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00002 namespace math{
00004 /**
00005  * @brief Construct a new Polynomial Function< T, N>:: Polynomial Function object
00006  * 
00007  */
00008 template<class T,int32_t N>
00009 PolynomialFunction<T,N>::PolynomialFunction()
00010 {
00011     for(int i=0;i<=N;++i){
00012         this->coefficients[i]=static_cast<T>(0);
00013     }
00014 }
00016 /**
00017  * @brief Construct a new Polynomial Function< T, N>:: Polynomial Function object
00018  * 
00019  * @param coefficients The list of the coefficients for the polynomial function.
00020  */
00021 template<class T,int32_t N>
00022 PolynomialFunction<T,N>::PolynomialFunction(T coefficients[N+1])
00023 {
00024     for(int i=0;i<=N;++i){
00025         this->coefficients[i]=coefficients[i];
00026     }
00027 }
00029 /**
00030  * @brief Destroy the Polynomial Function< T, N>:: Polynomial Function object
00031  * 
00032  */
00033 template<class T,int32_t N>
00034 PolynomialFunction<T,N>::~PolynomialFunction()
00035 {
00036 }
00038 /**
00039  * @brief Get the degree of the polynomial function
00040  * 
00041  * @return The degree of the polynom
00042  */
00043 template<class T,int32_t N>
00044 int32_t PolynomialFunction<T,N>::getDegree()
00045 {
00046     return N;
00047 }
00049 /**
00050  * @brief Get coefficient value
00051  * 
00052  * @param index         The index of the coefficient
00053  * @return The value of the coefficient
00054  */
00055 template<class T,int32_t N>
00056 T PolynomialFunction<T,N>::getCoefficientValue(int32_t index)
00057 {
00058     if(index>N || index<0) return static_cast<T>(0);
00059     return this->coefficients[index];
00060 }
00062 /**
00063  * @brief Set the value of the coefficient
00064  * 
00065  * @param index     The index of the coefficient
00066  * @param value     The new value of the coefficient
00067  */
00068 template<class T,int32_t N>
00069 void PolynomialFunction<T,N>::setCoefficientValue(int32_t index, T value ){
00070     if(index<=N){
00071         this->coefficients[index]=value;
00072     }
00073 }
00075 /**
00076  * @brief It sums the polynom with the input polynom and return a result in the new polynom.
00077  * 
00078  * @param b         The input polynom.
00079  * @return The result polynom.
00080  */
00081 template<class T,int32_t N>
00082 template<int32_t N2>
00083 math::PolynomialFunction<T,(N2<N?N:N2)> PolynomialFunction<T,N>::add(PolynomialFunction<T,N2> b){
00084     math::PolynomialFunction<T,N2<N?N:N2> p;
00085     for(int i=0;i<=N2 || i<=N;++i){
00086         p.setCoefficientValue(i,this->getCoefficientValue(i)+b.getCoefficientValue(i));
00087     }
00088     return p;
00089 }
00092 template<class T,int32_t N>
00093 template<int32_t N2>
00094 /**
00095  * @brief It multiply the polynom with the given polynom and return the result polynom.
00096  *  
00097  * @param b     The input polynom
00098  * @return The result polynom
00099  */
00100 math::PolynomialFunction<T,(N2+N)> PolynomialFunction<T,N>::multip(PolynomialFunction<T,N2> b){
00101     math::PolynomialFunction<T,(N2+N)> result;
00102     for(int32_t i=0;i<=N2+N;++i){
00103         T sum=static_cast<T>(0);
00104         for(int32_t j=0;j<=i;++j){
00105             sum+=this->getCoefficientValue(j)*b.getCoefficientValue(i-j);
00106         }
00107         result.setCoefficientValue(i,sum);
00108     }
00110     return result;
00111 }
00113 template<class T,int32_t N>
00114 /**
00115  * @brief Calculate the polynom value 
00116  * 
00117  * @param input_value   The given value 
00118  * @return The result value of the polynom. 
00119  */
00120 T PolynomialFunction<T,N>::calculateValue(T input_value){
00121     T output_value=static_cast<T>(0);
00122     for(int32_t i=0;i<=N;++i){
00123         output_value+=this->coefficients[i]*static_cast<T>(pow(input_value,i));
00124     }
00125 //    std::cout<<"OOO"<<output_value<<std::endl;
00126     return output_value;
00127 }
00129 template<class T, int32_t N>
00130 /**
00131  * @brief It calcutes the first derivate of the polinom and return it by creating a new polynomial function object.
00132  * 
00133  * @return The result polynom.
00134  */
00135 math::PolynomialFunction<T,N-1> PolynomialFunction<T,N>::derivateFO(){
00136     math::PolynomialFunction<T,N-1> derivate;
00137     for(int32_t i=0;i<N;++i){
00138         T coeff=static_cast<T>(i+1);
00139         derivate.setCoefficientValue(i,coeff*this->getCoefficientValue(i+1));
00140     }
00141     return derivate;
00142 };
00144 };