Rtos API example

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example2.cpp File Reference

example2.cpp File Reference

Test case to demonstrate a subset of the API functions each work correctly. More...

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Detailed Description

Test case to demonstrate a subset of the API functions each work correctly.

Overview of test:

  • initialises cfstore
  • creates a key called "com.arm.mbed.spv.assets.asset2.payload" with value blob length = 15 = strlen("Grumpy old man")+1.
  • writes the data for the key to be "Grumpy old man"
  • closes kv.
  • opens kv for reading/writing
  • reads the value blob and checks its == "Grumpy old man"
  • writes the first 11 chars of the value blob to be "Grumpy man" plus a NULL;
  • reads the value blob back and checks its as expected

This test is coded so as to work in the following modes:

  • flash sync mode i.e. with caps.asynchronous_ops == false
  • flash async mode i.e. with caps.asynchronous_ops == true

Definition in file example2.cpp.