GPS NMEA through NavSatFix

Dependencies:   TinyGPSPlus

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00001 #ifndef __PROJ515_H__ //Inclusion safeguards
00002 #define __PROJ515_H__ //Definition of the inclusion
00003 /*============================================================================*/
00005 /* Libraries */
00006 #include "mbed.h"                   // Mbed RTOS
00007 #include "TinyGPSPlus.h"            // GPS Module Library
00008 #include "ros.h"                    // ROS Library
00009 #include "sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.h"  // ROS Sensor Messages component
00010 #include "std_msgs/String.h"        // ROS Standard Messages component
00011 //#include "std_msgs/Char.h"        // ROS Standard Messages component
00013 /* Definitions */
00014 #define LEDS_OFF 0x00               // LED bus all off
00015 #define LEDS_ON  0x07               // LED bus all on
00016 #define GPS_TX   PC_10              // GPS Transmit Pin
00017 #define GPS_RX   PC_11              // GPS Recieve  Pin
00018 #define USB_TX   PD_5               // USB Transmit Pin
00019 #define USB_RX   PD_6               // USB Recieve  Pin
00021 #define GPS_Baud 9600               // GPS Baud Rate
00022 #define USB_Baud 9600               // USB Baud Rate
00023 #define ROS_Baud 921600             // ROS Baud Rate
00024 #define frameID "gps_odom"          // ROS frame ID
00026 #define UNAGUMENTED  0x00           // Unagumented 
00027 #define GPS_CONSTELL 0x01           // GPS constellation
00028 #define UNNWN        0x00           // Unknown covariance
00030 #define CVX 0x01                    // Covariance value for X from the datasheet
00031 #define CVY 0x01                    // Covariance value for X from the datasheet
00032 #define CVZ 0x01                    // Covariance value for X from the datasheet
00033 #define CVO 0x00                    // Covariance value for zero components
00035 #define PRINT_DATA 0x01             // Thread communication event to print data
00037 /* Declarations */
00038 extern char gps_c;                  // GPS stream character - Defined in PROJ515.cpp
00039 extern int  sats_n;                 // GPS satelite number  - Defined in PROJ515.cpp    
00041 /* Function prototypes */
00042 void streamF();                     // Function prototype for streaming data
00043 void setupRosMsg();                 // Function prototype for seting up ROS messages
00045 /*============================================================================*/
00046 #endif // End of inclusion