Sample project to connect to AT&T M2X from the STM32 Nucleo + MTS Cellular SocketModem shield

Dependencies:   M2XStreamClient jsonlite mbed

Fork of MTSAS_Cellular_Connect_Example_F411 by ST Americas mbed Team

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00001 #include <jsonlite.h>
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #include "mtsas.h"
00005 #include "M2XStreamClient.h"
00007 const char m2xKey[] = "06ce9a9febbfc50ffceb0d8214427767";   // Replace with your M2X API key
00008 const char feedId[] = "48c77c779f0eed1243e623190e588501";   // Replace with your blueprint Feed ID
00009 const char streamName[] = "temperature"; // Replace with your stream name  
00011 char name[] = "austin"; // Name of current location of datasource
00012 double latitude = 30.3748076;
00013 double longitude = -97.7386896; // You can also read those values from a GPS
00014 double elevation = 400.00;
00016 // Note: D8, D2, D3, D6, D4, D7 are being used by MTSAS Cellular Modem
00018 PwmOut mypwm(D13);   // This is the Nucleo board LED2 
00019 AnalogIn temp_sensor(A1);    // There's also a conflict with A0, so connect temp_sensor A1 
00021 int main()
00022 { 
00023     int ping_status = 0;
00024     char amb_temp[6]; 
00025     int response;
00026     int adc_scale = 65536; //4096; 
00027     int B = 3975;
00028     float resistance; 
00029     float temperature;
00030     float temperature_f;   
00032     mypwm.period_ms(500);
00033     mypwm.pulsewidth_ms(250);                        
00035     //Modify to match your apn if you are using an HSPA radio with a SIM card
00036     const char APN[] = "";
00037     printf("Starting....\n");
00038     //Sets the log level to INFO, higher log levels produce more log output.
00039     //Possible levels: NONE, FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE
00040     MTSLog::setLogLevel(MTSLog::TRACE_LEVEL);
00042     /** STMicro Nucelo F401RE
00043     * The supported jumper configurations of the MTSAS do not line up with
00044     * the pin mapping of the Nucleo F401RE. Therefore, the MTSAS serial TX
00045     * pin (JP8 Pin 2) must be manually jumped to Serial1 RX (Shield pin D2)
00046     * and the MTSAS serial RX pin (JP9 Pin 2) pin must be manually jumped to
00047     * Serial1 TX (Shield pin D8).
00048     * Uncomment the following line to use the STMicro Nuceleo F401RE
00049     */
00050     MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D8, D2, D3, D6);
00051     printf("FlowControl...\n");
00052     /** Freescale KL46Z
00053     * To configure the serial pins for the Freescale KL46Z board, use MTSAS jumper 
00054     * configuration B. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale KL46Z board
00055     */
00056     //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D2, D9, D3, D6);
00058     /** Freescale K64F
00059     * To configure the serial pins for the Freescale K64F board, use MTSAS jumper
00060     * configuration A. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale K64F board
00061     */
00062     //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D1, D0, D3, D6);
00064     //Sets the baud rate for communicating with the radio
00065     io->baud(115200);
00066     printf("Baud...\n");
00067     //Create radio object
00068     Cellular* radio = CellularFactory::create(io);
00069     printf("CellularFactory...\n");
00070     if (! radio) {
00071         logFatal("Failed to initialize radio");
00072         return 1;
00073     }
00074     radio->configureSignals(D4,D7,RESET);
00075     Transport::setTransport(radio);
00076         printf("setTransport...\n");
00077     //Set radio APN
00078     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
00079         if (i >= 10) {
00080             logError("Failed to set APN to %s", APN);
00081         }
00082         if (radio->setApn(APN) == MTS_SUCCESS) {
00083             logInfo("Successfully set APN to %s", APN);
00084             break;
00085         } else {
00086             wait(1);
00087         }
00088     }
00090     //Establish PPP link
00091     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
00092         if (i >= 10) {
00093             logError("Failed to establish PPP link");
00094         }
00095         if (radio->connect() == true) {
00096             logInfo("Successfully established PPP link");
00097             break;
00098         } else {
00099             wait(1);
00100         }
00101     }
00103     //Ping
00104     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
00105         if (i >= 10) {
00106             logError("Failed to ping");
00107         }
00108         if (radio->ping("") == true) {
00109             logInfo("Successfully pinged");
00110             ping_status = 1;
00111             break;
00112         } else {
00113             wait(1);
00114         }
00115     }
00117     // Initialize the M2X client
00118     Client client;    
00119     M2XStreamClient m2xClient(&client, m2xKey);    
00121     if (ping_status)
00122     { 
00123         mypwm.pulsewidth_ms(500);
00125         /* Main loop */
00126         while (true) 
00127         {
00129             /* Wait 5 secs and then loop */
00130             delay(2500);
00131             mypwm.pulsewidth_ms(0);      
00133             /* Read ADC value from analog sensor */
00134             uint16_t a = temp_sensor.read_u16();
00136             /* Calculate the temperature in Fareheight and Celsius */
00137             resistance = (float)(adc_scale-a)*10000/a; //get the resistance of the sensor;              
00138             temperature = 1/(log(resistance/10000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15;  //convert to temperature via datasheet ;        
00139             temperature_f =(1.8 * temperature) +  32.0;
00140             sprintf(amb_temp, "%0.2f", temperature_f);  
00142             printf("Temp Sensor Analog Reading is 0x%X = %d  \r\n", a, a);         
00143             printf("Current Temperature: %f C  %f F \r\n", temperature, temperature_f); 
00145             delay(2500);
00146             mypwm.pulsewidth_ms(500);   
00148             /* Post temperature to M2X site */
00149             int response = m2xClient.put(feedId, streamName, amb_temp);
00150             printf("Post response code: %d\r\n", response);
00151             if (response == -1) 
00152             {
00153                 mypwm.pulsewidth_ms(250);                
00154                 printf("Temperature data transmit post error\n");
00155             }
00156             /* Update location data */
00157             response = m2xClient.updateLocation(feedId, name, latitude, longitude, elevation);
00158             printf("updateLocation response code: %d\r\n", response);
00159             if (response == -1) 
00160             {
00161                 mypwm.pulsewidth_ms(250);        
00162                 printf("Location data transmit post error\n");
00163             }    
00164             printf("\r\n");     
00165         }
00166     }
00168     //Disconnect ppp link
00169     radio->disconnect();
00171     logInfo("End of example code");
00172     return 0;
00173 }