mbed-rtos test programs for DISCO_F746NG. #Test for thread, mutex, semaphore, signals, queues, mail, ISR

Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_F746NG HC06Bluetooth I2Cdev LCD_DISCO_F746NG MCP2515 MD25 MPU9150 TS_DISCO_F746NG emwin mbed-dev mbed-rtos pca9685 ppCANOpen ros_lib_kinetic

Fork of DISCO-F746NG_rtos_test by sabme ua

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "TS_DISCO_F746NG.h"
00003 #include "LCD_DISCO_F746NG.h"
00004 #include "pca9685.h"
00005 #include "I2Cdev.h"
00006 #include "MPU9150.h"
00007 #include "PinNames.h"
00009 LCD_DISCO_F746NG lcd;
00010 TS_DISCO_F746NG ts;
00011 //I2C myI2C(I2C_SCL, I2C_SDA);
00012 //PCA9685 myPWM(1, &myI2C, 400000.0); 
00013 PwmOut led(PC_7);
00014 I2Cdev* myI2Cdev = new I2Cdev();
00015 MPU9150 myImu(*myI2Cdev);
00016 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00018 void callback() {
00019     // Note: you need to actually read from the serial to clear the RX interrupt
00020     pc.printf("%d\n", pc.getc());
00021 }
00024 int main()
00025 {
00026     pc.baud(115200);
00027     pc.attach(&callback);
00028     pc.printf("\n\nEEPROM demo started\n");
00030     TS_StateTypeDef TS_State;
00031     uint16_t x, y;
00032     uint8_t text[30];
00033     uint8_t textColor[50];
00034     uint8_t status;
00035     uint8_t idx;
00036     uint8_t cleared = 0;
00037     uint8_t prev_nb_touches = 0;
00038     uint8_t color_r = 0;
00039     uint8_t color_g = 0;
00040     uint8_t color_b = 128;
00041     uint32_t color = 0xFF000000;
00042     enum EColorState {RED, GREEN, BLUE};
00043     float pwmOutput = 0.0;
00044     EColorState eColorState = BLUE;
00045     bool imuState = false;
00047     led.period_ms(20.0);      // 4 second period
00048     //led.write(0.50f);      // 50% duty cycle, relative to period
00049     led.pulsewidth_us(1500);
00050     //myPWM.init();
00051     //myPWM.set_pwm_duty(0, 50.0);
00052     lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN DEMO", CENTER_MODE);
00054     wait(1);
00056     //myImu.initialize();
00057     imuState = myImu.testConnection();
00059     status = ts.Init(lcd.GetXSize(), lcd.GetYSize());
00060     if (status != TS_OK) {
00061         lcd.Clear(LCD_COLOR_RED);
00062         lcd.SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_RED);
00063         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00064         lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN INIT FAIL", CENTER_MODE);
00065     } else {
00066         lcd.Clear(LCD_COLOR_GREEN);
00067         lcd.SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_GREEN);
00068         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00069         lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN INIT OK", CENTER_MODE);
00070         if( imuState ) {
00071             lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(6), (uint8_t *)"IMU INIT OK", CENTER_MODE);
00072         }
00073         else{
00074             lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(6), (uint8_t *)"IMU INIT Failed", CENTER_MODE);
00075         }    
00076     }
00078     wait(1);
00079     lcd.Clear(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00080     lcd.SetFont(&Font12);
00081     lcd.SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00082     lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00084     while(1) {
00086         ts.GetState(&TS_State);
00087         if (TS_State.touchDetected) {
00088             // Clear lines corresponding to old touches coordinates
00089             if (TS_State.touchDetected < prev_nb_touches) {
00090                 for (idx = (TS_State.touchDetected + 1); idx <= 5; idx++) {
00091                     lcd.ClearStringLine(idx);
00092                 }
00093             }
00094             prev_nb_touches = TS_State.touchDetected;
00096             cleared = 0;
00098             lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00099             sprintf((char*)text, "Touches: %d", TS_State.touchDetected);
00100             lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(0), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
00102             for (idx = 0; idx < TS_State.touchDetected; idx++) {
00103                 x = TS_State.touchX[idx];
00104                 y = TS_State.touchY[idx];
00105                 sprintf((char*)text, "Touch %d: x=%d y=%d", idx+1, x, y);
00106                 lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&textColor, LEFT_MODE);
00107                 lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(idx+2), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
00110                 pwmOutput = (float) (x/480.0);
00111                 if( pwmOutput > 1.0f )
00112                 {
00113                     pwmOutput = 1.0f;
00114                 }
00115                 led.pulsewidth_us((int)(pwmOutput*2000 + 500));      // 50% duty cycle, relative to period
00118                 /**
00119                 * @brief  Sets the LCD text color.
00120                 * @param  Color: Text color code ARGB(8-8-8-8);
00121                 * @retval None
00122                 */
00123                 if( eColorState == BLUE ) {
00124                     color_b++;
00125                     if( color_b == 255 ) {
00126                         eColorState = GREEN;
00127                         color_b = 0;
00128                         color_g = 128;
00129                     }
00130                 }
00131                 if( eColorState == GREEN ) {
00132                     color_g++;
00133                     if( color_g == 255 ) {
00134                         eColorState = RED;
00135                         color_g = 0;
00136                         color_r = 128;
00137                     }
00138                 }
00139                 if( eColorState == RED ) {
00140                     color_r++;
00141                     if( color_r == 255 ) {
00142                         eColorState = BLUE;
00143                         color_r = 0;
00144                         color_b = 128;
00145                     }
00146                 }
00148                 for(uint8_t i=0; i <255; i++) {
00149                     lcd.SetTextColor(0xFF000000 + i);
00150                     lcd.FillCircle(i+100, 100, 5);
00151                     lcd.SetTextColor(0xFF000000 + (i << 8));
00152                     lcd.FillCircle(i+100, 150, 5);
00153                     lcd.SetTextColor(0xFF000000 + (i << 16));
00154                     lcd.FillCircle(i+100, 200, 5);
00155                 }
00157                 color = 0xFF000000 + (color_r << 16) + (color_g << 8) + color_b;
00158                 sprintf((char*)textColor, "RED %x GREEN %x BLUE %x  Color=0x%x   ", color_r, color_g, color_b, color);
00159                 lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&textColor, LEFT_MODE);
00161                 lcd.SetTextColor(color);
00162                 lcd.FillCircle(TS_State.touchX[0], TS_State.touchY[0], 5);
00163             }
00165             // lcd.DrawPixel(TS_State.touchX[0], TS_State.touchY[0], LCD_COLOR_ORANGE);
00166         } else {
00167             if (!cleared) {
00169                 lcd.Clear(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00170                 sprintf((char*)text, "Touches: 0");
00171                 pc.printf("Servo: %f\n", pwmOutput*2000+500);
00172                 lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(0), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
00173                 cleared = 1;
00174             }
00175         }
00176     }
00177 }