Output the audio signal (*.bin) with filtering by IIR filter in the SD card using onboard CODEC. For *.wav file, F746_SD_WavPlayer and F746_SD_GraphicEqualiser are published on mbed. SD カードのオーディオ信号 (*.bin) を遮断周波数可変の IIR フィルタを通して,ボードに搭載されているCODEC で出力する.*.wav 形式のファイル用には,F746_SD_WavPlayer と F746_SD_GraphicEqualiser を mbed で公開している.

Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_F746NG_patch_fixed F746_GUI LCD_DISCO_F746NG SDFileSystem_Warning_Fixed TS_DISCO_F746NG mbed

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00001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //  IIR フィルタを双一次 z 変換で設計し,その周波数特性を描画するためのクラス
00003 //  
00004 //  2016/04/17, Copyright (c) 2016 MIKAMI, Naoki
00005 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00007 #include "DesignerDrawer.hpp"
00009 namespace Mikami
00010 {
00011     // Constructor
00012     DesignerDrawer::DesignerDrawer(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0,
00013                                    uint16_t db10, int fs, int order,
00014                                    float fc, uint16_t fL, uint16_t fH,
00015                                    BilinearDesign::Type lpHp)
00016         : lcd_(GuiBase::GetLcdPtr()), ts_(GuiBase::GetTsPtr()),
00017           X0_(x0), Y0_(y0), DB10_(db10), ORDER_(order),
00018           CURSOR_Y0_(y0+1-db10*6), CURSOR_LENGTH_(db10*6-1),
00019           LOWER_F_(fL), HIGHER_F_(fH),
00021     {
00022         drawerObj_ = new FrqRespDrawer(x0, 100.0f, 8000.0f, 150,
00023                                        y0, -60, 0, db10, fs);
00025         // 双一次 z 変換による IIR フィルタの設計
00026         designObj_ = new BilinearDesign(order, fs);
00027         coefs_ = new BilinearDesign::Coefs[order/2];
00028         ck_ = (Biquad::Coefs *)coefs_;
00030         fC_ = fc;               // 最初に与える遮断周波数
00031         designObj_->Execute(fC_, lpHp, coefs_, g0_);
00032         frqResp_.SetParams(ORDER_, g0_, ck_);
00034         // 周波数特性の描画
00035         lblFrq_ = new NumericLabel<int>(110, 30);
00036         DrawResponse();
00037         tp_ = new TouchPanelDetectorX(
00038                 drawerObj_->X(LOWER_F_), drawerObj_->X(HIGHER_F_),
00039                 CURSOR_Y0_, y0);
00040         lp_ = lpHp;
00041         cursorRedraw_ = false;
00042     }
00044     DesignerDrawer::~DesignerDrawer()
00045     {
00046         delete tp_;
00047         delete lblFrq_;
00048         delete coefs_;
00049         delete designObj_;
00050         delete drawerObj_;
00051     }
00053     // フィルタの再設計と周波数特性の再描画
00054     bool DesignerDrawer::ReDesignAndDraw(Biquad::Coefs *ck, float &g0,
00055                                          BilinearDesign::Type lpHp)
00056     {
00057         bool changed = (lpHp != lp_) ? true : false;
00058         bool tch = tp_->IsTouched(cursorX_, cursorX_);
00059         if (tch || changed)
00060         {
00061             int newFc = Frq10(drawerObj_->PosToFrq(cursorX_));
00062             newFc = (newFc > HIGHER_F_) ? HIGHER_F_ : newFc;
00063             if ((abs(newFc - fC_) >= 10) || changed)
00064             {
00065                 fC_ = newFc;
00066                 lblFrq_->Draw("Cutoff frequency = %4d Hz", newFc);
00067                 designObj_->Execute(newFc, lpHp, coefs_, g0_);
00068                 GetCoefficients(ck, g0);
00070                 frqResp_.SetParams(ORDER_, g0_, ck_);
00071                 drawerObj_->Erase();
00072                 drawerObj_->DrawAxis();             // 目盛線の描画
00073                 drawerObj_->DrawGraph(frqResp_);    // 周波数特性のグラフのカーブを描画する
00075                 if (tch)    // カーソルの移動
00076                 {
00077                     lcd_->SetTextColor(CURSOR_TOUCHED_COLOR_);
00078                     lcd_->DrawVLine(cursorX_, CURSOR_Y0_, CURSOR_LENGTH_);
00079                 }
00080                 cursorRedraw_ = true;
00081                 oldCursorX_ = cursorX_;
00082                 lp_ = lpHp;
00083                 return true;
00084             }
00085         }
00087         if (!tch && cursorRedraw_)   // カーソルを元の色に戻す
00088         {
00089             lcd_->SetTextColor(CURSOR_COLOR_);
00090             lcd_->DrawVLine(oldCursorX_, CURSOR_Y0_, CURSOR_LENGTH_);
00091             cursorRedraw_ = false;
00092         }
00093         return false;
00094     }
00096     // 周波数特性の描画
00097     void DesignerDrawer::DrawResponse()
00098     {
00099         lblFrq_->Draw("Cutoff frequency = %4d Hz", fC_);
00100         DrawAxisNum();                      // 目盛値の描画
00101         drawerObj_->DrawAxis();             // 目盛線の描画
00102         drawerObj_->DrawGraph(frqResp_);    // 周波数特性のカーブの描画
00104         cursorX_ = drawerObj_->X(fC_);
00105         lcd_->SetTextColor(CURSOR_COLOR_);
00106         lcd_->DrawVLine(cursorX_, CURSOR_Y0_, CURSOR_LENGTH_);
00107     }
00109     // フィルタ係数の取得
00110     void DesignerDrawer::GetCoefficients(Biquad::Coefs *c, float &g0)
00111     {
00112         for (int k=0; k<ORDER_/2; k++) c[k] = ck_[k];
00113         g0 = g0_;
00114     }
00116     // 周波数を 10, 20, 50, 100 Hz の倍数にする
00117     int DesignerDrawer::Frq10(float f)
00118     {
00119         if (f < 1000)
00120             return ((int)(f/10.0f + 0.5f))*10;
00121         if (f < 2000)
00122             return ((int)(f/20.0f + 0.5f))*20;
00123         if (f < 3000)
00124             return ((int)(f/50.0f + 0.5f))*50;           
00125         else
00126             return ((int)(f/100.0f + 0.5f))*100;
00127     }
00129     // 周波数特性の目盛値の描画
00130     void DesignerDrawer::DrawAxisNum()
00131     {
00132         const int16_t OFS = 6;
00133         drawerObj_->DrawCharX(100,  OFS, "0.1");
00134         drawerObj_->DrawCharX(300,  OFS, "0.3");
00135         drawerObj_->DrawCharX(1000, OFS, "1.0");
00136         drawerObj_->DrawCharX(3000, OFS, "3.0");
00137         drawerObj_->DrawCharX(8000, OFS, "8.0");
00139         Label l_frq(drawerObj_->X(900), Y0_+20, "Frequency [kHz]",
00140                     Label::CENTER);
00141         drawerObj_->DrawNumericY(-24, -6, 4, 20, "%3d");  // 縦軸の目盛は 20 dB 間隔
00142         Label l_dB(X0_-24, Y0_-DB10_*6-20, "[dB]");
00143     }
00144 }