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 HTTP server

This httpd supports for a rudimentary server-side-include facility which will replace tags of the form in any file whose extension is .shtml, .shtm or .ssi with strings provided by an include handler whose pointer is provided to the module via function http_set_ssi_handler().

 Iperf server

This is a simple performance measuring server to check your bandwith using iPerf2 on a PC as client.


RFC 6762 - Multicast DNS
RFC 6763 - DNS-Based Service Discovery

 MQTT client

 NETBIOS responder

This is an example implementation of a NetBIOS name server.

 SNMPv2c agent

SNMPv2c compatible agent
There is also a MIB compiler and a MIB viewer in lwIP contrib repository (lwip-contrib/apps/LwipMibCompiler).


This is simple "SNTP" client for the lwIP raw API.

 TFTP server

This is simple TFTP server for the lwIP raw API.