This library allows to parse and work with data sent by the Paradigma pelletti oven.

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "ParadigmaData.h"
00003 #ifndef DEBUG
00004 #define DEBUG
00005 #endif
00006 #include "debug.h"
00008 using namespace Paradigma;
00009 static char m_Buffer[50];
00011 ParadigmaMonitorData& ParadigmaMonitorData::operator<<(char c)
00012 {
00013     int nLen = 0;
00014     if (m_activeDataBlock != Invalid) {
00015         //  The actual data block had been detected already, so write into the data block
00016         m_Buffer[m_actualPos++] = c;
00017         //  Build checksum on the fly
00018         m_checksum += c;
00019         //  Now check if all bytes have been received already
00020         if (m_activeDataBlock == ParadigmaMonitorDataset1) {
00021             // for datablock 1
00022             nLen = sizeof(m_Data1);
00023             if (nLen == m_actualPos) {
00024                 //   all bytes received, so reset counter and check if checksum is matching
00025                 if (m_checksum != 0) {
00026                     ERR("Data corruption error. Received invalid data ! (checksum is %02x)", m_checksum);
00027                 } else {
00028                     memcpy(&m_Data1, m_Buffer, nLen);
00029                     m_Data1.Aussentemp.adjustEndiness();
00030                     m_Data1.Warmwassertemp.adjustEndiness();
00031                     m_Data1.Kesselvorlauf.adjustEndiness();
00032                     m_Data1.Kesselruecklauf.adjustEndiness();
00033                     m_Data1.RaumtemperaturHK1.adjustEndiness();
00034                     m_Data1.RaumtemperaturHK2.adjustEndiness();
00035                     m_Data1.VorlauftemperaturHK1.adjustEndiness();
00036                     m_Data1.VorlauftemperaturHK2.adjustEndiness();
00037                     m_Data1.RuecklauftemperaturHK1.adjustEndiness();
00038                     m_Data1.RuecklauftemperaturHK2.adjustEndiness();
00039                     m_Data1.PuffertemperaturOben.adjustEndiness();
00040                     m_Data1.PuffertemperaturUnten.adjustEndiness();
00041                     m_Data1.Zirkulationstemperatur.adjustEndiness();
00042                     INFO("*********************** received new data1 !");
00043                     callBack1();
00044                 }
00045                 invalidateHeader();
00046             }
00047         } else {
00048             //  for datablock 2
00049             nLen = sizeof(m_Data2);
00050             if (nLen == m_actualPos) {
00051                 //   all bytes received, so reset counter and check if checksum is matching
00052                 if (m_checksum != 0) {
00053                     ERR("Data corruption error. Received invalid data ! (checksum is %02x)", m_checksum);
00054                 } else {
00055                     memcpy(&m_Data2, m_Buffer, nLen);
00056                     m_Data2.RaumsollHK1.adjustEndiness();
00057                     m_Data2.RaumsollHK2.adjustEndiness();
00058                     m_Data2.VorlaufsollHK1.adjustEndiness();
00059                     m_Data2.VorlaufsollHK2.adjustEndiness();
00060                     m_Data2.Warmwassersolltemp.adjustEndiness();
00061                     m_Data2.Puffersolltemp.adjustEndiness();
00062                     m_Data2.BetriebsstundenKessel.adjustEndiness();
00063                     m_Data2.AnzahlKesselstarts.adjustEndiness();
00064                     m_Data2.StoercodeKessel.adjustEndiness();
00065                     INFO("*********************** received new data2 !");
00066                     callBack2();
00067                 }
00068                 invalidateHeader();
00069             }
00070         }
00071     } else {
00072         //  Still trying to detect a valid data block, check to see if a valid address-part is here
00073         switch (m_actualPos) {
00074             case 0 :        // block type
00075                 if ( (c== ParadigmaParameters) || (c== ParadigmaVariables)) {
00076                     m_Header.block_type = (ParadigmaBlockType_t)c;
00077                     m_actualPos++;
00078                     m_checksum = c;
00079                     INFO("Block start !\n");
00080                 }
00081                 break;
00083             case 1 :        //  length
00084                 m_Header.block_length = c;
00085                 m_actualPos++;
00086                 m_checksum += c;
00087                     INFO("Block len !\n");
00088                 break;
00090             case 2 :        //  Message ID
00091                 if ( c == ParadigmaMessage ) {
00092                     m_Header.message_id = (ParadigmaMessageID_t)c;
00093                     m_actualPos++;
00094                     m_checksum += c;
00095                 } else {
00096                     invalidateHeader();
00097                     INFO("Rejected due to incorrect Message ID %d\n", c);
00098                 }
00099                 break;
00101             case 3 :        //
00102                 if ( (c == ParadigmaMonitorDataset1) || (c == ParadigmaMonitorDataset2)) {
00103                     m_Header.dataset_type = (ParadigmaDatasetType_t)c;
00104                     m_actualPos = 0;
00105                     m_checksum += c;
00106                     m_activeDataBlock = (ParadigmaDatasetType_t)c;
00107                     INFO("Dataset Number %d!\n", c);
00108                 } else {
00109                     invalidateHeader();
00110                     INFO("Rejected due to incorrect Dataset number %d\n", c);
00111                 }
00112                 break;
00114             default:
00115                 invalidateHeader();
00116                 break;
00117         }
00118     }
00119     return *this;
00120 }
00122 /** Function will reset all header and actual position information so that search for valid header
00123  *  will be reset and starting from beginning with receival of next character.
00124  *
00125  *  Will have to clearup the header itsself and the checksum. Also the actual data block information
00126  *  needs to be invalidated. Actual position will also be reset
00127  */
00128 void ParadigmaMonitorData::invalidateHeader()
00129 {
00130     //  Invalidate Header information
00131     memset(&m_Header, 0, sizeof(m_Header));     
00132     //  Set active data block information to invalid
00133     m_activeDataBlock = (ParadigmaDatasetType_t)Invalid; 
00134     //  Reset actual position with in Buffer so that next char starts from beginning
00135     m_actualPos = 0;
00136     //  Reset the checksum, because it will be calculated on the fly.
00137     m_checksum = 0;
00138 }
00140 /** Function will let user select which temperature to retrieve */
00141 ParadigmaTemperature ParadigmaMonitorData::getTemperature(ParadigmaTemperatureSelector_t sel)
00142 {
00143     ParadigmaTemperature    temp;
00144     switch(sel) {
00145         //  Temperatures from Monitor Data 1
00146         case T_aussen :             temp = m_Data1.Aussentemp; break;
00147         case T_warm_wasser :        temp = m_Data1.Warmwassertemp; break;
00148         case T_kessel_vorlauf :     temp = m_Data1.Kesselvorlauf; break;
00149         case T_kessel_ruecklauf :   temp = m_Data1.Kesselruecklauf; break;
00150         case T_HK1_raum :           temp = m_Data1.RaumtemperaturHK1; break;
00151         case T_HK2_raum :           temp = m_Data1.RaumtemperaturHK2; break;
00152         case T_HK1_vorlauf :        temp = m_Data1.VorlauftemperaturHK1; break;
00153         case T_HK2_vorlauf :        temp = m_Data1.VorlauftemperaturHK2; break;
00154         case T_HK1_ruecklauf :      temp = m_Data1.RuecklauftemperaturHK1; break;
00155         case T_HK2_ruecklauf :      temp = m_Data1.RuecklauftemperaturHK2; break;
00156         case T_puffer_oben :        temp = m_Data1.PuffertemperaturOben; break;
00157         case T_puffer_unten :       temp = m_Data1.PuffertemperaturUnten; break;
00158         case T_zirkulation :        temp = m_Data1.Zirkulationstemperatur; break;
00160         //  Temperatures form Monitor Data 2
00161         case T_HK1_raum_soll :      temp = m_Data2.RaumsollHK1; break;
00162         case T_HK2_raum_soll :      temp = m_Data2.RaumsollHK2; break;
00163         case T_HK1_vorlauf_soll :   temp = m_Data2.VorlaufsollHK1; break;
00164         case T_HK2_vorlauf_soll :   temp = m_Data2.VorlaufsollHK2; break;
00165         case T_warm_wasser_soll :   temp = m_Data2.Warmwassersolltemp; break;
00166         case T_puffer_soll :        temp = m_Data2.Puffersolltemp; break;
00168         default:    // Invalid selecion !
00169             ERR("**** An unknown selection for the temperature was made !");
00170             break;
00171     }
00173     return temp;
00174 }