A neopixel light painting strip

Dependencies:   NeoStrip PinDetect mbed

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00001 /**********************************************************/
00002 /*BitmapFile.h                                            */
00003 /**********************************************************/
00005 #include "mbed.h"
00007 /* Class: BitmapFile
00008  * A parser for bitmap files.
00009 */
00010 class BitmapFile
00011 {
00012 private:
00013     FILE            *m_pFile;
00014     char            *m_fileName;
00015     int             m_rowsize;
00017     enum headerType {   BITMAPCOREHEADER = 12,
00018                         BITMAPCOREHEADER2 = 64,
00019                         BITMAPINFOHEADER = 40,
00020                         BITMAPV4HEADER = 108,
00021                         BITMAPV5HEADER = 124};
00023     enum compressType { BI_RGB,
00024                         BI_RLE8,
00025                         BI_RLE4,
00026                         BI_BITFIELDS,
00027                         BI_JPEG,
00028                         BI_PNG};
00030     /* Struct: BMPHeader
00031     *
00032     * The BMP header of the bitmap is read into this.   
00033     *
00034     * b - the first byte of the header. Should equal 'B'.
00035     * m - the second byte of the header. Should equal 'M'.
00036     * filesize - the size of the whole file, in bytes.
00037     * reserved 1 and 2 - data specific to the applicaton which created the bitmap.
00038     * offset - the offset at which the actual bitmap begins
00039     */
00041     __packed struct
00042     {
00043         char    b:8;
00044         char    m:8;
00045         int     filesize:32;
00046         int     reserved1:16;
00047         int     reserved2:16;
00048         int     offset:32;
00050     } BMPHeader;
00053     /* Struct: DIBHeader
00054     *
00055     * The DIB header of the bitmap is read into this.   
00056     *
00057     * headerlength - the length of the header. Should equal 40.
00058     * height - the height of the bitmap.
00059     * width - the width of the bitmap.
00060     * cplanes - the number of color planes. Should equal 1.
00061     * colordepth - the number of bits per pixel.
00062     * compression - the compression method used.
00063     * datasize - the size of the bitmap data, in bytes.
00064     */
00066     int     m_headerlength;
00067     __packed struct
00068     {
00069         int     width:32;
00070         int     height:32;
00071         int     cplanes:16;
00072         int     colordepth:16;
00073         int     compression:32;
00074         int     datasize:32;
00075         int     hres:32;
00076         int     vres:32;
00077         int     numpalettecolors:32;
00078         int     importantcolors:32;     
00079     } DIBHeader;
00082 public:
00083     /* Constructor: BitmapFile
00084     * Create the BitmapFile class, and call <Initialize>
00085     *
00086     * Parameters:
00087     *  fname - The path of the file to open.
00088     */
00089     BitmapFile(char* fname);
00090     ~BitmapFile();
00092     /* Function: Initialize
00093     * Parses the headers of the bitmap.
00094     *
00095     * Returns:
00096     *  Whether the bitmap is valid.
00097     */
00098     bool    Initialize();   //parses the header
00100     /* Function: open
00101     * Opens the bitmap for reading, if not already open.
00102     */
00103     void    open();
00105     /* Function: close
00106     * Closes the bitmap.
00107     */
00108     void    close();
00110     /***BMP Header gets begin***/
00111     int     getFileSize();
00112     int     getReserved1();
00113     int     getReserved2();
00114     int     getOffset();
00116     /***DIB Header gets begin***/
00117     int     getHeaderType();
00118     int     getHeight();
00119     int     getWidth();
00120     int     getCPlanes();
00121     int     getColorDepth();
00122     int     getCompression();
00123     int     getDataSize();
00124     int     getHRes();
00125     int     getVRes();
00126     int     getNumPaletteColors();
00127     int     getImportantColors();
00128     /****DIB Header gets end****/
00130     /******Data gets begin******/
00131     /* Function: getPixel
00132     * Gets the color of a pixel
00133     *
00134     * Parameters:
00135     *  x - The x coordinate of the pixel.
00136     *  y - The y coordinate of the pixel.
00137     *  closefile - if specified, close the file after reading
00138     *
00139     * Returns:
00140     *  the color of the pixel, in hexadecimal.
00141     */
00142     int     getPixel(int x, int y, bool closefile = true);
00143     /* Function: getRow
00144     * Gets the colors of a row
00145     *
00146     * Parameters:
00147     *  row - The number of the row..
00148     *  closefile - if specified, close the file after reading
00149     *
00150     * Returns:
00151     *  An array of the colors of the pixels, in hexadecimal.
00152     */
00153     int     *getRow(int row, bool closefile = true);
00154     int     *getRowBW(int row, bool closefile = true);
00155     char    *getRowBitstream(int row, bool closefile = true);
00156     /*******Data gets end*******/
00157     int     getRowSize();
00158 };