The IrcBot class can connect to a channel on an IRC network. Users on the same network can send messages to the bot that are parsed by message handlers. The included handlers read digital/analog inputs and write digital outputs or echo messages back to the command sender/channel. Users can write their own message handlers inheriting from the MessageHandler class to perform different actions.

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00001 #include "IrcBot.h"
00003 IrcMessage::IrcMessage(char * f, char * t, char * m) {
00004     sprintf(from, "%s", f);
00005     sprintf(to, "%s", t);
00006     sprintf(msg, "%s", m);    
00007 }
00009 IrcMessage::IrcMessage() {
00010     from[0] = '\0';
00011     to[0] = '\0';
00012     msg[0] = '\0';
00013 }
00015 IrcBot::IrcBot(char * nick, char * net, int p, char * chan) :
00016         pc(USBTX, USBRX), sock(), port(p), ident(false), connected(false),
00017         setup(false), joined(false), parseindex(0)
00018 {
00019     sprintf(nickname, "%s", nick);
00020     sprintf(password, "%s", "");
00021     sprintf(network, "%s", net);
00022     sprintf(channel, "%s", chan);
00023     pc.printf("Created IrcBot obj for %s.\n", nickname);
00024 }
00026 void IrcBot::connect() {
00027     pc.printf("Connecting to %s:%d...\n", network, port);
00028     sock.connect(network, port);
00029     pc.printf("Done.\n");
00030     connected = true;
00031 }
00033 void IrcBot::disconnect() {
00034     if (connected) {
00035         pc.printf("Disconnecting.\n");
00036         sock.close();
00037         connected = false;
00038     }
00039 }
00041 void IrcBot::add(MessageHandler * handler) {
00042     handlers.push_back(handler);
00043 }
00045 bool IrcBot::read() {
00046     if (!connected) return 0;
00047     int ret = sock.receive(readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer) - 1);
00048     bool parsed = false;
00049     if (ret >= 0) {
00050         readbuffer[ret] = '\0';
00051         pc.printf("Received %d chars: ---%s--\n", ret, readbuffer);
00052         for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
00053             parsebuffer[parseindex] = readbuffer[i];
00054             parseindex++;
00055             if (readbuffer[i] == '\n') {
00056                 parsebuffer[parseindex] = '\0';
00057                 parse();
00058                 parsed = true;
00059                 parseindex = 0;
00060             }
00061         }
00062     }
00063     return parsed;
00064 }
00066 void IrcBot::send(char * cmd) {
00067     if (!connected) return;
00068     int i = 0;
00069     bool ok = true;
00070     while (cmd[i] != '\0') {
00071         i++;
00072         if (i > 512) {
00073             ok = false;
00074             break;    
00075         }  
00076     }
00077     if (!ok) return;
00078     pc.printf("Sending: ---%s---\n", cmd);
00079     sock.send_all(cmd, i);
00080 }
00082 void IrcBot::handle(IrcMessage msg) {
00083     pc.printf("Handling message from %s, to %s: %s\n", msg.from,, msg.msg);    
00084     for (int i = 0; i < handlers.size(); i++) {
00085         IrcMessage out =>handle(msg);
00086         if ([0] != '\0') {
00087             sprintf(out.from, "%s", nickname);
00088             pc.printf("Need to send: ---%s--- from %s to %s.\n", out.msg, out.from,;
00089             char cmd[512];
00090             sprintf(cmd, "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n",, out.msg);
00091             send(cmd);
00092         }
00093     }
00094 }
00096 void IrcBot::parse() {
00097     pc.printf("Parsing: --%s--\n", parsebuffer);
00098     if (setup && (!joined)) {
00099         char cmd[256];
00100         sprintf(cmd, ":source JOIN :%s\r\n", channel);
00101         send(cmd);
00102         joined = true;
00103         return;   
00104     }
00105     if (!setup) {
00106         char cmd[256];
00107         sprintf(cmd, "NICK %s\r\nUSER %s 0 * :Lester\r\n", nickname, nickname);
00108         send(cmd);
00109         setup = true;
00110         return;
00111     }
00112     char * c = NULL;
00113     c = strstr(parsebuffer, "PING");
00114     if (c != NULL) {
00115         char cmd[] = "PONG\r\n";
00116         send(cmd);    
00117     }
00118     c = strstr(parsebuffer, "PRIVMSG");
00119     if (c != NULL) {
00120         char f[32];
00121         char t[32];
00122         char m[256];
00123         int i;
00124         for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
00125             if (parsebuffer[i] == '!') {
00126                 f[i - 1] = '\0';    
00127                 break;
00128             }
00129             f[i - 1] = parsebuffer[i];   
00130         }
00131         int nspace = 0;
00132         bool inmsg = false;
00133         int toindex = 0, msgindex = 0;
00134         for (; i < sizeof(parsebuffer); i++) {
00135             if (parsebuffer[i] == '\r') break;
00136             if (parsebuffer[i] == '\n') break;
00137             if (parsebuffer[i] == '\0') break;
00138             if (parsebuffer[i] == ' ') {
00139                 nspace++;    
00140             }
00141             if ((nspace == 2) && (parsebuffer[i] != ' ')) {
00142                 t[toindex] = parsebuffer[i];
00143                 toindex++;
00144             }
00145             if (inmsg) {
00146                 m[msgindex] = parsebuffer[i];
00147                 msgindex++;    
00148             }
00149             if ((parsebuffer[i] == ':') && (!inmsg)) {
00150                 inmsg = true;
00151             }
00152         }
00153         t[toindex] = '\0';
00154         m[msgindex] = '\0';
00155         IrcMessage msg(f, t, m);
00156         handle(msg);
00157     }
00158 }