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Fork of MTS-Socket by Keith Ruenheck

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00004 #include "Socket.h"
00005 #include "Endpoint.h"
00007 /**
00008 TCP socket connection
00009 */
00010 class TCPSocketConnection: public Socket, public Endpoint {
00012 public:
00013     /** TCP socket connection
00014     */
00015     TCPSocketConnection();
00017     /** Connects this TCP socket to the server
00018     \param host The host to connect to. It can either be an IP Address or a hostname that will be resolved with DNS.
00019     \param port The host's port to connect to.
00020     \return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
00021     */
00022     int connect(const char* host, const int port);
00024     /** Check if the socket is connected
00025     \return true if connected, false otherwise.
00026     */
00027     bool is_connected(void);
00029     /** Send data to the remote host.
00030     \param data The buffer to send to the host.
00031     \param length The length of the buffer to send.
00032     \return the number of written bytes on success (>=0) or -1 on failure
00033      */
00034     int send(char* data, int length);
00036     /** Send all the data to the remote host.
00037     \param data The buffer to send to the host.
00038     \param length The length of the buffer to send.
00039     \return the number of written bytes on success (>=0) or -1 on failure
00040     */
00041     int send_all(char* data, int length);
00043     /** Receive data from the remote host.
00044     \param data The buffer in which to store the data received from the host.
00045     \param length The maximum length of the buffer.
00046     \return the number of received bytes on success (>=0) or -1 on failure
00047      */
00048     int receive(char* data, int length);
00050     /** Receive all the data from the remote host.
00051     \param data The buffer in which to store the data received from the host.
00052     \param length The maximum length of the buffer.
00053     \return the number of received bytes on success (>=0) or -1 on failure
00054     */
00055     int receive_all(char* data, int length);
00056 };
00058 #endif