Extended library to include a screensaver

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem

Fork of 4DGL-uLCD-SE by Jay Danner

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00001 /**
00002 Screensaver functions for the uLCD_4DGL
00003 */
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
00007 /** Determine if the screensaver should be shown */
00008 void uLCD_4DGL :: checkActiveScreenTime() {
00009     time(&now);
00010     if (difftime(now, lastDisplayActivityTime) >= max_active_screen_interval) {
00011         if (!inScreensaverMode) {
00012             enableScreensaverMode();
00013         } else if (inScreensaverHysteresis) {
00014             inScreensaverHysteresis = false;
00015         }            
00016     }
00017 }
00019 /** Whenever a change is made to the LCD screen that is not part of the 
00020  screensaver graphics method, it is reported and the last screen
00021  activity time is updated */
00022 void uLCD_4DGL :: reportScreenInteraction() {
00023     time(&lastDisplayActivityTime); // indicate that the screen is still active
00024     if (inScreensaverMode) {
00025         exitScreensaverMode();
00026     }   
00027 }
00029 /** Initialize the screen saver */
00030 void uLCD_4DGL :: enableScreensaverMode() {
00031     inScreensaverMode = true;
00032     backupStateOfScreen(); 
00033     inScreensaverHysteresis = true;
00034     cls();
00035     #if MYDEBUG
00036     pc.printf("Going into screensaver mode\r\n");
00037     #endif
00038 }
00040 /** Close the screen saver */
00041 void uLCD_4DGL :: exitScreensaverMode() {
00042     inScreensaverMode = false;
00043     restoreStateOfScreen();
00044     inScreensaverHysteresis = false;
00045     #if MYDEBUG
00046     pc.printf("Going out of screensaver mode\r\n");
00047     #endif 
00048 }
00050 /** Set the timeout interval for active screen */
00051 void uLCD_4DGL :: setActiveScreenInterval(int newInterval) {
00052     max_active_screen_interval = newInterval;   
00053 }
00055 /** Get the timeout interval for active screen */
00056 int uLCD_4DGL :: getActiveScreenInterval() {
00057     return max_active_screen_interval;   
00058 }
00060 /**Return whether the LCD is currently in screen saver mode */
00061 bool uLCD_4DGL :: isInScreensaverMode() {
00062     return inScreensaverMode;
00063 }
00065 /** Backup the current pixels of the display to the sd card */
00066 void uLCD_4DGL :: backupStateOfScreen() {
00067     FILE* data = fopen("/sd/pixelData.txt","w");
00068     fclose(data);
00069     data = fopen("/sd/pixelData.txt","a");
00070     if (data == NULL) {
00071         pc.printf("Data file failed to open!\r\n"); 
00072     }
00073     for (int x = 0; x < 127; x+=2) {
00074         for (int y = 0; y < 127; y+=2) {
00075             int color = read_pixel(x, y);
00076             if (color > 0 && color != 1536 && color != 1538) {
00077                 fprintf(data, "%i %i %i\n", x, y, color);
00078             }
00080         }   
00081     }
00082     fclose(data);
00083 }
00085 // Retrive the backed-up pixel display
00086 // from the sd card
00087 void uLCD_4DGL :: restoreStateOfScreen() {
00088     cls();
00089     const int CHARS = 16;
00090     const int TOKENS = 4;
00091     const char* const delim = " ";
00093     std::ifstream fin;
00094     fin.open("/sd/pixelData.txt");
00096     while(!fin.eof()) {
00097         // int char int char int \n
00098         // 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1
00099         char buf[CHARS];
00100         fin.getline(buf, CHARS);
00101         const char* token[TOKENS] = {};
00103         int i=0;
00104         int color;
00105         token[0] = strtok(buf, delim);
00106         if(token[0]) {
00107             for(i=1; i<TOKENS; i++) {
00108                 token[i] = strtok(0, delim);
00109                 if(!token[i]) break;
00110                 color = atoi(token[2]);
00111                 if (color > 0 && color != 1536 && color != 1538) {
00112                     int red5 = (color >> 11) & 0x1F;
00113                     int green6 = (color >> 5) & 0x1F;
00114                     int blue5 = (color >> 0) & 0x1F;
00115                     color = 0;
00116                     color |= blue5 << 0 + 3;
00117                     color |= green6 << 2 + 8;
00118                     color |= red5 << 16 + 3;
00119                     pixel(atoi(token[0]), atoi(token[1]), color);
00120                 } else {
00121                     pixel(atoi(token[0]), atoi(token[1]), 0);   
00122                 }
00123             }
00124         }
00125     }
00126     fin.close();
00127 }