Prototype program for balancing robot based on various examples from other users.

Dependencies:   HCSR04 MPU6050_1 Motor Servo ledControl2 mbed

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00001 #ifndef HALLFX_ENCODER_H
00002 #define HALLFX_ENCODER_H
00004 /*
00005     Basic Encoder Library for Sparkfun's Wheel Encoder Kit
00006     Part# ROB-12629.
00007 */
00009 #include "mbed.h"
00011 class HALLFX_ENCODER{
00012     public:
00013         /*
00014             Constructor for Encoder objects
00015             @param enc_in    The mBed pin connected to encoder output
00016         */
00017         HALLFX_ENCODER(PinName enc_in);
00018         /*
00019             read() returns total number of counts of the encoder.
00020             Count can be +/- and indicates the overall direction,
00021             (+): CW (-): CCW
00022             @return     The toltal number of counts of the encoder.
00023         */
00024         long read();
00025         /*
00026             reset() clears the counter to 0. 
00027         */
00028         void reset();
00029     private:
00030         long count;         // Total number of counts since start.
00031         InterruptIn _enc_in;// Encoder Input/Interrupt Pin
00032         /*
00033             Increments/Decrements count on interrrupt.
00034         */
00035         void callback();    // Interrupt callback function
00036 };
00038 #endif