Graphical demo for the LPC4088 Experiment Base Board with one of the Display Expansion Kits. This program displays how to write text in different fonts.

Dependencies:   EALib mbed

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Show/hide line numbers lpc_swim_image.c Source File


00001 /*
00002  * @brief SWIM image management
00003  *
00004  * @note
00005  * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
00006  * All rights reserved.
00007  *
00008  * @par
00009  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00010  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00011  * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
00012  * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
00013  * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
00014  * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
00015  * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
00016  * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
00017  * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
00018  * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
00019  * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
00020  * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
00021  * specified use without further testing or modification.
00022  *
00023  * @par
00024  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
00025  * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
00026  * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
00027  * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
00028  * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
00029  * this code.
00030  */
00032 #include "lpc_types.h"
00033 #include "lpc_swim_image.h"
00035 /*****************************************************************************
00036  * Private types/enumerations/variables
00037  ****************************************************************************/
00039 /*****************************************************************************
00040  * Public types/enumerations/variables
00041  ****************************************************************************/
00043 /*****************************************************************************
00044  * Private functions
00045  ****************************************************************************/
00047 /*****************************************************************************
00048  * Public functions
00049  ****************************************************************************/
00051 /* Puts a raw image into a window */
00052 void swim_put_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00053                     const COLOR_T *image,
00054                     int32_t xsize,
00055                     int32_t ysize)
00056 {
00057     int32_t x, y;
00059     /* Unknown values of rtype will do no rotation */
00060     y = win->ypvmin;
00062     xsize = xsize + win->xpvmin;
00063     ysize = ysize + win->ypvmin;
00065     /* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
00066     while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (y < ysize)) {
00067         /* Set physical frame buffer address */
00068         x = win->xpvmin;
00070         /* Render a single line */
00071         while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (x < xsize)) {
00072             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, *image);
00073             image++;
00074             x++;
00075         }
00077         /* Adjust to end of line if the image was clipped */
00078         image = image + (xsize - x);
00080         y++;
00081     }
00082 }
00084 /* Puts a raw image into a window at a specific position*/
00085 void swim_put_image_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,                       
00086                        const COLOR_T *image,
00087                        int32_t xsize,
00088                        int32_t ysize,
00089                        int32_t x1,
00090                        int32_t y1)
00091 {
00092     int32_t x, y;
00094     /* Unknown values of rtype will do no rotation */
00095     y = win->ypvmin + y1;
00097     xsize = xsize + win->xpvmin + x1;
00098     ysize = ysize + win->ypvmin + y1;
00100     /* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
00101     while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (y < ysize)) {
00102         /* Set physical frame buffer address */
00103         x = win->xpvmin + x1;
00105         /* Render a single line */
00106         while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (x < xsize)) {
00107             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, *image);
00108             image++;
00109             x++;
00110         }
00112         /* Adjust to end of line if the image was clipped */
00113         image = image + (xsize - x);
00115         y++;
00116     }
00117 }
00119 /* Puts a raw image into a window at a specific position, skipping all transparent pixels */
00120 void swim_put_transparent_image_xy(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,                       
00121                                    const COLOR_T *image,
00122                                    int32_t xsize,
00123                                    int32_t ysize,
00124                                    int32_t x1,
00125                                    int32_t y1,
00126                                    COLOR_T tColor)
00127 {
00128     int32_t x, y;
00130     /* Unknown values of rtype will do no rotation */
00131     y = win->ypvmin + y1;
00133     xsize = xsize + win->xpvmin + x1;
00134     ysize = ysize + win->ypvmin + y1;
00136     /* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
00137     while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (y < ysize)) {
00138         /* Set physical frame buffer address */
00139         x = win->xpvmin + x1;
00141         /* Render a single line */
00142         while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (x < xsize)) {
00143             if (*image != tColor) {
00144                 swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, *image);
00145             }
00146             image++;
00147             x++;
00148         }
00150         /* Adjust to end of line if the image was clipped */
00151         image = image + (xsize - x);
00153         y++;
00154     }
00155 }
00157 /* Puts a raw image into a window inverted */
00158 void swim_put_invert_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00159                            const COLOR_T *image,
00160                            int32_t xsize,
00161                            int32_t ysize)
00162 {
00163     int32_t x, y, xr, yr;
00165     y = win->ypvmin;
00166     yr = ysize - 1;
00168     /* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
00169     while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (yr >= 0)) {
00170         /* Set physical frame buffer address */
00171         x = win->xpvmin;
00172         xr = xsize - 1;
00174         /* Render a single line */
00175         while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (xr >= 0)) {
00176             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[xr + yr * xsize] );
00177             x++;
00178             xr--;
00179         }
00181         y++;
00182         yr--;
00183     }
00184 }
00186 /* Puts a raw image into a window rotated left */
00187 void swim_put_left_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00188                          const COLOR_T *image,
00189                          int32_t xsize,
00190                          int32_t ysize)
00191 {
00192     int32_t x, y, xr, yr;
00194     x = win->xpvmin;
00195     yr = ysize - 1;
00197     /* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
00198     while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (yr >= 0)) {
00199         /* Set physical frame buffer address to start drawing at
00200            bottom */
00201         y = win->ypvmin;
00202         xr = 0;
00204         /* Render a single line */
00205         while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (xr < xsize)) {
00206             /* Go to next line (y) */
00207             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, 
00208                 image[(xsize - xr - 1) + (ysize - yr - 1) * xsize]);
00210             /* Update picture to next x coordinate */
00211             y++;
00212             xr++;
00213         }
00215         x++;
00216         yr--;
00217     }
00218 }
00220 /* Puts a raw image into a window rotated right */
00221 void swim_put_right_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00222                           const COLOR_T *image,
00223                           int32_t xsize,
00224                           int32_t ysize)
00225 {
00226     int32_t x, y, xr, yr;
00228     x = win->xpvmin;
00229     yr = ysize - 1;
00231     /* Move image to window pixel by pixel */
00232     while ((x <= win->xpvmax) && (yr >= 0)) {
00233         /* Set physical frame buffer address to start drawing at bottom */
00234         y = win->ypvmin;
00235         xr = 0;
00237         /* Render a single line */
00238         while ((y <= win->ypvmax) && (xr < xsize)) {
00239             /* Go to next line (y) */
00240             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[xr + yr * xsize]);
00242             /* Update picture to next x coordinate */
00243             y++;
00244             xr++;
00245         }
00247         x++;
00248         yr--;
00249     }
00250 }
00252 /* Puts and scales a raw image into a window */
00253 void swim_put_scale_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00254                           const COLOR_T *image,
00255                           int32_t xsize,
00256                           int32_t ysize)
00257 {
00258     int32_t xsc, ysc;
00259     int32_t x, y;
00261     /* Top of window */
00262     y = win->ypvmin;
00264     /* Rescale image into window */
00265     while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
00266         x = win->xpvmin;
00268         /* Scale he display size to the image size */
00269         ysc = ((ysize - 1) * (y - win->ypvmin)) / win->yvsize;
00271         /* Render a single line */
00272         while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
00273             /* Get x pixel in image */
00274             xsc = ((xsize - 1) * (x - win->xpvmin)) / win->xvsize;
00275             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[xsc + ysc * xsize] );
00276             x++;
00277         }
00279         y++;
00280     }
00281 }
00283 /* Puts and scales a raw image into a window inverted */
00284 void swim_put_scale_invert_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00285                                  const COLOR_T *image,
00286                                  int32_t xsize,
00287                                  int32_t ysize)
00288 {
00289     int32_t xsc, ysc;
00290     int32_t x, y;
00292     /* Top of window */
00293     y = win->ypvmin;
00295     /* Rescale image into window */
00296     while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
00297         x = win->xpvmin;
00299         /* Scale he display size to the image size */
00300         ysc = ((ysize - 1) * (y - win->ypvmin)) / win->yvsize;
00302         /* Render a single line */
00303         while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
00304             /* Get x pixel in image */
00305             xsc = ((xsize - 1) * (x - win->xpvmin)) / win->xvsize;
00306             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, 
00307                 image[(xsize - 1 - xsc) + (ysize - 1 - ysc) * xsize]);
00308             x++;
00309         }
00311         y++;
00312     }
00313 }
00315 /* Puts and scales a raw image into a window rotated left */
00316 void swim_put_scale_left_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00317                                const COLOR_T *image,
00318                                int32_t xsize,
00319                                int32_t ysize)
00320 {
00321     int32_t xsc, ysc;
00322     int32_t x, y;
00324     /* Top of window */
00325     y = win->ypvmin;
00327     /* Rescale image into window */
00328     while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
00329         x = win->xpvmin;
00331         /* Scale y coords of picture into x axis */
00332         ysc = ((xsize - 1) * (win->ypvmax - y)) / win->yvsize;
00334         /* Render a single horizontal line with 'y' data */
00335         while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
00336             /* Get x pixel in image */
00337             xsc = ((ysize - 1) * (x - win->xpvmin)) / win->xvsize;
00338             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[ysc + xsc * xsize] );
00339             x++;
00340         }
00342         y++;
00343     }
00344 }
00346 /* Puts and scales a raw image into a window rotated right */
00347 void swim_put_scale_right_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00348                                 const COLOR_T *image,
00349                                 int32_t xsize,
00350                                 int32_t ysize)
00351 {
00352     int32_t xsc, ysc;
00353     int32_t x, y;
00355     /* Top of window */
00356     y = win->ypvmin;
00358     /* Rescale image into window */
00359     while (y <= win->ypvmax) {
00360         x = win->xpvmin;
00362         /* Scale y coords of picture into x axis */
00363         ysc = ((xsize - 1) * (y - win->ypvmin)) / win->yvsize;
00365         /* Render a single horizontal line with 'y' data */
00366         while (x <= win->xpvmax) {
00367             /* Get x pixel in image */
00368             xsc = ((ysize - 1) * (win->xpvmax - x)) / win->xvsize;
00369             swim_put_pixel_physical(win, x, y, image[ysc + xsc * xsize]);
00370             x++;
00371         }
00373         y++;
00374     }
00375 }
00377 /* SWIM image draw composite function */
00378 void swim_put_win_image(SWIM_WINDOW_T *win,
00379                         const COLOR_T *image,
00380                         int32_t xsize,
00381                         int32_t ysize,
00382                         int32_t scale,
00383                         SWIM_ROTATION_T rtype)
00384 {
00385     switch (rtype) {
00386     case INVERT:
00387         if (scale != 0) {
00388             swim_put_scale_invert_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00389         }
00390         else {
00391             swim_put_invert_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00392         }
00393         break;
00395     case LEFT:
00396         if (scale != 0) {
00397             swim_put_scale_left_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00398         }
00399         else {
00400             swim_put_left_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00401         }
00402         break;
00404     case RIGHT:
00405         if (scale != 0) {
00406             swim_put_scale_right_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00407         }
00408         else {
00409             swim_put_right_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00410         }
00411         break;
00413     case NOROTATION:
00414     default:
00415         if (scale != 0) {
00416             swim_put_scale_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00417         }
00418         else {
00419             swim_put_image(win, image, xsize, ysize);
00420         }
00421         break;
00422     }
00423 }