Final Project for ECE 4180. Morse Code Encoder and Transmission

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE EthernetInterface mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
00003 #include <time.h>
00004 #include <string>
00005 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00007 // Definitions for networking  
00008 const char* ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS = "";
00009 const int ECHO_SERVER_PORT = 7;
00011 // uLCD
00012 uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;
00014 // Mbed Leds
00015 DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
00016 DigitalOut myled2(LED2);
00017 DigitalOut myled3(LED3);
00018 DigitalOut myled4(LED4);
00020 // Push Buttons
00021 DigitalIn pb1(p23);
00022 DigitalIn pb2(p22);
00023 DigitalIn pb3(p21);
00025 // Function declarations
00026 // Screen Declarations
00027 void StartScreen();
00028 void ClientServerScreen();
00029 void HelpScreen();
00030 void InputScreen();
00031 void EncryptionScreen();
00032 void DecryptionScreen();
00033 void CaesarShiftScreen();
00034 // Actual Functions
00035 string MorseCode(string a);
00037 // UDP Transmission Functions 
00038 void Client(string message);
00039 string Server();
00040 // Cipher declarations 
00041 // opt => 0 Encrypt opt => 1 Decrypt
00042 string CaesarCipher(string word,int opt, int shift);
00043 string PolybiusSquareCipher(string a,int opt);
00044 string PolybiusTableTranslation(char letter);
00045 string PolybiusTableLookup(string number);
00047 int main() {
00049     // Create pullups
00050     pb1.mode(PullUp);
00051     pb2.mode(PullUp);
00052     pb3.mode(PullUp);
00054     // Constants 
00055     time_t start,end;
00056     double dif;
00057     string morseinput = "";
00058     string morsetranslation = "";
00059     string cipheredinput;
00060     string morsereceived = "";
00061     string cipherreceived = "";
00062     int clientserver;
00063     int firsttime = 0;
00064     int firsttimeserver = 0;
00065     string chosencipher = "";
00066     int shiftvalue = 0;
00067     bool inserting = true;
00068     EthernetInterface ethclient;
00069     EthernetInterface ethserver;
00070     const char * IPaddress = "";  //
00071     const char * NetworkMask = "";
00072     const char * Gateway = "";   //
00074     // Welcome Screen
00075     StartScreen();
00077     // pb1 => up 
00078     // pb2 => down 
00079     // pb3 => right
00080     // 0 - Client
00081     // 1 - Server
00082     while(true)  // Infinite Loop. Restart at ClientServerScreen.
00083     {
00084         morseinput = "";
00085         morsetranslation = "";
00086         morsereceived = "";
00087         cipherreceived = "";
00088         clientserver = 0;
00089         uLCD.cls();
00090         ClientServerScreen();
00091         shiftvalue = 0;
00092         while(pb2 && pb1)
00093         {
00094         }
00096         if(!pb1) // pb1 was pressed, do Client Network
00097         {
00098             clientserver = 0;
00099         }
00100         else if(!pb2)
00101         {
00102             clientserver = 1; // pb2 was pressed, do Server Network
00103         }
00105         if(clientserver == 0)
00106         {
00107             uLCD.cls();
00108             if(firsttime==0)
00109             {
00110                 HelpScreen();
00111             }
00112             uLCD.cls();
00113             InputScreen();
00114             // Input Morse Code below. pb1 to input. 
00115             // pb2 to move to the next step
00116             start = 0;
00117             end = 0;
00118             while(pb3)
00119             {
00121                 if(!pb1) // Means a dot was inserted
00122                 {
00123                     while(!pb1) // Need to wait until the button is released
00124                     {             
00125                     }
00126                     morseinput.append("."); 
00127                     inserting = true;  
00128                     time(&start);
00129                 }
00130                 else if(!pb2)
00131                 {
00132                     while(!pb2) // Need to wait till release
00133                     {             
00134                     }
00135                     morseinput.append("-"); 
00136                     inserting = true;
00137                     time(&start); 
00138                 }
00140                 if(start !=0.0)
00141                 {
00142                   time(&end);
00143                   dif = difftime(end,start);
00144                   if(dif>1)
00145                   {
00146                       string e = MorseCode(morseinput);
00147                       if(e!="error")
00148                       {
00149                           morsetranslation.append(e);
00150                           uLCD.printf("%s",e);
00151                       }
00152                       start = 0;
00153                       end = 0;
00154                       morseinput = "";
00155                     }
00156                 }
00157             }
00159             uLCD.cls();
00160             EncryptionScreen();
00162             while(pb2 && pb1 && pb3)
00163             {
00164             }
00166             if(!pb1) // pb1 was pressed, do caesar cipher
00167             {
00168                 uLCD.cls();
00169                 CaesarShiftScreen();
00170                 shiftvalue = 0;
00171                 uLCD.locate(0,4);
00172                 uLCD.printf("%02d",shiftvalue);
00173                 while(pb3)
00174                 {
00175                     if(!pb1) // Means go up one value
00176                     {
00177                         while(!pb1) // Need to wait until the button is released
00178                         {             
00179                         }
00180                         shiftvalue = shiftvalue + 1;
00181                         if(shiftvalue>25)
00182                         {
00183                             shiftvalue = 25;   
00184                         }
00185                         uLCD.locate(0,4);
00186                         uLCD.printf("%02d",shiftvalue);
00187                     }
00188                     if(!pb2) // Means go up one value
00189                     {
00190                         while(!pb2) // Need to wait until the button is released
00191                         {             
00192                         }
00193                         shiftvalue = shiftvalue - 1;
00194                         if(shiftvalue<0)
00195                         {
00196                             shiftvalue = 0;   
00197                         }
00198                         uLCD.locate(0,4);
00199                         uLCD.printf("%02d",shiftvalue);
00200                     }
00201                 }
00202                 cipheredinput = CaesarCipher(morsetranslation,0,shiftvalue);
00203                 chosencipher = "Caesar Cipher";
00204             }
00205             else if(!pb2) // pb2 was pressed, do Polybius Square cipher
00206             {  
00207                 cipheredinput = PolybiusSquareCipher(morsetranslation,0);
00208                 chosencipher = "Polybius Sqre";
00209             }
00210             else if(!pb3)  // No Cipher
00211             {
00212                 cipheredinput = morsetranslation;  
00213                 chosencipher = "No Cipher";
00214             }
00215             wait(2);
00217             // Once the morse input comes in through here. 
00218             // Tell the user that we are about to send it all. 
00219             uLCD.cls();
00220             uLCD.printf("%s\n",chosencipher);
00221             uLCD.printf("Sending Value\n\n");
00222             uLCD.printf("\n%s\n",morsetranslation);
00223             uLCD.printf("\n%s\n",cipheredinput);
00224             wait(3);
00226             if(firsttime == 0)
00227             {
00228                 ethclient.init();
00229                 firsttime = 1;
00230             }
00232             ethclient.connect();
00233             UDPSocket sock;
00234             sock.init();
00235             Endpoint echo_server;
00236             echo_server.set_address(ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS, ECHO_SERVER_PORT);
00237             char out_buffer[1024];
00238             strncpy(out_buffer, cipheredinput.c_str(), sizeof(out_buffer));
00239             out_buffer[sizeof(out_buffer) - 1] = 0;
00240             //uLCD.printf("\Client IP Address is %s\n", ethclient.getIPAddress());
00241             //wait(4);
00242             sock.sendTo(echo_server, out_buffer, sizeof(out_buffer));
00243             sock.close();
00244             ethclient.disconnect();
00245             // technically the eth should still be connected
00246             uLCD.cls();
00247             uLCD.printf("Message has been sent");
00248             wait(2);
00249         }
00250         else
00251         {
00252             uLCD.cls();    
00253             uLCD.printf("Receiving...");  
00255             if(firsttimeserver == 0)
00256             {
00257                 //uLCD.printf("first time server");
00258                 ethserver.init(IPaddress, NetworkMask, Gateway); 
00259                 firsttimeserver = 1;
00260             }
00261             //uLCD.printf("initialized");
00262             ethserver.connect();
00263             UDPSocket server;
00264             server.bind(ECHO_SERVER_PORT);
00265             Endpoint client;
00266             char buffer[256];
00267             //uLCD.printf("\Server IP Address is %s\n", ethserver.getIPAddress());
00268             string message;
00269             int n = server.receiveFrom(client, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
00270             buffer[n] = '\0';
00272             string message2(buffer);
00273             server.close();
00274             ethserver.disconnect();          
00275             uLCD.cls();
00276             uLCD.printf("Message %s",message2);
00277             wait(3);
00278             morsereceived = message2;
00279             // string morsereceived = "";
00280             // string cipherreceived = "";
00282             // After Reception, User will have 2 options to decipher
00283             // Engima or Caesar. 
00284             uLCD.cls();
00285             DecryptionScreen();
00286             while(pb2 && pb1 && pb3)
00287             {
00288             }
00290             if(!pb1) // pb1 was pressed, do caesar cipher
00291             {
00292                 uLCD.cls();
00293                 CaesarShiftScreen();
00294                 shiftvalue = 0;
00295                 uLCD.locate(0,4);
00296                 uLCD.printf("%02d",shiftvalue);
00297                 while(pb3)
00298                 {
00299                     if(!pb1) // Means go up one value
00300                     {
00301                         while(!pb1) // Need to wait until the button is released
00302                         {             
00303                         }
00304                         shiftvalue = shiftvalue + 1;
00305                         if(shiftvalue>25)
00306                         {
00307                             shiftvalue = 25;   
00308                         }
00309                         uLCD.locate(0,4);
00310                         uLCD.printf("%02d",shiftvalue);
00311                     }
00312                     if(!pb2) // Means go up one value
00313                     {
00314                         while(!pb2) // Need to wait until the button is released
00315                         {             
00316                         }
00317                         shiftvalue = shiftvalue - 1;
00318                         if(shiftvalue<0)
00319                         {
00320                             shiftvalue = 0;   
00321                         }
00322                         uLCD.locate(0,4);
00323                         uLCD.printf("%02d",shiftvalue);
00324                     }
00325                 }
00326                 cipherreceived = CaesarCipher(morsereceived,1,shiftvalue); // Second input = 1, for decryption
00327             }
00328             else if(!pb2) // pb2 was pressed, do Polybius Square Cipher
00329             {  
00330                 cipherreceived = PolybiusSquareCipher(morsereceived,1);  // Second input = 1, for decryption
00331             }
00332             else if(!pb3)
00333             {
00334                 cipherreceived = morsereceived;   
00335             }
00336             uLCD.cls();
00337             uLCD.printf("Decryption\n\n");
00338             uLCD.printf("%s\n",morsereceived);
00339             uLCD.printf("%s\n",cipherreceived);
00340             wait(5);
00341         }
00342     }
00343 }
00346 // Start Screen to show Welcome Page
00347 void StartScreen()
00348 {
00349     uLCD.printf("Welcome to the Morse Code Enconder and Transmitter.\n\n\n");
00350     wait(4);    
00351 }
00353 // Screen to choose between Client and Servers
00354 void ClientServerScreen()
00355 {
00356     uLCD.printf("Choose an option:\n\n");
00357     uLCD.printf("1 - Transmit\n");
00358     uLCD.printf("2 - Receive\n");
00359     //uLCD.printf("3 - Checkers\n");
00360 }
00362 // Screen 2
00363 void HelpScreen()
00364 {
00365     uLCD.printf("Up => . \n\n");
00366     uLCD.printf("Down => - \n\n");
00367     uLCD.printf("Right => Submit\n");
00368     wait(2);
00369 }
00371 // Screen 3
00372 void InputScreen()
00373 {
00374     uLCD.printf("Input Morse Code\n");   
00375 }
00377 // Screen 4
00378 void EncryptionScreen()
00379 {
00380     uLCD.printf("Choose encryption:\n\n");
00381     uLCD.printf("1 - Caesar Cipher\n");
00382     uLCD.printf("2 - Polybius Sqre\n");
00383     uLCD.printf("3 - No cipher\n");
00384 }
00386 void DecryptionScreen()
00387 {
00388     uLCD.printf("Choose decryption:\n\n");
00389     uLCD.printf("1 - Caesar Cipher\n");
00390     uLCD.printf("2 - Polybius Sqre\n");
00391     uLCD.printf("3 - No cipher\n");
00392 }
00394 void CaesarShiftScreen() {
00395     uLCD.printf("Choose a shift value\n");
00396     uLCD.printf("UP and DOWN");
00397 }
00399 // Returns the proper character based on the inputed morse code
00400 string MorseCode(string a)
00401 {
00402     //uLCD.printf("%s",a);
00403     if(a == ".-") { return "A";}
00404     if(a == "-...") { return "B";}
00405     if(a == "-.-.") { return "C";}
00406     if(a == "-..") { return "D";}
00407     if(a == ".") { return "E";}
00408     if(a == "..-.") { return "F";}
00409     if(a == "--.") { return "G";}
00410     if(a == "....") { return "H";}
00411     if(a == "..") { return "I";}
00412     if(a == ".---") { return "J";}
00413     if(a == "-.-") { return "K";}
00414     if(a == ".-..") { return "L";}
00415     if(a == "--") { return "M";}
00416     if(a == "-.") { return "N";}
00417     if(a == "---") { return "O";}
00418     if(a == ".--.") { return "P";}
00419     if(a == "--.-") { return "Q";}
00420     if(a == ".-.") { return "R";}
00421     if(a == "...") { return "S";}
00422     if(a == "-") { return "T";}
00423     if(a == "..-") { return "U";}
00424     if(a == "...-") { return "V";}
00425     if(a == ".--") { return "W";}
00426     if(a == "-..-") { return "X";}
00427     if(a == "-.--") { return "Y";}
00428     if(a == "--..") { return "Z";}
00429     if(a == ".----") { return "1";}
00430     if(a == "..---") { return "2";}
00431     if(a == "...--") { return "3";}
00432     if(a == "....-") { return "4";}
00433     if(a == ".....") { return "5";}
00434     if(a == "-....") { return "6";}
00435     if(a == "--...") { return "7";}
00436     if(a == "---..") { return "8";}
00437     if(a == "----.") { return "9";}
00438     if(a == "-----") { return "0";}
00439     return "error";
00440 }
00442 // Cipher Codes by Ishita 
00446 // Find the length of the string
00447 // Loop through it, and replace each a[i] with its equivalent that is 3 letters later. 
00448 // For that will have to loop through Alphabet and find the position of said letter. 
00449 // Then increment. So hopefully there is a isin(alphabet,"A) -> that returns the index, position etc.
00450 string CaesarCipher(string word, int opt, int shift)
00451 {
00452     string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
00453     if(opt == 0) // Encrypt
00454     {   
00455         string encrypted = "";
00456         for (int x = 0; x < word.length(); x++) {
00457             char c = word[x];
00458             int ind = alphabet.find(c);
00459             ind = (ind + shift) % 26;
00460             encrypted += alphabet[ind];
00461         }
00462         return encrypted; 
00463     }  else if (opt == 1) { //Decrypt
00464         string decrypted = "";
00465         for (int x = 0; x < word.length(); x++) {
00466             char c = word[x];
00467             int ind = alphabet.find(c);
00468             ind = (ind - shift) % 26;
00469             decrypted += alphabet[ind];
00470         }
00471         return decrypted;
00472     } else {
00473         return "Error";
00474     }
00475 }
00477 //Polybius Square cipher
00478 string PolybiusSquareCipher(string word,int opt)
00479 {
00480     string number = "";
00481     string numbers = "";
00482     if(opt == 0) // Encrypt
00483     {   
00484         string encrypted = "";
00485         string rows = "";
00486         string cols = "";
00487         for (int x = 0; x < word.length(); x++) {
00488             char c = word[x];
00489             number = PolybiusTableTranslation(c);
00490             rows += number[0];
00491             cols += number[1]; 
00492         }
00493         numbers = rows + cols;
00494         for (int y = 0; y < numbers.length(); y = y + 2) {
00495             encrypted += PolybiusTableLookup(numbers.substr(y,2));
00496         }
00497         return encrypted; 
00498     }  else if (opt == 1) { //Decrypt
00499         string decrypted = "";
00500         for (int x = 0; x < word.length(); x++) {
00501             char c = word[x];
00502             number = PolybiusTableTranslation(c);
00503             numbers += number;
00504         }
00505         int length = numbers.length()/2;
00506         for (int y = 0; y < length; y++) {
00507             string newNum = "";
00508             newNum += numbers[y];
00509             newNum += numbers[y + length];
00510             decrypted += PolybiusTableLookup(newNum);
00511         }
00512         return decrypted;
00513     } else {
00514         return "Error";
00515     }
00516 }
00520 string PolybiusTableTranslation(char letter) {
00521     if (letter == 'A') {return "11";}
00522     if (letter == 'B') {return "12";}
00523     if (letter == 'C') {return "13";}
00524     if (letter == 'D') {return "14";}
00525     if (letter == 'E') {return "15";}
00526     if (letter == 'F') {return "21";}
00527     if (letter == 'G') {return "22";}
00528     if (letter == 'H') {return "23";}
00529     if (letter == 'I') {return "24";}
00530     if (letter == 'J') {return "24";}
00531     if (letter == 'K') {return "25";}
00532     if (letter == 'L') {return "31";}
00533     if (letter == 'M') {return "32";}
00534     if (letter == 'N') {return "33";}
00535     if (letter == 'O') {return "34";}
00536     if (letter == 'P') {return "35";}
00537     if (letter == 'Q') {return "41";}
00538     if (letter == 'R') {return "42";}
00539     if (letter == 'S') {return "43";}
00540     if (letter == 'T') {return "44";}
00541     if (letter == 'U') {return "45";}
00542     if (letter == 'V') {return "51";}
00543     if (letter == 'W') {return "52";}
00544     if (letter == 'X') {return "53";}
00545     if (letter == 'Y') {return "54";}
00546     if (letter == 'Z') {return "55";}
00548     return "error";
00549 }
00551 string PolybiusTableLookup(string number) {
00552     if (number == "11") {return "A";}  
00553     if (number == "12") {return "B";}  
00554     if (number == "13") {return "C";}
00555     if (number == "14") {return "D";}
00556     if (number == "15") {return "E";}
00557     if (number == "21") {return "F";}
00558     if (number == "22") {return "G";}
00559     if (number == "23") {return "H";}
00560     if (number == "24") {return "I/J";}
00561     if (number == "25") {return "K";}
00562     if (number == "31") {return "L";}
00563     if (number == "32") {return "M";}
00564     if (number == "33") {return "N";}
00565     if (number == "34") {return "O";}
00566     if (number =="35") {return "P";}
00567     if (number == "41") {return "Q";}
00568     if (number == "42") {return "R";}
00569     if (number == "43") {return "S";}
00570     if (number == "44") {return "T";}
00571     if (number == "45") {return "U";}
00572     if (number == "51") {return "V";}
00573     if (number == "52") {return "W";}
00574     if (number == "53") {return "X";}
00575     if (number == "54") {return "Y";}
00576     if (number == "55") {return "Z";}
00578     return "error";
00579 }