Libreria basica para el manejo del ESP01

Dependents:   Gateway_Cotosys Gateway_Cotosys_os5

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00001 #ifndef ESP01_H
00002 #define ESP01_H
00004 #include <string>
00005 #include "mbed.h"
00007 #define CMD_END     "\r\n"
00009 /**
00010  *  Info about host to send data.
00011  *      Owner:      Name of who owns the host
00012  *      Host:       IP or address
00013  *      GETstring:  String to fill in sensor ID and data
00014  */
00015 typedef struct {
00016     char* Owner;
00017     char* Host;
00018     char* GETstring;
00019 } HostInfo;
00021 /**
00022  *  Info about WiFi networks
00023  *      Owner:      Name of who owns the network
00024  *      SSID:       Name of the network
00025  *      password:   Password of the network
00026  */
00027 typedef struct {
00028     char* Owner;
00029     char* SSID;
00030     char* password;
00031 } WifiInfo;
00033 typedef enum { STATION = 1, ACCESS_POINT, BOTH} WiFiMode;
00035 class ESP01 {
00036     public:
00037         /**
00038          *  ESP01 constructor
00039          *
00040          *  @param tx TX pin
00041          *  @param rx RX pin
00042          *  @param br Baud Rate
00043          */
00044         ESP01(PinName tx, PinName rx, int br);
00046         /**
00047          *  ESP01 destructor
00048          */
00049         ~ESP01();
00051         void SendCMD(char *s);
00052         void Reset(void);
00053         bool RcvReply(char *r, int to);
00054         bool GetList(char *l);
00055         void Join(char *id, char *pwd);
00056         bool GetIP(char *ip);
00057         void SetMode(WiFiMode mode);
00058         void Quit(void);
00059         void SetSingle(void);
00060         void SetMultiple(void);
00061         bool GetConnStatus(char *st);
00062         void StartServerMode(int port);
00063         void CloseServerMode(void);
00064         void setTransparent(void);
00065         void startTCPConn(char *IP, int port);
00066         void sendURL(char *URL, char *IP, char *command);  
00067         void deepsleep(size_t ms);
00069         //Funciones que yo he agregado
00070         void StartSmartConfig(void);
00071         void DisableEcho(void);
00072         void EnableDHCP(void);
00073         void RcvSingleReply(char * r);
00074         void GetConnStatusCode(char * st);
00075         void SetMaxTCPConn(int maxconn);
00076         bool TCPDataAvailable(char *data);
00077         void SendTCPData(int socket,int len, char *data);
00079     private:
00080         Serial comm;
00081         void AddEOL(char * s);
00082         void AddChar(char * s, char c);
00083 };
00085 #endif //ESP01_H
00086 /*
00088     Basic:
00089     AT: Just to generate "OK" reply
00091     Wifi:
00092     AT+RST:  restart the module
00093     AT+CWMODE: define wifi mode; AT+CWMODE=<mode> 1= Sta, 2= AP, 3=both; Inquiry: AT+CWMODE? or AT+CWMODE=?
00094     AT+CWJAP: join the AP wifi; AT+ CWJAP =<ssid>,< pwd > - ssid = ssid, pwd = wifi password, both between quotes; Inquiry: AT+ CWJAP?
00095     AT+CWLAP: list the AP wifi
00096     AT+CWQAP: quit the AP wifi; Inquiry: AT+CWQAP=?  
00097     * AT+CWSAP: set the parameters of AP; AT+CWSAP= <ssid>,<pwd>,<chl>,<ecn> - ssid, pwd, chl = channel, ecn = encryption; Inquiry: AT+CWJAP?
00099     TCP/IP:
00100     AT+CIPSTATUS: get the connection status
00101     * AT+CIPSTART: set up TCP or UDP connection 1)single connection (+CIPMUX=0) AT+CIPSTART= <type>,<addr>,<port>; 2) multiple connection (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSTART= <id><type>,<addr>, <port> - id = 0-4, type = TCP/UDP, addr = IP address, port= port; Inquiry: AT+CIPSTART=?
00102     * AT+CIPSEND: send data; 1)single connection(+CIPMUX=0) AT+CIPSEND=<length>; 2) multiple connection (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSEND= <id>,<length>; Inquiry: AT+CIPSEND=?
00103     * AT+CIPCLOSE: close TCP or UDP connection; AT+CIPCLOSE=<id> or AT+CIPCLOSE; Inquiry: AT+CIPCLOSE=?
00104     AT+CIFSR: Get IP address; Inquiry: AT+ CIFSR=?
00105     AT+CIPMUX:  set mutiple connection; AT+ CIPMUX=<mode> - 0 for single connection 1 for mutiple connection; Inquiry: AT+CIPMUX?
00106     AT+CIPSERVER: set as server; AT+ CIPSERVER= <mode>[,<port> ] - mode 0 to close server mode, mode 1 to open; port = port; Inquiry: AT+CIFSR=?
00107     * +IPD: received data
00108 */