Peer to peer xDot

Dependencies:   ISL29011 libxDot-dev-mbed5-deprecated

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00001 #include "dot_util.h"
00002 #if defined(TARGET_XDOT_L151CC)
00003 #include "xdot_low_power.h"
00004 #endif
00006 void display_config() {
00007     // display configuration and library version information
00008     logInfo("=====================");
00009     logInfo("general configuration");
00010     logInfo("=====================");
00011     logInfo("version ------------------ %s", dot->getId().c_str());
00012     logInfo("device ID/EUI ------------ %s", mts::Text::bin2hexString(dot->getDeviceId()).c_str());
00013     logInfo("default channel plan ----- %s", mDot::FrequencyBandStr(dot->getDefaultFrequencyBand()).c_str());
00014     logInfo("current channel plan ----- %s", mDot::FrequencyBandStr(dot->getFrequencyBand()).c_str());
00015     if (lora::ChannelPlan::IsPlanFixed(dot->getFrequencyBand())) {
00016         logInfo("frequency sub band ------- %u", dot->getFrequencySubBand());
00017     }
00018     logInfo("public network ----------- %s", dot->getPublicNetwork() ? "on" : "off");
00019     logInfo("=========================");
00020     logInfo("credentials configuration");
00021     logInfo("=========================");
00022     logInfo("device class ------------- %s", dot->getClass().c_str());
00023     logInfo("network join mode -------- %s", mDot::JoinModeStr(dot->getJoinMode()).c_str());
00024     if (dot->getJoinMode() == mDot::MANUAL || dot->getJoinMode() == mDot::PEER_TO_PEER) {
00025     logInfo("network address ---------- %s", mts::Text::bin2hexString(dot->getNetworkAddress()).c_str());
00026     logInfo("network session key------- %s", mts::Text::bin2hexString(dot->getNetworkSessionKey()).c_str());
00027     logInfo("data session key---------- %s", mts::Text::bin2hexString(dot->getDataSessionKey()).c_str());
00028     } else {
00029     logInfo("network name ------------- %s", dot->getNetworkName().c_str());
00030     logInfo("network phrase ----------- %s", dot->getNetworkPassphrase().c_str());
00031     logInfo("network EUI -------------- %s", mts::Text::bin2hexString(dot->getNetworkId()).c_str());
00032     logInfo("network KEY -------------- %s", mts::Text::bin2hexString(dot->getNetworkKey()).c_str());
00033     }
00034     logInfo("========================");
00035     logInfo("communication parameters");
00036     logInfo("========================");
00037     if (dot->getJoinMode() == mDot::PEER_TO_PEER) {
00038     logInfo("TX frequency ------------- %lu", dot->getTxFrequency());
00039     } else {
00040     logInfo("acks --------------------- %s, %u attempts", dot->getAck() > 0 ? "on" : "off", dot->getAck());
00041     }
00042     logInfo("TX datarate -------------- %s", mDot::DataRateStr(dot->getTxDataRate()).c_str());
00043     logInfo("TX power ----------------- %lu dBm", dot->getTxPower());
00044     logInfo("antenna gain ------------- %u dBm", dot->getAntennaGain());
00045     logInfo("LBT ---------------------- %s", dot->getLbtTimeUs() ? "on" : "off");
00046     if (dot->getLbtTimeUs()) {
00047     logInfo("LBT time ----------------- %lu us", dot->getLbtTimeUs());
00048     logInfo("LBT threshold ------------ %d dBm", dot->getLbtThreshold());
00049     }
00050 }
00052 void update_peer_to_peer_config(uint8_t *network_address, uint8_t *network_session_key, uint8_t *data_session_key, uint32_t tx_frequency, uint8_t tx_datarate, uint8_t tx_power) {
00053     std::vector<uint8_t> current_network_address = dot->getNetworkAddress();
00054     std::vector<uint8_t> current_network_session_key = dot->getNetworkSessionKey();
00055     std::vector<uint8_t> current_data_session_key = dot->getDataSessionKey();
00056     uint32_t current_tx_frequency = dot->getTxFrequency();
00057     uint8_t current_tx_datarate = dot->getTxDataRate();
00058     uint8_t current_tx_power = dot->getTxPower();
00060     std::vector<uint8_t> network_address_vector(network_address, network_address + 4);
00061     std::vector<uint8_t> network_session_key_vector(network_session_key, network_session_key + 16);
00062     std::vector<uint8_t> data_session_key_vector(data_session_key, data_session_key + 16);
00064     if (current_network_address != network_address_vector) {
00065         logInfo("changing network address from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", mts::Text::bin2hexString(current_network_address).c_str(), mts::Text::bin2hexString(network_address_vector).c_str());
00066         if (dot->setNetworkAddress(network_address_vector) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00067             logError("failed to set network address to \"%s\"", mts::Text::bin2hexString(network_address_vector).c_str());
00068         }
00069     }
00071     if (current_network_session_key != network_session_key_vector) {
00072         logInfo("changing network session key from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", mts::Text::bin2hexString(current_network_session_key).c_str(), mts::Text::bin2hexString(network_session_key_vector).c_str());
00073         if (dot->setNetworkSessionKey(network_session_key_vector) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00074             logError("failed to set network session key to \"%s\"", mts::Text::bin2hexString(network_session_key_vector).c_str());
00075         }
00076     }
00078     if (current_data_session_key != data_session_key_vector) {
00079         logInfo("changing data session key from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", mts::Text::bin2hexString(current_data_session_key).c_str(), mts::Text::bin2hexString(data_session_key_vector).c_str());
00080         if (dot->setDataSessionKey(data_session_key_vector) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00081             logError("failed to set data session key to \"%s\"", mts::Text::bin2hexString(data_session_key_vector).c_str());
00082         }
00083     }
00085     if (current_tx_frequency != tx_frequency) {
00086     logInfo("changing TX frequency from %lu to %lu", current_tx_frequency, tx_frequency);
00087     if (dot->setTxFrequency(tx_frequency) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00088         logError("failed to set TX frequency to %lu", tx_frequency);
00089     }
00090     }
00092     if (current_tx_datarate != tx_datarate) {
00093     logInfo("changing TX datarate from %u to %u", current_tx_datarate, tx_datarate);
00094     if (dot->setTxDataRate(tx_datarate) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00095         logError("failed to set TX datarate to %u", tx_datarate);
00096     }
00097     }
00099     if (current_tx_power != tx_power) {
00100     logInfo("changing TX power from %u to %u", current_tx_power, tx_power);
00101     if (dot->setTxPower(tx_power) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00102         logError("failed to set TX power to %u", tx_power);
00103     }
00104     }
00105 }
00107 void join_network() {
00108     int32_t j_attempts = 0;
00109     int32_t ret = mDot::MDOT_ERROR;
00111     // attempt to join the network
00112     while (ret != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00113         logInfo("attempt %d to join network", ++j_attempts);
00114         ret = dot->joinNetwork();
00115         if (ret != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00116             logError("failed to join network %d:%s", ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());
00117             // in some frequency bands we need to wait until another channel is available before transmitting again
00118             uint32_t delay_s = (dot->getNextTxMs() / 1000) + 1;
00119             if (delay_s < 2) {
00120                 logInfo("waiting %lu s until next free channel", delay_s);
00121                 wait(delay_s);
00122             } else {
00123                 logInfo("sleeping %lu s until next free channel", delay_s);
00124                 dot->sleep(delay_s, mDot::RTC_ALARM, false);
00125             }
00126         }
00127     }
00128 }
00130 void send_data(std::vector<uint8_t> data) {
00131     int32_t ret;
00133     ret = dot->send(data);
00134     if (ret != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
00135         logError("failed to send data to %s [%d][%s]", dot->getJoinMode() == mDot::PEER_TO_PEER ? "peer" : "gateway", ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());
00136     } else {
00137         logInfo("successfully sent data to %s", dot->getJoinMode() == mDot::PEER_TO_PEER ? "peer" : "gateway");
00138     }
00139 }