I\'ve ported my library x86Lib to mbed. It fully emulates the 8086 processor, but a few things I\'m still working on. Notable missing things are interrupts. Previously I used exceptions for interrupts, but exceptions aren\'t supported with the mbed compiler. It is also quite slow

Dependents:   x86Lib_Tester

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File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
config.h [code]
device_manager.cpp [code]
etc.cpp [code]
flags.cpp [code]
flow.cpp [code]
groups.cpp [code]
maths.cpp [code]
opcode_def.h [code]
store.cpp [code]
strings.cpp [code]
x86Lib.cpp [code]
x86Lib.h [code]
x86Lib_internal.h [code]