Example of UART-DMA transfers taken form the npx cmsis driver libary

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00001 /***********************************************************************//**
00002  * @file        lpc17xx_gpdma.c
00003  * @brief        Contains all functions support for GPDMA firmware library on LPC17xx
00004  * @version        2.0
00005  * @date        21. May. 2010
00006  * @author        NXP MCU SW Application Team
00007  **************************************************************************
00008  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00009  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00010  * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
00011  * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
00012  * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
00013  * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
00014  * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
00015  * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
00016  * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
00017  * use without further testing or modification.
00018  **********************************************************************/
00020 /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00021 /** @addtogroup GPDMA
00022  * @{
00023  */
00025 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00026 #include "lpc17xx_gpdma.h"
00027 #include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h"
00029 /* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration
00030  * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,
00031  * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead
00032  */
00033 #ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__
00034 #include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
00035 #else
00036 #include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h"
00037 #endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */
00039 #ifdef _GPDMA
00042 /* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */
00043 /** @defgroup GPDMA_Private_Variables GPDMA Private Variables
00044  * @{
00045  */
00047 /**
00048  * @brief Lookup Table of Connection Type matched with
00049  * Peripheral Data (FIFO) register base address
00050  */
00051 #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
00052 volatile const void *GPDMA_LUTPerAddr[] = {
00053         (&LPC_SSP0->DR),                // SSP0 Tx
00054         (&LPC_SSP0->DR),                // SSP0 Rx
00055         (&LPC_SSP1->DR),                // SSP1 Tx
00056         (&LPC_SSP1->DR),                // SSP1 Rx
00057         (&LPC_ADC->ADGDR),            // ADC
00058         (&LPC_I2S->I2STXFIFO),         // I2S Tx
00059         (&LPC_I2S->I2SRXFIFO),         // I2S Rx
00060         (&LPC_DAC->DACR),                // DAC
00061         (&LPC_UART0->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART0 Tx
00062         (&LPC_UART0->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART0 Rx
00063         (&LPC_UART1->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART1 Tx
00064         (&LPC_UART1->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART1 Rx
00065         (&LPC_UART2->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART2 Tx
00066         (&LPC_UART2->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART2 Rx
00067         (&LPC_UART3->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART3 Tx
00068         (&LPC_UART3->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART3 Rx
00069         (&LPC_TIM0->MR0),                // MAT0.0
00070         (&LPC_TIM0->MR1),                // MAT0.1
00071         (&LPC_TIM1->MR0),                // MAT1.0
00072         (&LPC_TIM1->MR1),                // MAT1.1
00073         (&LPC_TIM2->MR0),                // MAT2.0
00074         (&LPC_TIM2->MR1),                // MAT2.1
00075         (&LPC_TIM3->MR0),                // MAT3.0
00076         (&LPC_TIM3->MR1),                // MAT3.1
00077 };
00078 #else
00079 const uint32_t GPDMA_LUTPerAddr[] = {
00080         ((uint32_t)&LPC_SSP0->DR),                // SSP0 Tx
00081         ((uint32_t)&LPC_SSP0->DR),                // SSP0 Rx
00082         ((uint32_t)&LPC_SSP1->DR),                // SSP1 Tx
00083         ((uint32_t)&LPC_SSP1->DR),                // SSP1 Rx
00084         ((uint32_t)&LPC_ADC->ADGDR),            // ADC
00085         ((uint32_t)&LPC_I2S->I2STXFIFO),         // I2S Tx
00086         ((uint32_t)&LPC_I2S->I2SRXFIFO),         // I2S Rx
00087         ((uint32_t)&LPC_DAC->DACR),                // DAC
00088         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART0->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART0 Tx
00089         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART0->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART0 Rx
00090         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART1->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART1 Tx
00091         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART1->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART1 Rx
00092         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART2->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART2 Tx
00093         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART2->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART2 Rx
00094         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART3->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR),    // UART3 Tx
00095         ((uint32_t)&LPC_UART3->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR),    // UART3 Rx
00096         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM0->MR0),                // MAT0.0
00097         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM0->MR1),                // MAT0.1
00098         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM1->MR0),                // MAT1.0
00099         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM1->MR1),                // MAT1.1
00100         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM2->MR0),                // MAT2.0
00101         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM2->MR1),                // MAT2.1
00102         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM3->MR0),                // MAT3.0
00103         ((uint32_t)&LPC_TIM3->MR1),                // MAT3.1
00104 };
00105 #endif
00106 /**
00107  * @brief Lookup Table of GPDMA Channel Number matched with
00108  * GPDMA channel pointer
00109  */
00110 const LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *pGPDMACh[8] = {
00111         LPC_GPDMACH0,    // GPDMA Channel 0
00112         LPC_GPDMACH1,    // GPDMA Channel 1
00113         LPC_GPDMACH2,    // GPDMA Channel 2
00114         LPC_GPDMACH3,    // GPDMA Channel 3
00115         LPC_GPDMACH4,    // GPDMA Channel 4
00116         LPC_GPDMACH5,    // GPDMA Channel 5
00117         LPC_GPDMACH6,    // GPDMA Channel 6
00118         LPC_GPDMACH7,    // GPDMA Channel 7
00119 };
00120 /**
00121  * @brief Optimized Peripheral Source and Destination burst size
00122  */
00123 const uint8_t GPDMA_LUTPerBurst[] = {
00124         GPDMA_BSIZE_4,                // SSP0 Tx
00125         GPDMA_BSIZE_4,                // SSP0 Rx
00126         GPDMA_BSIZE_4,                // SSP1 Tx
00127         GPDMA_BSIZE_4,                // SSP1 Rx
00128         GPDMA_BSIZE_4,                // ADC
00129         GPDMA_BSIZE_32,             // I2S channel 0
00130         GPDMA_BSIZE_32,             // I2S channel 1
00131         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // DAC
00132         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART0 Tx
00133         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART0 Rx
00134         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART1 Tx
00135         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART1 Rx
00136         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART2 Tx
00137         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART2 Rx
00138         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART3 Tx
00139         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // UART3 Rx
00140         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT0.0
00141         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT0.1
00142         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT1.0
00143         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT1.1
00144         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT2.0
00145         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT2.1
00146         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT3.0
00147         GPDMA_BSIZE_1,                // MAT3.1
00148 };
00149 /**
00150  * @brief Optimized Peripheral Source and Destination transfer width
00151  */
00152 const uint8_t GPDMA_LUTPerWid[] = {
00153         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // SSP0 Tx
00154         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // SSP0 Rx
00155         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // SSP1 Tx
00156         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // SSP1 Rx
00157         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // ADC
00158         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                 // I2S channel 0
00159         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                 // I2S channel 1
00160         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // DAC
00161         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART0 Tx
00162         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART0 Rx
00163         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART1 Tx
00164         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART1 Rx
00165         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART2 Tx
00166         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART2 Rx
00167         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART3 Tx
00168         GPDMA_WIDTH_BYTE,                // UART3 Rx
00169         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT0.0
00170         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT0.1
00171         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT1.0
00172         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT1.1
00173         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT2.0
00174         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT2.1
00175         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT3.0
00176         GPDMA_WIDTH_WORD,                // MAT3.1
00177 };
00179 /**
00180  * @}
00181  */
00183 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00184 /** @addtogroup GPDMA_Public_Functions
00185  * @{
00186  */
00188 /********************************************************************//**
00189  * @brief         Initialize GPDMA controller
00190  * @param         None
00191  * @return         None
00192  *********************************************************************/
00193 void GPDMA_Init(void)
00194 {
00195     /* Enable GPDMA clock */
00198     // Reset all channel configuration register
00199     LPC_GPDMACH0->DMACCConfig = 0;
00200     LPC_GPDMACH1->DMACCConfig = 0;
00201     LPC_GPDMACH2->DMACCConfig = 0;
00202     LPC_GPDMACH3->DMACCConfig = 0;
00203     LPC_GPDMACH4->DMACCConfig = 0;
00204     LPC_GPDMACH5->DMACCConfig = 0;
00205     LPC_GPDMACH6->DMACCConfig = 0;
00206     LPC_GPDMACH7->DMACCConfig = 0;
00208     /* Clear all DMA interrupt and error flag */
00209     LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCClear = 0xFF;
00210     LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrClr = 0xFF;
00211 }
00213 /********************************************************************//**
00214  * @brief         Setup GPDMA channel peripheral according to the specified
00215  *               parameters in the GPDMAChannelConfig.
00216  * @param[in]    GPDMAChannelConfig Pointer to a GPDMA_CH_CFG_Type
00217  *                                     structure that contains the configuration
00218  *                                     information for the specified GPDMA channel peripheral.
00219  * @return        ERROR if selected channel is enabled before
00220  *                 or SUCCESS if channel is configured successfully
00221  *********************************************************************/
00222 Status GPDMA_Setup(GPDMA_Channel_CFG_Type *GPDMAChannelConfig)
00223 {
00224     LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *pDMAch;
00225     uint32_t tmp1, tmp2;
00227     if (LPC_GPDMA->DMACEnbldChns & (GPDMA_DMACEnbldChns_Ch(GPDMAChannelConfig->ChannelNum))) {
00228         // This channel is enabled, return ERROR, need to release this channel first
00229         return ERROR;
00230     }
00232     // Get Channel pointer
00233     pDMAch = (LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) pGPDMACh[GPDMAChannelConfig->ChannelNum];
00235     // Reset the Interrupt status
00236     LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCClear = GPDMA_DMACIntTCClear_Ch(GPDMAChannelConfig->ChannelNum);
00237     LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrClr = GPDMA_DMACIntErrClr_Ch(GPDMAChannelConfig->ChannelNum);
00239     // Clear DMA configure
00240     pDMAch->DMACCControl = 0x00;
00241     pDMAch->DMACCConfig = 0x00;
00243     /* Assign Linker List Item value */
00244     pDMAch->DMACCLLI = GPDMAChannelConfig->DMALLI;
00246     /* Set value to Channel Control Registers */
00247     switch (GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferType)
00248     {
00249     // Memory to memory
00250     case GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2M:
00251         // Assign physical source and destination address
00252         pDMAch->DMACCSrcAddr = GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcMemAddr;
00253         pDMAch->DMACCDestAddr = GPDMAChannelConfig->DstMemAddr;
00254         pDMAch->DMACCControl
00255                 = GPDMA_DMACCxControl_TransferSize(GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferSize) \
00256                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SBSize(GPDMA_BSIZE_32) \
00257                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DBSize(GPDMA_BSIZE_32) \
00258                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SWidth(GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferWidth) \
00259                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DWidth(GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferWidth) \
00260                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SI \
00261                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DI \
00262                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_I;
00263         break;
00264     // Memory to peripheral
00265     case GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_M2P:
00266         // Assign physical source
00267         pDMAch->DMACCSrcAddr = GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcMemAddr;
00268         // Assign peripheral destination address
00269         pDMAch->DMACCDestAddr = (uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerAddr[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn];
00270         pDMAch->DMACCControl
00271                 = GPDMA_DMACCxControl_TransferSize((uint32_t)GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferSize) \
00272                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SBSize((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerBurst[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn]) \
00273                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DBSize((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerBurst[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn]) \
00274                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SWidth((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerWid[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn]) \
00275                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DWidth((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerWid[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn]) \
00276                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SI \
00277                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_I;
00278         break;
00279     // Peripheral to memory
00280     case GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2M:
00281         // Assign peripheral source address
00282         pDMAch->DMACCSrcAddr = (uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerAddr[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn];
00283         // Assign memory destination address
00284         pDMAch->DMACCDestAddr = GPDMAChannelConfig->DstMemAddr;
00285         pDMAch->DMACCControl
00286                 = GPDMA_DMACCxControl_TransferSize((uint32_t)GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferSize) \
00287                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SBSize((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerBurst[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn]) \
00288                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DBSize((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerBurst[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn]) \
00289                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SWidth((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerWid[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn]) \
00290                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DWidth((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerWid[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn]) \
00291                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DI \
00292                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_I;
00293         break;
00294     // Peripheral to peripheral
00295     case GPDMA_TRANSFERTYPE_P2P:
00296         // Assign peripheral source address
00297         pDMAch->DMACCSrcAddr = (uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerAddr[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn];
00298         // Assign peripheral destination address
00299         pDMAch->DMACCDestAddr = (uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerAddr[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn];
00300         pDMAch->DMACCControl
00301                 = GPDMA_DMACCxControl_TransferSize((uint32_t)GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferSize) \
00302                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SBSize((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerBurst[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn]) \
00303                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DBSize((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerBurst[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn]) \
00304                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_SWidth((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerWid[GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn]) \
00305                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_DWidth((uint32_t)GPDMA_LUTPerWid[GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn]) \
00306                         | GPDMA_DMACCxControl_I;
00307         break;
00308     // Do not support any more transfer type, return ERROR
00309     default:
00310         return ERROR;
00311     }
00313     /* Re-Configure DMA Request Select for source peripheral */
00314     if (GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn > 15)
00315     {
00316         LPC_SC->RESERVED9 |= (1<<(GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn - 16));
00317     } else {
00318         LPC_SC->RESERVED9 &= ~(1<<(GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn - 8));
00319     }
00321     /* Re-Configure DMA Request Select for Destination peripheral */
00322     if (GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn > 15)
00323     {
00324         LPC_SC->RESERVED9 |= (1<<(GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn - 16));
00325     } else {
00326         LPC_SC->RESERVED9 &= ~(1<<(GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn - 8));
00327     }
00329     /* Enable DMA channels, little endian */
00330     LPC_GPDMA->DMACConfig = GPDMA_DMACConfig_E;
00331     while (!(LPC_GPDMA->DMACConfig & GPDMA_DMACConfig_E));
00333     // Calculate absolute value for Connection number
00334     tmp1 = GPDMAChannelConfig->SrcConn;
00335     tmp1 = ((tmp1 > 15) ? (tmp1 - 8) : tmp1);
00336     tmp2 = GPDMAChannelConfig->DstConn;
00337     tmp2 = ((tmp2 > 15) ? (tmp2 - 8) : tmp2);
00339     // Configure DMA Channel, enable Error Counter and Terminate counter
00340     pDMAch->DMACCConfig = GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_IE | GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_ITC /*| GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_E*/ \
00341         | GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_TransferType((uint32_t)GPDMAChannelConfig->TransferType) \
00342         | GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_SrcPeripheral(tmp1) \
00343         | GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_DestPeripheral(tmp2);
00345     return SUCCESS;
00346 }
00349 /*********************************************************************//**
00350  * @brief        Enable/Disable DMA channel
00351  * @param[in]    channelNum    GPDMA channel, should be in range from 0 to 7
00352  * @param[in]    NewState    New State of this command, should be:
00353  *                     - ENABLE.
00354  *                     - DISABLE.
00355  * @return        None
00356  **********************************************************************/
00357 void GPDMA_ChannelCmd(uint8_t channelNum, FunctionalState NewState)
00358 {
00359     LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *pDMAch;
00361     // Get Channel pointer
00362     pDMAch = (LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) pGPDMACh[channelNum];
00364     if (NewState == ENABLE) {
00365         pDMAch->DMACCConfig |= GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_E;
00366     } else {
00367         pDMAch->DMACCConfig &= ~GPDMA_DMACCxConfig_E;
00368     }
00369 }
00370 /*********************************************************************//**
00371  * @brief        Check if corresponding channel does have an active interrupt
00372  *                 request or not
00373  * @param[in]    type        type of status, should be:
00374  *                     - GPDMA_STAT_INT:         GPDMA Interrupt Status
00375  *                     - GPDMA_STAT_INTTC:     GPDMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Status
00376  *                     - GPDMA_STAT_INTERR:    GPDMA Interrupt Error Status
00377  *                     - GPDMA_STAT_RAWINTTC:    GPDMA Raw Interrupt Terminal Count Status
00378  *                     - GPDMA_STAT_RAWINTERR:    GPDMA Raw Error Interrupt Status
00379  *                     - GPDMA_STAT_ENABLED_CH:GPDMA Enabled Channel Status
00380  * @param[in]    channel        GPDMA channel, should be in range from 0 to 7
00381  * @return        IntStatus    status of DMA channel interrupt after masking
00382  *                 Should be:
00383  *                     - SET: the corresponding channel has no active interrupt request
00384  *                     - RESET: the corresponding channel does have an active interrupt request
00385  **********************************************************************/
00386 IntStatus GPDMA_IntGetStatus(GPDMA_Status_Type type, uint8_t channel)
00387 {
00391     switch (type)
00392     {
00393     case GPDMA_STAT_INT: //check status of DMA channel interrupts
00394         if (LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntStat & (GPDMA_DMACIntStat_Ch(channel)))
00395             return SET;
00396         return RESET;
00397     case GPDMA_STAT_INTTC: // check terminal count interrupt request status for DMA
00398         if (LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCStat & GPDMA_DMACIntTCStat_Ch(channel))
00399             return SET;
00400         return RESET;
00401     case GPDMA_STAT_INTERR: //check interrupt status for DMA channels
00402         if (LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrStat & GPDMA_DMACIntTCClear_Ch(channel))
00403             return SET;
00404         return RESET;
00405     case GPDMA_STAT_RAWINTTC: //check status of the terminal count interrupt for DMA channels
00406         if (LPC_GPDMA->DMACRawIntErrStat & GPDMA_DMACRawIntTCStat_Ch(channel))
00407             return SET;
00408         return RESET;
00409     case GPDMA_STAT_RAWINTERR: //check status of the error interrupt for DMA channels
00410         if (LPC_GPDMA->DMACRawIntTCStat & GPDMA_DMACRawIntErrStat_Ch(channel))
00411             return SET;
00412         return RESET;
00413     default: //check enable status for DMA channels
00414         if (LPC_GPDMA->DMACEnbldChns & GPDMA_DMACEnbldChns_Ch(channel))
00415             return SET;
00416         return RESET;
00417     }
00418 }
00420 /*********************************************************************//**
00421  * @brief        Clear one or more interrupt requests on DMA channels
00422  * @param[in]    type        type of interrupt request, should be:
00423  *                     - GPDMA_STATCLR_INTTC:     GPDMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Clear
00424  *                     - GPDMA_STATCLR_INTERR: GPDMA Interrupt Error Clear
00425  * @param[in]    channel        GPDMA channel, should be in range from 0 to 7
00426  * @return        None
00427  **********************************************************************/
00428 void GPDMA_ClearIntPending(GPDMA_StateClear_Type type, uint8_t channel)
00429 {
00433     if (type == GPDMA_STATCLR_INTTC) // clears the terminal count interrupt request on DMA channel
00434         LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntTCClear = GPDMA_DMACIntTCClear_Ch(channel);
00435     else // clear the error interrupt request
00436         LPC_GPDMA->DMACIntErrClr = GPDMA_DMACIntErrClr_Ch(channel);
00437 }
00439 /**
00440  * @}
00441  */
00443 #endif /* _GPDMA */
00445 /**
00446  * @}
00447  */
00449 /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */