A basic example of two treads for TCP and UDP. The TCP server in its thread waiting for a command (!start or !stop) from a client. That control the UDP thread and it start or stop sending a dummy message.

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00001 #include "mbed.h" //MbedOS 5.15 on Nucleo-F767ZI
00002 #include "NetworkInterface.h"
00004 #define BUFFSIZE 50
00006 #define ROUTER
00007 #ifndef ROUTER
00008     #define IP          ""   //Here place your Static IP of Mbed, when you want it to connect directly to PC
00009     #define GATEWAY     ""
00010     #define MASK        ""
00011 #endif
00012 #define ADDRESS         ""       /*Here place IP of your PC. Run cmd.exe and write command ipconfig.
00013                                              If the address will be incorrect, the first message will be lost
00014                                              and connection will be established with first received message from opposite side.*/
00015 #define UDPPORT           20
00016 #define UDPREMOTEPORT   2000
00017 #define TCPPORT           80
00020 DigitalOut          led1(LED1);
00021 DigitalOut          led2(LED2);
00022 DigitalOut          led3(LED3);
00023 Thread              threadUDP;
00024 Thread              threadTCP;
00025 Ticker              ticker;
00026 NetworkInterface    *net = NetworkInterface::get_default_instance();
00027 SocketAddress       ip; 
00028 volatile bool       startFlag = false;
00029 volatile int        dummyValue = 0;
00031 void tickerFunc();
00032 void taskTCP();
00033 void taskUDP();
00035 int main() { 
00036     printf("Example of UDP and TCP at once\n");
00037     int net_stat;
00038 #ifndef ROUTER
00039     net->disconnect();
00040     net_stat = net->set_network((SocketAddress)IP,(SocketAddress)MASK,(SocketAddress)GATEWAY);
00041     printf("Network set IP status: %s\n", net_stat ? "Error": "OK");
00042 #endif
00043 printf("Connecting...");
00044     net_stat = net->connect();
00045     printf("%s\n",net_stat ? "Error": "OK");
00046     net->get_ip_address(&ip);
00047     const char *p_ip = ip.get_ip_address();
00048     printf("Device IP address: %s\n", p_ip ? p_ip : "None");
00049     if(ip){
00050         SocketAddress mask;
00051         net->get_netmask(&mask);
00052         const char *p_mask = mask.get_ip_address();
00053         printf("Netmask: %s\n", p_mask ? p_mask : "None");
00054         SocketAddress gateway;
00055         net->get_gateway(&gateway);
00056         const char *p_gateway = gateway.get_ip_address();
00057         printf("Gateway: %s\n", p_gateway ? p_gateway : "None");
00058         ticker.attach(&tickerFunc, 1);
00059         printf("Starting of TCP and UDP threads...\n");
00060         ThisThread::sleep_for(200);
00061         threadUDP.start(callback(taskUDP));
00062         ThisThread::sleep_for(200);
00063         threadTCP.start(callback(taskTCP));
00064         ThisThread::sleep_for(200);
00065     }else{
00066         printf("No IP\n");
00067         if(net != nullptr) net->disconnect();
00068         printf("Program End\n");
00069     }
00071     while(1) {
00072         led1 =! led1;
00073         ThisThread::sleep_for(1000);
00074     } 
00075 }  
00077 void tickerFunc(){    
00078     dummyValue = rand() % 100; //random 0-99
00079 }
00081 void taskTCP(){
00082     printf("TCP Server starting...\n");
00083     TCPSocket       server;
00084     TCPSocket       *client;
00085     SocketAddress   clientAddress;
00086     char            in_buffer[BUFFSIZE];
00087     const char      *selection[] = {"!stop","!start"};
00088     server.open(net);
00089     server.bind(TCPPORT);
00090     server.listen(1);
00091     printf("TCP Server bound and listening at port: %d\n", TCPPORT);
00092     while (1) {
00093         client = server.accept();
00094         client->getpeername(&clientAddress);
00095         const char *p_clientAddress = clientAddress.get_ip_address();
00096         printf("Client connected from IP address: %s\n", p_clientAddress ? p_clientAddress : "None");
00097         bool b = true;
00098         while (b) {
00099             led2 =! led2;
00100             int n = client->recv(in_buffer, BUFFSIZE);
00101             if (n == 0) {
00102                 printf("Client disconnected\n");
00103                 b = false;
00104             }else{
00105                 in_buffer[n] = '\0';
00106                 char *result = nullptr;
00107                 for(int i = 0; i<2; i++){
00108                     result = strstr(in_buffer,selection[i]);
00109                     if(result != nullptr){
00110                         startFlag = i;
00111                         break;
00112                     }
00113                 }
00114                 printf("Received message from Client :'%s'\n", in_buffer);
00115             }
00116         }
00117         client->close();
00118     }
00119     server.close();
00120     printf("Thread end\n");
00121 }
00123 void taskUDP(){
00124     printf("UDP starting...\n");
00125         UDPSocket       sock; 
00126         SocketAddress   addr;
00127         SocketAddress   targetAddr(ADDRESS,UDPREMOTEPORT); 
00128         sock.open(net);
00129         sock.bind(UDPPORT);
00130         printf("UDP listens on the local port: %d and send to the remote port %d\n", UDPPORT, UDPREMOTEPORT);
00131         char buffer[BUFFSIZE]; 
00132         while(1){
00133             while(!startFlag) ThisThread::sleep_for(100);
00134             sprintf(buffer,"Dummy value %d\n",dummyValue);
00135             sock.sendto(targetAddr, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
00136             printf("Send back: %s", buffer);
00137             led3 =! led3;
00138             ThisThread::sleep_for(500);
00139         }
00140 }