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00001 #include "main.h"
00002 #include "menu.h"
00003 #include "constants.h"
00004 #include "game.h"
00005 #include "hud.h"
00006 #include "models.h"
00007 #include "gameobject.h"
00008 #include "stars.h"
00010 Hud highScore;
00011 GameObject cursor;
00012 GameObject pressASprite;
00013 Stars menuStars;
00015 Menu::Menu() {                              // NOTE to self: The constructor for declerering intial states of variables.
00016                                             // As soon as Menu menu; happens in main, the zero is addressed to the variable.
00017     current_option = 0;                     // Another form of declering intial values.
00018                                             // cheking whether the joystick was moved to point at other options in the menu.             
00019 }                                           
00021 bool Menu::updateAndDraw() {                
00022     checkJoystick();
00023     drawPointer();                              // Drawing pointer only ones.
00024     highScore.drawHighScore();
00025     menuStars.starsSpawnDelay();
00026     menuStars.updateAndDrawSmallStars();
00027     menuStars.updateAndDrawMediumStars();
00029     lcd.printString("Start Game",1,2);
00030     lcd.printString("Tutorial",1,3);
00031     lcd.printString("Settings",1,4);
00032     DrawPressAIcon();
00034     bool option_picked = false;                 // Checking for the selecting button to be pressed and returning the boolean statement.
00035     if (gamepad.check_event(gamepad.A_PRESSED)){
00036         gamepad.check_event(gamepad.A_PRESSED);
00037         option_picked = true;
00038     }
00040     return option_picked;
00041 }
00043 ScreenOption Menu::getCurrentScreenSelection() { // checking the current position of the pointer and main
00044     if (current_option == 0) {                   // if the "Game" was selected and button be pressed, intilise game. 
00045         return ScreenOption_Game;                // TASK for future: creat file with settings and tutorial.
00046     }
00047     if (current_option == 1) {
00048         return ScreenOption_Tutorial;
00049     }
00050     if (current_option == 2) {
00051         return ScreenOption_Settings;
00052     }
00053     return ScreenOption_Menu;
00054 }
00056 void Menu::drawPointer(){                       // Checking what option was selected and drawing the pointer
00057                                                 // to indicate that postion.
00058     cursor.pos.x = 70;                            
00059     cursor.pos.y = 17;       
00060     if (current_option == 0){    
00061         cursor.pos.y = 17;
00062     }
00063     else if (current_option == 1){    
00064         cursor.pos.y = 25;
00065     }
00066     else if (current_option == 2){    
00067         cursor.pos.y = 32;
00068     }
00069     drawSprite(cursor.pos, menu_cursor_sprite);
00070 }
00072 void Menu::DrawPressAIcon(){
00073     pressASprite.pos.x = screen_width - PressAWidth - 10;
00074     pressASprite.pos.y = screen_height - PressAHeight;
00075     drawSpriteOnTop(pressASprite.pos, Press_A_Icon_Sprite);
00076 }
00078 void Menu::checkJoystick(){
00079     if( > joy_threshold_max_y){
00080         current_option -= 1;
00081         wait_ms(time_delay);    
00082     } 
00083     else if ( < joy_threshold_min_y){
00084         current_option += 1;
00085         wait_ms(time_delay); 
00086     }
00087     if (current_option < 0) {
00088         current_option += total_options;
00089     }
00090     if (current_option >= total_options) {
00091         current_option -= total_options;
00092     }
00093 }