QWERTY Keypad Touchscreen LCD Demo - MBED + SmartGPU2 board

Dependencies:   SMARTGPU2 mbed

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00001 /**************************************************************************************/
00002 /**************************************************************************************/
00003 /*SMARTGPU2 intelligent embedded graphics processor unit
00004  those examples are for using the SMARTGPU2 with the mbed microcontoller, just connect tx,rx,and reset
00005  Board:
00006  http://www.vizictechnologies.com/
00008  www.vizictechnologies.com 
00009  Vizic Technologies copyright 2014 */
00010 /**************************************************************************************/
00011 /**************************************************************************************/
00013 #include "mbed.h"
00014 #include "SMARTGPU2.h"
00016 SMARTGPU2 lcd(TXPIN,RXPIN,RESETPIN);  //create our object called "lcd"
00019 #define LETTERSLOWER     0
00020 #define LETTERSUPPER     1
00021 #define NUMBERS          2
00022 #define SPECCHAR         3
00025 #define KEY_Y_TOP        MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE - KEYBOARD_Y_SIZE //at the bottom of screen
00026 #define KEYXSIZE         KEYBOARD_X_SIZE/10 //10 - columns
00027 #define KEYYSIZE         KEYBOARD_Y_SIZE/4  //4 - rows 
00029 //keys definitions
00030 #define SPACE    ' '
00031 #define OK       0x01
00032 #define DEL      0x02
00033 #define TYPE     0x03
00034 #define KEYCASE  0x04
00036 //Keyboards type data, row1: 10 characters, row2: 9 characters, row3: 7 characters
00037 const char lettL[]= {"qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"}; //10-9-7 lower case
00038 const char lettU[]= {"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"}; //10-9-7 upper case
00039 const char num []= {"1234567890-/:;()&@\"_.,?!'*"};//10-9-7
00040 const char spc []= {"[]{}#%^*+=:|~<>$-/\\_.,?!'*"};//10-9-7
00041 const char* keyboards[4]={lettL, lettU, num, spc};
00043 /*********************************************************/
00044 void drawSingleKey(char key, char keyboardType, ACTIVE state){ //draws the received key as "state"(SELECTED or DESELECTED)
00045   unsigned int i=0;
00046   char *data = (char*)keyboards[keyboardType];
00047   char letter[2]={key,0};
00049   //special case when key is ' '(space) or 0x01 "enter" or 0x02 "del" or 0x03 "type" or 0x04 "keycase"
00050   if(key == ' ' || key <= KEYCASE){
00051     switch(key){
00052       case ' ':  //space
00053         lcd.objButton(KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2), KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*3), (7*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2))+KEYXSIZE-1, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*4)-1, state, "space");
00054       break;
00055       case OK:   //OK
00056         lcd.objButton(8*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2), KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*3), KEYBOARD_X_SIZE-1, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*4)-1, state, "OK");
00057       break;      
00058       case DEL:  //delete
00059         lcd.objButton(8*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2), KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*2), (8*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2))+KEYXSIZE-1, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*3), state, "del");
00060       break;
00061       case TYPE: //keyboard type
00062         lcd.objButton(KEYXSIZE/2, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*2), (KEYXSIZE/2)+KEYXSIZE-1, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*3), state, "type");
00063       break;
00064       case KEYCASE: //letters upper/lower case
00065         lcd.objButton(0, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*3), KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2)-1, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*4)-1, state, "case");      
00066       break;
00067       default: //0x00 none
00068       break;      
00069     }
00070     return;
00071   }
00072   //any other key case
00073   for(i=0;i<26;i++){ //search for the key in the received keyboardType data array
00074     if(key == data[i]) break;
00075   }
00076   if(i<10){
00077     lcd.objButton(i*KEYXSIZE, KEY_Y_TOP, (i*KEYXSIZE)+KEYXSIZE-1, KEY_Y_TOP+KEYYSIZE, state, letter);
00078   }else if(i<19){
00079     i-=10;
00080     lcd.objButton(i*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2), KEY_Y_TOP+KEYYSIZE, (i*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2))+KEYXSIZE-1, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*2), state, letter);
00081   }else if(i<26){
00082     i-=18;
00083     lcd.objButton(i*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2), KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*2), (i*KEYXSIZE+(KEYXSIZE/2))+KEYXSIZE-1, KEY_Y_TOP+(KEYYSIZE*3), state, letter);
00084   }
00085 }
00087 /*********************************************************/
00088 void drawAllKeyboard(char keyboardType){
00089   unsigned int i=0;
00090   char *data = (char*)keyboards[keyboardType];
00092   for(i=0;i<26;i++){ //go through all keyboard data
00093     drawSingleKey(*data++, keyboardType, DESELECTED);
00094   }
00095   //draw special keys
00096   drawSingleKey(TYPE, keyboardType, DESELECTED);
00097   drawSingleKey(DEL, keyboardType, DESELECTED);  
00098   drawSingleKey(KEYCASE, keyboardType, DESELECTED);    
00099   drawSingleKey(SPACE, keyboardType, DESELECTED);
00100   drawSingleKey(OK, keyboardType, DESELECTED);  
00101 }
00103 /*********************************************************/
00104 char getKeyTouch(char keyboardType){ //ask for a touch and if VALID inside the keyboard returns the touched key
00105   char *data = (char*)keyboards[keyboardType];
00106   POINT p;
00108   if(lcd.touchScreen(&p) == VALID){ //ask for touch, if VALID
00109     if(p.y > KEY_Y_TOP && p.y< (KEY_Y_TOP+KEYBOARD_Y_SIZE)){ //if touch inside keyboard
00110       p.y -= KEY_Y_TOP;                                      //substract
00111       p.y /= (KEYBOARD_Y_SIZE/4);                            //obtain row
00112       //switch with the obtained row
00113       p.x--;
00114       switch(p.y){
00115         case 0: //1st row
00116           p.x /= KEYXSIZE; //obtain column 
00117         break;          
00118         case 1: //2nd row
00119           p.x -= (KEYXSIZE/2);
00120           p.x /= KEYXSIZE; //obtain column
00121           p.x += 10;
00122         break;      
00123         case 2: //3rd row
00124           p.x -= (KEYXSIZE/2);
00125           p.x /= KEYXSIZE; //obtain column
00126           p.x += 18;
00127           if(p.x==18) return TYPE;          
00128           if(p.x==26) return DEL;
00129         break;
00130         default: //4rt row
00131           p.x -= (KEYXSIZE/2);
00132           p.x /= KEYXSIZE; //obtain column
00133           if(p.x==0) return KEYCASE;          
00134           if(p.x>=8) return OK;
00135           return ' ';
00136         break;
00137       }
00138       return *(data+p.x);
00139     }
00140   }
00141   return 0;
00142 }
00144 /***************************************************/
00145 /***************************************************/
00146 void initializeSmartGPU2(void){      //Initialize SMARTGPU2 Board
00147   lcd.reset();                       //physically reset SMARTGPU2
00148   lcd.start();                       //initialize the SMARTGPU2 processor
00149 }
00151 /***************************************************/
00152 /***************************************************/
00153 /***************************************************/
00154 /***************************************************/
00155 int main() {
00156   unsigned int currentX=5, lastX=5, currentY=5;
00157   char key = 0, currentKeyboard = LETTERSLOWER;
00159   initializeSmartGPU2();             //Init communication with SmartGPU2 board
00161   lcd.baudChange(BAUD7);             //set a fast baud! for fast drawing
00162   lcd.drawGradientRect(0, 0, MAX_X_LANDSCAPE, MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE, MAGENTA, BLACK, VERTICAL); //draw a background
00164   lcd.drawRectangle(5, 5, MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-5, KEY_Y_TOP-5, WHITE, FILL); //draw text background
00165   lcd.setTextColour(BLACK);                                             //set text colour as black
00166   lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);                                               //set text size FONT2
00168   drawAllKeyboard(currentKeyboard);                                     //draw all keyboard
00170    while(1){
00171      while((key = getKeyTouch(currentKeyboard)) == 0x00);               //loop until get a valid key
00172      //once obtained a valid key
00173      if(key!=OK && key!=DEL && key!=TYPE && key!=KEYCASE){              //only print if key is not special key
00174        lcd.putLetter(lastX, currentY, key, &currentX);                  //print key on lastX and save updated value in currentX
00175        if(currentX<=lastX){                                             //if currentX couldn't advance, means end of X row
00176          currentY += 20;                                                //jump 1 row in Y axis
00177          if(currentY >= (KEY_Y_TOP-5)){                                 //if we reach the start of the keyboard
00178            currentY=5;
00179            lcd.drawRectangle(5, 5, MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-5, KEY_Y_TOP-5, WHITE, FILL); //draw text background
00180          }
00181          lastX=5;                                                       //reset lastX       
00182          lcd.putLetter(lastX, currentY, key, &currentX);                //print key on new lastX and currentY            
00183        }
00184        lastX=currentX;                                                  //get new value
00185      }else{
00186        switch(key){
00187         case TYPE:
00188           if(currentKeyboard == LETTERSLOWER || currentKeyboard == LETTERSUPPER) currentKeyboard = NUMBERS; //go to next type
00189           else if(currentKeyboard == NUMBERS) currentKeyboard = SPECCHAR;
00190           else if (currentKeyboard == SPECCHAR) currentKeyboard = LETTERSLOWER;
00191           drawAllKeyboard(currentKeyboard);                             //update all keyboard
00192         break; 
00193         case DEL:
00194           lcd.drawRectangle(5, 5, MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-5, KEY_Y_TOP-5, WHITE, FILL); //draw text background
00195           lastX=5;                                                      //reset lastX           
00196           currentY=5;                                                   //reset currentY          
00197         break;
00198         case KEYCASE:
00199           if(currentKeyboard == LETTERSLOWER) currentKeyboard = LETTERSUPPER;
00200           else if(currentKeyboard == LETTERSUPPER) currentKeyboard = LETTERSLOWER;
00201           drawAllKeyboard(currentKeyboard);                            //update all keyboard          
00202         break; 
00203         default: //key == OK
00204           //go to main menu - exit keyboard - or any other required action
00205         break;
00206        }
00207      } 
00208      //draw the animated key
00209      drawSingleKey(key, currentKeyboard, SELECTED);                     //draw the obtained key button as SELECTED
00210      delay(200);                                                        //wait 200ms with key as SELECTED
00211      drawSingleKey(key, currentKeyboard, DESELECTED);                   //draw the obtained key button as DESELECTED     
00212    }
00213 }