyBeacon = 0xfe, /*<Beacon accept state control from other network. Value size bool, data true=Enable, false=disable .*/
00266     macThreadForceLongAddressForBeacon = 0xff /*<Thread standard force beacon source address for extended 64-bit*/
00267 } mlme_attr_t;
00269 /**
00270  * @brief struct mlme_beacon_pending_address_spec_t Pending address specification field
00271  *
00272  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (figure 51) for more details
00273  */
00274 typedef struct mlme_beacon_pending_address_spec_s{
00275     unsigned short_address_count:3;                 /**< Number of short address count */
00276     unsigned extended_address_count:3;              /**< Number of extended address count */
00277 }mlme_beacon_pending_address_spec_t;
00279 /**
00280  * @brief struct mlme_beacon_gts_spec_t Format of GTS specification field
00281  *
00282  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (figure 48) for more details
00283  */
00284 typedef struct mlme_beacon_gts_spec_s{
00285     unsigned description_count:3;       /**< Number of GTS description count */
00286     unsigned gts_permit:1;              /**< 1= GTS request accepted 0= not accepted */
00287 }mlme_beacon_gts_spec_t;
00289 /**
00290  * @brief struct mlme_beacon_ind_t Beacon notify structure
00291  *
00292  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 54) for more details
00293  */
00294 typedef struct mlme_beacon_ind_s {
00295     uint8_t BSN;                                        /**< Beacon sequence number */
00296     mlme_pan_descriptor_t PANDescriptor;                /**< Beacon parsed Pan description */
00297     mlme_beacon_pending_address_spec_t PendAddrSpec;    /**< Address pending field */
00298     uint8_t *AddrList;                                  /**< Address pending list */
00299     uint16_t beacon_data_length;                        /**< Length of beacon payload */
00300     uint8_t *beacon_data;                               /**< Pointer to beacon payload */
00301 } mlme_beacon_ind_t;
00303 /**
00304  * @brief struct mlme_scan_t Scan request structure
00305  *
00306  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 67) for more details
00307  */
00308 typedef struct mlme_scan_s {
00309     mac_scan_type_t     ScanType;   /**< ED=0, active=1, passive=2, orphan=3*/
00310     channel_list_s  ScanChannels;   /**<bit field, low 27 bits used*/
00311     uint8_t     ScanDuration;       /**<0-14, scan duration/channel*/
00312     uint8_t     ChannelPage;        /**<0-31*/
00313     mlme_security_t Key;            /**< Security parameters for active scan process */
00314 } mlme_scan_t;
00316 /**
00317  * @brief struct mlme_set_t Set request structure
00318  *
00319  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 70) for more details
00320  */
00321 typedef struct mlme_set_s {
00322     mlme_attr_t attr;           /**<PIB attribute for operation*/
00323     uint8_t attr_index;         /**< attribute index to to table (use only for PIB attributes which are tables)*/
00324     const void *value_pointer;  /**< Pointer to value*/
00325     uint8_t value_size;         /**< define data length in bytes behind pointer*/
00326 } mlme_set_t;
00328 /**
00329  * @brief struct mlme_get_t Get request structure
00330  *
00331  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 56) for more details
00332  */
00333 typedef struct mlme_get_s {
00334     mlme_attr_t attr;       /**<PIB attribute for operation*/
00335     uint8_t attr_index;     /**< attribute index to to table (use only for PIB attributes which are tables)*/
00336 } mlme_get_t;
00338 /**
00339  * @brief struct mlme_get_conf_t Get confirm structure
00340  *
00341  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 57) for more details
00342  */
00343 typedef struct mlme_get_conf_s {
00344     uint8_t status;             /**< status of operation*/
00345     mlme_attr_t attr;           /**<PIB attribute for operation*/
00346     uint8_t attr_index;         /**< attribute index to to table (valid only for PIB attributes which are tables)*/
00347     void *value_pointer;        /**< Pointer to data when status is MLME_SUCCESS */
00348     uint8_t value_size;         /**< define data length in bytes behind pointer*/
00349 } mlme_get_conf_t;
00351 /**
00352  * @brief struct mlme_set_conf_t Set confirm structure
00353  *
00354  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 71) for more details
00355  */
00356 typedef struct mlme_set_conf_s {
00357     uint8_t status;         /**< status of operation*/
00358     mlme_attr_t attr;       /**<PIB attribute for operation*/
00359     uint8_t attr_index;     /**< attribute index to to table (valid only for PIB attributes which are tables)*/
00360 } mlme_set_conf_t;
00363 #define MLME_MAC_RES_SIZE_MAX 16 /**< Mac scan response max supported list size */
00365 /**
00366  * @brief struct mlme_scan_conf_t Scan confirm structure
00367  *
00368  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 68) for more details
00369  */
00370 typedef struct mlme_scan_conf_s {
00371     uint8_t status;                                             /**< status of operation*/
00372     unsigned ScanType:2;                                        /**< Finished Scan type*/
00373     uint8_t ChannelPage;                                        /**< Operated Channel Page*/
00374     channel_list_s UnscannedChannels;                           /**< Channel mask for unscanned channels*/
00375     uint8_t ResultListSize;                                     /**< Result list size*/
00376     uint8_t *ED_values;                                         /**< Energy scan result types Check only when scan type is 0*/
00377     mlme_pan_descriptor_t *PAN_values[MLME_MAC_RES_SIZE_MAX];   /**< List of scanned Pan description's*/
00378 } mlme_scan_conf_t;
00380 /**
00381  * @brief struct mlme_reset_t Reset request structure
00382  *
00383  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 63) for more details
00384  */
00385 typedef struct mlme_reset_s {
00386     bool SetDefaultPIB; /**< true= Set standard default values, false= Mac sub layer will be reset but it retain configured MAC PIB values */
00387 } mlme_reset_t;
00389 /**
00390  * @brief struct mlme_reset_conf_t Reset confirm structure
00391  *
00392  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 64) for more details
00393  */
00394 typedef struct mlme_reset_conf_s {
00395     uint8_t status; /**< Status of reset operation */
00396 } mlme_reset_conf_t;
00398 /**
00399  * @brief struct mlme_rx_enable_t Rx enable request structure (Not supported)
00400  *
00401  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 65) for more details
00402  */
00403 typedef struct mlme_rx_enable_s {
00404     bool DeferPermit;               /**< This will be ignored at nonbeacon-enabled PAN*/
00405     uint32_t RxOnTime;              /**< This will be ignored at nonbeacon-enabled PAN*/
00406     uint32_t RxOnDuration;          /**< Number of symbols which receiver is enabled, 0 receiver is not disabled*/
00407 } mlme_rx_enable_t;
00409 /**
00410  * @brief struct mlme_rx_enable_conf_t Rx enable confirm structure (Not supported)
00411  *
00412  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 66) for more details
00413  */
00414 typedef struct mlme_rx_enable_conf_s {
00415     uint8_t status;                     /**< Status of operation */
00416 } mlme_rx_enable_conf_t;
00418 /**
00419  * @brief struct mlme_comm_status_t Comm status indication structure
00420  *
00421  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 69) for more details
00422  */
00423 typedef struct mlme_comm_status_s {
00424     uint16_t PANId;                 /**< Messages Pan-id */
00425     unsigned SrcAddrMode:2;         /**< source address mode: MAC_ADDR_MODE_NONE,MAC_ADDR_MODE_16_BIT or MAC_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT */
00426     uint8_t SrcAddr[8];             /**< source address when mode is: MAC_ADDR_MODE_16_BIT or MAC_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT */
00427     unsigned DstAddrMode:2;         /**< destination address mode: MAC_ADDR_MODE_NONE,MAC_ADDR_MODE_16_BIT or MAC_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT */
00428     uint8_t DstAddr[8];             /**< Destination address when mode is: MAC_ADDR_MODE_16_BIT or MAC_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT */
00429     uint8_t status;                 /**< Communication status */
00430     mlme_security_t Key;            /**< Messages Security parameters */
00431 } mlme_comm_status_t;
00433 /**
00434  * @brief struct mlme_start_t Start request structure
00435  *
00436  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 72) for more details
00437  */
00438 typedef struct mlme_start_s {
00439     uint16_t PANId;                     /**< Pan-id */
00440     uint8_t LogicalChannel;             /**< Operated Logical channel */
00441     uint8_t ChannelPage;                /**< Operated Logical channel page */
00442     uint32_t StartTime;                 /**< Start time,  set 0 */
00443     unsigned BeaconOrder:4;             /**< Beacon order,  set 15 */
00444     unsigned SuperframeOrder:4;         /**< Super frame order,  set 15 */
00445     bool PANCoordinator:1;              /**< true= Enable beacon response for beacon request, false = disable beacon request responses */
00446     bool BatteryLifeExtension:1;        /**< Set false */
00447     bool CoordRealignment:1;            /**< Set false */
00448     mlme_security_t CoordRealignKey;    /**< Coordinator Realignment security parameter's  (Valid only CoordRealignment = true)*/
00449     mlme_security_t BeaconRealignKey;   /**< Beacon realign security parameter's (Valid only CoordRealignment = true)*/
00450 } mlme_start_t;
00452 /**
00453  * @brief struct mlme_start_conf_t Start confirm structure (Currently not triggered yet)
00454  *
00455  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 73) for more details
00456  */
00457 typedef struct mlme_start_conf_s {
00458     uint8_t status;                 /**< Status for start confirmation */
00459 } mlme_start_conf_t;
00462 /**
00463  * @brief struct mlme_sync_loss_s Synch loss indication
00464  *
00465  * Stack will trig this with FHSS enabled mac when synch to parent is lost
00466  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 73) for more details
00467  */
00468 typedef struct mlme_sync_loss_s {
00469     mlme_loss_reason_t LossReason; /**< Loss reason, BEACON_LOST with FHSS */
00470     uint16_t PANId;                 /**< Pan-id */
00471     uint8_t LogicalChannel;         /**< Logical channel */
00472     uint8_t ChannelPage;            /**< Logical channel page */
00473     mlme_security_t Key;            /**< Security parameters */
00474 } mlme_sync_loss_t;
00476 /**
00477  * @brief struct mlme_poll_t Poll request structure
00478  *
00479  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 76) for more details
00480  */
00481 typedef struct mlme_poll_s {
00482     unsigned CoordAddrMode:2;   /**< coordinator address mode:MAC_ADDR_MODE_16_BIT or MAC_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT */
00483     uint16_t CoordPANId;        /**< coordinator Pan-id to coordinator*/
00484     uint8_t CoordAddress[8];    /**< coordinator address */
00485     mlme_security_t Key;        /**< Security parameters for Poll request */
00486 } mlme_poll_t;
00488 /**
00489  * @brief struct mlme_poll_conf_t Poll confirm structure
00490  *
00491  * See IEEE standard 802.15.4-2006 (table 77) for more details
00492  */
00493 typedef struct mlme_poll_conf_s {
00494     uint8_t status;             /**< Status of Poll operation */
00495 } mlme_poll_conf_t;
00497 #endif /* MLME_H_ */