Mbed Clock application using an NTP connection to get internet time and a terminal interface to send commands

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE EthernetInterface NTPClient mbed-rtos mbed SDFileSystem wavfile

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "rtos.h"
00003 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00004 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
00005 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00006 #include "Clock.h"
00007 #include "Recorder.h"
00008 #include "Speaker.h"
00009 #include <string>
00011 //#define SERVER_IP ""
00012 #define SERVER_IP ""
00013 #define SERVER_PORT 13000
00014 #define REC_NAME "/sd/rec.wav"
00015 #define PLAY_NAME "/sd/play.wav"
00017 #define BUF_SIZE 8192
00019 // Big Components
00020 uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p28,p27,p30);
00021 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00022 Serial easyVR(p13, p14);
00023 SDFileSystem sdc(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
00024 EthernetInterface eth;
00025 TCPSocketConnection server;
00026 Clock clk;
00028 // Small Components
00029 Speaker speaker(p21);
00030 DigitalOut sleepLED(LED4);
00031 Mutex cMutex;
00032 Mutex sMutex;
00033 char buf[BUF_SIZE];
00034 // float array for recorder (they share the buffer)
00035 float *buffer = (float*)buf; 
00037 // Help with noise
00038 AnalogIn pin15(p15);
00039 AnalogIn pin16(p16);
00040 AnalogIn pin17(p17);
00041 AnalogIn pin19(p19);
00043 void aThread(void const *args) {
00044     while (1) {
00045         Thread::signal_wait(0x1, osWaitForever);
00046         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00047             speaker.playNote(969.0, 0.5, 0.1);
00048             Thread::wait(1000);
00049         }
00050     }
00051 }
00053 void execute(char *command) {
00054     char buffer[12];
00055     int hour, minute, period, zone;
00056     sscanf(command, "%s %d %d %d %d", buffer, &hour, &minute, &period, &zone);
00057     string operation(buffer);
00059     if (operation == "setTime") {
00060         cMutex.lock();
00061         clk.setTime(hour, minute, period);
00062         cMutex.unlock();
00063     } else if (operation == "setTimezone") {
00064         cMutex.lock();
00065         clk.setTimezone(zone);
00066         cMutex.unlock();
00067     } else if (operation == "setAlarm") {
00068         cMutex.lock();
00069         clk.setAlarm(hour, minute, period);
00070         cMutex.unlock(); 
00071     } else if (operation == "setTimer") {
00072         cMutex.lock();
00073         clk.setTimer(hour, minute);
00074         cMutex.unlock(); 
00075     } else if (operation == "deleteAlarm") {
00076         cMutex.lock();
00077         clk.deleteAlarm();
00078         cMutex.unlock(); 
00079     } else if (operation == "syncNow") {
00080         cMutex.lock();            
00081         if (clk.syncTime() != 0) {
00082             printf("  ERROR: failed to sync time\n\n\r");
00083         }
00084         cMutex.unlock();
00085     } else if (operation == "noCommand") {
00086         printf("  ERROR: speech not recognized\n\n\r");
00087     } else {
00088         printf("  ERROR: not a valid command\n\n\r");
00089     }
00090 }
00093 /**
00094  * Thread which updates the clock on the lcd while the main thread is waiting for 
00095  * or executing a command.
00096  */
00097 void lcdUpdateThread(void const *args) {
00098     time_t time;
00099     struct tm *timeinfo;
00100     char buffer[20];
00102     // set initial time
00103     cMutex.lock();
00104     clk.syncTime();
00105     clk.setTimezone(-5);
00106     cMutex.unlock();
00108     // set lcd format
00109     sMutex.lock();
00110     uLCD.text_width(2);
00111     uLCD.text_height(2);
00112     uLCD.color(BLUE);
00113     sMutex.unlock();
00115     while (1) {
00116         cMutex.lock();
00117         time = clk.getTime();
00118         bool alarmSet = clk.alarmSet();
00119         cMutex.unlock();
00121         timeinfo = localtime(&time);
00122         strftime(buffer, 20, "%I:%M:%S        %p", timeinfo);
00124         sMutex.lock();
00125         uLCD.locate(0,3);
00126         uLCD.printf("%s", buffer);
00127         if (alarmSet)
00128             uLCD.printf("ALARM SET");
00129         else
00130             uLCD.printf("         ");
00131         sMutex.unlock();
00132         Thread::wait(200);
00133     }
00134 }
00136 void init() {
00137     printf("\r\n\n--Starting MbedClock--\n\r");
00139     eth.init();
00140     printf(" * Initialized Ethernet\n\r");
00142     eth.connect();
00143     printf(" * Connected using DHCP\n\r");
00144     wait(5);
00145     printf(" * Using IP: %s\n\r", eth.getIPAddress());
00147     easyVR.putc('b');
00148     easyVR.getc();
00149     printf(" * Initialized EasyVR\n\r");
00152 }
00154 void waitForTrigger() {
00155     // set EasyVR to 2 claps
00156     sMutex.lock();
00157     easyVR.putc('s');
00158     easyVR.putc('A' + 1);
00159     sMutex.unlock();
00160     wait(0.2);
00162     // Clear buffer and wait for awake
00163     printf("Waiting for trigger...");
00164     sMutex.lock();
00165     while (easyVR.readable())
00166         easyVR.getc();
00167     sMutex.unlock();
00168     sleepLED = 1;
00169     while(!easyVR.readable()) {
00170         wait(0.2);
00171     }
00172     sleepLED = 0;
00173     printf("trigger received!\n\r");
00174 }
00176 void waitForTrigger2() {
00177     char rchar = 0;
00178     sleepLED = 1;
00179     printf("Waiting for trigger...");
00180     while (rchar!='A') {
00181         wait(.001);
00182         sMutex.lock();
00183         easyVR.putc('d');
00184 // a small delay is needed when sending EasyVR several characters
00185         wait(.001);
00186         easyVR.putc('A');
00187         sMutex.unlock();
00188         while (!easyVR.readable()) {
00189             wait(0.2);
00190         }
00191         sMutex.lock();
00192         rchar=easyVR.getc();
00193         sMutex.unlock();
00194         // word recognized
00195         if (rchar=='r') {
00196             wait(.001);
00197             sMutex.lock();
00198             easyVR.putc(' ');
00199             rchar=easyVR.getc();
00200             sMutex.unlock();
00201         // error
00202         } else if (rchar=='e') {
00203             wait(.001);
00204             sMutex.lock();
00205             easyVR.putc(' ');
00206             rchar=easyVR.getc();
00207             easyVR.putc(' ');
00208             rchar=easyVR.getc();
00209             sMutex.unlock();
00210         }
00211     }
00212     sleepLED = 0;
00213     printf("trigger received!\n\r");
00214 }
00216 void sendFile() {
00217     printf("  Sending \"%s\"...", REC_NAME);
00218     FILE *fp = fopen(REC_NAME, "rb");
00220     int sum = 0;
00221     while (sum < 110296)
00222     {
00223         int i = fread(buf, 1, BUF_SIZE, fp);
00224         server.send(buf, i);
00225         sum += i;
00226     }
00227     printf("sent\n\r");
00228     fclose(fp);
00230     int n = server.receive(buf, BUF_SIZE);
00231     buf[n] = '\0';
00232     printf("  Received \"%s\"\n\n\r", buf);
00233 }
00235 int main() {
00236     init();
00237     //RtosTimer alarmTimer(aThread, osTimerOnce, NULL);
00240     Thread alarmThread(aThread);
00241     Thread updateThread(lcdUpdateThread);
00242     printf(" * Started LCD and Alarm Threads\n\n\r");
00244     cMutex.lock();
00245     clk.setAlarmThread(&alarmThread);
00246     cMutex.unlock();
00247     while(1) {
00248         waitForTrigger();
00250         printf("  Recording audio file...");
00251         rec(REC_NAME, 5);
00252         printf("complete\n\r");
00253         //wait(0.1);
00254         //play(FILE_NAME);
00256         if (!server.connect(SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT)) {
00257             printf("  Connected to %s\n\r", SERVER_IP);
00258             sendFile();
00259             execute(buf);
00260             server.close();
00261         } else {
00262             printf("  Unable to connect to %s\n\n\r", SERVER_IP);
00263         }
00264     }
00265 }