Snake game for a 5x5 LED matrix

Dependencies:   MCP23S17 mbed

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00001 /*
00002 *   5x5 LED Snake Game
00003 *   Author: Daniel Hamilton
00004 *   ECE 4180 Lab 3
00005 *
00006 */
00008 #include "mbed.h"
00009 #include "ledCube.h"
00010 #include "snake.h"
00011 #include "main.h"
00013 snake mySnake(snakeStartRow,snakeStartCol); // Snake represents the coordinates making up the snake
00014 food myFood(foodStartRow, foodStartCol); // food pellet the snake is trying to eat
00015 ledCube cube;                           // Currently a square, but represents and controls the physical LEDs
00016 AnalogIn joyVer(p19);                   // vertical analog joystick input pin
00017 AnalogIn joyHor(p18);                   // Horizontal analog joystick input pin
00018 DigitalIn select(p17);                  // Pushbutton on the joystick (currently unused)
00020 int main()
00021 {
00022     printf("Start\n");
00023     int snakeUpdateCounter = 0; // keeps track of when we should move Snake
00024     cube.turnOnLed(snakeStartRow, snakeStartCol, 0); // Starts the snake at Row 0 Col 0
00025     updateFoodLed();                                 // Lights up the food LED
00026     printf("Setup Complete\n");
00027     bool gameover = false;                           // Is set to true when the game is over and keeps the LEDs blinking
00029     while(1) {
00030         // Update snake position if we are greater than the set movement speed
00031         if(snakeUpdateCounter++ >= mySnake.movementSpeed) {
00032             snakeUpdateCounter = 0;
00033             if(mySnake.moveSnake(&cube) || gameover) {
00034                 gameover = true;
00035                 cube.blink();
00036             }
00037             // See if the snake is on the Food's LED
00038             if(checkForSnakeEating()) {
00039                 myFood.moveFood(rand() % 5, rand() % 5);
00040                 updateFoodLed();
00041             }
00042         }
00043         updateDirectionInput();
00044         wait(.1);
00045     }
00047 }
00049 // Return true if the snake is on a food, false otherwise
00050 bool checkForSnakeEating()
00051 {
00052     return mySnake.isEating(myFood.currRow, myFood.currCol);
00053 }
00055 // Update the food's loction
00056 void updateFoodLed()
00057 {
00058     cube.turnOnLed(myFood.currRow, myFood.currCol, 0);
00059     printf("FOOD: Row: %d Col: %d\n", myFood.currRow, myFood.currCol);
00060     if(mySnake.movementSpeed > 0){
00061         mySnake.movementSpeed--;
00062     }
00063 }
00065 // Updates the direction the snake is traveling based on the analog controller's input
00066 void updateDirectionInput(){
00067    float verValue, horValue;
00068     int pushed;
00069     select.mode(PullUp);
00070         verValue = joyVer;
00071         horValue = joyHor;
00072         pushed = select;
00073         if(horValue < .4){
00074             mySnake.movementDirection = Left;
00075             //printf("Left\n");
00076         }
00077         else if(horValue > .6){
00078             mySnake.movementDirection = Right;
00079             //printf("Right\n");
00080         }
00081         if(verValue < .4){
00082             mySnake.movementDirection = Down;
00083             //printf("Down\n");
00084         }
00085         else if(verValue > .6){
00086             mySnake.movementDirection = Up;
00087             //printf("Up\n");
00088         }
00089 }