Mbed Cloud example program for workshop in W27 2018.

Dependencies:   MMA7660 LM75B

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Show/hide line numbers pal_plat_internalFlash.h Source File


00001 #ifndef PAL_PLAT_FLASH_H_
00002 #define PAL_PLAT_FLASH_H_
00004 #include "pal_internalFlash.h"
00006 #ifdef __cplusplus
00007 extern "C" {
00008 #endif
00010 /*! \brief This function initialized the flash API module,
00011  *          And should be called prior flash APIs calls
00012  *
00013  * \return   PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00014  *           PAL_ERR_INTERNAL_FLASH_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00015  *
00016  * \note should be called only once unless \c pal_InternalFlashDeinit function is called
00017  * \note This function is Blocking till completion!!
00018  *
00019  */
00020 palStatus_t pal_plat_internalFlashInit(void);
00022 /*! \brief This function destroy the flash module
00023  *
00024  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00025  *         PAL_ERR_INTERNAL_FLASH_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00026  *
00027  * \note Should be called only after \c pal_InternalFlashinit() is called.
00028  * \note Flash APIs will not work after calling this function
00029  * \note This function is Blocking till completion!!
00030  *
00031  */
00032 palStatus_t pal_plat_internalFlashDeInit(void);
00034 /*! \brief This function writes to the internal flash
00035 *
00036 * @param[in]    buffer - pointer to the buffer to be written
00037 * @param[in]    size - the size of the buffer in bytes, must be aligned to minimum writing unit (page size).
00038 * @param[in]    address - the address of the internal flash.
00039 *
00040 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00041 *         PAL_ERR_INTERNAL_FLASH_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00042 *
00043 * \note This function is Blocking till completion!!
00044 * \note This function is Thread Safe!!
00045 */
00046 palStatus_t pal_plat_internalFlashWrite(const size_t size, const uint32_t address, const uint32_t * buffer);
00048 /*! \brief This function copies the memory data into the user given buffer
00049 *
00050 * @param[in]    size - the size of the buffer in bytes.
00051 * @param[in]    address - the address of the internal flash.
00052 * @param[out]   buffer - pointer to the buffer to write to
00053 *
00054 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00055 *         PAL_ERR_INTERNAL_FLASH_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00056 * \note This function is Blocking till completion!!
00057 * \note This function is Thread Safe!!
00058 *
00059 */
00060 palStatus_t pal_plat_internalFlashRead(const size_t size, const uint32_t address, uint32_t * buffer);
00062 /*! \brief This function Erase the sector
00063 *
00064 * @param[in]    size - the size to be erased, must be align to sector.
00065 * @param[in]    address - sector start address to be erased, must be align to sector.
00066 *
00067 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00068 *         PAL_ERR_INTERNAL_FLASH_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00069 *
00070 * \note ALL sectors can be erased!! No protection to bootloader, program or other...
00071 * \note This function is Blocking till completion!!
00072 * \note Only one sector can be erased in each function call
00073 * \note This function is Thread Safe!!
00074 */
00075 palStatus_t pal_plat_internalFlashErase(uint32_t address, size_t size);
00077 /*! \brief This function returns the minimum writing unit to the flash
00078 *
00079 * \return size_t the 2, 4, 8....
00080 */
00081 size_t pal_plat_internalFlashGetPageSize(void);
00084 /*! \brief This function returns the sector size
00085  *
00086 * @param[in]    address - the starting address of the sector is question
00087 *
00088 * \return size of sector, 0 if error
00089 */
00090 size_t pal_plat_internalFlashGetSectorSize(uint32_t address);
00094 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00095 ////-------------------SOTP functions------------------------//
00096 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00097 /*! \brief This function return the SOTP section data
00098 *
00099 * @param[in]    section - the section number (0 or 1)
00100 * @param[out]   data - the information about the section
00101 *
00102 * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation. \n
00103 *         PAL_ERR_INTERNAL_FLASH_ERROR - see error code \c palError_t.
00104 *
00105 */
00106 palStatus_t pal_plat_internalFlashGetAreaInfo(bool section, palSotpAreaData_t *data);
00109 #ifdef __cplusplus
00110 }
00111 #endif
00113 #endif /* PAL_PLAT_FLASH_H_ */