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00001 /*
00002  * @brief LPC11xx CCAN ROM API declarations and functions
00003  *
00004  * @note
00005  * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
00006  * All rights reserved.
00007  *
00008  * @par
00009  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00010  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00011  * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
00012  * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
00013  * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
00014  * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
00015  * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
00016  * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
00017  * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
00018  * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
00019  * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
00020  * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
00021  * specified use without further testing or modification.
00022  *
00023  * @par
00024  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
00025  * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
00026  * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
00027  * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
00028  * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
00029  * this code.
00030  */
00032 #ifndef __CCAND_11XX_H_
00033 #define __CCAND_11XX_H_
00035 #ifdef __cplusplus
00036 extern "C" {
00037 #endif
00039 /** @defgroup CCANROM_11XX CHIP: LPC11xx CCAN ROM Driver
00040  * @ingroup CHIP_11XX_Drivers
00041  * @{
00042  */
00044 /**
00045  * CCAN ROM error status bits
00046  */
00047 #define CAN_ERROR_NONE  0x00000000UL
00048 #define CAN_ERROR_PASS  0x00000001UL
00049 #define CAN_ERROR_WARN  0x00000002UL
00050 #define CAN_ERROR_BOFF  0x00000004UL
00051 #define CAN_ERROR_STUF  0x00000008UL
00052 #define CAN_ERROR_FORM  0x00000010UL
00053 #define CAN_ERROR_ACK   0x00000020UL
00054 #define CAN_ERROR_BIT1  0x00000040UL
00055 #define CAN_ERROR_BIT0  0x00000080UL
00056 #define CAN_ERROR_CRC   0x00000100UL
00058 /**
00059  * CCAN ROM control bits for CAN_MSG_OBJ.mode_id
00060  */
00061 #define CAN_MSGOBJ_STD  0x00000000UL    /* CAN 2.0a 11-bit ID */
00062 #define CAN_MSGOBJ_EXT  0x20000000UL    /* CAN 2.0b 29-bit ID */
00063 #define CAN_MSGOBJ_DAT  0x00000000UL    /* data frame */
00064 #define CAN_MSGOBJ_RTR  0x40000000UL    /* rtr frame    */
00066 typedef struct CCAN_MSG_OBJ {
00067     uint32_t  mode_id;
00068     uint32_t  mask;
00069     uint8_t   data[8];
00070     uint8_t   dlc;
00071     uint8_t   msgobj;
00072 } CCAN_MSG_OBJ_T;
00074 /**************************************************************************
00075    SDO Abort Codes
00076 **************************************************************************/
00077 #define SDO_ABORT_TOGGLE          0x05030000UL  // Toggle bit not alternated
00078 #define SDO_ABORT_SDOTIMEOUT      0x05040000UL  // SDO protocol timed out
00079 #define SDO_ABORT_UNKNOWN_COMMAND 0x05040001UL  // Client/server command specifier not valid or unknown
00080 #define SDO_ABORT_UNSUPPORTED     0x06010000UL  // Unsupported access to an object
00081 #define SDO_ABORT_WRITEONLY       0x06010001UL  // Attempt to read a write only object
00082 #define SDO_ABORT_READONLY        0x06010002UL  // Attempt to write a read only object
00083 #define SDO_ABORT_NOT_EXISTS      0x06020000UL  // Object does not exist in the object dictionary
00084 #define SDO_ABORT_PARAINCOMP      0x06040043UL  // General parameter incompatibility reason
00085 #define SDO_ABORT_ACCINCOMP       0x06040047UL  // General internal incompatibility in the device
00086 #define SDO_ABORT_TYPEMISMATCH    0x06070010UL  // Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match
00087 #define SDO_ABORT_UNKNOWNSUB      0x06090011UL  // Sub-index does not exist
00088 #define SDO_ABORT_VALUE_RANGE     0x06090030UL  // Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access)
00089 #define SDO_ABORT_TRANSFER        0x08000020UL  // Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application
00090 #define SDO_ABORT_LOCAL           0x08000021UL  // Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control
00091 #define SDO_ABORT_DEVSTAT         0x08000022UL  // Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state
00093 typedef struct CCAN_ODCONSTENTRY {
00094     uint16_t index;
00095     uint8_t  subindex;
00096     uint8_t  len;
00097     uint32_t val;
00100 // upper-nibble values for CAN_ODENTRY.entrytype_len
00101 #define OD_NONE    0x00     // Object Dictionary entry doesn't exist
00102 #define OD_EXP_RO  0x10     // Object Dictionary entry expedited, read-only
00103 #define OD_EXP_WO  0x20     // Object Dictionary entry expedited, write-only
00104 #define OD_EXP_RW  0x30     // Object Dictionary entry expedited, read-write
00105 #define OD_SEG_RO  0x40     // Object Dictionary entry segmented, read-only
00106 #define OD_SEG_WO  0x50     // Object Dictionary entry segmented, write-only
00107 #define OD_SEG_RW  0x60     // Object Dictionary entry segmented, read-write
00109 typedef struct CCAN_ODENTRY {
00110     uint16_t index;
00111     uint8_t  subindex;
00112     uint8_t  entrytype_len;
00113     uint8_t  *val;
00116 typedef struct CCAN_CANOPENCFG {
00117     uint8_t   node_id;
00118     uint8_t   msgobj_rx;
00119     uint8_t   msgobj_tx;
00120     uint8_t   isr_handled;
00121     uint32_t  od_const_num;
00122     CCAN_ODCONSTENTRY_T *od_const_table;
00123     uint32_t  od_num;
00124     CCAN_ODENTRY_T *od_table;
00127 // Return values for CANOPEN_sdo_req() callback
00128 #define CAN_SDOREQ_NOTHANDLED     0 // process regularly, no impact
00129 #define CAN_SDOREQ_HANDLED_SEND   1 // processed in callback, auto-send returned msg
00130 #define CAN_SDOREQ_HANDLED_NOSEND 2 // processed in callback, don't send response
00132 // Values for CANOPEN_sdo_seg_read/write() callback 'openclose' parameter
00133 #define CAN_SDOSEG_SEGMENT        0 // segment read/write
00134 #define CAN_SDOSEG_OPEN           1 // channel is opened
00135 #define CAN_SDOSEG_CLOSE          2 // channel is closed
00137 typedef struct CCAN_CALLBACKS {
00138     void (*CAN_rx)(uint8_t msg_obj_num);
00139     void (*CAN_tx)(uint8_t msg_obj_num);
00140     void (*CAN_error)(uint32_t error_info);
00141     uint32_t (*CANOPEN_sdo_read)(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex);
00142     uint32_t (*CANOPEN_sdo_write)(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, uint8_t *dat_ptr);
00143     uint32_t (*CANOPEN_sdo_seg_read)(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, uint8_t openclose, uint8_t *length,
00144                                      uint8_t *data, uint8_t *last);
00145     uint32_t (*CANOPEN_sdo_seg_write)(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, uint8_t openclose, uint8_t length,
00146                                       uint8_t *data, uint8_t *fast_resp);
00147     uint8_t (*CANOPEN_sdo_req)(uint8_t length_req, uint8_t *req_ptr, uint8_t *length_resp, uint8_t *resp_ptr);
00150 typedef struct CCAN_API {
00151     void (*init_can)(uint32_t *can_cfg, uint8_t isr_ena);
00152     void (*isr)(void);
00153     void (*config_rxmsgobj)(CCAN_MSG_OBJ_T *msg_obj);
00154     uint8_t (*can_receive)(CCAN_MSG_OBJ_T *msg_obj);
00155     void (*can_transmit)(CCAN_MSG_OBJ_T *msg_obj);
00156     void (*config_canopen)(CCAN_CANOPENCFG_T *canopen_cfg);
00157     void (*canopen_handler)(void);
00158     void (*config_calb)(CCAN_CALLBACKS_T *callback_cfg);
00159 } CCAN_API_T;
00161 #define LPC_CCAN_API    ((CCAN_API_T *) (LPC_ROM_API->candApiBase))
00162 /**
00163  * @}
00164  */
00166 #ifdef __cplusplus
00167 }
00168 #endif
00170 #endif /* __CCAND_11XX_H_ */