TYBLE16(BLE UART) module on Mbed system. Communicate with iPhone and send BME280 sensor data.

Dependencies:   BME280

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00001 /*
00002  * Mbed Application program / Using Akizuki BLE Module AE-TYBLE16
00003  *      on-board module : TAIYO YUDEN BLE 4.2 TYSA-B (EYSGJNAWY-WX)
00004  *
00005  *  http://akizukidenshi.com/catalog/g/gK-12339/
00006  *
00007  *  Refernce document
00008  *  https://www.yuden.co.jp/wireless_module/document/datareport2/jp/
00009  *                  TY_BLE_EYSGJNAWY_WX_BriefDataReport_V1_3_20170925J.pdf
00010  *
00011  * Copyright (c) 2017 Kenji Arai / JH1PJL
00012  *  http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/kenjia/index.html
00013  *  http://mbed.org/users/kenjiArai/
00014  *      Created:    October   27th, 2017
00015  *      Revised:    October   30th, 2017
00016  */
00018 /*
00019     Tested condition
00020         mbed-os-5.6.3 & mbed Rev.154
00021     Nucleo-F446RE   TYBLE16 /also F411RE & F042K6(only mbed & pin assign differ)
00022         PA_9         pin5 / P0.03(UART_RX)
00023         PA_10        pin6 / P0.01(UART_TX)
00024                      pin7 / P0.02(UART_CTS) connected to pin8 / P0.00(UART_RTS)
00025         +3.3v        pin14 / +V
00026         GND          pin13 / GND
00027     Nucleo-F446RE   BME280
00028         PB_9(SDA)    SDI
00029         PB_8(SCL)    SDK
00030                      SDO = GND, CSB = +3.3V
00031     Communcation with iPhone 7 iOS 11.0.3
00032         TYs Terminal App
00033         https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/tys-terminal-app/id1184640145?mt=8
00034  */
00036 //  Include --------------------------------------------------------------------
00037 #include "mbed.h"
00038 #include "BME280.h"
00040 //  Definition -----------------------------------------------------------------
00041 #define     TIME_OUT         5       // 5 sec
00042 #define     ADT_TIME        15       // 15 sec
00044 //  Object/ Constructor --------------------------------------------------------
00045 Serial      pc(USBTX,USBRX);
00046 Serial      tyble16(PA_9, PA_10);
00047 BME280      bme280(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
00049 //  RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00050 bool        state_connection    = false;
00051 bool        received_data       = false;
00052 uint32_t    cmd_timeout_cntr    = ADT_TIME;
00053 Ticker      t;
00055 //  ROM / Constant data --------------------------------------------------------
00057 //  Function prototypes --------------------------------------------------------
00058 void check_connection(void);
00059 void parse_input(char *buf);
00061 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00062 //  Control Program
00063 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00064 // special command for BME280 data collection
00065 bool excute_command(char *buf)
00066 {
00067     char c = buf[1];
00068     switch (c){
00069         case 'a':       // All data
00070         case 'A':
00071             tyble16.printf("Pressure: %04.2f hPa\r\n",
00072                             bme280.getPressure());
00073             tyble16.printf("Temperature: %2.2f degC\r\n",
00074                             bme280.getTemperature());
00075             tyble16.printf("Humidity: %2.2f %%\r\n",
00076                             bme280.getHumidity());
00077             break;
00078         case 'p':       // Pressure
00079         case 'P':
00080             tyble16.printf("Pressure: %04.2f hPa\r\n",
00081                             bme280.getPressure());
00082             break;
00083         case 't':       // Temperature
00084         case 'T':
00085             tyble16.printf("Temperature: %2.2f degC\r\n",
00086                             bme280.getTemperature());
00087             break;
00088         case 'h':       // Humidity
00089         case 'H':
00090             tyble16.printf("Humidity: %2.2f %%\r\n",
00091                             bme280.getHumidity());
00092             break;
00093         case '?':       // Help
00094             tyble16.printf("Command syntax\r\n");
00095             tyble16.printf("@a All of data\r\n");
00096             tyble16.printf("@p Pressure\r\n");
00097             tyble16.printf("@t Temperature\r\n");
00098             tyble16.printf("@h Humidity\r\n");
00099             break;
00100         default:        // no available command
00101             tyble16.printf("ommand not available, hit '@?'\r\n");
00102             break;
00103     }
00104     return true;
00105 }
00107 int main()
00108 {
00109     static char rcv_bf[128];
00110     static uint8_t n = 0;
00111     char c = 0;
00113     pc.printf("\r\n\r\nApplication for AE-TYBLE16 Module ");
00114     pc.printf(" Peripheral(Sever) side\r\n");
00115     pc.printf("  created on %s %s\r\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
00116     tyble16.printf("I'm TYBLE16 module!\r\n");
00117     // warming up the sensor
00118     for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++){
00119         bme280.getPressure();
00120         bme280.getTemperature();
00121         bme280.getHumidity();
00122     }
00123     t.attach(check_connection, 1);
00124     while(true){
00125         while(tyble16.readable()){
00126             //----- data receive from Client -----------------------------------
00127             received_data = true;
00128             c = tyble16.getc();         // received data from client
00129             pc.putc(c);                 // show to console
00130             rcv_bf[n++] = c;            // save int buf
00131             if (c == '\n'){             // end one line
00132                 pc.putc('\r');
00133                 rcv_bf[n] = 0;
00134                 if (n >3){
00135                     parse_input(rcv_bf);    // ckeck command or not
00136                     /*for (int i=0;; i++){
00137                         if (rcv_bf[i] == 0){break;}
00138                         pc.printf("0x%x,", rcv_bf[i]);
00139                     }*/
00140                     if ((rcv_bf[0] == '@') && (rcv_bf[2] == '\r')){
00141                         excute_command(rcv_bf); // BME280 data output 
00142                     }
00143                 }
00144                 n = 0;  // Clear buffer
00145             }
00146         }
00147         while(pc.readable()){
00148             //----- data send to Client ----------------------------------------
00149             char c = pc.getc();
00150             tyble16.putc(c);
00151             pc.putc(c);                 // echo back
00152             if(c == '\r'){              // if CR then put LF
00153                 tyble16.putc('\n');
00154                 pc.putc('\n');
00155             }
00156         }
00157     }
00158 }
00160 // Check Response Events
00161 void parse_input(char *buf)
00162 {
00163     if        (strstr(buf, "CON")){     // Connection successful
00164         state_connection = true;
00165     } else if (strstr(buf, "DCO")){     // Disconnect
00166         state_connection = false; 
00167     } else if (strstr(buf, "ADT")){     // Advertising Timeout
00168         state_connection = false;
00169         cmd_timeout_cntr = 0;
00170     } else if (strstr(buf, "NAK")){     // Failed
00171         state_connection = false;
00172         if (cmd_timeout_cntr == 0){
00173             // Both Advertising Start. Connectable and Discoverable.
00174             tyble16.printf("BCD3\r\n");     // send Advertising command
00175             cmd_timeout_cntr = ADT_TIME;
00176         }
00177     }
00178 }
00180 // Every one second, check communication status
00181 void check_connection(void)
00182 {
00183     static int8_t counter = 0;
00185     if ((received_data == false) && (state_connection == false)){
00186         if (++counter >= TIME_OUT){
00187             tyble16.putc('\n');
00188             counter = 0;
00189         }
00190     } else {
00191         counter = 0;
00192     }
00193     if (cmd_timeout_cntr != 0){
00194         --cmd_timeout_cntr;
00195     }
00196     received_data = false;
00197 }