Mbed Cloud example program for workshop in W27 2018.

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00001 /*
00002 * Copyright (c) 2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
00005 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007 *
00008 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009 *
00010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
00012 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014 * limitations under the License.
00015 */
00018 #ifndef _PAL_SOCKET_H
00019 #define _PAL_SOCKET_H
00021 #include "pal_rtos.h"
00023 #ifdef __cplusplus
00024 extern "C" {
00025 #endif
00027 /*! \file pal_network.h
00028 *  \brief PAL network.
00029 *   This file contains the network APIs and it is a part of the PAL service API.
00030 *   It provides network functionalities for UDP and TCP sockets and connections.
00031 */
00033 //! PAL network socket API \n
00034 //! PAL network sockets configurations options: \n
00035 //! Set PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT to true if TCP is supported by the platform and is required. \n
00036 //! Set PAL_NET_ASYNCHRONOUS_SOCKET_API to true if asynchronous socket API is supported by the platform and is required: Currently MANDATORY.
00037 //! Set PAL_NET_DNS_SUPPORT to true if DNS URL lookup API is supported.
00039 typedef uint32_t palSocketLength_t; /*! The length of data. */
00040 typedef void* palSocket_t ; /*! PAL socket handle type. */
00042 #define  PAL_NET_MAX_ADDR_SIZE 32 // check if we can make this more efficient
00044 typedef struct palSocketAddress {
00045     unsigned short    addressType;    /*! Address family for the socket. */
00046     char              addressData[PAL_NET_MAX_ADDR_SIZE];  /*! Address (based on protocol). */
00047 } palSocketAddress_t; /*! Address data structure with enough room to support IPV4 and IPV6. */
00049 typedef struct palNetInterfaceInfo {
00050     char interfaceName[16]; //15 + ‘\0’
00051     palSocketAddress_t address;
00052     uint32_t addressSize;
00053 } palNetInterfaceInfo_t ;
00055 typedef enum {
00056     PAL_AF_UNSPEC = 0,
00057     PAL_AF_INET = 2,    /*! Internet IP Protocol.   */
00058     PAL_AF_INET6  = 10, /*! IP version 6.    */
00059 } palSocketDomain_t ;/*! Network domains supported by PAL. */
00061 typedef enum {
00063     PAL_SOCK_STREAM = 1,    /*! Stream socket.   */
00064     PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER  = 99,    /*! Stream socket.   */
00066     PAL_SOCK_DGRAM  = 2  /*! Datagram socket.     */
00067 } palSocketType_t ;/*! Socket types supported by PAL. */
00070 typedef enum {
00071     PAL_SO_REUSEADDR = 0x0004,  /*! Allow local address reuse. */
00072 #if PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT // Socket options below supported only if TCP is supported.
00073     PAL_SO_KEEPALIVE  = 0x0008, /*! Keep TCP connection open even if idle using periodic messages. */
00074     PAL_SO_KEEPIDLE  = 0x0009,  /*! The time (in seconds) the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes, if the socket option SO_KEEPALIVE has been set on this socket. */
00075     PAL_SO_KEEPINTVL  = 0x0010, /*! The time (in seconds) between individual keepalive probes */
00077     PAL_SO_SNDTIMEO  = 0x1005,  /*! Send timeout. */
00078     PAL_SO_RCVTIMEO  = 0x1006,  /*! Receive timeout. */
00079 } palSocketOptionName_t ;/*! Socket options supported by PAL. */
00083 #define PAL_IPV4_ADDRESS_SIZE 4
00084 #define PAL_IPV6_ADDRESS_SIZE 16
00086 typedef uint8_t palIpV4Addr_t[PAL_IPV4_ADDRESS_SIZE];
00087 typedef uint8_t palIpV6Addr_t[PAL_IPV6_ADDRESS_SIZE];
00090 /*! Register a network interface for use with PAL sockets. Must be called before other socket functions. Most APIs will not work before a single interface is added.
00091 * @param[in] networkInterfaceContext The network interface to be added (OS specific. For example in mbed OS, this is the `NetworkInterface` object pointer for the network adapter [**Note:** We assume that connect has already been called on this]). If not available use NULL.
00092 * @param[out] interfaceIndex Contains the index assigned to the interface in case it has been assigned successfully. This index can be used, when creating a socket, to bind the socket to the interface.
00093 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00094 */
00095 palStatus_t pal_registerNetworkInterface(void* networkInterfaceContext, uint32_t* interfaceIndex);
00097 /*! Set a port to `palSocketAddress_t`. \n
00098 * You can set it either directly or via the `palSetSockAddrIPV4Addr` or `palSetSockAddrIPV6Addr` functions.
00099 * @param[in,out] address The address to set.
00100 * @param[in] port The port number to set.
00101 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00102 \note To set the socket correctly, the `addressType` field of the address must be set correctly.
00103 */
00104 palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrPort(palSocketAddress_t* address, uint16_t port);
00106 /*! Set an IPv4 address to `palSocketAddress_t` and `addressType` to IPv4.
00107 * @param[in,out] address The address to set.
00108 * @param[in] ipV4Addr The address value to set.
00109 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00110 */
00111 palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrIPV4Addr(palSocketAddress_t* address, palIpV4Addr_t ipV4Addr);
00113 /*! Set an IPv6 address to `palSocketAddress_t` and the `addressType` to IPv6.
00114 * @param[in,out] address The address to set.
00115 * @param[in] ipV6Addr The address value to set.
00116 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00117 */
00118 palStatus_t pal_setSockAddrIPV6Addr(palSocketAddress_t* address, palIpV6Addr_t ipV6Addr);
00120 /*! Get an IPv4 address from `palSocketAddress_t`.
00121 * @param[in] address The address to set.
00122 * @param[out] ipV4Addr The address that is set in `address`.
00123 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00124 */
00125 palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrIPV4Addr(const palSocketAddress_t* address, palIpV4Addr_t ipV4Addr);
00127 /*! Get an IPv6 address from `palSocketAddress_t`.
00128 * @param[in] address The address to set.
00129 * @param[out] ipV6Addr The address that is set in `address`.
00130 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00131 */
00132 palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrIPV6Addr(const palSocketAddress_t* address, palIpV6Addr_t ipV6Addr);
00134 /*! Get a port from `palSocketAddress_t`.
00135 * @param[in] address The address to set.
00136 * @param[out] port The port that is set in `address`.
00137 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00138 */
00139 palStatus_t pal_getSockAddrPort(const palSocketAddress_t* address, uint16_t* port);
00141 /*! Get a network socket.
00142 * @param[in] domain The domain for the created socket (see `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
00143 * @param[in] type The type of the created socket (see `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
00144 * @param[in] nonBlockingSocket If true, the socket is created as non-blocking (with O_NONBLOCK set).
00145 * @param[in] interfaceNum The number of the network interface used for this socket (info in interfaces supported via `pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces` and `pal_getNetInterfaceInfo`). Select PAL_NET_DEFAULT_INTERFACE for the default interface.
00146 * @param[out] socket The socket is returned through this output parameter.
00147 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00148 */
00149 palStatus_t pal_socket(palSocketDomain_t  domain, palSocketType_t  type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palSocket_t* socket);
00151 /*! Get the value for a given socket option on a given network socket.
00152 * @param[in] socket The socket for which to get options.
00153 * @param[in] optionName The identification of the socket option for which we are getting the value (see enum palSocketOptionName_t for supported types).
00154 * @param[out] optionValue A buffer holding the option value returned by the function.
00155 * @param[in, out] optionLength The size of the buffer provided for `optionValue` when calling the function. After the call, it contains the length of data actually written to the `optionValue` buffer.
00156 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00157 */
00158 palStatus_t pal_getSocketOptions(palSocket_t socket, palSocketOptionName_t  optionName, void* optionValue, palSocketLength_t* optionLength);
00160 /*!  Set the value for a given socket option on a given network socket.
00161 * @param[in] socket The socket for which to get options.
00162 * @param[in] optionName The identification of the socket option for which we are getting the value (see enum palSocketOptionName_t for supported types).
00163 * @param[in] optionValue The buffer holding the option value to set for the given option.
00164 * @param[in] optionLength  The size of the buffer provided for `optionValue`.
00165 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00166 */
00167 palStatus_t pal_setSocketOptions(palSocket_t socket, int optionName, const void* optionValue, palSocketLength_t optionLength);
00169 /*! Check if a given socket is non-blocking.
00170 * @param[in] socket The socket to check.
00171 * @param[out] isNonBlocking True if the socket is non-blocking, otherwise false.
00172 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00173 */
00174 palStatus_t pal_isNonBlocking(palSocket_t socket, bool* isNonBlocking);
00177 /*! Bind a given socket to a local address.
00178 * @param[in] socket The socket to bind.
00179 * @param[in] myAddress The address to bind to.
00180 * @param[in] addressLength The length of the address passed in `myAddress`.
00181 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00182 */
00183 palStatus_t pal_bind(palSocket_t socket, palSocketAddress_t* myAddress, palSocketLength_t addressLength);
00185 /*! Receive a payload from the given socket.
00186 * @param[in] socket The socket to receive from. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
00187 * @param[out] buffer The buffer for the payload data.
00188 * @param[in] length The length of the buffer for the payload data.
00189 * @param[out] from The address that sent the payload.
00190 * @param[in, out] fromLength The length of the `from` address. Contains the amount of data actually written to the `from` address.
00191 * @param[out] bytesReceived The actual amount of payload data received in the buffer.
00192 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00193 */
00194 palStatus_t pal_receiveFrom(palSocket_t socket, void* buffer, size_t length, palSocketAddress_t* from, palSocketLength_t* fromLength, size_t* bytesReceived);
00196 /*! Send a payload to the given address using the given socket.
00197 * @param[in] socket The socket to use for sending the payload. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
00198 * @param[in] buffer The buffer for the payload data.
00199 * @param[in] length The length of the buffer for the payload data.
00200 * @param[in] to The address to which the payload should be sent.
00201 * @param[in] toLength The length of the `to` address.
00202 * @param[out] bytesSent The actual amount of payload data sent.
00203 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00204 */
00205 palStatus_t pal_sendTo(palSocket_t socket, const void* buffer, size_t length, const palSocketAddress_t* to, palSocketLength_t toLength, size_t* bytesSent);
00207 /*! Close a network socket.
00208 * @param[in,out] The socket to be closed.
00209 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00210 \note Receives `palSocket_t*`, NOT `palSocket_t`, so that it can zero the socket to avoid re-use.
00211 */
00212 palStatus_t pal_close(palSocket_t* socket);
00214 /*! Get the number of current network interfaces.
00215 * @param[out] numInterfaces The number of interfaces.
00216 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00217 */
00218 palStatus_t pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces(uint32_t* numInterfaces);
00220 /*! Get information regarding the socket at the index/interface number given (this number is returned when registering the socket).
00221 * @param[in] interfaceNum The number of the interface to get information for.
00222 * @param[out] interfaceInfo Set to the information for the given interface number.
00223 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00224 */
00225 palStatus_t pal_getNetInterfaceInfo(uint32_t interfaceNum, palNetInterfaceInfo_t * interfaceInfo);
00229 #define PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_RX_BIT (1)
00230 #define PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_TX_BIT (2)
00233 #define PAL_NET_SELECT_IS_RX(socketStatus, index)   ((socketStatus[index] & PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_RX_BIT) != 0) /*! Check if RX bit is set in select result for a given socket index. */
00234 #define PAL_NET_SELECT_IS_TX(socketStatus, index)   ((socketStatus[index] & PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_TX_BIT) != 0) /*! Check if TX bit is set in select result for a given socket index. */
00235 #define PAL_NET_SELECT_IS_ERR(socketStatus, index)  ((socketStatus[index] & PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_ERR_BIT) != 0) /*! Check if ERR bit is set in select result for a given socket index. */
00237 /*! Check if one or more (up to PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_MAX_SOCKETS) sockets given has data available for reading/writing/error. The function will block until data is available for one of the given sockets or the timeout expires. \n
00238 To use the function, set the sockets you want to check in the `socketsToCheck` array and set a timeout. When it returns the `socketStatus` output indicates the status of each socket passed in. \n
00239 \note If the timeout expires, the returned `palStatus_t` is PAL_SUCCESS and `numberOfSocketsSet` is 0.
00240 * @param[in] socketsToCheck On input, the array of up to 8 sockets handles to check.
00241 * @param[in] numberOfSockets The number of sockets set in the input `socketsToCheck` array.
00242 * @param[in] timeout The amount of time until timeout if no socket activity is detected
00243 * @param[out] socketStatus Information on each socket in the input array, indicating which event was set (none, rx, tx, err). Check the desired event using macros.
00244 * @param[out] numberOfSocketsSet The total number of sockets set in all three data sets (tx, rx, err).
00245 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00246 \note The entry in index x in the `socketStatus` array corresponds to the socket at index x in the sockets to check array.
00247 */
00248 palStatus_t pal_socketMiniSelect(const palSocket_t socketsToCheck[PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_MAX_SOCKETS], uint32_t numberOfSockets, pal_timeVal_t* timeout,
00249                                 uint8_t palSocketStatus[PAL_NET_SOCKET_SELECT_MAX_SOCKETS], uint32_t* numberOfSocketsSet);
00252 #if PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT // The functionality below is supported only if TCP is supported.
00255 /*! Use the given socket to listen for incoming connections. This may also limit the queue of incoming connections.
00256 * @param[in] socket The socket to listen to. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER (the implementation may support other types as well).]
00257 * @param[in] backlog The amount of pending connections that can be saved for the socket.
00258 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00259 */
00260 palStatus_t pal_listen(palSocket_t socket, int backlog);
00262 /*! Accept a connection on the given socket.
00263 * @param[in] socket The socket on which to accept the connection. (The socket must be already created and bound and listen has must have been called on it.) [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER (the implementation may support other types as well).]
00264 * @param[out] address The source address of the incoming connection.
00265 * @param[in, out] addressLen The length of the address field on input, the length of the data returned on output.
00266 * @param[out] acceptedSocket The socket of the accepted connection.
00267 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00268 */
00269 palStatus_t pal_accept(palSocket_t socket, palSocketAddress_t* address, palSocketLength_t* addressLen, palSocket_t* acceptedSocket);
00271 /*! Open a connection from the given socket to the given address.
00272 * @param[in] socket The socket to use for connection to the given address. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
00273 * @param[in] address The destination address of the connection.
00274 * @param[in] addressLen The length of the address field.
00275 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00276 */
00277 palStatus_t pal_connect(palSocket_t socket, const palSocketAddress_t* address, palSocketLength_t addressLen);
00279 /*! Receive data from the given connected socket.
00280 * @param[in] socket The connected socket on which to receive data. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
00281 * @param[out] buf The output buffer for the message data.
00282 * @param[in] len The length of the input data buffer.
00283 * @param[out] recievedDataSize The length of the data actually received.
00284 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00285 */
00286 palStatus_t pal_recv(palSocket_t socket, void* buf, size_t len, size_t* recievedDataSize);
00288 /*! Send a given buffer via the given connected socket.
00289 * @param[in] socket The connected socket on which to send data. [The sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well).]
00290 * @param[in] buf The output buffer for the message data.
00291 * @param[in] len The length of the input data buffer.
00292 * @param[out] sentDataSize The length of the data sent.
00293 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00294 */
00295 palStatus_t pal_send(palSocket_t socket, const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* sentDataSize);
00303 /*! The type of the callback funciton passed when creating asynchronous sockets.
00304 * @param[in] argument The user provided argument passed to the callback function.
00305 */
00306 typedef void(*palAsyncSocketCallback_t )(void*);
00308 /*! Get an asynchronous network socket.
00309 * @param[in] domain The domain for the created socket (see enum `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
00310 * @param[in] type The type for the created socket (see enum `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
00311 * @param[in] nonBlockingSocket If true, the socket is created as non-blocking (with O_NONBLOCK set).
00312 * @param[in] interfaceNum The number of the network interface used for this socket (info in interfaces supported via `pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces` and `pal_getNetInterfaceInfo`). Select PAL_NET_DEFAULT_INTERFACE for the default interface.
00313 * @param[in] callback A callback function that is called when any supported event happens in the given asynchronous socket (see `palAsyncSocketCallbackType` enum for the types of events supported).
00314 * @param[out] socket The socket is returned through this output parameter.
00315 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00316 */
00317 palStatus_t pal_asynchronousSocket(palSocketDomain_t  domain, palSocketType_t  type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palAsyncSocketCallback_t  callback, palSocket_t* socket);
00319 /*! Get an asynchronous network socket that passes the provided `callbackArgument` to the provided callback on callback events.
00320 * @param[in] domain The domain for the created socket (see enum `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
00321 * @param[in] type The type for the created socket (see enum `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
00322 * @param[in] nonBlockingSocket If true, the socket is created as non-blocking (with O_NONBLOCK set).
00323 * @param[in] interfaceNum The number of the network interface used for this socket (info in interfaces supported via `pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces` and `pal_getNetInterfaceInfo`). Select PAL_NET_DEFAULT_INTERFACE for the default interface.
00324 * @param[in] callback A callback function that is called when any supported event happens in the given asynchronous socket.
00325 * @param[in] callbackArgument The argument with which the callback function is called when any supported event happens in the given asynchronous socket.
00326 * @param[out] socket The socket is returned through this output parameter.
00327 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success or a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00328 */
00329 palStatus_t pal_asynchronousSocketWithArgument(palSocketDomain_t  domain, palSocketType_t  type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palAsyncSocketCallback_t  callback,void* callbackArgument, palSocket_t* socket);
00333 #endif
00337 /*! This function translates from a URL to `palSocketAddress_t` which can be used with PAL sockets. It supports both IP address as strings and URLs (using DNS lookup).
00338 * @param[in] url The URL (or IP address string) to be translated to a `palSocketAddress_t`.
00339 * @param[out] address The address for the output of the translation.
00340 */
00341 palStatus_t pal_getAddressInfo(const char* url, palSocketAddress_t* address, palSocketLength_t* addressLength);
00343 #endif
00345 #ifdef __cplusplus
00346 }
00347 #endif
00348 #endif //_PAL_SOCKET_H