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Dependencies:   mbed TrapezoidControl Pulse QEI

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00001 #ifndef PROCESS_H_
00002 #define PROCESS_H_
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00006 #define BUZZER_PIN PB_3
00007 #define EMG_0 LimitSw::IsPressed(0)
00008 #define EMG_1 LimitSw::IsPressed(1)
00010 void SystemProcess();
00012 /* ---------- motor ---------- */
00014 #define  TIRE_FL  0
00015 #define  TIRE_BL  1
00016 #define  TIRE_BR  2
00017 #define  TIRE_FR  3
00018 #define  LIFT_LB  4
00019 #define  LIFT_RB  6
00020 #define  LIFT_U   5
00022 /* ---------- motor ---------- */
00024 /* ---------- limitswitch ---------- */
00026 #define  LSW_LB   3  // 上下1段目 左 リミット
00027 #define  LSW_RB   8 // 上下1段目 右 リミット
00028 #define  LSW_UU   2  // 上下2段目 上 リミット
00029 #define  LSW_UB   16  // 上下2段目 下 リミット
00030 #define  TOW_1L   4  // タオル1 左 リミット
00031 #define  TOW_1R   5  // タオル1 右 リミット
00032 #define  TOW_2L   6  // タオル2 左 リミット
00033 #define  TOW_2R   7  // タオル2 右 リミット
00034 #define LEFTlim    0
00035 #define RIGHTlim   1
00037 #define  SETTING_SW   10  // セッティングタイム用
00038 #define  QF_SW        9  // 予選・決勝 切り替え
00039 #define  UNFOLD_ZYOUGE_SW   11  // タオルセット用の展開
00040 //#define  TOWEL1_SW   11  // タオル1 切り替え
00041 #define  REDBLUE_SW  12  // 赤青 切り替え
00042 #define  SHEETS_SW   13  // シーツのみモード
00043 #define  UNFOLD_TOWL_SW  14  
00044 #define  START_SW    15  // スタートボタン
00046 /* ---------- limitswitch ---------- */
00048 /* ---------- linetrace ---------- */
00050 #define  LINE_FRONT  0
00051 #define  LINE_BACK   2
00052 #define  LINE_LEFT   3
00053 #define  LINE_RIGHT  4
00054 #define  LINE_TOW_1  5
00055 #define  LINE_TOW_2  6
00057 /* ---------- linetrace ---------- */
00059 /* ---------- solenoid ---------- */
00061 #define  TOWEL0 3
00062  // タオル横 展開
00063 #define  TOWEL1 0 // タオル1 
00064 #define  TOWEL2 1 // タオル2
00065 #define  CLOTHESPIN 2 // シーツの洗濯ばさみ
00067 /* ---------- solenoid ---------- */
00069 #define  ECHO_0  PC_3
00070 #define  ECHO_1  PC_1
00072 #define  TRIG_0  PC_0
00073 #define  TRIG_1  PB_0
00075 #define SELECT_1 PB_8//LS18
00076 #define SELECT_2 PC_9//LS19
00077 #define SELECT_3 PC_8//LS20
00080 typedef union
00081 {
00082     struct
00083     {
00084         unsigned int blue : 8;
00085         unsigned int green : 8;
00086         unsigned int red : 8;
00087         unsigned int : 8;
00088     };
00089     uint32_t code;
00090 } TapeLedData;
00092 enum TapeLED_Mode
00093 {
00094     EMS,
00095     Normal,
00096     Launch,
00097 };
00099 enum TapeLED_Color
00100 {
00101     Black                   = 0x000000,
00102     // Red                  = 0xff0000,
00103     Green                   = 0x008000,
00104     Blue                    = 0x0000ff,
00105     White                   = 0xffffff,
00106     // Orange                   = 0xffa500,
00107     // Yellow                   = 0xffff00,
00108     // Purple                   = 0x800080,
00109     // Cyan                 = 0x00ffff,
00110     // Magenta                  = 0xff00ff,
00111     // Lime                 = 0x00ff00
00114     Dimgray                 = 0x696969,
00115     Gray                    = 0x808080,
00116     DarkGray                = 0xa9a9a9,
00117     Silver                  = 0xc0c0c0,
00118     LightGray               = 0xd3d3d3,
00119     Gainsboro               = 0xdcdcdc,
00120     Whitesmoke              = 0xf5f5f5,
00121     Snow                    = 0xfffafa,
00122     Ghostwhite              = 0xf8f8ff,
00123     Floralwhite             = 0xfffaf0,
00124     Linen                   = 0xfaf0e6,
00125     Antiquewhite            = 0xfaebd7,
00126     Papayawhip              = 0xffefd5,
00127     Blanchedalmond          = 0xffebcd,
00128     Bisque                  = 0xffe4c4,
00129     Moccasin                = 0xffe4b5,
00130     Navajowhite             = 0xffdead,
00131     Peachpuff               = 0xffdab9,
00132     Mistyrose               = 0xffe4e1,
00133     Lavenderblush           = 0xfff0f5,
00134     Seashell                = 0xfff5ee,
00135     Oldlace                 = 0xfdf5e6,
00136     Ivory                   = 0xfffff0,
00137     Honeydew                = 0xf0fff0,
00138     Mintcream               = 0xf5fffa,
00139     Azure                   = 0xf0ffff,
00140     Aliceblue               = 0xf0f8ff,
00141     Lavender                = 0xe6e6fa,
00142     Lightsteelblue          = 0xb0c4de,
00143     Lightslategray          = 0x778899,
00144     Slategray               = 0x708090,
00145     Steelblue               = 0x4682b4,
00146     Royalblue               = 0x4169e1,
00147     Midnightblue            = 0x191970,
00148     Navy                    = 0x000080,
00149     Darkblue                = 0x00008b,
00150     Mediumblue              = 0x0000cd,
00151     Dodgerblue              = 0x1e90ff,
00152     Cornflowerblue          = 0x6495ed,
00153     Deepskyblue             = 0x00bfff,
00154     Lightskyblue            = 0x87cefa,
00155     Skyblue                 = 0x87ceeb,
00156     Lightblue               = 0xadd8e6,
00157     Powderblue              = 0xb0e0e6,
00158     Paleturquoise           = 0xafeeee,
00159     // Lightcyan                = 0xe0ffff,
00160     Cyan                    = 0x00ffff,
00161     // Aqua                 = 0x00ffff,
00162     Turquoise               = 0x40e0d0,
00163     Mediumturquoise         = 0x48d1cc,
00164     Darkturquoise           = 0x00ced1,
00165     Lightseagreen           = 0x20b2aa,
00166     Cabetblue               = 0x5f9ea0,
00167     Darkcyan                = 0x008b8b,
00168     Teal                    = 0x008080,
00169     Darkslategray           = 0x2f4f4f,
00170     Darkgreen               = 0x006400,
00171     Forestgreen             = 0x228b22,
00172     Seagreen                = 0x2e8b57,
00173     Mediumseagreen          = 0x3cb371,
00174     Mediumaquamarine        = 0x66cdaa,
00175     Darkseagreen            = 0x8fbc8f,
00176     Aquamarine              = 0x7fffd4,
00177     Palegreen               = 0x98fb98,
00178     Lightgreen              = 0x90ee90,
00179     Springgreen             = 0x00ff7f,
00180     Mediumspringgreen       = 0x00fa9a,
00181     Lawngreen               = 0x7cfc00,
00182     Chartreuse              = 0x7fff00,
00183     Greenyellow             = 0xadff2f,
00184     Lime                    = 0x00ff00,
00185     Limegreen               = 0x32cd32,
00186     Yellowgreen             = 0x9acd32,
00187     Darkolivegreen          = 0x556b2f,
00188     Olivedrab               = 0x6b8e23,
00189     Olive                   = 0x808000,
00190     Darkkhaki               = 0xbdb76b,
00191     Palegoldenrod           = 0xeee8aa,
00192     Cornsilk                = 0xfff8dc,
00193     Beige                   = 0xf5f5dc,
00194     Lightyellow             = 0xffffe0,
00195     Lightgoldenrodyellow    = 0xfafad2,
00196     Lemonchiffon            = 0xfffacd,
00197     Wheat                   = 0xf5deb3,
00198     Burlywood               = 0xdeb887,
00199     Tan                     = 0xd2b48c,
00200     Khaki                   = 0xf0e68c,
00201     Yellow                  = 0xffff00,
00202     Gold                    = 0xffd700,
00203     // Orange                   = 0xffa500,
00204     Orange                  = 0xff2500,
00205     Sandybrown              = 0xf4a460,
00206     Darkorange              = 0xff8c00,
00207     Goldenrod               = 0xdaa520,
00208     Peru                    = 0xcd853f,
00209     Darkgoldenrod           = 0xb8860d,
00210     Chocolate               = 0xd2691e,
00211     Sienna                  = 0xa0522d,
00212     Saddlebrown             = 0x8b4513,
00213     Marron                  = 0x800000,
00214     Darkred                 = 0x8b0000,
00215     Brown                   = 0xa52a2a,
00216     Firebrick               = 0xb22222,
00217     Indeanred               = 0xcd5c5c,
00218     Rosybrown               = 0xbc8f8f,
00219     Darksalmon              = 0xe9967a,
00220     Lightcoral              = 0xf08080,
00221     Salmon                  = 0xfa8072,
00222     Lightsalmon             = 0xffa07a,
00223     Coral                   = 0xff7f50,
00224     Tomato                  = 0xff6347,
00225     Orangered               = 0xff4500,
00226     Red                     = 0xff0000,
00227     Crimson                 = 0xdc143c,
00228     Mediumvioletred         = 0xc71585,
00229     Deeppink                = 0xff1493,
00230     Hotpink                 = 0xff69b4,
00231     Palevioletred           = 0xdb7093,
00232     Pink                    = 0xffc0cb,
00233     Lightpink               = 0xffb6c1,
00234     Thistle                 = 0xd8bfd8,
00235     Magenta                 = 0xff00ff,
00236     // Fuchsia                  = 0xff00ff,
00237     Violet                  = 0xee82ee,
00238     Plum                    = 0xdda0dd,
00239     Orchid                  = 0xda70d6,
00240     Mediumorchid            = 0xba55d3,
00241     Darkorchid              = 0x9932cc,
00242     Darkviolet              = 0x9400d3,
00243     Darkmagenta             = 0x8b008b,
00244     Purple                  = 0x800080,
00245     Indigo                  = 0x4b0082,
00246     Darkslateblue           = 0x483d8b,
00247     Blueviolet              = 0x8a2be2,
00248     Mediumpurple            = 0x9370db,
00249     Slateblue               = 0x6a5acd,
00250     Mediumslateblue         = 0x7b68ee
00251 };
00253 extern TapeLedData sendLedData;
00255 #endif