I needed a device to time my sprinklers, because I had been forgetting to turn them off. So I made a very simple program to turn them off after 45 minutes. Future versions will have an array of outputs, so you can run sections with one button push. Hardware: Either board should work, I used the LPC1768. You will also need a solenoid to control the water, I am testing a 12V rainbird valve with a relay and 12V power supply.

Dependencies:   PinDetect mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "PinDetect.h"
00004 // Objects
00005 DigitalOut myLed(LED1);
00006 DigitalOut solenoid(p6);
00007 PinDetect button(p5);
00008 Timer timer;
00010 // Primitives
00011 int timeInMinutes = 25; // Timer is only good to about 30 mins!
00012 float halfSecond = 0.5; // LED blink rate
00014 // Interrupt function for start/stop button
00015 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
00016 void StartStop() {
00017     // Enabled = !Enabled
00018     if(solenoid.read()) {
00019         // Turn off
00020         timer.stop();
00021         solenoid = false;
00022     } else {
00023         // Turn on
00024         timer.reset();
00025         timer.start();
00026         solenoid = true;
00027     }
00028 }
00030 // Main loop
00031 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
00032 int main() {
00033     // Set button interrupt w/PullDown and debounce
00034     button.mode(PullDown);
00035     button.attach_asserted_held(&StartStop);
00036     button.setSampleFrequency(9);
00038     // Infinite loop
00039     while(true) {
00040         // Stop if time(s) > n Mins(m) * 60(s)
00041         if(timer.read() > timeInMinutes * 60) {
00042             solenoid = false;
00043             timer.stop();
00044         }
00046         // Slow pulse status LED when enabled
00047         if(solenoid.read())
00048             myLed = !myLed.read();
00049         else
00050             myLed = false;
00052         // Wait so LED pulses
00053         wait(halfSecond);
00054     }
00055 }