Library for handling ILI9163 - based LCD displays.

Dependents:   TVZ_MU_Seminar

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00001 /**
00002  * @file ili9163lcd.h
00003  * @brief ILI9163 128x128 LCD Driver (Header file)
00004  *
00005  * This code has been ported from the ili9163lcd library for mbed
00006  * made by Jun Morita.
00007  * Source form <>
00008  *
00009  * This code has been ported from the ili9163lcd library for avr made
00010  * by Simon Inns, to run on a msp430.
00011  *
00012  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00013  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00014  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00015  * (at your option) any later version.
00016  *
00017  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00018  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00020  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00021  *
00022  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00023  * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00024  *
00025  * @author Jun Morita (iccraft)
00026  * @author Simon Inns <>
00027  * @author Christopher Vagnetoft (NoccyLabs)
00028  * @copyright (C) 2012 Simon Inns
00029  * @copyright parts (C) 2012 NoccyLabs
00030  */
00032 #ifndef ILI9163LCD_H_
00033 #define ILI9163LCD_H_
00035 #include "mbed.h"
00036 #include "font5x8.h"
00038 // Screen orientation defines:
00039 // 0 = Ribbon at top
00040 // 1 = Ribbon at left
00041 // 2 = Ribbon at right
00042 // 3 = Ribbon at bottom
00043 #define LCD_ORIENTATION0    0
00044 #define LCD_ORIENTATION1    96
00045 #define LCD_ORIENTATION2    160
00046 #define LCD_ORIENTATION3    192
00048 // Each colour takes up 5 bits
00049 // Green is shifted 6 bits to the left
00050 // Blue is shifted 11 bits to the left
00051 // some RGB color definitions      BLUE GREEN  RED                          
00052 #define Black           0x0000      /*  0, 0, 0 */
00053 #define Maroon          0x000F      /*  0, 0,15 */
00054 #define DarkGreen       0x03C0      /*  0,15, 0 */
00055 #define Navy            0x7800      /* 15, 0, 0 */
00056 #define Red             0x001F      /*  0, 0,31 */
00057 #define Green           0x07C0      /*  0,31, 0 */
00058 #define Blue            0xF800      /* 31, 0, 0 */
00059 #define Yellow          0x07DF      /*  0,31,31 */
00060 #define Magenta         0xF81F      /* 31, 0,31 */
00061 #define Cyan            0xFFC0      /* 31,31, 0 */
00062 #define White           0xFFFF      /* 31,31,31 */
00064 class ILI9163 {
00065   public:
00066     // Definitions for control lines (port C)
00067     static const uint8_t LCD_WR    =(1 << 2);
00068     static const uint8_t LCD_RS    =(1 << 4);
00069     static const uint8_t LCD_RD    =(1 << 5);
00070     static const uint8_t LCD_CS    =(1 << 6);
00071     static const uint8_t LCD_RESET =(1 << 7);
00072     // ILI9163 LCD Controller Commands
00073     static const uint8_t NOP                     = 0x00;
00074     static const uint8_t SOFT_RESET              = 0x01;
00075     static const uint8_t GET_RED_CHANNEL         = 0x06;
00076     static const uint8_t GET_GREEN_CHANNEL       = 0x07;
00077     static const uint8_t GET_BLUE_CHANNEL        = 0x08;
00078     static const uint8_t GET_PIXEL_FORMAT        = 0x0C;
00079     static const uint8_t GET_POWER_MODE          = 0x0A;
00080     static const uint8_t GET_ADDRESS_MODE        = 0x0B;
00081     static const uint8_t GET_DISPLAY_MODE        = 0x0D;
00082     static const uint8_t GET_SIGNAL_MODE         = 0x0E;
00083     static const uint8_t GET_DIAGNOSTIC_RESULT   = 0x0F;
00084     static const uint8_t ENTER_SLEEP_MODE        = 0x10;
00085     static const uint8_t EXIT_SLEEP_MODE         = 0x11;
00086     static const uint8_t ENTER_PARTIAL_MODE      = 0x12;
00087     static const uint8_t ENTER_NORMAL_MODE       = 0x13;
00088     static const uint8_t EXIT_INVERT_MODE        = 0x20;
00089     static const uint8_t ENTER_INVERT_MODE       = 0x21;
00090     static const uint8_t SET_GAMMA_CURVE         = 0x26;
00091     static const uint8_t SET_DISPLAY_OFF         = 0x28;
00092     static const uint8_t SET_DISPLAY_ON          = 0x29;
00093     static const uint8_t SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS      = 0x2A;
00094     static const uint8_t SET_PAGE_ADDRESS        = 0x2B;
00095     static const uint8_t WRITE_MEMORY_START      = 0x2C;
00096     static const uint8_t WRITE_LUT               = 0x2D;
00097     static const uint8_t READ_MEMORY_START       = 0x2E;
00098     static const uint8_t SET_PARTIAL_AREA        = 0x30;
00099     static const uint8_t SET_SCROLL_AREA         = 0x33;
00100     static const uint8_t SET_TEAR_OFF            = 0x34;
00101     static const uint8_t SET_TEAR_ON             = 0x35;
00102     static const uint8_t SET_ADDRESS_MODE        = 0x36;
00103     static const uint8_t SET_SCROLL_START        = 0x37;
00104     static const uint8_t EXIT_IDLE_MODE          = 0x38;
00105     static const uint8_t ENTER_IDLE_MODE         = 0x39;
00106     static const uint8_t SET_PIXEL_FORMAT        = 0x3A;
00107     static const uint8_t WRITE_MEMORY_CONTINUE   = 0x3C;
00108     static const uint8_t READ_MEMORY_CONTINUE    = 0x3E;
00109     static const uint8_t SET_TEAR_SCANLINE       = 0x44;
00110     static const uint8_t GET_SCANLINE            = 0x45;
00111     static const uint8_t READ_ID1                = 0xDA;
00112     static const uint8_t READ_ID2                = 0xDB;
00113     static const uint8_t READ_ID3                = 0xDC;
00114     static const uint8_t FRAME_RATE_CONTROL1     = 0xB1;
00115     static const uint8_t FRAME_RATE_CONTROL2     = 0xB2;
00116     static const uint8_t FRAME_RATE_CONTROL3     = 0xB3;
00117     static const uint8_t DISPLAY_INVERSION       = 0xB4;
00118     static const uint8_t SOURCE_DRIVER_DIRECTION = 0xB7;
00119     static const uint8_t GATE_DRIVER_DIRECTION   = 0xB8;
00120     static const uint8_t POWER_CONTROL1          = 0xC0;
00121     static const uint8_t POWER_CONTROL2          = 0xC1;
00122     static const uint8_t POWER_CONTROL3          = 0xC2;
00123     static const uint8_t POWER_CONTROL4          = 0xC3;
00124     static const uint8_t POWER_CONTROL5          = 0xC4;
00125     static const uint8_t VCOM_CONTROL1           = 0xC5;
00126     static const uint8_t VCOM_CONTROL2           = 0xC6;
00127     static const uint8_t VCOM_OFFSET_CONTROL     = 0xC7;
00128     static const uint8_t WRITE_ID4_VALUE         = 0xD3;
00129     static const uint8_t NV_MEMORY_FUNCTION1     = 0xD7;
00130     static const uint8_t NV_MEMORY_FUNCTION2     = 0xDE;
00131     static const uint8_t POSITIVE_GAMMA_CORRECT  = 0xE0;
00132     static const uint8_t NEGATIVE_GAMMA_CORRECT  = 0xE1;
00133     static const uint8_t GAM_R_SEL               = 0xF2;
00135     // Create the ILI9163 object
00136     //
00137     // @param D13 SCK
00138     // @param D11 SDA
00139     // @param D10 A0
00140     // @param D9  RESET    pin connected to RESET of display 
00141     // @param D8  CS       pin connected to CS of display 
00142     // @param D12 LED      (optional) connected to LED pin (for controlling backlight)
00143     //
00144     // ILI9163 lcd(D13,D11,D10,D9,D8,D12);
00145     //
00146     ILI9163(PinName SCK, PinName SDA, PinName A0, PinName RESET, PinName CS, PinName LED = NC);
00148     SPI SPI_;
00149     DigitalOut A0_;
00150     DigitalOut RESET_;
00151     DigitalOut CS_;
00152     DigitalOut LED_;
00154     // font array
00155     unsigned char* font;
00156     uint8_t font_bp_char;      // Bytes per character
00157     uint8_t font_hor;          // Horizontal size
00158     uint8_t font_vert;         // Vertical size
00159     uint8_t font_bp_line;      // Bytes per line
00161     //  LCD function prototypes
00162     void reset(void);
00163     void writeCommand(uint8_t address);
00164     void writeParameter(uint8_t parameter);
00165     void writeData(uint16_t data);
00166     void init(uint8_t orientation);
00168     //Theoretically, it is possible to use PWM to change the display brightness
00169     //However, I found that it can interfere with data transfers, so I just use backlight on/off
00170     inline void backlightOn() { LED_ = 1; };
00171     inline void backlightOff() { LED_ = 0; };
00172     inline void backlightToggle() { LED_ = !LED_; };
00174     // Translates a 3 byte RGB value into a 2 byte value for the LCD (values should be 0-31)
00175     static inline uint16_t colourFromRGB5(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
00176     { return (b << 11) | (g << 6) | (r); }
00178     static inline uint16_t colourFromRGB8(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
00179     { return colourFromRGB5(r >> 3, g >> 3, b >> 3); }
00181     void clearDisplay(uint16_t colour);
00182     void plot(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t colour);
00183     void line(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t colour);
00184     void rectangle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t colour);
00185     void filledRectangle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t colour);
00186     void circle(int16_t xCentre, int16_t yCentre, int16_t radius, uint16_t colour);
00188     // select the font to use
00189     //
00190     // @param f pointer to font array 
00191     //                                                                              
00192     //   font array can be created with GLCD Font Creator from
00193     //   you have to add 4 parameter at the beginning of the font array to use it: 
00194     //   - the number of bytes per char
00195     //   - the vertical size in pixel
00196     //   - the horizontal size in pixel
00197     //   - the number of bytes per vertical line
00198     //   you also have to change the array to char[]
00199     // 
00200     void setFont(unsigned char* f);
00201     inline uint8_t lcdTextX(uint8_t x) { return x*font_hor; }
00202     inline uint8_t lcdTextY(uint8_t y) { return y*font_vert; }
00204     void putCh(unsigned char character, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t fgColour, uint16_t bgColour);
00205     void putS(const char *string, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t fgColour, uint16_t bgColour);
00207 };  // end class
00209 #endif /* ILI9163LCD_H_ */