Uses the APDS_9960 Digital Proximity, Ambient Light, RGB and Gesture Sensor library to play detected gesture sounds on a speaker from the SDcard

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystem wave_player

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #define DEBUG                   0
00006 /* APDS-9960 I2C address */
00007 #define APDS9960_I2C_ADDR       0x39
00009 /* Gesture parameters */
00010 #define GESTURE_THRESHOLD_OUT   10
00011 #define GESTURE_SENSITIVITY_1   50
00012 #define GESTURE_SENSITIVITY_2   20
00014 /* Error code for returned values */
00015 #define ERROR                   0xFF
00017 /* Acceptable device IDs */
00018 #define APDS9960_ID_1           0xAB
00019 #define APDS9960_ID_2           0x9C 
00021 /* Misc parameters */
00022 #define FIFO_PAUSE_TIME         0.30      // Wait period (ms) between FIFO reads
00024 /* APDS-9960 register addresses */
00025 #define APDS9960_ENABLE         0x80
00026 #define APDS9960_ATIME          0x81
00027 #define APDS9960_WTIME          0x83
00028 #define APDS9960_AILTL          0x84
00029 #define APDS9960_AILTH          0x85
00030 #define APDS9960_AIHTL          0x86
00031 #define APDS9960_AIHTH          0x87
00032 #define APDS9960_PILT           0x89
00033 #define APDS9960_PIHT           0x8B
00034 #define APDS9960_PERS           0x8C
00035 #define APDS9960_CONFIG1        0x8D
00036 #define APDS9960_PPULSE         0x8E
00037 #define APDS9960_CONTROL        0x8F
00038 #define APDS9960_CONFIG2        0x90
00039 #define APDS9960_ID             0x92
00040 #define APDS9960_STATUS         0x93
00041 #define APDS9960_CDATAL         0x94
00042 #define APDS9960_CDATAH         0x95
00043 #define APDS9960_RDATAL         0x96
00044 #define APDS9960_RDATAH         0x97
00045 #define APDS9960_GDATAL         0x98
00046 #define APDS9960_GDATAH         0x99
00047 #define APDS9960_BDATAL         0x9A
00048 #define APDS9960_BDATAH         0x9B
00049 #define APDS9960_PDATA          0x9C
00050 #define APDS9960_POFFSET_UR     0x9D
00051 #define APDS9960_POFFSET_DL     0x9E
00052 #define APDS9960_CONFIG3        0x9F
00053 #define APDS9960_GPENTH         0xA0
00054 #define APDS9960_GEXTH          0xA1
00055 #define APDS9960_GCONF1         0xA2
00056 #define APDS9960_GCONF2         0xA3
00057 #define APDS9960_GOFFSET_U      0xA4
00058 #define APDS9960_GOFFSET_D      0xA5
00059 #define APDS9960_GOFFSET_L      0xA7
00060 #define APDS9960_GOFFSET_R      0xA9
00061 #define APDS9960_GPULSE         0xA6
00062 #define APDS9960_GCONF3         0xAA
00063 #define APDS9960_GCONF4         0xAB
00064 #define APDS9960_GFLVL          0xAE
00065 #define APDS9960_GSTATUS        0xAF
00066 #define APDS9960_IFORCE         0xE4
00067 #define APDS9960_PICLEAR        0xE5
00068 #define APDS9960_CICLEAR        0xE6
00069 #define APDS9960_AICLEAR        0xE7
00070 #define APDS9960_GFIFO_U        0xFC
00071 #define APDS9960_GFIFO_D        0xFD
00072 #define APDS9960_GFIFO_L        0xFE
00073 #define APDS9960_GFIFO_R        0xFF
00075 /* Bit fields */
00076 #define APDS9960_PON            0x01
00077 #define APDS9960_AEN            0x02
00078 #define APDS9960_PEN            0x04
00079 #define APDS9960_WEN            0x08
00080 #define APSD9960_AIEN           0x10
00081 #define APDS9960_PIEN           0x20
00082 #define APDS9960_GEN            0x40
00083 #define APDS9960_GVALID         0x01
00085 /* On/Off definitions */
00086 #define OFF                     0
00087 #define ON                      1
00089 /* Acceptable parameters for setMode */
00090 #define POWER                   0
00091 #define AMBIENT_LIGHT           1
00092 #define PROXIMITY               2
00093 #define WAIT                    3
00094 #define AMBIENT_LIGHT_INT       4
00095 #define PROXIMITY_INT           5
00096 #define GESTURE                 6
00097 #define ALL                     7
00099 /* LED Drive values */
00100 #define LED_DRIVE_100MA         0
00101 #define LED_DRIVE_50MA          1
00102 #define LED_DRIVE_25MA          2
00103 #define LED_DRIVE_12_5MA        3
00105 /* Proximity Gain (PGAIN) values */
00106 #define PGAIN_1X                0
00107 #define PGAIN_2X                1
00108 #define PGAIN_4X                2
00109 #define PGAIN_8X                3
00111 /* ALS Gain (AGAIN) values */
00112 #define AGAIN_1X                0
00113 #define AGAIN_4X                1
00114 #define AGAIN_16X               2
00115 #define AGAIN_64X               3
00117 /* Gesture Gain (GGAIN) values */
00118 #define GGAIN_1X                0
00119 #define GGAIN_2X                1
00120 #define GGAIN_4X                2
00121 #define GGAIN_8X                3
00123 /* LED Boost values */
00124 #define LED_BOOST_100           0
00125 #define LED_BOOST_150           1
00126 #define LED_BOOST_200           2
00127 #define LED_BOOST_300           3    
00129 /* Gesture wait time values */
00130 #define GWTIME_0MS              0
00131 #define GWTIME_2_8MS            1
00132 #define GWTIME_5_6MS            2
00133 #define GWTIME_8_4MS            3
00134 #define GWTIME_14_0MS           4
00135 #define GWTIME_22_4MS           5
00136 #define GWTIME_30_8MS           6
00137 #define GWTIME_39_2MS           7
00139 /* Default values */
00140 #define DEFAULT_ATIME           219     // 103ms
00141 #define DEFAULT_WTIME           246     // 27ms
00142 #define DEFAULT_PROX_PPULSE     0x87    // 16us, 8 pulses
00143 #define DEFAULT_GESTURE_PPULSE  0x89    // 16us, 10 pulses
00144 #define DEFAULT_POFFSET_UR      0       // 0 offset
00145 #define DEFAULT_POFFSET_DL      0       // 0 offset      
00146 #define DEFAULT_CONFIG1         0x60    // No 12x wait (WTIME) factor
00147 #define DEFAULT_LDRIVE          LED_DRIVE_100MA
00148 #define DEFAULT_PGAIN           PGAIN_4X
00149 #define DEFAULT_AGAIN           AGAIN_4X
00150 #define DEFAULT_PILT            0       // Low proximity threshold
00151 #define DEFAULT_PIHT            50      // High proximity threshold
00152 #define DEFAULT_AILT            0xFFFF  // Force interrupt for calibration
00153 #define DEFAULT_AIHT            0
00154 #define DEFAULT_PERS            0x11    // 2 consecutive prox or ALS for int.
00155 #define DEFAULT_CONFIG2         0x01    // No saturation interrupts or LED boost  
00156 #define DEFAULT_CONFIG3         0       // Enable all photodiodes, no SAI
00157 #define DEFAULT_GPENTH          40      // Threshold for entering gesture mode
00158 #define DEFAULT_GEXTH           30      // Threshold for exiting gesture mode    
00159 #define DEFAULT_GCONF1          0x40    // 4 gesture events for int., 1 for exit
00160 #define DEFAULT_GGAIN           GGAIN_4X
00161 #define DEFAULT_GLDRIVE         LED_DRIVE_100MA
00162 #define DEFAULT_GWTIME          GWTIME_2_8MS
00163 #define DEFAULT_GOFFSET         0       // No offset scaling for gesture mode
00164 #define DEFAULT_GPULSE          0xC9    // 32us, 10 pulses
00165 #define DEFAULT_GCONF3          0       // All photodiodes active during gesture
00166 #define DEFAULT_GIEN            0       // Disable gesture interrupts
00168 /* Direction definitions */
00169 enum {
00170   DIR_NONE,
00171   DIR_LEFT,
00172   DIR_RIGHT,
00173   DIR_UP,
00174   DIR_DOWN,
00175   DIR_NEAR,
00176   DIR_FAR,
00177   DIR_ALL
00178 };
00180 /* State definitions */
00181 enum {
00182   NA_STATE,
00183   NEAR_STATE,
00184   FAR_STATE,
00185   ALL_STATE
00186 };
00188 /* Container for gesture data */
00189 typedef struct gesture_data_type {
00190     uint8_t u_data[32];
00191     uint8_t d_data[32];
00192     uint8_t l_data[32];
00193     uint8_t r_data[32];
00194     uint8_t sindex;
00195     uint8_t total_gestures;
00196     uint8_t in_threshold;
00197     uint8_t out_threshold;
00198 } gesture_data_type;
00201 class glibr{
00203     public:
00206      glibr(PinName sda, PinName scl);  //constructor
00207     ~glibr();
00210     bool ginit();
00211     /* Initialization methods */
00213     uint8_t getMode();
00214     bool setMode(uint8_t mode, uint8_t enable);
00216     /* Turn the APDS-9960 on and off */
00217     bool enablePower();
00218     bool disablePower();
00220     /* Enable or disable specific sensors */
00221     bool enableLightSensor(bool interrupts = false);
00222     bool disableLightSensor();
00223     bool enableProximitySensor(bool interrupts = false);
00224     bool disableProximitySensor();
00225     bool enableGestureSensor(bool interrupts = true);
00226     bool disableGestureSensor();
00228     /* LED drive strength control */
00229     uint8_t getLEDDrive();
00230     bool setLEDDrive(uint8_t drive);
00231     uint8_t getGestureLEDDrive();
00232     bool setGestureLEDDrive(uint8_t drive);
00234     /* Gain control */
00235     uint8_t getAmbientLightGain();
00236     bool setAmbientLightGain(uint8_t gain);
00237     uint8_t getProximityGain();
00238     bool setProximityGain(uint8_t gain);
00239     uint8_t getGestureGain();
00240     bool setGestureGain(uint8_t gain);
00242     /* Get and set light interrupt thresholds */
00243     bool getLightIntLowThreshold(uint16_t &threshold);
00244     bool setLightIntLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold);
00245     bool getLightIntHighThreshold(uint16_t &threshold);
00246     bool setLightIntHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold);
00248     /* Get and set proximity interrupt thresholds */
00249     bool getProximityIntLowThreshold(uint8_t &threshold);
00250     bool setProximityIntLowThreshold(uint8_t threshold);
00251     bool getProximityIntHighThreshold(uint8_t &threshold);
00252     bool setProximityIntHighThreshold(uint8_t threshold);
00254     /* Get and set interrupt enables */
00255     uint8_t getAmbientLightIntEnable();
00256     bool setAmbientLightIntEnable(uint8_t enable);
00257     uint8_t getProximityIntEnable();
00258     bool setProximityIntEnable(uint8_t enable);
00259     uint8_t getGestureIntEnable();
00260     bool setGestureIntEnable(uint8_t enable);
00262     /* Clear interrupts */
00263     bool clearAmbientLightInt();
00264     bool clearProximityInt();
00266     /* Ambient light methods */
00267     bool readAmbientLight(uint16_t &val);
00268     bool readRedLight(uint16_t &val);
00269     bool readGreenLight(uint16_t &val);
00270     bool readBlueLight(uint16_t &val);
00272     /* Proximity methods */
00273     bool readProximity(uint8_t &val);
00275     /* Gesture methods */
00276     bool isGestureAvailable();
00277     int readGesture();
00279     private:  
00280     /* Gesture processing */
00281     void resetGestureParameters();
00282     bool processGestureData();
00283     bool decodeGesture();
00285     /* Proximity Interrupt Threshold */
00286     uint8_t getProxIntLowThresh();
00287     bool setProxIntLowThresh(uint8_t threshold);
00288     uint8_t getProxIntHighThresh();
00289     bool setProxIntHighThresh(uint8_t threshold);
00291     /* LED Boost Control */
00292     uint8_t getLEDBoost();
00293     bool setLEDBoost(uint8_t boost);
00295     /* Proximity photodiode select */
00296     uint8_t getProxGainCompEnable();
00297     bool setProxGainCompEnable(uint8_t enable);
00298     uint8_t getProxPhotoMask();
00299     bool setProxPhotoMask(uint8_t mask);
00301     /* Gesture threshold control */
00302     uint8_t getGestureEnterThresh();
00303     bool setGestureEnterThresh(uint8_t threshold);
00304     uint8_t getGestureExitThresh();
00305     bool setGestureExitThresh(uint8_t threshold);
00307     /* Gesture LED, gain, and time control */
00308     uint8_t getGestureWaitTime();
00309     bool setGestureWaitTime(uint8_t time);
00311     /* Gesture mode */
00312     uint8_t getGestureMode();
00313     bool setGestureMode(uint8_t mode);
00315     /* Members */
00316     gesture_data_type gesture_data_;  //instanciation from struct 
00317     int gesture_ud_delta_;
00318     int gesture_lr_delta_;
00319     int gesture_ud_count_;
00320     int gesture_lr_count_;
00321     int gesture_near_count_;
00322     int gesture_far_count_;
00323     int gesture_state_;
00324     int gesture_motion_;
00328     uint8_t I2CreadByte(char address, char subAddress);
00329     int I2CwriteByte(char address, char subAddress, char data);   //if return value is 1, then ack not sent
00330     int I2CReadDataBlock(char address, char subAddress, char *data, unsigned int len);
00331     I2C i2c;
00333 };