MAXIM DS3231 accurate Real Time Clock Library

Dependents:   20180621_FT813

Fork of DS3231 by remi cormier

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ARM_RTC.h	Mon Jul 23 12:25:27 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+/** mbded library for driving the PMAXIM ARM_RTC Real Time Clock
+* datasheet link :
+* breakout       : MACETECH ChronoDot V2.1 High Precision RTC
+* remi cormier 2012
+* WARNING : sda and sdl should be pulled up with 2.2k resistor
+/** Example code
+* @code
+// ARM_RTC Library test program
+// remi cormier 2012
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ARM_RTC.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+int hour;
+int minute;
+int second;
+int dayOfWeek;
+int date;
+int month;
+int year;  
+ARM_RTC RTC(p28,p27);
+int main()
+    {printf("\r\n\nARM_RTC Library test program\r\nremi cormier 2012\r\n\n");
+     RTC.setI2Cfrequency(400000);
+     //RTC.writeRegister(ARM_RTC_Aging_Offset,0); // uncomment to set Aging Offset 1LSB = approx. 0.1 ppm according from datasheet = 0.05 ppm @ 21 °C from my measurments
+     RTC.convertTemperature();
+     int reg=RTC.readRegister(ARM_RTC_Aging_Offset);
+     if (reg>127)
+        {reg=reg-256;}
+     pc.printf("Aging offset : %i\r\n",reg);
+     pc.printf("OSF flag : %i",RTC.OSF());
+     pc.printf("\r\n");
+     RTC.readDate(&date,&month,&year);
+     pc.printf("date : %02i-%02i-%02i",date,month,year);
+     pc.printf("\r\n");
+     //RTC.setTime(19,48,45); // uncomment to set time
+     RTC.readTime(&hour,&minute,&second);
+     pc.printf("time : %02i:%02i:%02i",hour,minute,second);
+     pc.printf("\r\n");
+     //RTC.setDate(6,22,12,2012); // uncomment to set date
+     RTC.readDateTime(&dayOfWeek,&date,&month,&year,&hour,&minute,&second);
+     pc.printf("date time : %i / %02i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i",dayOfWeek,date,month,year,hour,minute,second);
+     pc.printf("\r\n");
+     pc.printf("temperature :%6.2f",RTC.readTemp());
+     pc.printf("\r\n");
+    }
+* @endcode
+%a   Abbreviated weekday name *  Thu
+%A   Full weekday name * Thursday
+%b   Abbreviated month name *    Aug
+%B   Full month name *   August
+%d   Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)   23
+%e   Day of the month, space-padded ( 1-31)  23
+%F   Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d   2001-08-23
+%H   Hour in 24h format (00-23)  14
+%j   Day of the year (001-366)   235
+%m   Month as a decimal number (01-12)   08
+%M   Minute (00-59)  55
+%R   24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M 14:55
+%S   Second (00-61)  02
+%T   ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S 14:55:02
+%u   ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7)   4
+%V   ISO 8601 week number (00-53)    34
+%w   Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6)  4
+%W   Week number with the first Monday as the first day of week one (00-53)  34
+%X   Time representation *   14:55:02
+%y   Year, last two digits (00-99)   01
+%Y   Year    2001
+Member   Type    Meaning                        Range
+tm_sec   int     seconds after the minute       0-61*
+tm_min   int     minutes after the hour         0-59
+tm_hour  int     hours since midnight           0-23
+tm_mday  int     day of the month               1-31
+tm_mon   int     months since January           0-11
+tm_year  int     years since 1900    
+tm_wday  int     days since Sunday              0-6     (0 = Sunday)
+tm_yday  int     days since January 1           0-365
+tm_isdst         int Daylight Saving Time flag   
+The Daylight Saving Time flag (tm_isdst) is greater than zero if Daylight Saving Time is in effect,
+zero if Daylight Saving Time is not in effect, and less than zero if the information is not available.
+* tm_sec is generally 0-59. The extra range is to accommodate for leap seconds in certain systems.
+Member  Type    Meaning Range
+tm_sec  int seconds after the minute    0-61*
+tm_min  int minutes after the hour  0-59
+tm_hour int hours since midnight    0-23
+tm_mday int day of the month    1-31
+tm_mon  int months since January    0-11
+tm_year int years since 1900    
+tm_wday int days since Sunday   0-6
+tm_yday int days since January 1    0-365
+tm_isdst    int Daylight Saving Time flag   
+Convert from epoch to human readable date
+    time_t     now;
+    struct tm  ts;
+    char       buf[80];
+    // Get current time
+    time(&now);
+    // Format time, "ddd yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss zzz"
+    ts = *localtime(&now);
+    strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", &ts);
+    printf("%s\n", buf);
+Convert from human readable date to epoch
+    struct tm t;
+    time_t t_of_day;
+    t.tm_year = 2011-1900;
+    t.tm_mon = 7;           // Month, 0 - jan
+    t.tm_mday = 8;          // Day of the month
+    t.tm_hour = 16;
+    t.tm_min = 11;
+    t.tm_sec = 42;
+    t.tm_isdst = -1;        // Is DST on? 1 = yes, 0 = no, -1 = unknown
+    t_of_day = mktime(&t);
+    printf("seconds since the Epoch: %ld\n", (long) t_of_day)
+Convert to struct tm
+    time_t rawtime;
+    struct tm * t;
+    time(&rawtime);
+    t = localtime(&rawtime);
+    printf("%d\n", t->tm_sec);
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "TableSummerTime.h"
+#include "TableDayLight.h"
+#ifndef MBED_ARM_RTC_H
+#define MBED_ARM_RTC_H
+//ARM_RTC 8 bit adress
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR                         0x68    // 0x68 << 1 = 0xD0
+#define ARM_RTC_STAT_OSCILLATOR              0x80
+#define ARM_RTC_STAT_32KHZ                   0x08
+#define ARM_RTC_STAT_BUSY                    0x04
+#define ARM_RTC_STAT_ALARM_2                 0x02
+#define ARM_RTC_STAT_ALARM_1                 0x01
+//ARM_RTC registers
+#define ARM_RTC_Seconds                      0x00
+#define ARM_RTC_Minutes                      0x01
+#define ARM_RTC_Hours                        0x02
+// ARM_RTC Hours bits
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_AM_PM                    0x20
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_12_24                    0x40
+#define ARM_RTC_Day                          0x03
+#define ARM_RTC_Date                         0x04
+#define ARM_RTC_Month_Century                0x05
+#define ARM_RTC_Year                         0x06
+#define ARM_RTC_Alarm1_Seconds               0x07
+#define ARM_RTC_Alarm1_Minutes               0x08
+#define ARM_RTC_Alarm1_Hours                 0x09
+#define ARM_RTC_Alarm1_Day_Date              0x0A
+#define ARM_RTC_Alarm2_Minutes               0x0B
+#define ARM_RTC_Alarm2_Hours                 0x0C
+#define ARM_RTC_Alarm_2_Day_Date             0x0D
+#define ARM_RTC_Control                      0x0E
+// ARM_RTC Control bits
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_A1IE                     0x01
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_A2IE                     0x02
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_INTCN                    0x04
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_SQW_1Hz                  0x00
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_SQW_1024Hz               0x08
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_SQW_4096Hz               0x10
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_SQW_8192Hz               0x18
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_CONV                     0x20
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_BBSQW                    0x40
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_EOSCb                    0x80
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_ALARM1_INT              0x01
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_ALARM2_INT              0x02
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_ALARM_INTS              0x04
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_SQWAVE_1HZ              0x00
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_SQWAVE_1024HZ           0x08
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_SQWAVE_4096HZ           0x10
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_SQWAVE_8192HZ           0x18
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_TEMPCONV                0x20
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_SQUAREWAVE_BB           0x40
+#define ARM_RTC_CTRL_OSCILLATOR              0x80
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM_NONE                   0
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM_1                      1
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM_2                      2
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM_BOTH                   3
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM1_EVERY_SECOND          0
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM1_MATCH_SEC             1
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM1_MATCH_SECMIN          2
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM2_EVERY_MIN             0
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM2_MATCH_MIN             1
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM2_MATCH_MINHOUR         2
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM_WDAY                   0x40
+#define ARM_RTC_ALARM_NOTSET                 0x80
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR_TIME                    0x00
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR_ALARM1                  0x07
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR_ALARM2                  0x0b
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR_CONTROL                 0x0e
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR_STATUS                  0x0f
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR_AGING                   0x10
+#define ARM_RTC_ADDR_TEMP                    0x11
+#define ARM_RTC_SET                          0
+#define ARM_RTC_CLEAR                        1
+#define ARM_RTC_REPLACE                      2
+#define ARM_RTC_12HOUR_FLAG                  0x40
+#define ARM_RTC_12HOUR_MASK                  0x1f
+#define ARM_RTC_PM_FLAG                      0x20
+#define ARM_RTC_MONTH_MASK                   0x1f
+#define ARM_RTC_Control_Status               0x0F
+// ARM_RTC Control/Status bits
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_BSY                      0x04
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_EN32kHz                  0x08
+#define ARM_RTC_bit_OSF                      0x80
+#define ARM_RTC_Aging_Offset                 0x10
+#define ARM_RTC_MSB_Temp                     0x11
+#define ARM_RTC_LSB_Temp                     0x12
+#define NTP_OFFSET                          2208988800ULL
+/* Interface to MAXIM ARM_RTC RTC */
+class ARM_RTC
+public :
+    /** Create an instance of the ARM_RTC connected to specfied I2C pins
+    *
+    * @param sda The I2C data pin
+    * @param scl The I2C clock pin
+    */
+    ARM_RTC();
+    bool checkTimeLost(void);
+    /** Set the time registers
+    * @param seconds since 1900
+    */
+    void setDateTimeSecsSince1900(uint32_t secsSince1900);
+    /** Set the time registers
+    * @param seconds since 1970
+    */
+    void setDateTimeSecsSince1970(uint32_t secsSince1970);
+    /** Set the time registers
+    * @return seconds since 1970
+    */
+    uint32_t getDateTimeSecsSince1970(void);
+    time_t getDateTimeSecsSince1970TZ(void);
+    /** Set the time zone
+    * @param hours offset
+    * @return void
+    */
+    void setTimeZone(double TZ);
+    /** Get the time zone
+    * @param void
+    * @return hours offset
+    */
+    double getTimeZone(void);
+    /** Set the date registers
+    * // @param dayOfWeek : day of week
+    * @param date
+    * @param month
+    * @param year
+    */
+    void setDate(int date, int month, int year);
+    /** Set the time registers
+    * @param hours
+    * @param minutes
+    * @param seconds
+    */
+    void setTime(int hours, int minutes, int seconds);
+    /** Read the date and time and set system clock
+    */
+    void setSystemClock(void);
+    void readDateTime(void);
+    /** Set the time
+    * @param hours
+    * @param minutes
+    * @param seconds
+    * @param day
+    * @param month
+    * @param year
+    */
+    void setDateTime(int day, int month, int year, int hours, int minutes, int seconds);
+    /** Set the time registers
+    * @param struct tm *time
+    */
+    void setDateTime(struct tm *time);
+    /** Get the time registers
+    * @return struct tm *time
+    */
+    void getDateTime(struct tm *time);
+    struct tm *getDateTime(void);
+    int getDayOfWeek(int date, int month, int year);
+    char * getDayOfWeekName(void);
+    char * getFormatedDateTime(char *format);
+    bool error;
+    bool getSummerTime(void);
+    int dayOfYearC(void);
+    char * getSunRise(void);
+    char * getSunSet(void);
+    char * getDayLength(void);    
+    int getSunRiseMinute(void);
+    int getSunSetMinute(void);
+    bool checkSunRise(void);
+    void substr(char *s, char *d, int pos, int len);
+    char * substr(char *s, int pos, int len);
+    int bcd2dec(int k); // bcd to decimal conversion
+    int dec2bcd(int k); // decimal to bcd conversion
+private :
+//    I2C i2c;
+//    char ARM_RTC_Address;
+//    void decodeTime(int regHours, int regMinutes, int regSeconds,int *Hours, int *Minutes, int *Seconds);
+//    void decodeDate(int regDate,int regMonth, int regYear, int *date, int *month, int *year);
+    char buffer[40];
+    uint32_t timeZoneOffset;
+    char     timeZoneName[32];
+    bool     dayLightSaving;
+    struct tm t;
+//    t.tm_sec = -1;   
+//    t.tm_min = -1;    
+//    t.tm_hour = -1;   
+//    t.tm_mday = -1;
+//    t.tm_wday = -1;
+//    t.tm_yday = -1;   
+//    t.tm_mon = -1;    
+//    t.tm_year = -1; 
+    time_t secondsEpoch;
+    struct DateTime{
+       int year;
+       int mon;
+       int mday;
+       int wday;
+       int yday;
+       int hour;
+       int min;
+       int sec;
+    };
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