Rtos API example

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00001 #! /usr/bin/env python2
00002 """
00003 mbed SDK
00004 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
00006 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00007 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00008 You may obtain a copy of the License at
00010     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00012 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00014 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016 limitations under the License.
00020 """
00021 import sys
00022 import json
00023 from time import sleep
00024 from shutil import copy
00025 from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
00026 from json import load, dump
00028 # Be sure that the tools directory is in the search path
00029 ROOT = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), ".."))
00030 sys.path.insert(0, ROOT)
00032 from tools.utils import args_error
00033 from tools.utils import NotSupportedException
00034 from tools.paths import BUILD_DIR
00035 from tools.paths import MBED_LIBRARIES
00036 from tools.paths import RPC_LIBRARY
00037 from tools.paths import USB_LIBRARIES
00038 from tools.paths import DSP_LIBRARIES
00039 from tools.tests import TESTS, Test, TEST_MAP
00040 from tools.tests import TEST_MBED_LIB
00041 from tools.tests import test_known, test_name_known
00042 from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
00043 from tools.options import get_default_options_parser
00044 from tools.options import extract_profile
00045 from tools.options import extract_mcus
00046 from tools.build_api import build_project
00047 from tools.build_api import mcu_toolchain_matrix
00048 from tools.build_api import mcu_toolchain_list
00049 from tools.build_api import mcu_target_list
00050 from tools.build_api import merge_build_data
00051 from utils import argparse_filestring_type
00052 from utils import argparse_many
00053 from utils import argparse_dir_not_parent
00054 from tools.toolchains import mbedToolchain, TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES, TOOLCHAIN_PATHS
00055 from tools.settings import CLI_COLOR_MAP
00057 if __name__ == '__main__':
00058     # Parse Options
00059     parser = get_default_options_parser(add_app_config=True)
00060     group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
00061     group.add_argument(
00062         "-p",
00063         type=argparse_many(test_known),
00064         dest="program",
00065         help="The index of the desired test program: [0-%d]" % (len(TESTS)-1))
00067     group.add_argument(
00068         "-n",
00069         type=argparse_many(test_name_known),
00070         dest="program",
00071         help="The name of the desired test program")
00073     parser.add_argument(
00074         "-j", "--jobs",
00075         type=int,
00076         dest="jobs",
00077         default=0,
00078         help="Number of concurrent jobs. Default: 0/auto (based on host machine's number of CPUs)")
00080     parser.add_argument(
00081         "-v", "--verbose",
00082         action="store_true",
00083         dest="verbose",
00084         default=False,
00085         help="Verbose diagnostic output")
00087     parser.add_argument(
00088         "--silent",
00089         action="store_true",
00090         dest="silent",
00091         default=False,
00092         help="Silent diagnostic output (no copy, compile notification)")
00094     parser.add_argument(
00095         "-D",
00096         action="append",
00097         dest="macros",
00098         help="Add a macro definition")
00100     group.add_argument(
00101         "-S", "--supported-toolchains",
00102         dest="supported_toolchains",
00103         default=False,
00104         const="matrix",
00105         choices=["matrix", "toolchains", "targets"],
00106         nargs="?",
00107         help="Displays supported matrix of MCUs and toolchains")
00109     parser.add_argument(
00110         '-f', '--filter',
00111         dest='general_filter_regex',
00112         default=None,
00113         help='For some commands you can use filter to filter out results')
00115     parser.add_argument(
00116         "--stats-depth",
00117         type=int,
00118         dest="stats_depth",
00119         default=2,
00120         help="Depth level for static memory report")
00122     # Local run
00123     parser.add_argument("--automated", action="store_true", dest="automated",
00124                       default=False, help="Automated test")
00125     parser.add_argument("--host", dest="host_test",
00126                       default=None, help="Host test")
00127     parser.add_argument("--extra", dest="extra",
00128                       default=None, help="Extra files")
00129     parser.add_argument("--peripherals", dest="peripherals",
00130                       default=None, help="Required peripherals")
00131     parser.add_argument("--dep", dest="dependencies",
00132                       default=None, help="Dependencies")
00133     parser.add_argument("--source", dest="source_dir", type=argparse_filestring_type,
00134                        default=None, help="The source (input) directory", action="append")
00135     parser.add_argument("--duration", type=int, dest="duration",
00136                       default=None, help="Duration of the test")
00137     parser.add_argument("--build", dest="build_dir", type=argparse_dir_not_parent(ROOT),
00138                       default=None, help="The build (output) directory")
00139     parser.add_argument("-N", "--artifact-name", dest="artifact_name",
00140                       default=None, help="The built project's name")
00141     parser.add_argument("-d", "--disk", dest="disk",
00142                       default=None, help="The mbed disk")
00143     parser.add_argument("-s", "--serial", dest="serial",
00144                       default=None, help="The mbed serial port")
00145     parser.add_argument("-b", "--baud", type=int, dest="baud",
00146                       default=None, help="The mbed serial baud rate")
00147     group.add_argument("-L", "--list-tests", action="store_true", dest="list_tests",
00148                       default=False, help="List available tests in order and exit")
00150     # Ideally, all the tests with a single "main" thread can be run with, or
00151     # without the usb, dsp
00152     parser.add_argument("--rpc",
00153                       action="store_true", dest="rpc",
00154                       default=False, help="Link with RPC library")
00156     parser.add_argument("--usb",
00157                       action="store_true",
00158                       dest="usb",
00159                       default=False,
00160                       help="Link with USB Device library")
00162     parser.add_argument("--dsp",
00163                       action="store_true",
00164                       dest="dsp",
00165                       default=False,
00166                       help="Link with DSP library")
00168     parser.add_argument("--testlib",
00169                       action="store_true",
00170                       dest="testlib",
00171                       default=False,
00172                       help="Link with mbed test library")
00174     parser.add_argument("--build-data",
00175                         dest="build_data",
00176                         default=None,
00177                         help="Dump build_data to this file")
00179     # Specify a different linker script
00180     parser.add_argument("-l", "--linker", dest="linker_script",
00181                       type=argparse_filestring_type,
00182                       default=None, help="use the specified linker script")
00184     options = parser.parse_args()
00186     # Only prints matrix of supported toolchains
00187     if options.supported_toolchains:
00188         if options.supported_toolchains == "matrix":
00189             print mcu_toolchain_matrix(platform_filter=options.general_filter_regex)
00190         elif options.supported_toolchains == "toolchains":
00191             toolchain_list = mcu_toolchain_list()
00192             # Only print the lines that matter
00193             for line in toolchain_list.split("\n"):
00194                 if not "mbed" in line:
00195                     print line
00196         elif options.supported_toolchains == "targets":
00197             print mcu_target_list()
00198         exit(0)
00200     # Print available tests in order and exit
00201     if options.list_tests is True:
00202         print '\n'.join(map(str, sorted(TEST_MAP.values())))
00203         sys.exit()
00205     # force program to "0" if a source dir is specified
00206     if options.source_dir is not None:
00207         p = 0
00208     else:
00209     # Program Number or name
00210         p = options.program
00212     # If 'p' was set via -n to list of numbers make this a single element integer list
00213     if type(p) != type([]):
00214         p = [p]
00216     # Target
00217     if options.mcu is None :
00218         args_error(parser, "argument -m/--mcu is required")
00219     mcu = extract_mcus(parser, options)[0]
00221     # Toolchain
00222     if options.tool is None:
00223         args_error(parser, "argument -t/--tool is required")
00224     toolchain = options.tool[0]
00226     if (options.program is None) and (not options.source_dir):
00227         args_error(parser, "one of -p, -n, or --source is required")
00229     if options.source_dir and not options.build_dir:
00230         args_error(parser, "argument --build is required when argument --source is provided")
00233     if options.color:
00234         # This import happens late to prevent initializing colorization when we don't need it
00235         import colorize
00236         if options.verbose:
00237             notify = mbedToolchain.print_notify_verbose
00238         else:
00239             notify = mbedToolchain.print_notify
00240         notify = colorize.print_in_color_notifier(CLI_COLOR_MAP, notify)
00241     else:
00242         notify = None
00244     if not TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain].check_executable():
00245         search_path = TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[toolchain] or "No path set"
00246         args_error(parser, "Could not find executable for %s.\n"
00247                            "Currently set search path: %s"
00248                            %(toolchain,search_path))
00250     # Test
00251     build_data_blob = {} if options.build_data else None
00252     for test_no in p:
00253         test = Test(test_no)
00254         if options.automated is not None:    test.automated = options.automated
00255         if options.dependencies is not None: test.dependencies = options.dependencies
00256         if options.host_test is not None:    test.host_test = options.host_test;
00257         if options.peripherals is not None:  test.peripherals = options.peripherals;
00258         if options.duration is not None:     test.duration = options.duration;
00259         if options.extra is not None:        test.extra_files = options.extra
00261         if not test.is_supported(mcu, toolchain):
00262             print 'The selected test is not supported on target %s with toolchain %s' % (mcu, toolchain)
00263             sys.exit()
00265         # Linking with extra libraries
00266         if options.rpc:      test.dependencies.append(RPC_LIBRARY)
00267         if options.usb:      test.dependencies.append(USB_LIBRARIES)
00268         if options.dsp:      test.dependencies.append(DSP_LIBRARIES)
00269         if options.testlib:  test.dependencies.append(TEST_MBED_LIB)
00271         build_dir = join(BUILD_DIR, "test", mcu, toolchain, test.id)
00272         if options.source_dir is not None:
00273             test.source_dir = options.source_dir
00274             build_dir = options.source_dir
00276         if options.build_dir is not None:
00277             build_dir = options.build_dir
00279         try:
00280             bin_file = build_project(test.source_dir, build_dir, mcu, toolchain,
00281                                      set(test.dependencies),
00282                                      linker_script=options.linker_script,
00283                                      clean=options.clean,
00284                                      verbose=options.verbose,
00285                                      notify=notify,
00286                                      report=build_data_blob,
00287                                      silent=options.silent,
00288                                      macros=options.macros,
00289                                      jobs=options.jobs,
00290                                      name=options.artifact_name,
00291                                      app_config=options.app_config,
00292                                      inc_dirs=[dirname(MBED_LIBRARIES)],
00293                                      build_profile=extract_profile(parser,
00294                                                                    options,
00295                                                                    toolchain),
00296                                      stats_depth=options.stats_depth)
00297             print 'Image: %s'% bin_file
00299             if options.disk:
00300                 # Simple copy to the mbed disk
00301                 copy(bin_file, options.disk)
00303             if options.serial:
00304                 # Import pyserial: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyserial
00305                 from serial import Serial
00307                 sleep(TARGET_MAP[mcu].program_cycle_s)
00309                 serial = Serial(options.serial, timeout = 1)
00310                 if options.baud:
00311                     serial.setBaudrate(options.baud)
00313                 serial.flushInput()
00314                 serial.flushOutput()
00316                 try:
00317                     serial.sendBreak()
00318                 except:
00319                     # In linux a termios.error is raised in sendBreak and in setBreak.
00320                     # The following setBreak() is needed to release the reset signal on the target mcu.
00321                     try:
00322                         serial.setBreak(False)
00323                     except:
00324                         pass
00326                 while True:
00327                     c = serial.read(512)
00328                     sys.stdout.write(c)
00329                     sys.stdout.flush()
00331         except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
00332             print "\n[CTRL+c] exit"
00333         except NotSupportedException as e:
00334             print "\nCould not compile for %s: %s" % (mcu, str(e))
00335         except Exception,e:
00336             if options.verbose:
00337                 import traceback
00338                 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
00339             else:
00340                 print "[ERROR] %s" % str(e)
00342             sys.exit(1)
00343     if options.build_data:
00344         merge_build_data(options.build_data, build_data_blob, "application")