Code to drive a CNC machine via a PC LPT port lookalike 25 pin 'D', experiment in 'PC/Mach3' replacement. Designed to compile and run on mbed LPC1768, Freescale KL25Z and Freescale KL46Z. Proved on LPC1768 and KL25Z, problem with serial port on KL46Z. Reads subset of 'G Codes' through usb/serial port and drives 3 stepper/servo drives for X, Y and Z, also similar Step/Dir outputs for spindle motor control. Emulates PC LPT, outputs 'charge pump', proved driving Seig KX3 CNC mill

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed

Embed: (wiki syntax)

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "rtos.h"
00003 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
00004 #include "cnc.h"
00005 extern  void    i2c_handler    (void const *);
00006 extern  void    command_line_interpreter    (void const *) ;
00007 extern  fl_typ  feed_rate;      //  float type is 'float'
00008 extern  signed long spindle_rpm;
00010 const   int BAUD = 38400;
00011 MODSERIAL  pc(USBTX, USBRX);    //  tx, rx to pc via usb lead
00012 Ticker  NCO_gen;                // Ticker generating interrupts at "Kernel Speed", NCO updating frequency (about 40kHz)
00013 Ticker  msec;                   //  Ticker updating global millisecs counter
00015 bool    running         = false,
00016         new_run_pending = false,
00017         idle            = false,
00018         move_ended      = false;
00020 volatile unsigned long  ticks    = 0L;  //  32 bit count of "interrupt_period_us" interrupts from time t=0
00021 unsigned long           tickrun  = 0L,  //  32 bit effectively stores time in future when current movement to stop
00022                         ticks_next  = 0L,  //  32 bit effectively stores time in future when current movement to stop
00023                         millisecs = 0L;        //  32 bit
00024 signed long
00025 #if defined Fourth_Axis
00026         pir_a_next  = 0L,   //  Data for next move assembled here
00027 #endif
00028         pir_x_next  = 0L,   //  during a move.
00029         pir_y_next  = 0L,   //  This way, next move can start immediately
00030         pir_z_next  = 0L,   //  on end of current move - minimised jerking
00031 #if defined Fourth_Axis
00032         inc_a_next  = 1L,
00033 #endif
00034         inc_x_next  = 1L,
00035         inc_y_next  = 1L,
00036         inc_z_next  = 1L,
00038         dir_bits_next   = 0L,
00039         pir_spin    = 0L;     //  Referenced only in command_interpreter as spindle speed setting
00041 struct  Gparams    last_position;   //
00044 #if defined (TARGET_KL25Z)
00045     const char Target[] = "KL25Z";  //  Note need PTE0 (sda) and PTE1 (scl)
00046     DigitalOut intled               (PTD7); //(PTE1);     //J2p19, was 20
00047     DigitalOut charge_pumpD25pin1   (PTD6); //(PTE0);     //J2p17, was 18    
00048 //    InterruptIn     D25pin10_EStop    (PTE20);    //j10p1   KL25 J10 is KL46 j4
00049     DigitalIn     D25pin10_EStop    (PTE20);    //j10p1   KL25 J10 is KL46 j4
00050     DigitalIn       D25pin11_XLim     (PTE21);    //j10p3
00051     DigitalIn       D25pin12_YLim     (PTE22);    //j10p5
00052     DigitalIn       D25pin13_ZLim     (PTE23);    //j10p7
00053     DigitalIn       D25pin15_unkn     (PTE30);    //j10p11
00054 #if defined I2C_Enable
00055     I2CSlave slave(PTE0, PTE1); //  PTE0 sda, (yellow) PTE1 scl (blue)
00056 #endif
00057 #if defined SPI_Enable
00058     SPISlave spidevice(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1, PTD0); // mosi, miso, sclk (uses p11, p12, p13 on mbed LPC1768)
00059 #endif
00060     //                 J2p08,J2p10,J2p12, J2p06
00061     #define STEPPER_PORT    PortC
00062     const   int PortBitXSt   = 3,    //  Port bit num X Step    J1P05   D25pin 2
00063                 PortBitXDi   = 4,    //  Port bit num X Dir     J1P07   D25pin 3
00064                 PortBitYSt   = 5,    //  Port bit num Y Step    J1P09   D25pin 4
00065                 PortBitYDi   = 6,    //  Port bit num Y Dir     J1P11   D25pin 5
00066                 PortBitZSt   = 10,    //  Port bit num Z Step   J1P13   D25pin 6
00067                 PortBitZDi   = 11,    //  Port bit num Z Dir    J1P15   D25pin 7
00068                 PortBitASt   = 12,    //  Port bit num A Step   J2P01   D25pin 8
00069                 PortBitADi   = 13,    //  Port bit num A Dir    J2P03   D25pin 9
00070                 PortBitSSt   = 8,    //  Port bit num Spin Step   J1P14 D25pin 14
00071                 PortBitSDi   = 9;    //  Port bit num Spin Dir    J1P16 D25pin 16
00072 #endif
00076 #if defined (TARGET_KL46Z)
00077     const char Target[] = "KL46Z";
00078     DigitalOut intled               (PTE1);    //J2p20 checked
00081     DigitalOut charge_pumpD25pin1   (PTE0);    //J2p18 checked
00082 //    InterruptIn     D25pin10_EStop    (PTE20);  // j4p1  KL46 J4 is KL25 J10
00083     DigitalIn     D25pin10_EStop    (PTE20);  // j4p1  KL46 J4 is KL25 J10 checked
00084     DigitalIn       D25pin11_XLim     (PTE21);  // j4p3 checked
00085     DigitalIn       D25pin12_YLim     (PTE22);  // j4p5 checked
00086     DigitalIn       D25pin13_ZLim     (PTE23);  // j4p7 checked
00087     DigitalIn       D25pin15_unkn     (PTE30);  // j4p11 checked
00088 #if defined I2C_Enable
00089     I2CSlave slave(p9, p10);
00090 #endif
00091 #if defined SPI_Enable
00092     SPISlave spidevice(PTA16, PTA17, PTA15, PTA14); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel (uses p11, p12, p13, p? on mbed LPC)
00093 #endif
00094     //                 J2p13, J2p15, J2p11, J2p09
00095                 // Easy way to allocate port bits for
00096                 // output of stepper motor Step and DIR sigs
00097     #define STEPPER_PORT    PortC
00098     const   int PortBitXSt   = 0,    //  Port bit num X Step    J1P05   D25pin 2 checked
00099                 PortBitXDi   = 4,    //  Port bit num X Dir     J1P07   D25pin 3 checked
00100                 PortBitYSt   = 6,    //  Port bit num Y Step    J1P09   D25pin 4 checked
00101                 PortBitYDi   = 7,    //  Port bit num Y Dir     J1P11   D25pin 5 checked
00102                 PortBitZSt   = 10,    //  Port bit num Z Step   J1P13   D25pin 6 checked
00103                 PortBitZDi   = 11,    //  Port bit num Z Dir    J1P15   D25pin 7 checked
00104                 PortBitASt   = 13,    //  Port bit num A Step   J2P01   D25pin 8 checked
00105                 PortBitADi   = 16,    //  Port bit num A Dir    J2P03   D25pin 9 checked
00106                 PortBitSSt   = 8,    //  Port bit num Spin Step J1P14   D25pin 14 checked
00107                 PortBitSDi   = 9;    //  Port bit num Spin Dir  J1P16   D25pin 16 checked
00108 #endif
00109 #if defined (TARGET_MBED_LPC1768)
00110     const char Target[] = "MBED LPC1768";
00111     DigitalOut intled(LED2);                    //  Correct
00112     DigitalOut charge_pumpD25pin1      (p25);    //
00113 //    InterruptIn D25pin10_EStop  (p26);    //P2.0
00114     DigitalIn D25pin10_EStop  (p26);    //P2.0
00115     DigitalIn   D25pin11_XLim   (p24);    //P2.2
00116     DigitalIn   D25pin12_YLim   (p23);    //P2.3
00117     DigitalIn   D25pin13_ZLim   (p19);    //P1.30
00118     DigitalIn   D25pin15_unkn   (p20);    //P1.31
00119 #if defined I2C_Enable
00120     I2CSlave slave(p9, p10);
00121 #endif
00122 #if defined SPI_Enable
00123     SPISlave spidevice(p5, p6, p7, p8);
00124 #endif
00125                 // Easy way to allocate port bits
00126                 // output of stepper motor Step and DIR sigs
00127     #define STEPPER_PORT    Port0
00128     /* Port 0 bits routed to DIP pins as follows:-
00129         P0.00   p09 Reserve SDA
00130         P0.01   p10 Reserve SCL
00131         P0.04   p30 CAN rd  -   USE X Step  D25pin 2
00132         P0.05   p29 CAN td  -   USE X Dir   D25pin 3
00133         P0.10   p28 SDA     -   USE Y Step  D25pin 4
00134         P0.11   p27 SCL     -   USE Y Dir   D25pin 5
00135         P0.15   p13 Tx      -   USE Z Step  D25pin 6
00136         P0.16   p14 Rx      -   USE Z Dir   D25pin 7
00137         P0.17   p12 miso    -   USE A Step  D25pin 8
00138         P0.18   p11 mosi    -   Use A Dir   D25pin 9
00139         P0.23   p15 A In    -   Use S Step  D25pin 14
00140         P0.24   p16 A In    -   Use S Dir   D25pin 16
00141         P0.25   p17 Reserve A In
00142         P0.26   p18 Reserve A Out
00143     */
00144     const   int PortBitXSt  = 4,    //  Port bit num X Step
00145                 PortBitXDi  = 5,    //  Port bit num X Dir
00146                 PortBitYSt  = 10,    //  Port bit num Y Step
00147                 PortBitYDi  = 11,    //  Port bit num Y Dir
00148                 PortBitZSt  = 15,    //  Port bit num Z Step
00149                 PortBitZDi  = 16,    //  Port bit num Z Dir
00150                 PortBitASt  = 17,    //  Port bit num A Step
00151                 PortBitADi  = 18,    //  Port bit num A Dir
00152                 PortBitSSt  = 23,   //  Port bit num Spin Step
00153                 PortBitSDi  = 24;   //  Port bit num Spin Dir
00154 #endif
00156 const   long    //  Assemble mask bits from now known port bit positions
00157         XSt =   1 << PortBitXSt,    //  X axis Step signal
00158         XDi =   1 << PortBitXDi,    //  X axis Direction signal
00159         YSt =   1 << PortBitYSt,    //  Y axis Step, etc
00160         YDi =   1 << PortBitYDi,
00161         ZSt =   1 << PortBitZSt,    //  Z axis
00162         ZDi =   1 << PortBitZDi,
00163         ASt =   1 << PortBitASt,    //  A axis, not implemented in full, for e.g. rotary axis
00164         ADi =   1 << PortBitADi,
00165         SDi =   1 << PortBitSDi,     //  Spindle, also driven by Step and Dir signals up to 5kHz
00166         SSt =   1 << PortBitSSt,     //  for 5000 RPM
00168         SM_MASK = (XSt | XDi | YSt | YDi | ZSt | ZDi | ASt | ADi | SDi | SSt),
00169         direction_swappers = XDi | YDi | ZDi | SDi; //  include bit to swap direction
00171     PortOut Steppers    (STEPPER_PORT, SM_MASK);
00173 void    target_cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {
00174     pc.printf("Computer is %s\r\n", Target);
00175 }
00177 void    grain_clr   (struct singleGparam & g)  {
00178     g.flt = 0.0;
00179     g.ul = 0L;
00180     g.i = g.c = 0;
00181     g.changed = false;
00182 }
00183 void    Gparams_clr    (struct Gparams & p)   {
00184     grain_clr   (p.x);    grain_clr   (p.y);    grain_clr   (p.z);    grain_clr   (p.i);    grain_clr   (p.j);
00185     grain_clr   (p.r);    grain_clr   (p.a);    grain_clr   (p.b);    grain_clr   (p.c);    grain_clr   (p.d);
00186 }
00188 class digital_readout_stuff  {   //  class does not need to be named here
00189     private:
00190     char *  readout (char * txt, long p)         //  p has running subtotal of all pulses issued to stepper driver
00191     {
00192         txt[0] = '+';               //  constructs string e.g. "+123.456"
00193         txt[8] = 0;                 //  null terminated
00194         if  (p < 0)    {
00195             txt[0] = '-';
00196             p = -p;
00197         }
00198         p *= 1000;
00199         p /= pulses_per_mm;
00200         if  (p > 999999)    {
00201             sprintf(txt + 1, "OVRANGE");
00202             return  txt;
00203         }
00204         for(int k = 7; k > 0; k--)  {
00205             if  (k == 4)
00206                 txt[k] = '.';
00207             else    {
00208                 txt[k] = '0' + (p % 10);
00209                 p /= 10;
00210             }
00211         }
00212         return  txt;    //  Returns pointer unaltered for subsequent use by e.g. cout
00213     }
00214         public:
00215     signed long x, y, z, a;    //  Could easily expand up to six or more dros
00216 //    bool    dro_output;             //  To enabe / disable output to terminal
00217     void    init    ()  {
00218         x = y = z = a = 0;   //  These dro registers count pulses delivered to stepper motor driver
00219 //        dro_output = true;
00220     }
00221     void    update  ()  {
00222         static  long    t = 300;    //  Prevent display immediately upon startup
00223         if  (millisecs < t)
00224             return;
00225 //        if(!idle && dro_output)  {
00226         if(!idle)  {
00227             char    txt[12];
00228             pc.printf("dros X %s,", readout(txt, x));    //  dro.n has running subtotal of all pulses issued to stepper driver.n
00229             pc.printf(" Y %s, Z ", readout(txt, y));
00230             pc.printf("%s, %s\r\n", readout(txt, z), running ? "R":"idle");
00231             if(!running)    idle = true;    //  Purpose of idle flag is to stop dro updates JUST AFTER run completes.
00232             t = millisecs + 350;    //  Schedule next update after this non-blocking delay
00233         }
00234     }
00235 }   dro_out ;   //  single instance of class digital_readout_stuff
00237 /**
00238 class   circbuff    {   public functions
00239     void    init    ()  {
00240     int     On_Q    ()  {
00241     bool    readable    ()  {return !buffempty; }
00242     bool    writeable   ()  {return !bufffull; }
00243     bool    read    (pirbufgrain & g)   {
00244     bool    write   (pirbufgrain & g)   {
00245 */
00246 const int PIRBUFFSIZE = 40; //  pirbufgrain are 40 bytes each
00247 class   circbuff    {
00248     private:
00249         pirbufgrain grain   [PIRBUFFSIZE + 1];
00250     int     OnPtr, OffPtr;
00251     bool    bufffull, buffempty, buffhalf;
00252     void    setempty    ()  {
00253         bufffull = false;
00254         buffhalf = false;
00255         buffempty = true;
00256     }
00257     void    grain_copy  (pirbufgrain & src, pirbufgrain & dest) {
00258         dest.x  = src.x; 
00259         dest.y  = src.y; 
00260         dest.z  = src.z; 
00261         dest.distance_code = src.distance_code; 
00262         dest.f_rate = src.f_rate;   //  int feed rate mm per min * 1000
00263     }
00264     public:
00265     void    init    ()  {
00266         OnPtr = OffPtr = 0;
00267         setempty    ();
00268     }
00269     int     On_Q    ()  {
00270         int k;
00271         if  (bufffull)    return  PIRBUFFSIZE;
00272         k = OnPtr - OffPtr;
00273         if  (k < 0) k += PIRBUFFSIZE;
00274         if  (k > PIRBUFFSIZE / 2)
00275             buffhalf = true;
00276         else
00277             buffhalf = false;
00278         return  k;
00279     }
00280     bool    readable    ()  {return !buffempty; }
00281     bool    writeable   ()  {return !bufffull; }
00282     bool    read    (pirbufgrain & g)   {
00283 //        if  (buffempty) return  false;    //  TO DO Fix problem with buffempty flag
00284         if  (On_Q() == 0) return  false;
00285         bufffull = false;
00286         grain_copy  (grain[OffPtr++], g);
00287         if  (OffPtr >= PIRBUFFSIZE)
00288             OffPtr = 0;
00289         if  (OnPtr == OffPtr)
00290             buffempty = true;
00291         return  true;
00292     }
00293     bool    write   (pirbufgrain & g)   {
00294         if  (bufffull)  return  false;
00295         buffempty = false;
00296         grain_copy  (g, grain[OnPtr++]);
00297         if  (OnPtr >= PIRBUFFSIZE)
00298             OnPtr = 0;
00299         if  (OnPtr == OffPtr)
00300             bufffull = true;
00301         return  true;
00302     }
00303 }   CircBuff;   //  single instance of class   circbuff
00306 /**
00307 void    move_to_XYZ   (struct pirbufgrain & ins)   {
00308     Takes floating point x, y, z and feed_rate as input.
00309     Finds distances from 'last_position' global,
00310     copies structure containing floating point values for x, y, z, distance_multiplier and feed_rate
00311     onto a circular buffer.
00312     If buffer full, executes 'osThreadYield()' until space is created on buffer
00313 */
00314 void    move_to_XYZ   (struct pirbufgrain & ins)   {
00315 static const   fl_typ  duration_multiplier =   60000000.0 /  interrupt_period_us;
00316     struct  pirbufgrain outs;
00317     fl_typ  distx   = ins.x - last_position.x.flt,
00318             disty   = ins.y - last_position.y.flt,
00319             distz   = ins.z - last_position.z.flt,
00320             distT   = sqrt ((distx * distx) + (disty * disty) + (distz * distz)), // 3D Pythag !
00321             temp    = n_for_onemmpermin / distT;
00322     if  (distT < 0.01)  {
00323         pc.printf("Very small move %.4f, Ignoring!\r\n", distT);
00324         return;     //  Return without updating last_position as it was not changed
00325     }
00326     last_position.x.flt   = ins.x;     //  Update global last_position record
00327     last_position.y.flt   = ins.y;
00328     last_position.z.flt   = ins.z;
00329     outs.f_rate = ins.f_rate;
00330     outs.distance_code  = duration_multiplier * distT;   //  Duration ticks subject to feed rate compo
00331     outs.x = temp * distx;
00332     outs.y = temp * disty;
00333     outs.z = temp * distz;  //  Have assembled data ready to put onto queue of move instructions
00334     while   (!CircBuff.writeable())
00335         osThreadYield();
00336     CircBuff.write  (outs);    //    Move details put on circular buffer
00337 }
00339 /**
00340 *   Interrupt Service Routines
00341 void    millisec_update_ISR ()  { self explanatory
00343 void    Numerically_Controlled_Oscillators_ISR ()  {   
00344     services Ticker 'NCO_gen' generated interrupts ***ISR***
00345     Does all of the stepper motor driving.
00346     At end of movement, fetches and starts next move to run from circular buffer
00347     If nothing buffered, stops x, y and z, leaves spindle unaltered
00348 */
00349 void    millisec_update_ISR ()  {
00350     millisecs++;
00351 }
00353 #define STEP_IDLE_HI    //  Choose IDLE_HI or LO to suit any power save function of stepper motor drive units
00354 //#define STEP_IDLE_LO
00355 void    Numerically_Controlled_Oscillators_ISR ()  {   // services Ticker 'NCO_gen' generated interrupts ***ISR***
00356     static  const   long    step_mask   = ASt | XSt | YSt | ZSt,    //  Added 6th Feb 14 Mask Does NOT include spindle bits
00357                             dir_mask    = ADi | XDi | YDi | ZDi;    //  Added 6th Feb 14 Mask Does NOT include spindle bits
00358     static  signed  long     //  27 Feb 14 changed from unsigned
00359 #if defined Fourth_Axis
00360         acc_a   = 0L,        pir_a   = 0L,
00361 #endif
00362         acc_x       = 0L,   //  acc Accumuloators
00363         pir_x       = 0L,   //  pir Phase Increment Registers
00364         acc_y       = 0L,        pir_y   = 0L,
00365         acc_z       = 0L,        pir_z   = 0L,
00366         acc_spin    = 0L,  //  separate acc for spindle rotation NCO
00367         inc_x       = 1L,   //  inc_x, y, z for updating DRO registers
00368         inc_y       = 1L,        inc_z   = 1L,
00369         dir_bits    = 0L,  //  direction flags for up to four axes
00370         oldSteps    = 0L;  //  
00371     long tmp, newSteps = 0L;
00373     intled = 1;     //  LED on for duration of interrupt service - point for scope probing
00374     ticks++;        //  count of interrupts serviced, vital to time end of movement
00375     charge_pumpD25pin1 = ticks & 0x01;  //  Can use 0x01 or 0x02 here to alter charge pump freq
00376     tmp = Steppers ^ direction_swappers;
00377 #if defined STEP_IDLE_LO
00378     tmp &= ~step_mask;   //  Step bits prepared for idle lo
00379 #endif
00380 #if defined STEP_IDLE_HI
00381     tmp |= step_mask;   //  Step bits prepared for idle hi
00382 #endif
00383     acc_spin += pir_spin;   //  Spindle NCO
00384     if  (acc_spin < 0)  tmp |= SSt;
00385     else                tmp &= ~SSt;
00386     if  (!running)      Steppers = tmp ^ direction_swappers;    //  Axes not moving, spindle may be turning or not
00387     else    {   //  running == true, Further manipulation of tmp follows, prior to rewriting to 'Steppers' IO Port
00388 //        newSteps = 0L;   //  Added 6th Feb 14
00389 #if defined Fourth_Axis
00390         acc_a   += pir_a;
00391         if  (acc_a < 0)    newSteps |= ASt;//  Added 6th Feb 14
00392 #endif
00393         acc_x   += pir_x;     //  Update phase of signals in accumulators
00394         if  (acc_x < 0)    newSteps |= XSt;//  Added 6th Feb 14
00395         acc_y   += pir_y;
00396         if  (acc_y < 0)    newSteps |= YSt;//  Added 6th Feb 14
00397         acc_z   += pir_z;
00398         if  (acc_z < 0)    newSteps |= ZSt;//  Added 6th Feb 14
00399         //  newSteps has copy of all 4 'acc' MSBs shifted into port bit positions
00400         oldSteps    ^= newSteps;  //  Any bit of stbits set to initiate a Step pulse
00401         tmp         ^= oldSteps;
00402         Steppers = tmp ^ direction_swappers; //  Output signals to stepper motor drivers, next update dros from 'clocked' bits CLOCK IDLES HIGH
00403         if(oldSteps & XSt)  dro_out.x += inc_x;       //  got clk edge for axis X
00404         if(oldSteps & YSt)  dro_out.y += inc_y;       //  got clk edge for axis Y
00405         if(oldSteps & ZSt)  dro_out.z += inc_z;       //  got clk edge for axis Z
00406         oldSteps    = newSteps;   //  Added 6th Feb 14
00407         if  (tickrun <= ticks & !new_run_pending)   {   //  End of a machine movement detected, start next move here if possible
00408                 running = false;
00409                 move_ended = true;
00410                 pir_x = 0L; //  stop all stepper motors
00411                 pir_y = 0L;
00412                 pir_z = 0L;
00413 #if defined Fourth_Axis
00414                 pir_a = 0L;
00415 #endif
00416     //          ticks = 0L; //  Simply to avoid having to think about overflow problems
00417         }       //  end of if   (tickrun <= ticks)  {
00418     }           //  end of else is   (running)   {
00419     if  (!running & new_run_pending)  { //  Start axis movement
00420         dir_bits= dir_bits_next;
00421 #if defined Fourth_Axis
00422         pir_a   = pir_a_next;
00423 #endif
00424         pir_x   = pir_x_next;
00425         pir_y   = pir_y_next;
00426         pir_z   = pir_z_next;
00427         inc_x   = inc_x_next;
00428         inc_y   = inc_y_next;
00429         inc_z   = inc_z_next;
00430         tmp     = Steppers ^ direction_swappers;  //  read output lines
00431         tmp     &= ~dir_mask;
00432         tmp     |= dir_bits;
00433         Steppers = tmp ^ direction_swappers;
00434         tickrun = ticks + ticks_next;
00435         running = true;     //  Start the new run
00436         new_run_pending = false;    //  Clear the flag which initiated this update
00437         idle = false;
00438     }       //  end of     else    {   //  Not running. Grab next data here when or if available
00439     intled = 0;         //  LED off
00440 }           //  end of interrupt handler
00442 /*
00443 *   End of Interrupt Service Routine
00444 */
00445 bool    spindle_running ()  {
00446     if  (pir_spin == 0) return  false;
00447     return  true;
00448 }
00449 void    spindle_control (signed long ss)  {
00450     long t, p;
00451     pir_spin = ss * spindle_factor;
00452     t = ticks;
00453     while   (t == ticks)    {}  //  wait until just after next interrupt
00454     p = Steppers ^ direction_swappers;
00455     if  (pir_spin & 0x80000000) p |= SDi;
00456     else                        p &= ~SDi;
00457     Steppers = p ^ direction_swappers;
00458     pc.printf("Done setting spindle speed %d, pir_spin %d, delay = %d\r\n", ss, pir_spin, ticks - t);
00459 }
00461 /**
00462 void    pir_updater_task (void const * name)   {
00463     A task handed to the RTOS Round Robin
00464     ISR controls certain flags.
00465     This task responds after 'move_ended' flag asserted by NCO ISR
00466     If CircBuff not empty, set of floating point data for next point is fetched,
00467     remaining calcs performed and translated into signed longs, results placed in
00468     set of '_next' locations to be picked up by future NCO ISR
00469 */
00470 void    pir_updater_task (void const * name)   {
00471     static  long    x, y, z;//, count = 0;
00472     struct pirbufgrain outs;
00473     while   (true)  {
00474 //        while   (!move_ended  || !CircBuff.readable())   { ** TO DO ** Solve problem with empty flag
00475         while   (!move_ended  || CircBuff.On_Q() == 0)   {
00476             osThreadYield();
00477         }   //  Proceed beyond here only when move_ended AND CircBuff.readable() both TRUE
00479         x = (long)(outs.f_rate * outs.x);  //  These take much CPU time !!
00480         y = (long)(outs.f_rate * outs.y);
00481         z = (long)(outs.f_rate * outs.z);
00482         ticks_next = (unsigned long)(outs.distance_code / outs.f_rate);
00483         pir_x_next = x;
00484         pir_y_next = y;
00485         pir_z_next = z;
00486         dir_bits_next = 0;
00487         //if  (pir_a & 0x80000000)    dir_bits_next |= ADi;//  Added 6th Feb 14 read sign bits
00488         inc_x_next = inc_y_next = inc_z_next = 1L;
00489         if  (x < 0) {
00490             dir_bits_next   |= XDi;
00491             inc_x_next      = -1L;
00492         }
00493         if  (y < 0) {
00494             dir_bits_next   |= YDi;
00495             inc_y_next      = -1L;
00496         }
00497         if  (z < 0) {
00498             dir_bits_next   |= ZDi;
00499             inc_z_next      = -1L;
00500         }
00501         move_ended = idle = false;
00502         new_run_pending = true; //  cleared and 'running' flag set in interrupt handler
00503     }   //  end of while    (true)  {
00504 }
00507 void    flags_report_cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {  //  Diagnostic helper function
00508     pc.printf("Flags Report\r\nRunning %s\r\n", running ? "T":"F");
00509     pc.printf("idle %s\r\n", idle ? "T":"F");
00510     pc.printf("new_run_pending %s\r\n", new_run_pending ? "T":"F");
00511     pc.printf("move_ended %s\r\n", move_ended ? "T":"F");
00512     pc.printf("CircBuff.readable() %s\r\n", CircBuff.readable() ? "T":"F");
00513     pc.printf("On CircBuff %d\r\n", CircBuff.On_Q());
00514 }
00516 /*
00517 #define ESTOP   0x100
00518 #define XLIM    1
00519 #define YLIM    2
00520 #define ZLIM    4
00521 #define UNKN    8
00522 */
00523 class   inputsreaderstuff   {
00524     private:
00525     long    ins_now;//,    ins_old,    ins_changed;
00526     public:
00527         void    init    ()  {   ins_now = 0L;}//ins_old = ins_changed = 0L;   }
00528         long    read    ()  {
00529             ins_now = 0;
00530             if  (D25pin10_EStop)    ins_now |= ESTOP;
00531             if  (D25pin11_XLim)     ins_now |= XLIM;
00532             if  (D25pin12_YLim)     ins_now |= YLIM;
00533             if  (D25pin13_ZLim)     ins_now |= ZLIM;
00534             if  (D25pin15_unkn)     ins_now |= UNKN;
00535 //            ins_changed = ins_now ^ ins_old;
00536 //            ins_old = ins_now;
00537             return  ins_now;
00538         }
00539 //        long    changed ()  {   return  ins_changed;    }
00540     }   Inputs_From_Machine;
00542 void    report_inputs   ()  {
00543     long    i =;
00544     pc.printf("Inputs: EStop %d, XLim %d, YLim %d, ", i & ESTOP ? 1:0, i & XLIM ? 1:0, i & YLIM ? 1:0);
00545     pc.printf("ZLim %d, unkn %d\r\n", i & ZLIM ? 1:0, i & UNKN ? 1:0);
00546 }
00548 //void    Emergency_Stop_Interrupt  ()  {
00549 //    pc.printf("Emergency Stop Activated !!\r\n");
00550 //    spindle_control (0);  //  Stop spindle rotation
00551 //}
00553 /**
00554 int main() {
00556 */
00557 int main() {
00558     long    ins, ins_old, ins_changed = 0;
00559     pc.baud(BAUD); //  comms to 'PuTTY' serial terminal via mbed usb
00560 //    D25pin11_XLim.mode  (PullDown);   External resistors now fitted
00561 //    D25pin12_YLim.mode  (PullDown);
00562 //    D25pin13_ZLim.mode  (PullDown);
00563 //    D25pin15_unkn.mode  (PullDown);
00564 //    D25pin10_EStop.mode (PullDown);
00565 //    D25pin10_EStop.rise (& Emergency_Stop_Interrupt);
00566 //    D25pin10_EStop.fall (& Emergency_Stop_Interrupt);
00568     Gparams_clr     (last_position);
00569     dro_out.init    ();
00570     CircBuff.init   ();
00571     Inputs_From_Machine.init    ();
00572 #if defined SPI_Enable
00573     spidevice.format(8, 0);    //  8 bits mode 0,  // p11 mosi, p12 miso, p13 sclk ** ONLY 8 BIT **
00574     spidevice.frequency(12000000);  //  12MHz bit rate
00575 #endif
00576     pc.printf("\r\n*\n*\nFound Computer %s\r\n", Target);
00577     pc.printf("Welcome to the CNC tester\r\nStep pulses required to move 1.0mm = %9.0f\r\n", pulses_per_mm);
00578     pc.printf("PIR 'n' for 1mm per min = %9.0f\r\ntop speed = %d mm per min\r\n\n", n_for_onemmpermin, feed_rate_max);
00581 //    NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER3_IRQn, 255); // set mbed tickers to lower priority than other things ONLY COMPILES FOR LPC1768
00584     NCO_gen.attach_us(&Numerically_Controlled_Oscillators_ISR, interrupt_period_us);// Have setup timed interrupts, let other code deal
00585     msec.attach_us(&millisec_update_ISR, 1001);
00587     Thread tsr2   (pir_updater_task, (void *)"read from CircBuff and move");
00588     Thread comlin (command_line_interpreter,    (void *)"cli"); //  Read any instructions arriving via serial port and act upon them
00589 #if defined I2C_Enable
00590     Thread i2cstuff (i2c_handler, (void *)"i2c thing");
00591 #endif
00592     ins = ins_old =    ();
00593     move_ended = true;  //  Needed to kickstart system
00595     while(1) {  //  Round Robin loop
00596         dro_out.update  ();             //  Update DRO readings if, and as often as needed
00597         ins =    ();
00598         ins_changed = ins ^ ins_old;
00599         ins_old = ins;
00600         if  (ins_changed)
00601             pc.printf("Inputs Have Changed 0x%x, read 0x%x\r\n", ins_changed, ins);
00602         osThreadYield();                //
00603     }   //  end of Round Robin loop
00604 }       //  end of int main()