Bluetooth controlled Robot with Smart Collision Detection for ECE 4180 Final Project

Dependencies:   Servo X_NUCLEO_53L0A1 mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "XNucleo53L0A1.h" //Lidar Distance Sensor: 3.3V VIN, GND GND, P13 SDA, P14 SCL, P26 SHDN
00003 #include "Servo.h"
00004 #include "rtos.h"
00005 #include <stdio.h>
00007 BusOut myled(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4);
00008 Serial blue(p13,p14); //bluetooth UART
00010 Servo myservo(p23); //Servo connected to PWM 23
00012 float p;
00013 PwmOut ledR(p26); //RGB Red
00014 PwmOut ledG(p25); //RGB Green
00015 PwmOut ledB(p24); //RGB Blue
00017 PwmOut SpeedL(p21); //Speed of Left motor
00018 PwmOut SpeedR(p22); //Speed of Right motor
00019 DigitalOut FwdL(p15); //Forward Left motor
00020 DigitalOut FwdR(p16); //Forward Right motor
00021 DigitalOut BckL(p19); //Backward Left motor
00022 DigitalOut BckR(p18); //Backward Right motor
00024 /* I2C LIDAR sensor */
00025 #define VL53L0_I2C_SDA   p28
00026 #define VL53L0_I2C_SCL   p27
00027 DevI2C *device_i2c = new DevI2C(VL53L0_I2C_SDA, VL53L0_I2C_SCL);
00028 static XNucleo53L0A1 *board = XNucleo53L0A1::instance(device_i2c, A2, D8, D2);; // LIDAR singleton obj instantiate
00029 DigitalOut shdn(p29);
00030 int status;
00031 uint32_t sensorData;
00032 volatile int distance;
00033 int DistFlag; //used to determine if collision would have occured
00035 Thread t1;
00036 Thread t2;
00038 void sensor()
00039 {
00040     shdn = 0; //must reset sensor for an mbed reset to work
00041     wait(0.1);
00042     shdn = 1;
00043     wait(0.1);
00044     // init the 53L0A1 board with default values
00045     status = board->init_board();
00046     while (status) {
00047         pc.printf("Failed to init board! \r\n");
00048         status = board->init_board();
00049     }
00050     pc.printf("Board Init. Beginning Loop \r\n");
00051     //loop taking and printing distance
00052     while (1) {
00053         status = board->sensor_centre->get_distance(&sensorData);
00054         distance = sensorData;
00055         if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
00056             if (distance <= 400) DistFlag = 1;
00057             pc.printf("D=%ld mm // DistFlag = %d\r\n", distance, DistFlag);
00058         }
00059         Thread::wait(10);
00060     }//end while
00061 } // end sensor
00063 void motor()
00064 {
00065     char bnum=0;
00066     char bhit=0;
00067     while (1) {
00068         if (DistFlag == 1) {
00069             ledG = 0;
00070             ledR = 1;
00071             SpeedL = 0.5;
00072             SpeedR = 0.5;
00073             FwdL = 0;
00074             FwdR = 0;
00075         } else {
00076             ledG = 1;
00077             if (blue.readable()) {
00078                 if (blue.getc()=='!') {
00079                     if (blue.getc()=='B') { //button data packet
00080                         bnum = blue.getc(); //button number
00081                         bhit = blue.getc(); //1=hit, 0=release
00082                         if (blue.getc()==char(~('!' + 'B' + bnum + bhit))) { //checksum OK?
00083                             myled = bnum - '0'; //current button number will appear on LEDs
00084                             switch (bnum) {
00085                                 case '1': //number button 1: Servo Sweep
00086                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00087                                         for(float p=0; p<1.0; p += 0.1) {
00088                                             myservo = p;
00089                                             wait(0.2);
00090                                         }
00091                                     } else {
00092                                         myservo = 0.5;
00093                                     }
00094                                     break;
00095                                 case '2': //number button 2
00096                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00097                                         //add hit code here
00098                                         DistFlag = 0;
00099                                     } else {
00100                                         //add release code here
00101                                     }
00102                                     break;
00103                                 case '3': //number button 3
00104                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00105                                         //add hit code here
00106                                     } else {
00107                                         //add release code here
00108                                     }
00109                                     break;
00110                                 case '4': //number button 4
00111                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00112                                         //add hit code here
00113                                     } else {
00114                                         //add release code here
00115                                     }
00116                                     break;
00117                                 case '5': //button 5 up arrow
00118                                     //pc.printf("Pressed F\n");
00119                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00120                                         SpeedL = 1;
00121                                         SpeedR = 1;
00122                                         FwdL = 1;
00123                                         FwdR = 1;
00124                                     } else {
00125                                         for (p = SpeedL; p > 0; p -= 0.1) {
00126                                             SpeedL = p;
00127                                             SpeedR = p;
00128                                         }
00129                                         FwdL = 0;
00130                                         FwdR = 0;
00131                                     }
00132                                     break;
00133                                 case '6': //button 6 down arrow
00134                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00135                                         SpeedL = 0.5;
00136                                         SpeedR = 0.5;
00137                                         BckL = 1;
00138                                         BckR = 1;
00139                                     } else {
00140                                         for (p = SpeedL; p > 0; p -= 0.1) {
00141                                             SpeedL = p;
00142                                             SpeedR = p;
00143                                         }
00144                                         BckL = 0;
00145                                         BckR = 0;
00146                                     }
00147                                     break;
00148                                 case '7': //button 7 left arrow
00149                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00150                                         SpeedL = 0.5;
00151                                         SpeedR = 0.5;
00152                                         BckL = 1;
00153                                         FwdR = 1;
00154                                     } else {
00155                                         for (p = SpeedL; p > 0; p -= 0.1) {
00156                                             SpeedL = p;
00157                                             SpeedR = p;
00158                                         }
00159                                         BckL = 0;
00160                                         FwdR = 0;
00161                                     }
00162                                     break;
00163                                 case '8': //button 8 right arrow
00164                                     if (bhit=='1') {
00165                                         SpeedL = 0.5;
00166                                         SpeedR = 0.5;
00167                                         FwdL = 1;
00168                                         BckR = 1;
00169                                     } else {
00170                                         for (p = SpeedL; p > 0; p -= 0.1) {
00171                                             SpeedL = p;
00172                                             SpeedR = p;
00173                                         }
00174                                         FwdL = 0;
00175                                         BckR = 0;
00176                                     }
00177                             }
00178                         }
00179                     }
00180                 }
00181             } // end readable
00182         } // end else
00183         Thread::wait(100);
00184     } //end while
00185 } // end Motor
00187 int main()
00188 {
00189     DistFlag = 0;
00190     for (p = 0; p < 1; p += 0.1) {
00191         ledB = p;
00192         wait(0.2);
00193     }
00194     wait(0.05);
00195     ledB = 0;
00196     t1.start(sensor);
00197     t2.start(motor);
00198     while (1) {
00199         if (DistFlag == 1) {
00200             while (distance <= 400) {
00201                 SpeedL = 0.2;
00202                 SpeedR = 0.2;
00203                 BckL = 1;
00204                 BckR = 1;
00205                 Thread::wait(10); //Reupdate Distance
00206             }
00207             BckL = 0;
00208             BckR = 0;
00209             ledR = 0;
00210             DistFlag = 0;
00211         }
00212         Thread::wait(500);
00213     }
00214 }