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00001 /*
00002  * @brief LPC11xx ROM API declarations and functions
00003  *
00004  * @note
00005  * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
00006  * All rights reserved.
00007  *
00008  * @par
00009  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00010  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00011  * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
00012  * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
00013  * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
00014  * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
00015  * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
00016  * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
00017  * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
00018  * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
00019  * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
00020  * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
00021  * specified use without further testing or modification.
00022  *
00023  * @par
00024  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
00025  * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
00026  * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
00027  * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
00028  * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
00029  * this code.
00030  */
00032 #ifndef __ROMAPI_11XX_H_
00033 #define __ROMAPI_11XX_H_
00035 #include "error.h"
00037 #ifdef __cplusplus
00038 extern "C" {
00039 #endif
00041 /** @defgroup ROMAPI_11XX CHIP: LPC11XX ROM API declarations and functions
00042  * @ingroup CHIP_11XX_Drivers
00043  * @{
00044  */
00046 /**
00047  * @brief LPC11XX High level ROM API structure
00048  */
00049 typedef struct {
00050     const uint32_t usbdApiBase ;             /*!< USBD API function table base address */
00051     const uint32_t reserved0 ;               /*!< Reserved */
00052     const uint32_t candApiBase ;             /*!< CAN API function table base address */
00053     const uint32_t pwrApiBase ;              /*!< Power API function table base address */
00054     const uint32_t reserved1 ;               /*!< Reserved */
00055     const uint32_t reserved2 ;               /*!< Reserved */
00056     const uint32_t reserved3 ;               /*!< Reserved */
00057     const uint32_t reserved4 ;               /*!< Reserved */
00058 } LPC_ROM_API_T;
00060 /**
00061  * @brief LPC11XX IAP_ENTRY API function type
00062  */
00063 typedef void (*IAP_ENTRY_T)(unsigned int[], unsigned int[]);
00065 static INLINE void iap_entry(unsigned int cmd_param[], unsigned int status_result[])
00066 {
00067     ((IAP_ENTRY_T) IAP_ENTRY_LOCATION)(cmd_param, status_result);
00068 }
00070 /**
00071  * @}
00072  */
00074 #ifdef __cplusplus
00075 }
00076 #endif
00078 #endif /* __ROMAPI_11XX_H_ */