This library allows to parse and work with data sent by the Paradigma pelletti oven.

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00001 #ifndef __PARADIGMA_DATA_H__
00002 #define __PARADIGMA_DATA_H__
00004 #include "ParadigmaBase.h"
00005 #include "ParadigmaTemperature.h"
00006 #include "ParadigmaDateTime.h"
00008 #include <string>
00009 using namespace std;
00011 namespace Paradigma
00012 {
00014 /** ParadigmaBlockType_t enumerates valid values for the block type. The block type is always the first
00015   * data byte in a response from paradigma. There are currently two known values.
00016   */
00017 typedef __packed enum {
00018     ParadigmaVariables = 0xFC,
00019     ParadigmaParameters = 0xFD,
00020 } ParadigmaBlockType_t;
00022 /** ParadigmaMessageID_t specifies the content of the transmitted object. Currently only one valid value
00023   * is known which indicates a valuid variable or parameter block is being transmitted */
00024 typedef __packed enum {
00025     ParadigmaMessage = 0x0C,
00026 } ParadigmaMessageID_t;
00028 /** ParadigmaDatasetType_t specifies which type of information is contained in the datablock. Currently
00029   * known values are : Dataset1 and Dataset2 for Variables, and Parameters for different settings which
00030   * can be changed and queried by the user.
00031   */
00032 typedef __packed enum {
00033     ParadigmaMonitorDataset1 = 0x01,
00034     ParadigmaMonitorDataset2 = 0x02,
00035     ParadigmaParameterset = 0x03,
00036     ParadigmaUnknown1 = 0x14,
00037     Invalid = 0xFF
00038 } ParadigmaDatasetType_t;
00040 typedef char ParadigmaParameterAddress_t[3];
00042 const ParadigmaParameterAddress_t ParadigmaAdresses[] = {
00043     {0x00, 0x02, 0x2A},      //  Heizkreis 1
00044     {0x01, 0x88, 0x2A},      //  Heizkreis 2
00045     {0x03, 0x0E, 0x09},      //  Warmwasser
00046     {0x03, 0xF7, 0x0F},      //  Anlagendaten Kessel/Puffer und Zirkulation
00047     {0x03, 0xE6, 0x12},      //  Wartung Telefonnummer
00048     {0x03, 0x17, 0x70},      //  Warmwasserprogramm 1
00049     {0x03, 0x87, 0x70},      //  Warmwasserprogramm 2
00050     {0x04, 0x06, 0x70},      //  Zirkulationszeitprogramm 1
00051     {0x04, 0x76, 0x70},      //  Zirkulationszeitprogramm 2
00052     {0x00, 0x2C, 0x70},      //  Heizzeitprogramm 1 HK1
00053     {0x00, 0x9C, 0x70},      //    Heizzeitprogramm 2 HK1
00054     {0x01, 0x0C, 0x70},     // Heizzeitprogramm 3 HK1
00055     {0x01, 0xB2, 0x70},     // Heizzeitprogramm 1 HK2
00056     {0x02, 0x22, 0x70},     //  Heizzeitprogramm 2 HK2
00057     {0x02, 0x92, 0x70},     //  Heizzeitprogramm 3 HK2
00058     {0x05, 0x08, 0x03}      //  Anlagendaten Kessel/Puffer 2
00059 };
00061 /** ParadigmaBlockHeader_t represents the header of any sent block by paradigma. */
00062 typedef __packed struct {
00063     ParadigmaBlockType_t        block_type;         // 0xFC for normal observable variables, 0xFD for parameter blocks
00064     unsigned char               block_length;
00065     ParadigmaMessageID_t        message_id;         // always 0x0C
00066     ParadigmaDatasetType_t      dataset_type;
00067 } ParadigmaBlockHeader_t;
00069 typedef __packed struct {
00070     ParadigmaDateTime           DateTime;
00071     ParadigmaTemperature        Aussentemp;             //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00072     ParadigmaTemperature        Warmwassertemp;         //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00073     ParadigmaTemperature        Kesselvorlauf;          //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00074     ParadigmaTemperature        Kesselruecklauf;        //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00076     ParadigmaTemperature        RaumtemperaturHK1;      //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00077     ParadigmaTemperature        RaumtemperaturHK2;      //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00078     ParadigmaTemperature        VorlauftemperaturHK1;   //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00079     ParadigmaTemperature        VorlauftemperaturHK2;   //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00080     ParadigmaTemperature        RuecklauftemperaturHK1; //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00081     ParadigmaTemperature        RuecklauftemperaturHK2; //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00082     ParadigmaTemperature        PuffertemperaturOben;   //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00083     ParadigmaTemperature        PuffertemperaturUnten;  //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00084     ParadigmaTemperature        Zirkulationstemperatur; //  (in 0,1 Grad Schritten)
00086     byte                        Checksumme;
00087 } MonDta1_t;
00089 typedef __packed struct {
00090     ParadigmaTemperature        RaumsollHK1;
00091     ParadigmaTemperature        RaumsollHK2;
00092     ParadigmaTemperature        VorlaufsollHK1;
00093     ParadigmaTemperature        VorlaufsollHK2;
00094     ParadigmaTemperature        Warmwassersolltemp;
00095     ParadigmaTemperature        Puffersolltemp;
00096     __packed struct {
00097         word    PHK1:1;
00098         word    PHK2:1;
00099         word    PK:1;
00100         word    Mischer1Auf:1;
00101         word    Mischer1Zu:1;
00102         word    Mischer2Auf:1;
00103         word    Mischer2Zu:1;
00104         word    ULV:1;
00105         word    PZ:1;
00106         word    B1:1;
00107         word    Taster:1;
00108         word    LONModul:1;
00109         word    OTModul:1;
00110         word    reserver:3;
00111     }           ZustandAusgaenge;
00112     ParadigmaDword              BetriebsstundenKessel;
00113     ParadigmaDword              AnzahlKesselstarts;
00114     ParadigmaWord               StoercodeKessel;
00115     byte                        StoercodeFuehler;
00116     byte                        BetriebsartHK1;
00117     byte                        NiveauHK1;
00118     byte                        BetriebsartHK2;
00119     byte                        NiveauHK2;
00120     byte                        LeistungPHK1;
00121     byte                        LeistungPHK2;
00122     byte                        LeistungPK;
00124     byte                        Checksumme;
00125 } MonDta2_t;
00128 /** Class ParadigmaMonitorData encapsulates the data representation and parsing of the
00129   * data blocks that are being sent by the paradigma heater. The class also provides
00130   * a stream type functionality to detect and parse the data from a stream of chars.
00131   */
00132 class ParadigmaMonitorData
00133 {
00134     FunctionPointer         m_CallbackData1;
00135     FunctionPointer         m_CallbackData2;
00137     MonDta1_t               m_Data1;
00138     MonDta2_t               m_Data2;
00140     ParadigmaBlockHeader_t  m_Header;
00141     ParadigmaDatasetType_t  m_activeDataBlock;
00142     int                     m_actualPos;
00143     char                    m_checksum;
00145     void                    invalidateHeader();
00146     void                    callBack1()  {
00148     }
00149     void                    callBack2()  {
00151     }
00152     word                    swapWord(word d) {
00153         return ((d&0xFF)<<8) | ((d>>8)&0xFF);
00154     }
00155     ulong                   swapDWord(ulong d) {
00156         return ((d>>24)&0xFF) | ((d>>8)&0x0000FF00) | ((d<<8)&0x00FF0000) | ((d<<24)&0xFF000000);
00157     }
00158 public:
00159     /** Public constructor. Will initialize all internal data and variables. */
00160     ParadigmaMonitorData(): m_checksum(0)  {
00161         memset(&m_Data1, 0, sizeof(m_Data1));
00162         memset(&m_Data2, 0, sizeof(m_Data2));
00163         invalidateHeader();
00164     }
00165     /** Access function to get the transmitted date time object.
00166       * @returns : the date and time objects of the transmitted data.
00167       */
00168     ParadigmaDateTime getDateTime()                     {
00169         return m_Data1.DateTime;
00170     }
00171     /** Access function to the Outside air temperature (AUSSENTEMP).
00172       * @returns : the outside air temperature.
00173       */
00174     ParadigmaTemperature getAussentemp()                {
00175         return m_Data1.Aussentemp;
00176     }
00177     /** Access function to the warm water temperature (WARMWASSERTEMP).
00178       * @returns : the warm water temperature.
00179       */
00180     ParadigmaTemperature getWarmwassertemp()            {
00181         return m_Data1.Warmwassertemp;
00182     }
00183     /** Access function to the 'kessel vorlauf' temperature.
00184       * @returns : the temperature of the 'kessel vorlauf'.
00185       */
00186     ParadigmaTemperature getKesselvorlauf()             {
00187         return m_Data1.Kesselvorlauf;
00188     }
00189     /** Access function to the 'kessel ruecklauf' temperature.
00190       * @returns : the temperature of the 'kessel ruecklauf'.
00191       */
00192     ParadigmaTemperature getKesselruecklauf()           {
00193         return m_Data1.Kesselruecklauf;
00194     }
00195     /** Access function to the room temperature of heating circuit 1.
00196       * @returns : the room temperature of heating circuit 1.
00197       */
00198     ParadigmaTemperature getRaumtemperaturHK1()         {
00199         return m_Data1.RaumtemperaturHK1;
00200     }
00201     /** Access function to the room temperature of heating circuit 2.
00202       * @returns : the room temperature of heating circuit 2.
00203       */
00204     ParadigmaTemperature getRaumtemperaturHK2()         {
00205         return m_Data1.RaumtemperaturHK2;
00206     }
00207     ParadigmaTemperature getVorlauftemperaturHK1()      {
00208         return m_Data1.VorlauftemperaturHK1;
00209     }
00210     ParadigmaTemperature getVorlauftemperaturHK2()      {
00211         return m_Data1.VorlauftemperaturHK2;
00212     }
00213     ParadigmaTemperature getRuecklauftemperaturHK1()    {
00214         return m_Data1.RuecklauftemperaturHK1;
00215     }
00216     ParadigmaTemperature getRuecklauftemperaturHK2()    {
00217         return m_Data1.RuecklauftemperaturHK2;
00218     }
00219     ParadigmaTemperature getPuffertemperaturOben()      {
00220         return m_Data1.PuffertemperaturOben;
00221     }
00222     ParadigmaTemperature getPuffertemperaturUnten()     {
00223         return m_Data1.PuffertemperaturUnten;
00224     }
00225     ParadigmaTemperature getZirkulationstemperatur()    {
00226         return m_Data1.Zirkulationstemperatur;
00227     }
00229     ParadigmaTemperature getRaumsollHK1()               {
00230         return m_Data2.RaumsollHK1;
00231     }
00232     ParadigmaTemperature getRaumsollHK2()               {
00233         return m_Data2.RaumsollHK2;
00234     }
00235     ParadigmaTemperature getVorlaufsollHK1()            {
00236         return m_Data2.VorlaufsollHK1;
00237     }
00238     ParadigmaTemperature getVorlaufsollHK2()            {
00239         return m_Data2.VorlaufsollHK2;
00240     }
00241     ParadigmaTemperature getWarmwassersolltemp()        {
00242         return m_Data2.Warmwassersolltemp;
00243     }
00244     ParadigmaTemperature getPuffersolltemp()            {
00245         return m_Data2.Puffersolltemp;
00246     }
00248     /** Function will let the user select the temperature to be returned.
00249       * @param sel : Will specify which temperature value to return.
00250       * @returns : the temperature object as selected by param sel.
00251       */
00252     ParadigmaTemperature getTemperature(ParadigmaTemperatureSelector_t sel);
00254     ulong               getBetriebsstundenKessel()      {
00255         return (ulong)m_Data2.BetriebsstundenKessel;
00256     }
00257     ulong               getAnzahlKesselstarts()         {
00258         return (ulong)m_Data2.AnzahlKesselstarts;
00259     }
00260     word                getStoercodeKessel()            {
00261         return (word)m_Data2.StoercodeKessel;
00262     }
00263     byte                getStoercodeFuehler()           {
00264         return (byte)m_Data2.StoercodeFuehler;
00265     }
00268     ParadigmaMonitorData& operator<<( char c );
00269     ParadigmaMonitorData& operator<<( char Buffer[] );
00271     void attach1( void (*fct)(void) )    {
00272         m_CallbackData1.attach(fct);
00273     }
00274     void attach2( void (*fct)(void) )   {
00275         m_CallbackData2.attach(fct);
00276     }
00278     template<typename T>
00279     void attach1(T* p, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
00280         m_CallbackData1.attach(p, mptr);
00281     }
00282     template<typename T>
00283     void attach2(T* p, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
00284         m_CallbackData2.attach(p, mptr);
00285     }
00287     MonDta1_t *  getData1()      { return &m_Data1; }
00288     MonDta2_t *  getData2()      { return &m_Data2; }
00289 };
00290 }
00291 #endif