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00001 /*
00002  * @brief LPC11xx basic chip inclusion file
00003  *
00004  * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
00005  * All rights reserved.
00006  *
00007  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00008  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00009  * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
00010  * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
00011  * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
00012  * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
00013  * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
00014  * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
00015  * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
00016  * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
00017  * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
00018  * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
00019  * specified use without further testing or modification.
00020  *
00021  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
00022  * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
00023  * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
00024  * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
00025  * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
00026  * this code.
00027  */
00029 #ifndef __CHIP_H_
00030 #define __CHIP_H_
00032 #include "lpc_types.h"
00033 #include "sys_config.h"
00034 #include "cmsis.h"
00036 #ifdef __cplusplus
00037 extern "C" {
00038 #endif
00040 #ifndef CORE_M0
00041 #error CORE_M0 is not defined for the LPC11xx architecture
00042 #error CORE_M0 should be defined as part of your compiler define list
00043 #endif
00045 #if !defined(ENABLE_UNTESTED_CODE)
00046 #if defined(CHIP_LPC110X)
00047 #warning The LCP110X code has not been tested with a platform. This code should \
00048 build without errors but may not work correctly for the device. To disable this \
00049 #warning message, define ENABLE_UNTESTED_CODE.
00050 #endif
00051 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11XXLV)
00052 #warning The LPC11XXLV code has not been tested with a platform. This code should \
00053 build without errors but may not work correctly for the device. To disable this \
00054 #warning message, define ENABLE_UNTESTED_CODE.
00055 #endif
00056 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX)
00057 #warning The LPC11AXX code has not been tested with a platform. This code should \
00058 build without errors but may not work correctly for the device. To disable this \
00059 #warning message, define ENABLE_UNTESTED_CODE.
00060 #endif
00061 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11EXX)
00062 #warning The LPC11EXX code has not been tested with a platform. This code should \
00063 build without errors but may not work correctly for the device. To disable this \
00064 warning message, define ENABLE_UNTESTED_CODE.
00065 #endif
00066 #endif
00068 #if !defined(CHIP_LPC110X) && !defined(CHIP_LPC11XXLV) && !defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX) && \
00069     !defined(CHIP_LPC11CXX) && !defined(CHIP_LPC11EXX) && !defined(CHIP_LPC11UXX) && \
00070     !defined(CHIP_LPC1125)
00072 #endif
00074 /* Peripheral mapping per device
00075    Peripheral                   Device(s)
00076    ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00077    I2C(40000000)                                CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00078    WDT(40004000)                CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00079    UART0(40008000)              CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX                                                   CHIP_LPC1125
00080    UART1(40020000)                                                                                                              CHIP_LPC1125
00081    UART2(40024000)                                                                                                              CHIP_LPC1125
00082    USART/SMARTCARD(40008000)                                                    CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX
00083    TIMER0_16(4000C000)          CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00084    TIMER1_16(40010000)          CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00085    TIMER0_32(40014000)          CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00086    TIMER1_32(40018000)          CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00087    ADC(4001C000)                CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00088    DAC(40024000)                                                                                                CHIP_LPC11AXX
00089    ACMP(40028000)                                                                                               CHIP_LPC11AXX
00090    PMU(40038000)                CHIP_LPC110x/                   CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX                   CHIP_LPC1125
00091    FLASH_CTRL(4003C000)         CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX                                   CHIP_LPC1125
00092    FLASH_EEPROM(4003C000)                                                                       CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX
00093    SPI0(40040000)               CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX
00094    SSP0(40040000)                                                               CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00095    IOCONF(40044000)             CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00096    SYSCON(40048000)             CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX/  CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00097    GPIOINTS(4004C000)                                                           CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX
00098    USB(40080000)                                                                CHIP_LPC11UXX
00099    CCAN(40050000)                                               CHIP_LPC11CXX
00100    SPI1(40058000)                                               CHIP_LPC11CXX
00101    SSP1(40058000)                                                               CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX   CHIP_LPC1125
00102    GPIO_GRP0_INT(4005C000)                                                      CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX
00103    GPIO_GRP1_INT(40060000)                                                      CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX
00104    GPIO_PORT(50000000)                                                          CHIP_LPC11UXX/  CHIP_LPC11EXX/  CHIP_LPC11AXX
00105    GPIO_PIO0(50000000)          CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX                                                   CHIP_LPC1125
00106    GPIO_PIO1(50010000)          CHIP_LPC110x/   CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX                                                   CHIP_LPC1125
00107    GPIO_PIO2(50020000)                          CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX                                                   CHIP_LPC1125
00108    GPIO_PIO3(50030000)                          CHIP_LPC11XXLV/ CHIP_LPC11CXX                                                   CHIP_LPC1125
00109  */
00111 /** @defgroup PERIPH_11XX_BASE CHIP: LPC11xx Peripheral addresses and register set declarations
00112  * @ingroup CHIP_11XX_Drivers
00113  * @{
00114  */
00116 #define LPC_I2C_BASE              0x40000000
00117 #define LPC_WWDT_BASE             0x40004000
00118 #define LPC_USART_BASE            0x40008000
00119 #define LPC_TIMER16_0_BASE        0x4000C000
00120 #define LPC_TIMER16_1_BASE        0x40010000
00121 #define LPC_TIMER32_0_BASE        0x40014000
00122 #define LPC_TIMER32_1_BASE        0x40018000
00123 #define LPC_ADC_BASE              0x4001C000
00124 #define LPC_DAC_BASE              0x40024000
00125 #define LPC_ACMP_BASE             0x40028000
00126 #define LPC_PMU_BASE              0x40038000
00127 #define LPC_FLASH_BASE            0x4003C000
00128 #define LPC_SSP0_BASE             0x40040000
00129 #define LPC_IOCON_BASE            0x40044000
00130 #define LPC_SYSCTL_BASE           0x40048000
00131 #define LPC_USB0_BASE             0x40080000
00132 #define LPC_CAN0_BASE             0x40050000
00133 #define LPC_SSP1_BASE             0x40058000
00134 #if defined(CHIP_LPC1125)
00135 #define LPC_USART1_BASE           0x40020000
00136 #define LPC_USART2_BASE           0x40024000
00137 #endif
00138 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11UXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11EXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX)
00139 #define LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT_BASE     0x4004C000
00140 #define LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0_BASE  0x4005C000
00141 #define LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1_BASE  0x40060000
00142 #define LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE        0x50000000
00143 #else
00144 #define LPC_GPIO_PORT0_BASE       0x50000000
00145 #define LPC_GPIO_PORT1_BASE       0x50010000
00146 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11XXLV) || defined(CHIP_LPC11CXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC1125)
00147 #define LPC_GPIO_PORT2_BASE       0x50020000
00148 #define LPC_GPIO_PORT3_BASE       0x50030000
00149 #endif /* defined(CHIP_LPC11XXLV) || defined(CHIP_LPC11CXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC1125) */
00150 #endif /* defined(CHIP_LPC11UXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11EXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX) */
00151 #define IAP_ENTRY_LOCATION        0X1FFF1FF1
00152 #define LPC_ROM_API_BASE_LOC      0x1FFF1FF8
00154 #if !defined(CHIP_LPC110x)
00155 #define LPC_I2C                   ((LPC_I2C_T              *) LPC_I2C_BASE)
00156 #endif
00158 #define LPC_WWDT                  ((LPC_WWDT_T             *) LPC_WWDT_BASE)
00159 #define LPC_USART                 ((LPC_USART_T            *) LPC_USART_BASE)
00160 #define LPC_TIMER16_0             ((LPC_TIMER_T            *) LPC_TIMER16_0_BASE)
00161 #define LPC_TIMER16_1             ((LPC_TIMER_T            *) LPC_TIMER16_1_BASE)
00162 #define LPC_TIMER32_0             ((LPC_TIMER_T            *) LPC_TIMER32_0_BASE)
00163 #define LPC_TIMER32_1             ((LPC_TIMER_T            *) LPC_TIMER32_1_BASE)
00164 #define LPC_ADC                   ((LPC_ADC_T              *) LPC_ADC_BASE)
00166 #if defined(CHIP_LPC1125)
00167 #define LPC_USART0                LPC_USART
00168 #define LPC_USART1                ((LPC_USART_T            *) LPC_USART1_BASE)
00169 #define LPC_USART2                ((LPC_USART_T            *) LPC_USART2_BASE)
00170 #endif
00172 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX)
00173 #define LPC_DAC                   ((LPC_DAC_T              *) LPC_DAC_BASE)
00174 #define LPC_CMP                   ((LPC_CMP_T              *) LPC_ACMP_BASE)
00175 #endif
00177 #define LPC_PMU                   ((LPC_PMU_T              *) LPC_PMU_BASE)
00178 #define LPC_FMC                   ((LPC_FMC_T              *) LPC_FLASH_BASE)
00179 #define LPC_SSP0                  ((LPC_SSP_T              *) LPC_SSP0_BASE)
00180 #define LPC_IOCON                 ((LPC_IOCON_T            *) LPC_IOCON_BASE)
00181 #define LPC_SYSCTL                ((LPC_SYSCTL_T           *) LPC_SYSCTL_BASE)
00182 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11CXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11UXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11EXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC1125)
00183 #define LPC_SSP1                  ((LPC_SSP_T              *) LPC_SSP1_BASE)
00184 #endif
00185 #define LPC_USB                   ((LPC_USB_T              *) LPC_USB0_BASE)
00187 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11UXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11EXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX)
00188 #define LPC_PININT                ((LPC_PIN_INT_T          *) LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT_BASE)
00190 #define LPC_GPIO                  ((LPC_GPIO_T             *) LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE)
00191 #else
00192 #define LPC_GPIO                  ((LPC_GPIO_T             *) LPC_GPIO_PORT0_BASE)
00193 #endif
00195 #define LPC_ROM_API               (*((LPC_ROM_API_T        * *) LPC_ROM_API_BASE_LOC))
00198 /**
00199  * @}
00200  */
00202 /** @ingroup CHIP_11XX_DRIVER_OPTIONS
00203  */
00205 /**
00206  * @brief   System oscillator rate
00207  * This value is defined externally to the chip layer and contains
00208  * the value in Hz for the external oscillator for the board. If using the
00209  * internal oscillator, this rate can be 0.
00210  */
00211 extern const uint32_t OscRateIn;
00213 /**
00214  * @}
00215  */
00217 /** @ingroup CHIP_11XX_DRIVER_OPTIONS
00218  */
00220 /**
00221  * @brief   Clock rate on the CLKIN pin
00222  * This value is defined externally to the chip layer and contains
00223  * the value in Hz for the CLKIN pin for the board. If this pin isn't used,
00224  * this rate can be 0.
00225  */
00226 extern const uint32_t ExtRateIn;
00228 /**
00229  * @}
00230  */
00232 #include "pmu_11xx.h"
00233 #include "fmc_11xx.h"
00234 #include "sysctl_11xx.h"
00235 #include "clock_11xx.h"
00236 #include "iocon_11xx.h"
00237 #include "timer_11xx.h"
00238 #include "uart_11xx.h"
00239 #include "wwdt_11xx.h"
00240 #include "ssp_11xx.h"
00241 #include "romapi_11xx.h"
00243 #if !defined(CHIP_LPC1125)
00244 /* All LPC1xx devices except the LPC1125 */
00245 #include "adc_11xx.h"
00247 #else
00248 /* LPC1125 has different IP than other LPC11xx devices */
00249 #include "adc_1125.h"
00250 #endif
00252 /* Different GPIO/GPIOGROUP/PININT blocks for parts with similar numbers */
00253 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11CXX) || defined(CHIP_LPC110X) || defined(CHIP_LPC11XXLV) || defined(CHIP_LPC1125)
00254 #include "gpio_11xx_2.h"
00255 #else
00256 #include "gpio_11xx_1.h"
00257 #include "gpiogroup_11xx.h"
00258 #include "pinint_11xx.h"
00259 #endif
00261 /* Family specific drivers */
00262 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11AXX)
00263 #include "acmp_11xx.h"
00264 #include "dac_11xx.h"
00265 #endif
00266 #if !defined(CHIP_LPC110X)
00267 #include "i2c_11xx.h"
00268 #endif
00269 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11CXX)
00270 #include "ccand_11xx.h"
00271 #endif
00272 #if defined(CHIP_LPC11UXX)
00273 #include "usbd_11xx.h"
00274 #endif
00276 /** @defgroup SUPPORT_11XX_FUNC CHIP: LPC11xx support functions
00277  * @ingroup CHIP_11XX_Drivers
00278  * @{
00279  */
00281 /**
00282  * @brief   Current system clock rate, mainly used for sysTick
00283  */
00284 extern uint32_t SystemCoreClock;
00286 /**
00287  * @brief   Update system core clock rate, should be called if the
00288  *          system has a clock rate change
00289  * @return  None
00290  */
00291 void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void);
00293 /**
00294  * @brief   Set up and initialize hardware prior to call to main()
00295  * @return  None
00296  * @note    Chip_SystemInit() is called prior to the application and sets up
00297  * system clocking prior to the application starting.
00298  */
00299 void Chip_SystemInit(void);
00301 /**
00302  * @}
00303  */
00305 #ifdef __cplusplus
00306 }
00307 #endif
00309 #endif /* __CHIP_H_ */