Newton's approximation - Benchmark based on Steve Curd Adruino IDE code for STM32 Nucleo F7 ARM M7 MCU's

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 //********************************************************
00003 //**               ARM Cortex M7 MCU                ******
00004 //**   ST Nucleo-144 Stm32F746 and Stm32F767 MCU    ******
00005 //**   Newton's approximation - Benchmark based on  ******
00006 //**   Steve Curd Adruino IDE code                  ******
00007 //**          Jovan Ivković - 2017.                 ******
00008 //**         JovanEps (        ******
00009 //********************************************************
00011 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00012 //DigitalOut PD13(PA_5);  //introduce D13 pin-out
00013 DigitalIn PD8(PF_12);  //introduce D8  *-Clear port
00014 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00015 Timer timer;
00017 #define ITERATIONS 10000000L    // number of iterations 100k-10M
00018 #define FFLASH 1000000            // blink LED every 100k-1M iterations
00020 //#include <TM1638.h>           // include the display library
00022 // TM1638 module(DIO, CLK, STB0)
00023 //TM1638 module(8, 9, 7);
00025 //*********************************
00026 //**         MAIN block          **
00027 //*********************************
00028 int main()
00029 {
00030     while(true) {
00031         unsigned long start, ttime;
00032         unsigned long niter = ITERATIONS;
00033         int LEDcounter = 0;
00034         bool alternate = false;
00035         long i, count = 0;
00036         double x = 1.0;
00037         double temp, pi = 1.0;
00039         pc.printf(" \n Beginning  %d",niter );
00040         pc.printf(" \n iterations...");
00041         pc.printf("\n");
00043         timer.start();
00044         start = timer.read_ms();
00046         for ( i = 2; i < niter; i++) {
00047             x *= -1.0;
00048             pi += x / (2.0f * (float) i - 1.0f);
00049           // /*
00050             if (LEDcounter++ > FFLASH) {
00051                 LEDcounter = 0;
00052                 if (alternate) {
00053                     myled = 1;
00054                     alternate = false;
00055                 } else {
00056                     myled = 0;
00057                     alternate = true;
00058                 }  
00059                 temp = (float) 40000000.0 * pi;
00061                 //module.setDisplayToDecNumber( temp, 0x80);
00062             }
00063           //*/           
00064         }
00065         ttime = timer.read_ms() - start;
00067         pi = (double) pi * 4.0;
00069         pc.printf("# of trials = %d \n", niter);
00070         pc.printf("\n\n");
00071         pc.printf("Estimate of pi = %6.10f 10 \n" , pi);
00072         pc.printf("Time:   %d ms \n", ttime);
00073         printf("state: %d \n", alternate);
00075         timer.stop();
00076         wait(1);
00077     }
00078 }