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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2015 Pavel Kirienko <>
00003  */
00008 #include <uavcan/build_config.hpp>
00009 #include <uavcan/protocol/dynamic_node_id_server/types.hpp>
00011 namespace uavcan
00012 {
00013 namespace dynamic_node_id_server
00014 {
00015 /**
00016  * @ref IEventTracer.
00017  * Event codes cannot be changed, only new ones can be added.
00018  */
00019 enum UAVCAN_EXPORT TraceCode
00020 {
00021     // Event name                          Argument
00022     // 0
00023     TraceError,                         // error code (may be negated)
00024     TraceRaftLogLastIndexRestored,      // recovered last index value
00025     TraceRaftLogAppend,                 // index of new entry
00026     TraceRaftLogRemove,                 // new last index value
00027     TraceRaftCurrentTermRestored,       // current term
00028     // 5
00029     TraceRaftCurrentTermUpdate,         // current term
00030     TraceRaftVotedForRestored,          // value of votedFor
00031     TraceRaftVotedForUpdate,            // value of votedFor
00032     TraceRaftDiscoveryBroadcast,        // number of known servers
00033     TraceRaftNewServerDiscovered,       // node ID of the new server
00034     // 10
00035     TraceRaftDiscoveryReceived,         // node ID of the sender
00036     TraceRaftClusterSizeInited,         // cluster size
00037     TraceRaftBadClusterSizeReceived,    // received cluster size
00038     TraceRaftCoreInited,                // update interval in usec
00039     TraceRaftStateSwitch,               // 0 - Follower, 1 - Candidate, 2 - Leader
00040     // 15
00041     Trace0,
00042     TraceRaftNewLogEntry,               // node ID value
00043     TraceRaftRequestIgnored,            // node ID of the client
00044     TraceRaftVoteRequestReceived,       // node ID of the client
00045     TraceRaftVoteRequestSucceeded,      // node ID of the server
00046     // 20
00047     TraceRaftVoteRequestInitiation,     // node ID of the server
00048     TraceRaftPersistStateUpdateError,   // negative error code
00049     TraceRaftCommitIndexUpdate,         // new commit index value
00050     TraceRaftNewerTermInResponse,       // new term value
00051     TraceRaftNewEntryCommitted,         // new commit index value
00052     // 25
00053     TraceRaftAppendEntriesCallFailure,  // error code (may be negated)
00054     TraceRaftElectionComplete,          // number of votes collected
00055     TraceRaftAppendEntriesRespUnsucfl,  // node ID of the client
00056     Trace2,
00057     Trace3,
00058     // 30
00059     TraceAllocationFollowupResponse,    // number of unique ID bytes in this response
00060     TraceAllocationFollowupDenied,      // reason code (see sources for details)
00061     TraceAllocationFollowupTimeout,     // timeout value in microseconds
00062     TraceAllocationBadRequest,          // number of unique ID bytes in this request
00063     TraceAllocationUnexpectedStage,     // stage number in the request - 1, 2, or 3
00064     // 35
00065     TraceAllocationRequestAccepted,     // number of bytes of unique ID after request
00066     TraceAllocationExchangeComplete,    // first 8 bytes of unique ID interpreted as signed 64 bit big endian
00067     TraceAllocationResponse,            // allocated node ID
00068     TraceAllocationActivity,            // source node ID of the message
00069     Trace12,
00070     // 40
00071     TraceDiscoveryNewNodeFound,         // node ID
00072     TraceDiscoveryCommitCacheUpdated,   // node ID marked as committed
00073     TraceDiscoveryNodeFinalized,        // node ID in lower 7 bits, bit 8 (256, 0x100) is set if unique ID is known
00074     TraceDiscoveryGetNodeInfoFailure,   // node ID
00075     TraceDiscoveryTimerStart,           // interval in microseconds
00076     // 45
00077     TraceDiscoveryTimerStop,            // reason code (see sources for details)
00078     TraceDiscoveryGetNodeInfoRequest,   // target node ID
00079     TraceDiscoveryNodeRestartDetected,  // node ID
00080     TraceDiscoveryNodeRemoved,          // node ID
00081     Trace22,
00082     // 50
00084     NumTraceCodes
00085 };
00087 /**
00088  * This interface allows the application to trace events that happen in the server.
00089  */
00090 class UAVCAN_EXPORT IEventTracer
00091 {
00092 public:
00094     /**
00095      * It is safe to call this function with any argument.
00096      * If the event code is out of range, an assertion failure will be triggered and an error text will be returned.
00097      */
00098     static const char* getEventName(TraceCode code)
00099     {
00100         // import re;m = lambda s:',\n'.join('"%s"' % x for x in re.findall(r'\ {4}Trace[0-9]*([A-Za-z0-9]*),',s))
00101         static const char* const Strings[] =
00102         {
00103             "Error",
00104             "RaftLogLastIndexRestored",
00105             "RaftLogAppend",
00106             "RaftLogRemove",
00107             "RaftCurrentTermRestored",
00108             "RaftCurrentTermUpdate",
00109             "RaftVotedForRestored",
00110             "RaftVotedForUpdate",
00111             "RaftDiscoveryBroadcast",
00112             "RaftNewServerDiscovered",
00113             "RaftDiscoveryReceived",
00114             "RaftClusterSizeInited",
00115             "RaftBadClusterSizeReceived",
00116             "RaftCoreInited",
00117             "RaftStateSwitch",
00118             "",
00119             "RaftNewLogEntry",
00120             "RaftRequestIgnored",
00121             "RaftVoteRequestReceived",
00122             "RaftVoteRequestSucceeded",
00123             "RaftVoteRequestInitiation",
00124             "RaftPersistStateUpdateError",
00125             "RaftCommitIndexUpdate",
00126             "RaftNewerTermInResponse",
00127             "RaftNewEntryCommitted",
00128             "RaftAppendEntriesCallFailure",
00129             "RaftElectionComplete",
00130             "RaftAppendEntriesRespUnsucfl",
00131             "",
00132             "",
00133             "AllocationFollowupResponse",
00134             "AllocationFollowupDenied",
00135             "AllocationFollowupTimeout",
00136             "AllocationBadRequest",
00137             "AllocationUnexpectedStage",
00138             "AllocationRequestAccepted",
00139             "AllocationExchangeComplete",
00140             "AllocationResponse",
00141             "AllocationActivity",
00142             "",
00143             "DiscoveryNewNodeFound",
00144             "DiscoveryCommitCacheUpdated",
00145             "DiscoveryNodeFinalized",
00146             "DiscoveryGetNodeInfoFailure",
00147             "DiscoveryTimerStart",
00148             "DiscoveryTimerStop",
00149             "DiscoveryGetNodeInfoRequest",
00150             "DiscoveryNodeRestartDetected",
00151             "DiscoveryNodeRemoved",
00152             ""
00153         };
00154         uavcan::StaticAssert<sizeof(Strings) / sizeof(Strings[0]) == NumTraceCodes>::check();
00155         UAVCAN_ASSERT(code < NumTraceCodes);
00156         // coverity[dead_error_line]
00157         return (code < NumTraceCodes) ? Strings[static_cast<unsigned>(code)] : "INVALID_EVENT_CODE";
00158     }
00159 #endif
00161     /**
00162      * The server invokes this method every time it believes that a noteworthy event has happened.
00163      * It is guaranteed that event code values will never change, but new ones can be added in future. This ensures
00164      * full backward compatibility.
00165      * @param event_code        Event code, see the sources for the enum with values.
00166      * @param event_argument    Value associated with the event; its meaning depends on the event code.
00167      */
00168     virtual void onEvent(TraceCode event_code, int64_t event_argument) = 0;
00170     virtual ~IEventTracer() { }
00171 };
00173 }
00174 }
00176 #endif // Include guard