PushDuration maps n callback functions to the duration of a button press. E.g. foo() is called when a button is released after 1 second where bar() is called after 3 seconds.

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "PushDuration.h"
00003 /**
00004  * React() function is called by release() when the button is released. It traverses through the two
00005  * dimensional key vale array and matches the push duration with the corresponding callback function.
00006 **/
00007 void ButtonHandler::react(int counter) const {
00008     const action *a = mTable.table;
00009     for (std::size_t i=mTable.size; i; --i, ++a) {
00010         if ((counter >= a->counter_limit) && counter < (a+1)->counter_limit ) {
00011             a->transition();
00012             return;
00013         }
00014     }
00015 }
00017 /**
00018  * Configures the button pin mode, attaches callback functions for rise and fall
00019  * and enables IRQ for the given pin. 
00020 **/
00021 void ButtonHandler::enable() {
00022     buttonPin.mode(PullUp);
00023     wait(0.01);
00024     buttonPin.rise(this, &ButtonHandler::release);
00025     buttonPin.fall(this, &ButtonHandler::press);
00026     buttonPin.enable_irq();
00027 }
00029 /**
00030  *
00031  *
00032  *
00033 **/ 
00035 void ButtonHandler::disable() {
00036     buttonPin.disable_irq();
00037     ticker.detach();
00038 }
00040 void ButtonHandler::press() {
00041     counter = 0;
00042     ticker.attach(this, &ButtonHandler::secondsCount, intervalInSeconds);
00043 }
00045 void ButtonHandler::secondsCount() {
00046     ++counter;
00047 }
00049 void ButtonHandler::release() {
00050     ticker.detach();
00051     react(counter);
00052     counter = 0;
00053 }