revised version of F746_SD_GraphicEqualizer

Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_F746NG F746_GUI F746_SAI_IO FrequencyResponseDrawer LCD_DISCO_F746NG SDFileSystem_Warning_Fixed TS_DISCO_F746NG mbed

Fork of F746_SD_GraphicEqualizer by 不韋 呂

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00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //  FileSelector class
00003 //      SD カード内のファイル名の一覧を表示し,ファイルを選択する
00004 //
00005 //  2016/04/18, Copyright (c) 2016 MIKAMI, Naoki
00006 //--------------------------------------------------------------
00008 #ifndef FILE_SELECTOR_HPP
00009 #define FILE_SELECTOR_HPP
00011 #include "mbed.h"
00012 #include "Label.hpp"
00013 #include "ButtonGroup.hpp"
00014 #include "SD_WavReader.hpp"
00015 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00016 #include <algorithm>    // sort() で使用
00017 #include <string>
00020 namespace Mikami
00021 {
00022     class FileSelector
00023     {
00024     public:
00025         FileSelector(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, int maxFiles,
00026                      int maxNameLength, SD_WavReader &reader)
00027             : X_(x0), Y_(y0), W_H_(24), V_L_(36),
00028               MAX_FILES_(maxFiles), MAX_NAME_LENGTH_(maxNameLength),
00029               BASE_COLOR_(0xFFDBAD17), TOUCHED_COLOR_(0xFFF8F8FB),
00030               fileNames_(new string[maxFiles]),
00031               sortedFileNames_(new string[maxFiles]),
00032               nonString_(NULL), rect_(NULL), fileNameLabels_(NULL),
00033               lcd_(GuiBase::GetLcdPtr()),
00034               sdReader_(reader), prevFileCount_(0), prev_(-1) {}
00036         ~FileSelector()
00037         {
00038             for (int n=0; n<fileCount_; n++)
00039                 delete fileNameLabels_[n];
00040             delete[] fileNameLabels_;
00041             delete rect_;
00042             delete[] nonString_;
00043             delete[] sortedFileNames_;
00044             delete[] fileNames_;
00045         }
00046 // ren: show a string        
00047        void ren_Msg(int pos, char msg[])
00048         {  int lin, y_pos[7]= {0,70,130,160,190,220,250};
00049         if(pos<0) lin=0;
00050         else if (pos>6)  lin=6;
00051         else lin=pos;
00052         Label renLabel(240, y_pos[lin], msg, Label::CENTER,Font20);
00053         }  
00055         bool CreateTable()
00056         {
00057             DIR* dp = opendir("/sd");
00058             fileCount_ = 0; 
00059             if (dp != NULL)
00060             {
00061                 dirent* entry;
00062                 // ren: change n<256 to n<2560
00063                 for (int n=0; n<2560; n++)
00064                 {
00065                     entry = readdir(dp);
00066                     if (entry == NULL) break;
00068                     string strName = entry->d_name;
00069                     if ( (strName.find(".wav") != string::npos) ||
00070                          (strName.find(".WAV") != string::npos) )
00071                     {
00072                         sdReader_.Open(strName);        // ファイルオープン
00073 /**{
00074 char tmpmsg[500];
00075 sprintf(tmpmsg, "1..found a file: %s", strName.c_str()); 
00076 ren_Msg(1,tmpmsg);
00077 sprintf(tmpmsg, "2..fileCount_: %d", fileCount_);
00078 ren_Msg(2,tmpmsg);
00079 }**/
00080                         // PCM,16 ビットステレオ,標本化周波数 44.1 kHz 以外のファイルは除外
00081                         if (sdReader_.IsWavFile())
00082                         {
00083                             fileNames_[fileCount_] = strName;
00084                             fileCount_++;
00085                         }
00086 /**{
00087 char tmpmsg[500];
00088 sprintf(tmpmsg, "fileCount_: %d", fileCount_); 
00089 ren_Msg(3, tmpmsg);
00090 }**/
00091                         sdReader_.Close();
00092                     }
00095                     if (fileCount_ >= MAX_FILES_) break;
00096                 }
00097                 closedir(dp); 
00098             }
00099             else
00100                 return false;
00102             if (fileCount_ == 0) return false;
00104             if (nonString_ == NULL) delete[] nonString_;
00105             nonString_ = new string[fileCount_];
00106             for (int n=0; n<fileCount_; n++) nonString_[n] = "";
00108             if (rect_ != NULL) delete rect_;
00109             rect_ = new ButtonGroup(X_, Y_, W_H_, W_H_, fileCount_,
00110                                     nonString_, 0, V_L_-W_H_, 1,
00111                                     -1, true,Font12, 0, GuiBase::ENUM_BACK,
00112                                     BASE_COLOR_, TOUCHED_COLOR_);
00113             for (int n=0; n<fileCount_; n++) rect_->Erase(n);
00114             CreateLabels();   
00115             prevFileCount_ = fileCount_;
00117             return true;
00118         }
00120         // ファイルを選択する
00121         bool Select(string fileList[],int *idx)
00122         {
00123             int n;
00124             if (rect_->GetTouchedNumber(n))
00125             {
00126                 fileNameLabels_[n]->Draw(GetFileNameNoExt(n), TOUCHED_COLOR_);
00127                 if ((prev_ >= 0) && (prev_ != n))
00128                     fileNameLabels_[prev_]->Draw(GetFileNameNoExt(prev_));
00129                 prev_ = n;
00130                 *idx = n;
00131                 for (int n=0; n<fileCount_; n++) fileList[n] = sortedFileNames_[n];
00132 //                fileName = sortedFileNames_[n];
00133 //printf("\nSelected file : %s", fileName);
00134                 return true;
00135             }
00136             else
00137                 return false;
00138         }
00140         // ファイルの一覧の表示
00141         void DisplayFileList(int highlighted, bool sort = true)
00142         {
00143             for (int n=0; n<fileCount_; n++)
00144                 sortedFileNames_[n] = fileNames_[n];
00145             if (sort)
00146                 std::sort(sortedFileNames_, sortedFileNames_+fileCount_); 
00148             Erase(X_, 0, MAX_NAME_LENGTH_*((sFONT *)(&Font16))->Width, 288);
00149             rect_->DrawAll();
00150             for (int n=0; n<fileCount_; n++)
00151                 fileNameLabels_[n]->Draw(GetFileNameNoExt(n));
00152             if((highlighted>-1) && (highlighted < fileCount_))
00153             {
00154               fileNameLabels_[highlighted]->Draw(GetFileNameNoExt(highlighted), TOUCHED_COLOR_);
00155               prev_ = highlighted;
00156             }
00157         }
00159         void Erase(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
00160                    uint32_t color = GuiBase::ENUM_BACK)
00161         {
00162             lcd_->SetTextColor(color);
00163             lcd_->FillRect(x, y, width, height);
00164         }
00166     private:
00167         const uint8_t X_, Y_, W_H_, V_L_;
00168         const int MAX_FILES_;
00169         const int MAX_NAME_LENGTH_;
00170         const uint32_t BASE_COLOR_;
00171         const uint32_t TOUCHED_COLOR_;
00173         string *fileNames_;
00174         string *sortedFileNames_;
00175         string *nonString_;
00176         ButtonGroup *rect_;
00177         Label **fileNameLabels_;
00178         LCD_DISCO_F746NG *lcd_;
00179         SD_WavReader &sdReader_;
00180         int fileCount_, prevFileCount_;
00181         int prev_;
00183         // Label を生成
00184         void CreateLabels()
00185         {
00186             if (fileNameLabels_ != NULL)
00187             {
00188                 for (int n=0; n<prevFileCount_; n++)
00189                     delete fileNameLabels_[n];
00190                 delete[] fileNameLabels_;
00191             }
00192             fileNameLabels_ = new Label *[fileCount_+1];
00193             for (int n=0; n<fileCount_; n++)
00194                 fileNameLabels_[n] = new Label(X_+30, Y_+5+V_L_*n, "",
00195                                                Label::LEFT, Font16,
00196                                                BASE_COLOR_);
00197         }
00199         // 拡張子を削除した文字列を取得
00200         string GetFileNameNoExt(int n)
00201         {
00202             string name = sortedFileNames_[n];
00203             name.erase(name.find("."));
00204             return name.substr(0, MAX_NAME_LENGTH_);
00205         }
00207         // disallow copy constructor and assignment operator
00208         FileSelector(const FileSelector&);
00209         FileSelector& operator=(const FileSelector&);
00210     };
00211 }
00212 #endif  // FILE_SELECTOR_HPP