Racing Cars game using N5110 LCD and thumb Joystick

Dependencies:   N5110 PowerControl beep mbed

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00001 /**
00002 @file main.cpp
00003 @brief Contains all functions implementations, and main program
00004 */
00005 #include "main.h"
00007 int main()
00009 {
00011     Peripheral_PowerDown(0xFFFFFFFF); //turn off all peripherals
00012     /* turn on only the required peripherals */
00013     Peripheral_PowerUp(0x800000);
00014     Peripheral_PowerUp(0x200000);
00015     Peripheral_PowerUp(0x40);
00016     Peripheral_PowerUp(0x8000);
00017     Peripheral_PowerUp(0x1000);
00019     sprintf(soundString ,"%s","YES"); //set the Sound Initial String to YES
00021     calibrateJoystick();  // get centred values of joystick
00022     pollJoystick.attach(&updateJoystick,1.0/20.0);  // read joystick 30 times per second
00024     lcd.setXYAddress(0,0);//set the XY address to 0.0 as initialising condition
00025     initTable();//initialise the array table
00026     lcd.init();//initialise LCD screen
00027     lcd.refresh();
00029     lcd.printString("RACING CARS",9,1);
00030     wait(0.5);
00031     lcd.printString("GAME",29,2);
00032     wait(0.5);
00033     lcd.printString("by Giorgos",14,4);
00034     wait(0.5);
00035     lcd.printString("Savvides",16,5);
00036     wait(2);
00037     lcd.clear();
00038     lcd.refresh();
00039     lcd.printString("USE JOYSTICK",0,0);
00040     lcd.printString("AND BUTTONS ",0,1);
00041     lcd.printString("ON THE RIGHT",0,2);
00042     lcd.printString("TO NAVIGATE",0,3);
00043     lcd.printString("HAVE FUN!!!",12,5);
00044     wait(3.5);
00045     start.rise(&startButtonPressed); // Call function startButtonPressed when START button pressed
00046     reset.rise(&resetButtonPressed); // Call function resetButtonPressed when RESET button pressed
00048 MainMenu:
00051     int menuPointer=1; // set the Pointer in Main Menu initially to 1
00052     startButtonFlag=0; // reset the pointing flags
00053     resetButtonFlag=0; // reset the pointing flags
00054     clearCells(84,48); // clear the whole Screen Cells
00055     lcd.refresh(); // refresh are done after and before setting or clearing Pixels
00056     lcd.drawCircle(22,19,2,1); //initial condition draw pointer around Play submenu
00057     lcd.drawCircle(53,19,2,1); //initial condition draw pointer around Play submenu
00059     lcd.printString("MAIN MENU",15,0); //print title
00060     lcd.printString("Play",26,2); //print submenu title
00061     lcd.printString("Options",20,3); //print submenu title
00062     lcd.drawLine(15,9,65,9,1);//underline main menu title
00063     wait(0.1);
00064     /* While start Button is not pressed user can navigate through main Menu Submenus */
00065     while(startButtonFlag==0) {
00067         /* when joystick moves down, pointer selects Options subMenu */
00068         if (joystick .direction==DOWN) {
00069             lcd.drawCircle(16,27,2,1); //draw pointer around Options submenu when selected
00070             lcd.drawCircle(64,27,2,1); //draw pointer around Options submenu when selected
00072             lcd.clearCircle(53,19,2,1); //clear pointer around Play submenu
00073             lcd.clearCircle(22,19,2,1); //clear pointer around Play submenu
00075             menuPointer=2; //set Pointer to 2
00076         }
00078         /* when joystick moves up, pointer selects Options subMenu */
00079         if(joystick .direction==UP) {
00080             lcd.drawCircle(22,19,2,1); //draw pointer around Play submenu when selected
00081             lcd.drawCircle(53,19,2,1); //draw pointer around Play submenu when selected
00083             lcd.clearCircle(16,27,2,1); //clear pointer around Options submenu
00084             lcd.clearCircle(64,27,2,1); //clear pointer around Options submenu
00085             menuPointer=1; //set Pointer to 1
00086         }
00087         sleep();
00088     }
00091     switch(menuPointer) {
00093             /* Case when Play was selected */
00094         case 1:
00095             /*INITIAL GAME CONDITIONS */
00096             startButtonFlag=0; //reset start Button Flag
00097             gamePlays =1; // Begin the game with pointer set to 1
00098             lives =5; // set lives to 5
00099             round =1; // set round number to 1
00100             coins =0; // set coin number to 0
00101             clearCells(84,48); //clear the whole LCD screen
00103             lcd.refresh();
00104             lcd.printString("READY?",20,3);
00105             wait(0.75);
00106             lcd.printString("GET SET",20,3);
00107             wait(1);
00108             lcd.printString(" GO !!!",20,3);
00109             wait(1);
00110             lcd.clear();
00111             lcd.refresh();
00114             gameReset(); // set and draw initial player and enemies position
00115             timer.attach(&movePlayer,0.1);// attach timer to call function that moves the Player
00118             while(gamePlays ) {
00120                 //print Round number on buffer and display
00121                 sprintf(roundBuffer ,"%d",round );
00122                 lcd.printString(roundBuffer ,74,3);
00123                 lcd.refresh();
00125                 //print Lives number on buffer and display
00126                 sprintf(livesBuffer ,"%d",lives );
00127                 lcd.printString(livesBuffer ,74,1);
00128                 lcd.refresh();
00130                 //print Coins number on buffer and display
00131                 sprintf(coinsBuffer ,"%d",coins );
00132                 lcd.printString(coinsBuffer ,72,5);
00134                 lcd.refresh();
00135                 enemy1MovesDown(); //move enemy 1 downwards
00137                 checkPlayerPos(); //check player position frequently
00138                 if (gamePlays ==0) {  // if gameplay is 0 returns to initial MAIN MENU
00139                     goto MainMenu;
00140                 }
00142                 lcd.refresh();
00143                 enemy2MovesDown(); //move enemy 2 downwards
00145                 checkPlayerPos();
00146                 if (gamePlays ==0) {
00147                     goto MainMenu;
00148                 }
00150                 lcd.refresh();
00151                 enemy3MovesDown(); //move enemy 3 downwards
00153                 checkPlayerPos();
00154                 if (gamePlays ==0) {
00155                     goto MainMenu;
00156                 }
00157                 coinMoves(); // move coin downwards
00158                 lcd.refresh();
00159                 checkPlayerPos();
00160                 if (gamePlays ==0) {
00161                     goto MainMenu;
00162                 }
00163             }
00165             break;
00167         case 2:
00169             int optionsMenu=1; // set options Menu enabled
00170             optionsPointer =1;
00171             startButtonFlag=0; //reset START Button Flag
00173             clearCells(84,48); // clear all screen Cells
00174             lcd.refresh();
00175             wait(0.02);
00176             /* PRINT OPTIONS SUBMENU DISPLAY */
00177             lcd.printString("OPTIONS",18,0);
00178             lcd.printString("Exit",23,5);
00179             lcd.printString("Brightness",6,3);
00180             lcd.printString("Sound",6,2);
00181             lcd.drawLine(15,8,61,8,1); //underline Options Menu title
00183             /* Print brightness value ranged from 1 to 10 to user */
00184             sprintf(brightnessBuffer ,"%d",brightnessDisplay );
00185             lcd.printString(brightnessBuffer ,68,3);
00187             /* Print Sound string value , "YES" or "NO"*/
00188             lcd.printString(soundString ,40,2);
00191             while(optionsMenu) {
00193                 /* If direction is up pointer value decrease by 1 (cannot decrease to less than 1) */
00194                 if (joystick .direction==UP) {
00195                     optionsPointer --;
00196                     if(optionsPointer ==0) {
00197                         optionsPointer =1;
00198                     }
00199                 }
00200                 wait(0.05);
00202                 /* If direction is down, pointer value increase by 1 (cannot increase to more than 3) */
00203                 if(joystick .direction==DOWN) {
00204                     optionsPointer ++;
00205                     if(optionsPointer >3) {
00206                         optionsPointer =3;
00207                     }
00208                 }
00209                 /* CASES FOR EACH POINTER VALUE */
00210                 /* when it is 1, Sound submenu is selected */
00211                 if (optionsPointer ==1) {
00212                     /* print Circle pointer around Sound submenu */
00213                     lcd.drawCircle(2,19,2,1);
00214                     lcd.clearCircle(2,27,2,1);
00215                     lcd.clearCircle(19,44,2,1);
00216                     /* if pointer is 1 and joystick direction is left, sound is enabled (=1)*/
00217                     if(joystick .direction==LEFT) {
00218                         sounds =1;
00219                         lcd.refresh();
00220                         sprintf(soundString ,"%s","YES");
00221                         lcd.printString(soundString ,40,2);
00222                     }
00223                     /* if pointer is 1 and joystick direction is right, sound is disabled (=0)*/
00224                     if(joystick .direction==RIGHT) {
00225                         sounds =0;
00226                         lcd.refresh();
00227                         sprintf(soundString ,"%s","NO "); //print string in buffer
00228                         lcd.printString(soundString ,40,2); //display value of buffer
00229                     }
00230                     sleep();
00231                 }
00232                 /* when it is 2, brightness submenu is selected */
00233                 if (optionsPointer ==2) {
00234                     /* print Circle pointer around Brightness submenu */
00235                     lcd.drawCircle(2,27,2,1);
00236                     lcd.clearCircle(2,19,2,1);
00237                     lcd.clearCircle(19,44,2,1);
00239                     /* if pointer is 2 and joystick direction is left, brightness decreases by 0.1*/
00240                     if(joystick .direction==LEFT) {
00241                         brightness =brightness -.1;
00242                         brightnessDisplay =brightnessDisplay -1; // user displayed value also decrease
00243                         if(brightness <0.1||brightnessDisplay <0) { // brightnessDisplay and brightness never go below 0 and 0.1 respectively
00244                             brightnessDisplay =1;
00245                             brightness =0.1;
00246                         }
00247                         lcd.setBrightness(brightness ); //sets the brightness
00249                         /* print brightness Display on screen */
00250                         sprintf(brightnessBuffer ,"%d",brightnessDisplay );
00251                         lcd.printString(brightnessBuffer ,68,3);
00252                     }
00254                     /* if pointer is 2 and joystick direction is right, brightness increases by 0.1*/
00255                     if(joystick .direction==RIGHT) {
00256                         brightness =brightness +.1;
00257                         brightnessDisplay =brightnessDisplay +1; // user displayed value also increase
00258                         if(brightness >0.9||brightnessDisplay >9) {// brightnessDisplay and brightness never go above 9 and 0.9 respectively
00259                             brightnessDisplay =9;
00260                             brightness =0.9;
00261                         }
00262                         lcd.setBrightness(brightness ); //sets the brightness
00264                         /* print brightness Display on screen */
00265                         sprintf(brightnessBuffer ,"%d",brightnessDisplay );
00266                         lcd.printString(brightnessBuffer ,68,3);
00267                     }
00268                     sleep();
00269                 }
00270                 if (optionsPointer ==3) {
00271                     /* print Circle pointer around Exit submenu */
00272                     lcd.drawCircle(19,44,2,1);
00273                     lcd.clearCircle(2,19,2,1);
00274                     lcd.clearCircle(2,27,2,1);
00276                     /* if START button is press while pointer is on Exit goes back to Main Menu label */
00277                     if(startButtonFlag) {
00278                         startButtonFlag=0;
00279                         wait(0.5);
00280                         optionsMenu=0;
00281                         goto MainMenu;
00282                     }
00283                     sleep();
00284                 }
00285                 wait(0.05);
00286                 sleep();
00288             }
00289             break;
00290     }
00291 }
00293 void startButtonPressed()
00294 {
00295     startButtonFlag=!startButtonFlag;
00296 }
00298 void resetButtonPressed()
00299 {
00300     resetButtonFlag=!resetButtonFlag;
00301 }
00303 void movePlayer()
00304 {
00305     if (gamePlays ) {
00306         /* if direction is RIGHT clears the previous Car shape and draws the next one by increasing the x position */
00307         if (joystick .direction==RIGHT&&x +w <58) {
00309             clearRect(x ,v ,w ,h );
00310             lcd.refresh();
00311             x =x +4;
00312             lcd.drawRect(x ,v ,w ,h ,0);
00313             lcd.refresh();
00314         }
00315         /* if direction is LEFT clears the previous Car shape and draws the next one by decreasing the x position */
00316         if (joystick .direction==LEFT&&x +w >10) {
00318             clearRect(x ,v ,w ,h );
00319             lcd.refresh();
00320             x =x -4;
00322             lcd.drawRect(x ,v ,w ,h ,0);
00323             lcd.refresh();
00324         }
00325         /* if direction is UP clears the previous Car shape and draws the next one by decreasing the y position */
00326         if (joystick .direction==UP && v >2) {
00328             clearRect(x ,v ,w ,h );
00329             lcd.refresh();
00330             v =v -4;
00331             lcd.drawRect(x ,v ,w ,h ,0);
00332             lcd.refresh();
00333         }
00334         /* if direction is DOWN clears the previous Car shape and draws the next one by increasing the y position */
00335         if (joystick .direction==DOWN && v <32) {
00336             clearRect(x ,v ,w ,h );
00337             lcd.refresh();
00338             v =v +4;
00339             lcd.drawRect(x ,v ,w ,h ,0);
00340             lcd.refresh();
00341         }
00343     }
00344 }
00346 void calibrateJoystick()
00347 {
00348     button.mode(PullDown);
00349     // must not move during calibration
00350     joystick .x0 = xPot;  // initial positions in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (0.5 if centred exactly)
00351     joystick .y0 = yPot;
00352 }
00353 void updateJoystick()
00354 {
00355     joystick .x = xPot - joystick .x0;
00356     joystick .y = yPot - joystick .y0;
00357     // read button state
00358     joystick .button = button;
00360     // calculate direction depending on x,y values
00361     // tolerance allows a little lee-way in case joystick not exactly in the stated direction
00362     if ( fabs(joystick .y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick .x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00363         joystick .direction = CENTRE;
00364     } else if ( joystick .y > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick .x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00365         joystick .direction = UP;
00366     } else if ( joystick .y < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick .x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00367         joystick .direction = DOWN;
00368     } else if ( joystick .x > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick .y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00369         joystick .direction = LEFT;
00370     } else if ( joystick .x < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick .y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
00371         joystick .direction = RIGHT;
00372     } else {
00373         joystick .direction = UNKNOWN;
00374     }
00376     // set flag for printing
00377     printFlag = 1;
00378 }
00381 void clearRect(int x ,int v ,int w ,int h )
00382 {
00383     // loop through the array cells, clear the Pixels and array cells value(=0)
00384     for(int i=x; i<=x+w ; i++) {
00385         for(int j =v; j <=v+h ; j ++) {
00386             lcd.clearPixel(i,j );
00387             table [i][j ]=0;
00388         }
00389     }
00390 }
00393 void enemy1MovesDown()
00394 {
00395     clearRect(enemy1x ,(j -a ),w ,h ); // clears the previous Enemy Car
00396     lcd.refresh();
00397     lcd.drawRect(enemy1x ,j ,w ,h ,1); //draws the next enemy Car
00398     lcd.refresh();
00399     setRectCells(enemy1x ,j ,w ,h ); //set the current enemy cells to 1
00400     lcd.refresh();
00401     wait(0.05);
00403     j =j +a ; //increase the y-position counter
00405     if(j >70) { // after reaching certain y position, randomize it again br
00406         j =-(rand()%95+85);
00407     }
00409 }
00411 void enemy2MovesDown()
00412 {
00413     clearRect(enemy2x ,(p -a ),w ,h ); // clears the previous Enemy Car
00414     lcd.refresh();
00415     lcd.drawRect(enemy2x ,p ,w ,h ,1); //draws the next enemy Car
00416     lcd.refresh();
00417     setRectCells(enemy2x ,p ,w ,h ); //set the current enemy cells to 1
00418     lcd.refresh();
00419     wait(0.05);
00420     p =p +a ; //increase the y-position counter
00422     if(p >70) {
00423         p =-(rand()%60+40);
00424     }
00426 }
00428 void enemy3MovesDown()
00429 {
00430     clearRect(enemy3x ,(q -a ),w ,h );
00431     lcd.refresh();
00432     lcd.drawRect(enemy3x ,q ,w ,h ,1);
00433     lcd.refresh();
00434     setRectCells(enemy3x ,q ,w ,h );
00435     lcd.refresh();
00436     wait(0.05);
00437     lcd.refresh();
00438     q =q +a ;
00439     if (q >70) {
00440         q =-(rand()%34+3);
00441     }
00443 }
00445 void setRectCells(int x ,int v ,int w ,int h )
00446 {
00447 // Sets the Rectangle Array Cells equal to 1, indicating there is an enemy
00448     for(int i=x; i<=x+w ; i++) {
00449         for(int j =v; j <=v+h ; j ++) {
00450             if(j >0&&j <48) {
00451                 table [i][j ]=1;
00452             }
00453         }
00454     }
00455 }
00457 void initTable()
00458 {
00459     // initialise the Array's cells, set them equal to 0
00460     for (int i=0; i<=83; i++) {
00461         for(int j =0; j <=47; j ++) {
00462             table [i][j ]=0;
00463         }
00464     }
00465 }
00467 void checkPlayerPos()
00468 {
00469     // frequently calling this function to check if player touched an enemy or a coin
00470     /* if player cells equal to 1, means he touched enemy, so loose function is being called */
00471     if (table [x +w ][v +h ]==1||table [x ][v +h ]==1||table [x ][v ]==1||table [x +w ][v ]==1) {
00472         loose();
00473     }
00474     /* if player cells equal to 2, means he touched a coin */
00475     if (table [x +w ][v +h ]==2||table [x ][v +h ]==2||table [x ][v ]==2||table [x +w ][v ]==2) {
00476         coins =coins +5; //each coin's value is 5,total coins increase by 5
00477         clearCoin(c ); //clear the collected Coin
00478         lcd.drawRect(x ,v ,w ,h ,0);//redraw Player boundaries that were cleared by Coin
00479         if(sounds ) { // if sound is enabled in options menu sound produced when got a coin
00480             buzzer.beep(2200,0.4); //produce sound of frequency 2200 Hz and duration 0.4 s
00481             buzzer.beep(1000,0.2);
00482             lcd.setBrightness(brightness ); //set brightness again, frequency produced interfere with LCD pin
00483         }
00484         coinAppear =0; //switch coin status to disappear
00486         /* then Check the total number of coins, to produce to next Round */
00488         if(coins ==30) { // if coins are 40 proceed to next Round
00489             round =2; // change Round Value
00490             gamePlays =0; // stop gameplay, preventing user moving on screen
00491             clearCells(84,48); //clear all Cells
00492             lcd.refresh();
00493             lcd.printString("ROUND 2",10,2); //print Round message
00494             wait(1);
00495             clearCells(84,48);// clear all Cells
00496             lcd.refresh();
00497             gamePlays =1;//start gameplay
00498             gameReset();//reset player and enemies positions
00499             a =6; //change enemies acceleration (a is added to y positions counter)
00500         }
00501         if(coins ==70) { // if coins are 70 proceed to next Round
00502             round =3; // change Round Value
00503             gamePlays =0;// stop gameplay, preventing user moving on screen
00504             clearCells(84,48); //clear all Cells
00505             lcd.refresh();
00506             lcd.printString("ROUND 3",10,2); //print Round message
00507             wait(1);
00508             clearCells(84,48); // clear all Cells
00509             lcd.refresh();
00510             gamePlays =1; //start gameplay
00511             gameReset(); //reset player and enemies positions
00512             a =8; //change enemies acceleration (a is added to y positions counter)
00513         }
00514         if(coins ==90) {  // if coins are 90, player WINS the game
00515             timer.detach(); //stop player moving
00516             clearCells(84,48); //clear pixels
00517             lcd.clear(); //clear LCD
00518             lcd.refresh();
00519             lcd.printString("CONGRATS!",0,2); //print win message
00520             lcd.printString("YOU WON!",8,3); //print win message
00521             wait(4);
00522             gamePlays =0; //game finishes
00523         }
00524     }
00525 }
00527 void coinMoves()
00528 {
00529     if(table [xPos ][c ]==1||table [xPos ][c +4]==1||table [xPos +4][c +4]==1) { //prevent coin from appearing above enemies
00530         clearCoin(c ); //clear current Coin
00531         coinAppear =0; //make coin disappear (prevent from being redrawn)
00532     }
00533     clearCoin(c ); //clear current Coin
00534     c =c +4; // increase Coin's y coordinate counter
00535     drawCoin(c ); //draw next Coin position
00536     if(c >80) { // if counter exceeds 80, randomizes x and y positions and make it reappear
00537         c =-(rand()%10);
00538         xPos =rand()%52+4;
00539         coinAppear =1;
00540     }
00541 }
00543 void drawCoin(int c )
00544 {
00545     if (c>4&&c<48&&coinAppear ==1) { //check if coin c point(y pos) is within LCD limits
00546         lcd.drawCircle(xPos ,c,4,0); //Draw Coin Circle Pixels
00547         setCircleCells(xPos ,c,4);// Set Coin array's cells values to 2
00549         // "c" character Print on coin
00550         lcd.setPixel(xPos ,c-1);
00551         lcd.setPixel(xPos ,c+2);
00552         lcd.setPixel(xPos +1,c-1);
00553         lcd.setPixel(xPos +1,c+2);
00554         lcd.setPixel(xPos -1,c);
00555         lcd.setPixel(xPos -1,c+1);
00557         lcd.refresh();
00558     }
00559 }
00561 void clearCoin(int c )
00562 {
00563     if(c>4&&c<48&&coinAppear ==1) { // if c point of the Coin within the LCD limits
00564         lcd.clearCircle(xPos ,c,4,1); //Clear the Coin
00565         clearCircleCells(xPos ,c,4);// Set Coin array's cells values to 0
00566         lcd.refresh();
00567     }
00568 }
00570 void loose()
00571 {
00573     if (sounds ) { //check if sound is enabled and produce a "loose" sound of frequency 400 Hz
00574         buzzer.beep(400,0.2);
00575         lcd.setBrightness(brightness ); //set brightness
00576     }
00577     timer.detach(); //detach moving Player function timer, so player cannot move
00578     lives =lives -1; //decrease lives value
00579     startButtonFlag=0; //reset START button flag
00580     resetButtonFlag=0;//reset SELECT button flag
00581     if(lives ==0) { //if lives are equal to 0, Game Over is displayed
00583         clearCells(84,48);
00584         lcd.refresh();
00585         lcd.clear();
00587         wait(1);
00588         while(startButtonFlag==0&&resetButtonFlag==0) { //while no button is pressed
00589             lcd.printString("Game Over!!!",0,0);
00590             lcd.printString("Press START",0,2);
00591             lcd.printString("to try again",0,3);
00592             lcd.printString("or RESET",0,4);
00593             lcd.printString("to exit :)",0,5);
00594         }
00595         if(startButtonFlag) { //START button pressed, resets the game
00596             a =4;
00597             gamePlays =1;
00598             lives =5;
00599             coins =0;
00600             round =1;
00601             clearCells(84,48);
00602             gameReset();
00603             startButtonFlag=0;
00604             wait(1);
00605             timer.attach(&movePlayer,0.1);
00606         }
00607         if (resetButtonFlag) { //RESET button pressed, sets gameplay to 0 ( when gameplay is 0 , returns to MAIN MENU)
00608             gamePlays =0;
00609             resetButtonFlag=0;
00610         }
00611     }
00613     else {
00614         clearCells(60,48); //else if lives are not 0, clearCells and reset the game
00615         lcd.refresh();
00616         gameReset(); // reset player and enemies values
00617         wait(2);
00618         gamePlays =1;// game is being played
00619         timer.attach(&movePlayer,0.1); //attach move Player function
00620     }
00621 }
00623 void gameReset()
00624 {
00625     initTable(); // initialise the array (set cells values to 0)
00626     x =26; //initial player x position
00627     v =30; //initial player y position
00628     lcd.drawRect(x ,v ,w ,h ,0); //draw player at initial position
00629     lcd.refresh();
00630     j =-70; // enemy y position, initialise
00631     q =-10; // enemy y position, initialise
00632     p =-40; // enemy y position, initialise
00634 }
00637 void setCircleCells(int x0,int y0,int radius)
00638 {
00639     //function from N5110 Library, works only for filled circle
00640     int x  = radius;
00641     int y = 0;
00643     while(x >= y) {
00645         setLineCells(x+x0,y+y0,-x+x0,y+y0,0); //set line's Cells values to 2
00646         setLineCells(y+x0,x+y0,-y+x0,x+y0,0);//set line's Cells values to 2
00647         setLineCells(y+x0,-x+y0,-y+x0,-x+y0,0);//set line's Cells values to 2
00648         setLineCells(x+x0,-y+y0,-x+x0,-y+y0,0);//set line's Cells values to 2
00650         y++;
00651     }
00652 }
00654 void clearCircleCells(int x0,int y0,int radius)
00655 {
00656     //function from N5110 Library, works only for filled circle
00657     int x  = radius;
00658     int y = 0;
00660     while(x >= y) {
00661         clearLineCells(x+x0,y+y0,-x+x0,y+y0,0);//set line's Cells values to 0
00662         clearLineCells(y+x0,x+y0,-y+x0,x+y0,0);//set line's Cells values to 0
00663         clearLineCells(y+x0,-x+y0,-y+x0,-x+y0,0);//set line's Cells values to 0
00664         clearLineCells(x+x0,-y+y0,-x+x0,-y+y0,0);//set line's Cells values to 0
00665         y++;
00666     }
00667 }
00669 void clearCells(int x ,int y)
00670 {
00671     // loops through cells, clears the pixels and set the cells value equal to 0
00672     for(int i=0; i<=x ; i++) {
00673         for (int j =0; j <=y; j ++) {
00674             lcd.clearPixel(i,j );
00675             table [i][j ]=0;
00676         }
00677     }
00678     lcd.refresh();
00679 }
00682 void setLineCells(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,int type)
00683 {
00684     //function from N5110 Library
00685     int y_range = y1-y0;  // calc range of y and x
00686     int x_range = x1-x0;
00687     int start,stop,step;
00689     // if dotted line, set step to 2, else step is 1
00690     step = (type==2) ? 2:1;
00692     // make sure we loop over the largest range to get the most pixels on the display
00693     // for instance, if drawing a vertical line (x_range = 0), we need to loop down the y pixels
00694     // or else we'll only end up with 1 pixel in the x column
00695     if ( abs(x_range) > abs(y_range) ) {
00697         // ensure we loop from smallest to largest or else for-loop won't run as expected
00698         start = x1>x0 ? x0:x1;
00699         stop =  x1>x0 ? x1:x0;
00701         // loop between x pixels
00702         for (int x  = start; x <= stop ; x +=step) {
00703             // do linear interpolation
00704             int y = y0 + (y1-y0)*(x -x0)/(x1-x0);
00705             table [x ][y]=2;  // set table values to 2
00706         }
00707     } else {
00709         // ensure we loop from smallest to largest or else for-loop won't run as expected
00710         start = y1>y0 ? y0:y1;
00711         stop =  y1>y0 ? y1:y0;
00713         for (int y = start; y<= stop ; y+=step) {
00714             // do linear interpolation
00715             int x  = x0 + (x1-x0)*(y-y0)/(y1-y0);
00716             table [x ][y]=2;  // set table values to 2
00717         }
00718     }
00720 }
00722 void clearLineCells(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,int type)
00723 {
00724     //function from N5110 Library
00725     int y_range = y1-y0;  // calc range of y and x
00726     int x_range = x1-x0;
00727     int start,stop,step;
00729     // if dotted line, set step to 2, else step is 1
00730     step = (type==2) ? 2:1;
00732     // make sure we loop over the largest range to get the most pixels on the display
00733     // for instance, if drawing a vertical line (x_range = 0), we need to loop down the y pixels
00734     // or else we'll only end up with 1 pixel in the x column
00735     if ( abs(x_range) > abs(y_range) ) {
00737         // ensure we loop from smallest to largest or else for-loop won't run as expected
00738         start = x1>x0 ? x0:x1;
00739         stop =  x1>x0 ? x1:x0;
00740         // loop between x pixels
00741         for (int x  = start; x <= stop ; x +=step) {
00742             // do linear interpolation
00743             int y = y0 + (y1-y0)*(x -x0)/(x1-x0);
00744             table [x ][y]=0;  // set Table Cell to 0
00745         }
00746     } else {
00747         // ensure we loop from smallest to largest or else for-loop won't run as expected
00748         start = y1>y0 ? y0:y1;
00749         stop =  y1>y0 ? y1:y0;
00751         for (int y = start; y<= stop ; y+=step) {
00752             // do linear interpolation
00753             int x  = x0 + (x1-x0)*(y-y0)/(y1-y0);
00754             table [x ][y]=0;  // set Table Cell to 0
00755         }
00756     }
00757 }