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Dependencies:   mbed TrapezoidControl Pulse QEI

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00001 #include "RS485.h"
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "ActuatorHub/ActuatorHub.h"
00004 #include "LineHub/LineHub.h"
00005 #include "../../LED/LED.h"
00006 #include "../../System/Using.h"
00008 namespace RS485 {
00010     DigitalOut selectBitT(SELECTBIT_T_PIN);
00011 //  DigitalOut selectBitR(SELECTBIT_R_PIN);
00012     Serial RS485Uart(RS485UART_TX, RS485UART_RX);
00013     Serial RS485Line(RS485LINE_TX, RS485LINE_RX);
00015     bool readFase = 0;
00016     char buffer[RS485_BUFFER_LINE] = {0};
00018     void Transmit();
00019     void Recieve();
00021     void RS485::Initialize() {
00022         selectBitT = 1;  //送信固定
00023 //      selectBitR = 0;  //受信固定
00024         RS485Uart.baud(38400);
00025         RS485Uart.attach(Transmit, Serial::TxIrq);  //送信割り込み
00026         RS485Line.baud(9600);
00027         RS485Line.attach(Recieve, Serial::RxIrq);  //受信割り込み
00028     }
00030     void Transmit() {
00031 //        __disable_irq();
00032         static uint8_t count = 0;
00033         RS485Uart.putc(RS485SendBuffer.GetData());
00034         if(count >= 200) {
00035             #ifdef USE_MOTOR
00036             LED_DEBUG2 = !LED_DEBUG2;
00037             #endif
00039             count = 0;
00040         } else count++;
00041         __enable_irq();
00042     }
00044     void Recieve() {
00045         __disable_irq();
00046         static uint8_t time = 0;
00047         static uint8_t count = 0;
00048         char data = RS485Line.getc();
00049         if (data == 'S') {
00050             readFase = true;
00051             time = 0;
00052         } else if(data == 'F') {
00053             readFase = false;
00054             for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
00055                 lineData[i] = buffer[i];
00056             }
00057             time = 0;
00058         } else if(readFase) {
00059             buffer[time] = data;
00060             time++;
00061         } else {
00062             readFase = false;
00063             time = 0;
00064         }
00065         if(count >= 200) {
00066             LED_DEBUG1 = !LED_DEBUG1;
00067             count = 0;
00068         } else count++;
00069         __enable_irq();
00070     }
00071 }