JDI_MIP on ThunderBoardSense2(Silicon-Labs)

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00001 /***************************************************************************//**
00002  * @file main.cpp
00003  *******************************************************************************
00004  * @section License
00005  * <b>(C) Copyright 2017 Silicon Labs, http://www.silabs.com</b>
00006  *******************************************************************************
00007  *
00008  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
00011  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00012  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00013  *
00014  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00015  *
00016  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00017  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
00018  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00019  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00020  * limitations under the License.
00021  *
00022  ******************************************************************************/
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include "mbed.h"
00026 #include "BMP280/BMP280.h"
00027 #include "AMS_CCS811.h"
00028 #include "Si7021.h"
00029 #include "Si7210.h"
00030 #include "Si1133.h "
00031 #include "ICM20648.h "
00033 #include "SPI_MIP16.h"
00034 #include "data.h"
00035 #include "HGP23x29.h"
00036 #include "HGP15x19.h"
00039 /* Turn on power supply to ENV sensor suite */
00040 DigitalOut env_en(PF9, 1);
00041 /* Turn on power to CCS811 sensor */
00042 DigitalOut ccs_en(PF14, 1);
00043 /* Set CCS_WAKE pin to output */
00044 DigitalOut ccs_wake(PF15, 1);
00045 /* Turn on power to hall effect sensor */
00046 DigitalOut hall_en(PB10, 1);
00047 /* Turn on power to IMU */
00048 DigitalOut imu_en(PF8, 1);
00050 I2C ccs_i2c(PB6, PB7);
00051 I2C hall_i2c(PB8, PB9);
00052 I2C env_i2c(PC4, PC5);
00054 // MIP
00055 WatchDisp WD(PK0,PK2,PF7,PA5); //PTC12);  // mosi,miso,clk,cs,disp,power(EXTMODE)
00056 DigitalOut _lcd_disp(PA8);    // DISP
00057 DigitalOut _lcd_extmod(PF6);  // EXTMODE L=SERIAL, H=EXTCOMIN Signal
00058 DigitalOut _lcd_extcom(PA9);  // Togle
00060 uint8_t ccolor_table[] = {Black,Gray,Blue   ,LightBlue   ,Green ,LightGreen ,Cyan     ,LightCyan,
00061                           Red  ,pink,Magenta,LightMagenta,Yellow,LightYellow,LightGray,White};
00062 DigitalOut _pk1(PK1,1);  // QSPI Flash CS Disable
00064 bool  if16 = 0;
00065 bool  ifMargeTXT = 0;
00066 int  width =176;
00067 int  height=176;
00068 ///////////////////////////////////////
00069 int disp_logo(void)
00070 {
00071     int RGB;
00072     uint8_t R8,G8,B8;
00073     uint8_t *cptr;
00074     //for(int i=0; i< 54 ; i++) fscanf(fp,"%c",DUMMY);  // Discard Header 54bytes
00075     cptr = (uint8_t *)&Title_bmp[54];
00076     for(int y=height-1; y>=0; y--) {
00077         for(int x=0; x< width; x++) {    //24bit color  B 8bit -> G 8bit -> R 8bit
00078             B8 = *cptr++;
00079             G8 = *cptr++;
00080             R8 = *cptr++;
00081             RGB =  RGB8(R8,G8,B8);    //6bit(8bit) MIP  MASK 0000 1110
00082             WD.pixel(x,y,RGB);
00083         }
00084         //if( y!=0)  // The last data column doesn't need padding
00085         //for(int x=(width*3)%4; (x%4 !=0); x++) fscanf(fp, "%c",DUMMY);    // 4byte boundery for every column
00086     }
00087 }
00089 int lcd_init(void)
00090 {
00091     int i;
00092     // Power On Sequece
00093 //  _lcd_reset  = 0;
00094 //  _lcd_reset  = 1;
00095     _lcd_extmod = 0;
00097     WD.setWH(width,height);     // Default   X/Y-00
00098     bool  if16 = 1;
00099     WD.set16col(if16);          // 0= RGB, 1=RGBW
00100     WD.setmarge(1);
00101     WD.background(Cyan);
00102     WD.clsBUF();
00103     _lcd_disp = 1;              // 
00104     //WD.fillrect(i*(width/16), height/2+1, (i+1)*(width/16)-1, height  , ccolor_table[15-i]);
00105     //WD.writeDISP();         
00107     //WD.set_font((unsigned char*) HGP23x29);
00108     //WD.locate(  0, 43);WD.foreground(Blue); WD.printf("Environmental");
00109     //WD.locate(  0, 83);WD.foreground(Blue); WD.printf("   Monitor");
00110     //WD.locate(120,140);WD.foreground(Red ); WD.printf("JDI");
00111     disp_logo();
00112     WD.writeDISP();               
00113     _lcd_extmod = 1;   // 1=Pin,0=Serial
00114     WD.background(Cyan);
00115     return 0;
00116 /**/    
00117 }
00119 ///////////////////////////////////////////////
00120 int main() {
00121     uint32_t eco2, tvoc;
00122     float pressure, temperature2;
00123     int32_t temperature;
00124     uint32_t humidity;
00125     float light, uv;
00126     float acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, gyr_x, gyr_y, gyr_z, temperature3;
00128     bool lightsensor_en = true;
00129     bool gassensor_en = true;
00130     bool hallsensor_en = true;
00131     bool rhtsensor_en = true;
00132     bool pressuresensor_en = true;
00133     bool imu_en = false;
00135     _pk1=1;
00136     lcd_init();
00137     ccs_en = 0; wait_ms(100);
00138     ccs_en = 1;
00139     wait_ms(2000);
00141     /* Initialize air quality sensor */
00142     AMS_CCS811* gasSensor = new AMS_CCS811(&ccs_i2c, PF15);
00143     if(!gasSensor->init()) {
00144         printf("Failed CCS811 init\r\n");
00145         gassensor_en = false;
00146     } else {
00147         if(!gasSensor->mode(AMS_CCS811::TEN_SECOND)) {
00148             printf("Failed to set CCS811 mode\r\n");
00149             gassensor_en = false;
00150         }
00151     }
00153     wait_ms(10);
00155     /* Initialize barometer and RHT */
00156     BMP280* pressureSensor = new BMP280(env_i2c);
00157     Si7021* rhtSensor = new Si7021(PC4, PC5);
00159     printf("\r\n\r\nHello Thunderboard Sense 2...\r\n");
00161     /* Check if hall sensor is alive */
00162     silabs::Si7210* hallSensor = new silabs::Si7210(&hall_i2c);
00163     uint8_t id;
00164     hallSensor->wakeup();
00165     hallSensor->readRegister(SI72XX_HREVID, &id);
00166     printf("Hall ID: %d\r\n", id);
00168     /* Initialize light sensor */
00169     Si1133* lightSensor = new Si1133(PC4, PC5);
00171     if(!lightSensor->open()) {
00172         printf("Something is wrong with Si1133, disabling...\n");
00173         lightsensor_en = false;
00174     } else printf("Si1133 available\n\r");
00176     /* Initialize the IMU*/
00177     printf("ICM20648 Start \n\r");
00179     ICM20648* imu = new ICM20648(PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3, PF12);
00180     printf(" ICM20648 OK\n\r");
00182     if (imu != 0){
00183         if(!imu->open()) {
00184             printf("Something is wrong with ICM20648, disabling...\n");
00185             imu_en = false;
00186         } else printf("ICM20648 available\n\r");
00187     }
00188     WD.foreground(Red);
00189     WD.set_font((unsigned char*) HGP15x19);   
00190 #define WD_OFFSET 10
00191     do {
00192         WD.clsBUF();
00193         printf("----------------------------------------------\r\n");
00194         /* Measure temperature and humidity */
00195         if(rhtsensor_en) {
00196             rhtSensor->measure();
00197             rhtSensor->measure();
00198             temperature = rhtSensor->get_temperature();
00199             humidity = rhtSensor->get_humidity();
00201             printf("temperature and humidity(Si7021):\r\n");
00202             printf("temperature: %ld.%03ld degC\r\n", temperature/1000, abs(temperature%1000));
00203             printf("humidity   : %ld.%03ld %%\r\n", humidity/1000, humidity%1000);
00204             WD.locate( 2,0*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("Temp.");
00205             WD.locate(55,0*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%ld.%03ld degC", temperature/1000, abs(temperature%1000));
00206             WD.locate( 2,1*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("Humi.");
00207             WD.locate(55,1*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%ld.%03ld %%", humidity/1000, humidity%1000);
00208         }
00210         /* Measure barometric pressure */
00211         if(pressuresensor_en) {
00212             temperature2 = pressureSensor->getTemperature();
00213             pressure = pressureSensor->getPressure();
00215             printf("pressure(BMP280):\r\n");
00216             printf("pressure   : %.2f bar\r\n", pressure);
00217             printf("temperature: %.2f degC\r\n", temperature2);
00218             WD.locate( 2,2*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("Pres.");
00219             WD.locate(55,2*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%.2f bar\r\n", pressure);
00220         }
00222         /* Measure air quality */
00223         if(gassensor_en) {
00224             gasSensor->has_new_data();
00225             eco2 = gasSensor->co2_read();
00226             tvoc = gasSensor->tvoc_read();
00228             printf("air quality(CCS811):\r\n");
00229             printf("CO2: %ld ppm\r\n", eco2);
00230             printf("VoC: %ld ppb\r\n", tvoc);
00231             WD.locate( 2,3*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("CO2");
00232             WD.locate(55,3*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%ld ppm", eco2);
00233             WD.locate( 2,4*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("VoC");
00234             WD.locate(55,4*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%ld ppb", tvoc);
00235         }
00237         /* measure HALL */
00238         if(hallsensor_en) {
00239             hallSensor->measureOnce();
00240             printf("HALL(Si7210):\r\n");
00241             printf("T: %d.%02d degC\r\n", hallSensor->getTemperature()/1000, abs(hallSensor->getTemperature()%1000));
00242             printf("F: %i.%03d mT\r\n", (int)(hallSensor->getFieldStrength()/1000), abs(hallSensor->getFieldStrength() % 1000));
00243             WD.locate( 2,5*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("Magn.");
00244             WD.locate(55,5*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%i.%03d mT\r\n", (int)(hallSensor->getFieldStrength()/1000), abs(hallSensor->getFieldStrength() % 1000));
00245         }
00247         /* measure light */
00248         if(lightsensor_en) {
00249             lightSensor->get_light_and_uv(&light, &uv);
00251             printf("Light(BMP280):\r\n");
00252             printf("Light: %.2f lux\r\n", light);
00253             printf("UV   : %.2f    \r\n", uv);
00254             WD.locate( 2,6*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("Lumi.");
00255             WD.locate(55,6*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%.2f lux", light);
00256             WD.locate( 2,7*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Blue ); WD.printf("UV");
00257             WD.locate(55,7*20+WD_OFFSET);WD.foreground(Red  ); WD.printf("%.2f", uv);
00258         }
00260         /* measure imu */
00261         if(imu_en) {
00262             imu->get_temperature(&temperature3);
00263             imu->get_accelerometer(&acc_x, &acc_y, &acc_z);
00264             imu->get_gyroscope(&gyr_x, &gyr_y, &gyr_z);
00266             printf("ICM20648:\r\n");
00267             printf("TEMP: %.2f degC\r\n", temperature3);
00268             printf("Acc : %.2f %.2f %.2f\r\n", acc_x, acc_y, acc_z);
00269             printf("Gyro: %.2f %.2f %.2f\r\n", gyr_x, gyr_y, gyr_z);
00270             WD.locate(2,8*20+WD_OFFSET); WD.printf("Acc : %.2f %.2f %.2f\r\n", acc_x, acc_y, acc_z);
00271             WD.locate(2,9*20+WD_OFFSET); WD.printf("Gyro: %.2f %.2f %.2f\r\n", gyr_x, gyr_y, gyr_z);
00272         }
00273         WD.writeDISP();        
00274         _lcd_extcom = !_lcd_extcom;
00275         wait(1);
00276     } while(1);
00277 }