Arianna autonomous DAQ firmware

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemFilinfo AriSnProtocol NetServicesMin AriSnComm MODSERIAL PowerControlClkPatch DS1820OW

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00001 #ifndef SN_SnCommWin
00002 #define SN_SnCommWin
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include <stdint.h>
00006 #include <string>
00008 #include "SnConfigFrame.h"
00009 class SnEventFrame;
00010 class SnPowerFrame;
00011 class SnSignalStrengthFrame;
00012 class SnCommPeripheral;
00013 class SnTempFrame;
00014 class SnClockSetFrame;
00015 class SnHeartbeatFrame;
00017 // DAQ station communication utilities
00019 class SnCommWin {
00020  public:
00021     enum ECommWinResult {
00022         kUndefFail,     // undefined fail type
00023         kCanNotConnect, // unable to connect to port
00024         kFailTimeout,   // timed out but message required
00025         kFailNoneSent,  // none of the message sent
00026         kFailPartSent,  // only part of the message sent
00027         kUnexpectedRec, // unexpected / unhandled message received
00028         kAllFails,      // to be used for "if (ret > kAllFails) ==> success"
00029         // only successes should go below
00030         kConnected,     // connection established, no messaging attempted
00031         kOkStopComm,    // received signal to stop communicating
00032         kOkMsgSent,     // message sent without waiting for "received" handshake
00033         kOkNoMsg,       // timed out with no message, but that is ok
00034         kOkWithMsg,     // successfully received message
00035         kOkWthMsgNoConf,// successfully received message and it says to stick with the same config
00036         kOkWthMsgDidDel // successfully received message and deleted a file because of it
00037     };
00039     static const char*    kLocalDir;          // the local mbed directory
00040     static const char*    kDelAllConfCodeStr; // a magic string to confirm deletion of all files on the SD card
00041     static const uint8_t  kDelAllConfCodeLen; // the length of the magic string
00043  private:
00044     bool                  fSendingInHandshake; // true if we are sending files as a result of a handshake.
00045                                                // will ignore further handshake requests to send new files
00046                                                // in order to avoid a stack overflow
00049     SnCommWin::ECommWinResult GetFilename(const uint32_t timeout,
00050                                           char* const buf,
00051                                           const uint32_t namelen);
00052     bool                      BuildLocalFileName(std::string fname,
00053                                                  const char* const dir,
00054                                                  std::string& lfname);
00055     SnCommWin::ECommWinResult GetLocalFile(std::string fname,
00056                                            char* const buf,
00057                                            const uint32_t bsize,
00058                                            const uint32_t timeout,
00059                                            std::string& lfname);
00060     int16_t                   LoopLocalDirBinFiles(const bool doRemove,
00061                                                    const std::string& fname);
00062     SnCommWin::ECommWinResult GetHeader(const uint32_t timeOut,
00063                                         char* const buf,
00064                                         const uint32_t bsize,
00065                                         uint8_t& mcode,
00066                                         uint32_t& mlen);
00068     bool WriteStatusDataPackHeaderTo(char*& b, 
00069                                      const uint32_t payloadLen);
00071     bool CallHeaderWriteTo(char*& b,
00072                            const uint8_t msgCode,
00073                            const uint32_t msgLen);
00075     int32_t CallSendAll(const char* const data, const uint32_t length,
00076                         const uint32_t timeout_clock);
00079     template<class T>
00080     char* WriteStatusDataPackHeadersFor(const T& x,
00081                                         const uint8_t hdrCode,
00082                                         char*& b,
00083                                         const uint32_t timeout_clock) {
00084         // flag that this is a data packet
00085         const uint32_t xMsgLen = x.SizeOf();
00086         WriteStatusDataPackHeaderTo(b, xMsgLen);
00087         CallHeaderWriteTo(b, hdrCode, xMsgLen);
00088         return b;
00089     }
00091     template<class T>
00092     char* SendStatusDataPack(const T& x,
00093                              const uint8_t hdrCode,
00094                              int32_t& toBeSent,
00095                              int32_t& byteSent,
00096                              char* const genBuf,
00097                              const uint32_t timeout_clock) {
00098         char* b = genBuf;
00099         b = WriteStatusDataPackHeadersFor(x, hdrCode, 
00100                                           b, timeout_clock);
00101         x.WriteTo(b);
00102         const int32_t sendNow = (b - genBuf);
00103         toBeSent += sendNow;
00104         byteSent += CallSendAll(genBuf, sendNow, timeout_clock);
00105         return b;
00106     }
00109  protected:
00110     SnCommPeripheral*           fComm; // the communication peripheral. deleted in dtor!!
00112     virtual int32_t SendFileBlock(FILE* inf, 
00113                                   const uint8_t blockHeaderCode,
00114                                   const uint32_t blockSize,
00115                                   char* const genBuf,
00116                                   int32_t& bytesToSend,
00117                                   const uint32_t timeout);
00119     virtual int32_t SendFileContents(FILE* inf,
00120                                      const SnConfigFrame& curConf,
00121                                      SnEventFrame& evt,
00122                                      SnPowerFrame& pow,
00123                                      char* const genBuf,
00124                                      uint32_t nevts,
00125                                      int32_t& bytesToBeSent,
00126                                      const uint32_t timeout_clock);
00128  public:
00129     SnCommWin(SnCommPeripheral* p);
00130     virtual ~SnCommWin();
00132     // probably no need to overload
00133     virtual bool            TrySetSysTimeUnix(const uint32_t timeout,
00134                                               uint32_t& prvTime,
00135                                               uint32_t& setTime);
00136     virtual bool            Connect(const uint32_t timeout);
00137     virtual bool            CloseConn(const uint32_t timeout,
00138                                       char* const genBuf=0,
00139                                       const bool sendCloseSignal=false);
00140     virtual bool            PowerDown(const uint32_t timeout);
00142     // optional overloads
00143     virtual void Set(const SnConfigFrame& conf) {}
00145     // mandatory overloads
00146     virtual SnConfigFrame::EDatPackBit GetCommType() const=0;
00148     virtual ECommWinResult OpenWindow(const bool sendStatus,
00149                                       const SnConfigFrame& conf,
00150                                       const SnPowerFrame& pow, // com win power
00151                                       const SnEventFrame& stEvent,
00152                                       const uint16_t seq,
00153 //                                      const float thmrate,
00154 //                                      const float evtrate,
00155                                       const uint32_t numThmTrigs,
00156                                       const uint32_t numSavedEvts, 
00157                                       const float    seqlive,
00158                                       const uint32_t powerOnTime,
00159                                       const SnTempFrame& temper, // com win temp
00160                                       char* const genBuf,
00161                                       const uint32_t timeout_clock)=0;
00163     virtual bool            GetDeleteAllConfirmCode(const SnConfigFrame& conf,
00164                                                     const uint32_t length,
00165                                                     const uint32_t timeout,
00166                                                     char* const buf,
00167                                                     const uint32_t bsize);
00168     virtual ECommWinResult  WaitHandshake(const SnConfigFrame& conf,
00169                                           const uint32_t timeout,
00170                                           char* const buf,
00171                                           const uint32_t bsize,
00172                                           uint8_t& hndShkCode,
00173                                           uint32_t* hndShkLen=0);
00175     virtual ECommWinResult  HandleHandshake(FILE* inf, const char* infn,
00176                                             const SnConfigFrame& curConf,
00177                                             SnEventFrame& evt,
00178                                             SnPowerFrame& pow,
00179                                             char* const genBuf,
00180                                             const uint32_t bsize,
00181                                             const uint32_t handshakeTimeout,
00182                                             const uint8_t hndshk,
00183                                             const uint32_t hndlen,
00184                                             const uint32_t* nevts=0);
00185     int32_t                 SendHndshkReq(char* const genBuf,
00186                                           const uint32_t timeout_clock);
00188     ECommWinResult  SendSignalStrength(char* const genBuf,
00189                                        SnSignalStrengthFrame& sigstr,
00190                                        const uint32_t timeout_clock);
00192     ECommWinResult  GetConfig(SnConfigFrame& conf,
00193                               const uint32_t timeOut,
00194                               char* const confBuf,
00195                               const uint32_t bsize);
00197     ECommWinResult  SendStatus(const SnConfigFrame& conf,
00198                                const SnPowerFrame& pow, // com win power
00199                                const SnEventFrame& stEvent,
00200                                const uint16_t seq,
00201 //                               const float thmrate,
00202 //                               const float evtrate,
00203                                const uint32_t numThmTrigs,
00204                                const uint32_t numSavedEvts, 
00205                                const float    seqlive,
00206                                const uint32_t powerOnTime,
00207                                const SnTempFrame& temper, // com win temp
00208                                char* const genBuf,
00209                                const uint32_t timeout_clock);
00211     virtual ECommWinResult SendStatusData(const SnConfigFrame& conf,
00212                                           const SnConfigFrame& stConf,
00213                                           const SnClockSetFrame& stTrgStartClk,
00214                                           const SnClockSetFrame& stTrgStopClk,
00215                                           const SnPowerFrame& stPower,
00216                                           const SnEventFrame& stEvent,
00217                                           const SnTempFrame& stTemperature,
00218                                           const SnHeartbeatFrame& stHeartbeat,
00219                                           const bool stNewPower,
00220                                           const bool stNewEvent,
00221                                           const bool stNewHeartbeat,
00222                                           const bool stNewTemperature,
00223                                           char* const genBuf,
00224                                           const uint32_t timeout_clock);
00226     SnCommWin::ECommWinResult SendString(const char* str,
00227                                          const uint32_t timeout);
00229     int32_t SendFilename(const char* fn,
00230                          char* const genBuf,
00231                          int32_t&    bytesToBeSent,
00232                          const uint32_t timeout_clock);
00234     ECommWinResult SendDataFromFile(FILE* inf, const char* infn,
00235                             const SnConfigFrame& curConf,
00236                             SnEventFrame& evt,
00237                             SnPowerFrame& pow,
00238                             char* const genBuf,
00239                             const uint32_t bsize,
00240                             const uint32_t nevts,
00241                             const uint32_t timeout_clock,
00242                             uint8_t* hndcode=0,
00243                             uint32_t* hndlen=0);
00245     ECommWinResult  SendData(SnConfigFrame& conf,
00246                              SnEventFrame& evt,
00247                              SnPowerFrame& pow,
00248                              char* const genBuf,
00249                              const uint32_t bsize,
00250                              const uint32_t timeout);
00252     // assume little endian
00253     static
00254     uint16_t GetMinSeqFrom(const uint32_t hndshk) {
00255         // left-most 2 bytes
00256         return (hndshk>>16u);
00257     }
00258     static
00259     uint16_t GetMaxSeqFrom(const uint32_t hndshk) {
00260         // right-most 2 bytes
00261         return (hndshk&0xFFFF);
00262     }
00264 };
00266 #endif // SN_SnCommWin