This is the Mexican Standoff prototype made by Francisco Martin and Andrew Smith. Please refer to the following link for instructions on hardware hookup:

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed wave_player 4DGL-uLCD-SE PinDetect

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00001 #include "States.h"
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00004 //button setup using PinDetect
00005 //  button is pushed -> false
00006 //  button is not pushed -> true
00007 PinDetect P1_LeftButton(p15, PullUp);
00008 PinDetect P1_RightButton(p16, PullUp);
00009 PinDetect P2_LeftButton(p26, PullUp);
00010 PinDetect P2_RightButton(p29, PullUp);
00012 //LCD setup
00013 uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p28, p27, p21); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;
00015 //speaker setup
00016 AnalogOut speaker(p18);
00017 wave_player waver(&speaker);
00019 //states enum
00020 enum StateType{MainMenu, HowTo, SinglePlayerGame, TwoPlayerGame, EndScreen};
00021 StateType state = MainMenu;
00024 SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd"); //SD card
00026 //member variables
00027 int option;
00028 int points;
00030 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00032 main()
00033 {        
00034     Music music(waver);
00036     //LCD setup
00037     uLCD.display_control(PORTRAIT_R);
00038     uLCD.baudrate(BAUD_3000000);        //jack up baud rate to max for fast display   
00039     uLCD.background_color(BLACK);
00040     uLCD.cls();
00042     music.playMainMusic();
00044     while(true)
00045     {
00046         switch(state)
00047         {
00048             case(MainMenu):
00049             {   
00050                 // Set-Up Main Menu
00051                 Startup startup(uLCD, P1_LeftButton, P1_RightButton, P2_LeftButton, P2_RightButton);
00052                 //startup.scores(uLCD, sd);
00053                 option =, P1_LeftButton, P1_RightButton, P2_LeftButton, P2_RightButton, music);
00054                 if(option == 0)
00055                     state =  SinglePlayerGame;
00056                 if(option == 1)
00057                     state =  TwoPlayerGame;
00058                 if(option == 2)
00059                     state = HowTo;
00060                 break;
00061             }
00062             case(HowTo):
00063             {
00064                 Rules rules(uLCD, P1_LeftButton, P1_RightButton, P2_LeftButton, P2_RightButton);
00065                 state = MainMenu;
00066                 break;
00067             }
00068             case(SinglePlayerGame):
00069             {
00070                 //after gameplay returns, we can use gameplay.getWinningPlayer() to find out who won.
00071                 //this gets passed to the GameOver to display the correct winner on the screen
00072                 Gameplay gameplay(uLCD, 1, P1_LeftButton, P1_RightButton, P2_LeftButton, P2_RightButton);
00073                 GameOver gameover(uLCD, P1_LeftButton, P1_RightButton, P2_LeftButton, P2_RightButton, gameplay.getWinningPlayer());
00074                 state = MainMenu;
00075                 break;
00076             }
00077             case(TwoPlayerGame):
00078             {
00079                 Gameplay gameplay(uLCD, 2, P1_LeftButton, P1_RightButton, P2_LeftButton, P2_RightButton);
00080                 GameOver gameover(uLCD, P1_LeftButton, P1_RightButton, P2_LeftButton, P2_RightButton, gameplay.getWinningPlayer());
00081                 state = MainMenu;
00082                 break;
00083             }
00084         }//end switch
00085     }//end while    
00086 }//end main