
Dependencies:   ADS1015 MPU6050 PixelArray-Nucleo mbed

Fork of Momo_Pilot_1 by Momo Medical

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00001 /********************* CODE INFORMATON ******************************
00002 Date of creation:           30-09-2017
00003 Authors:                    Danny Eldering & Ricardo Molenaar
00004 co-authors:                 Menno Gravemaker
00005 (c) Copyright by Momo Medical BV.
00007 Current version name:                   2.1.3
00008 Date of modification:                   18-10-2017
00009 Purpose of this file:                   Code for LPC1768 microcontroller for controlling buttons, LED's and communicate to PI
00010 Update ‘what’s new in this version?’:   New structure added.
00011                                         Readability improved.                                        
00012                                         Code optimized (variables and functions).
00013 Todo:                                   -> Fix LED issue (yellow and red flashes at random moments);
00014                                         -> Optimize functions / improve readability; 
00015                                         -> Split functions in seperate files?;
00016                                         -> Fix when sensorplate is not connected;
00017                                         -> Rule 570: if statement change to turn off LED's when power is plugged out (also related to rule 106).
00018                                         -> For the speaker two outputs of the uC are used. Add MOSFET with external supply and control these by uC?
00019 Source file:                  
00021 Information files:
00022 (1) Flowchart:                          
00023 (2) Table serial communication:
00024 (3) Technical manual CU-/software:                   
00025 */
00027 /************************ CONFIG ***********************************/
00029 #include "mbed.h"                                                                   // Include files and define parameters.
00030 #include "Adafruit_ADS1015.h"
00031 #include "MPU6050.h"
00032 #include "MPU6050_belt.h"
00033 #include "neopixel.h"
00035 #define NUMBER_LED_FRONT (3)  // declaren waarvoor dient                                                     
00036 #define ONE_COLOR
00038 InterruptIn button_lock(PC_0);                                                       // Input on intterupt base decleration. 
00039 InterruptIn button_reposition(PC_1);
00040 InterruptIn button_mute(PC_2);
00041 InterruptIn button_new_patient(PC_3);
00043 DigitalOut  LED_on_dev_board1(LED1);                                                // Decleration of digital outputs.                                          
00044 DigitalOut  LED_on_dev_board2(LED2);
00045 DigitalOut  LED_on_dev_board3(LED3);
00046 DigitalOut  LED_on_dev_board4(LED4);
00047 DigitalOut speaker1(PC_8);               // relatie aangeven!
00048 DigitalOut speaker2(PC_6);
00049 neopixel::PixelArray indicator_LEDs(PA_7);                                           
00051 PwmOut lock_feedback_LED(PB_13);                                                      // Declaration of pulse with modulation outputs.                                
00052 PwmOut mute_feedback_LED(PB_1);
00053 PwmOut new_patient_feedback_LED(PB_14);
00054 PwmOut reposition_feedback_LED(PB_15);
00056 Timer button_lock_hold_timer;                                                       // Timer for time lock button should be pressed.
00057 Timer button_calibration_hold_timer;                                                // Timer for calibration function (new patient holding 5 seconds).
00058 Timer delay_between_button_pressed;                                                 // Timer for time between two buttons (to prevent pressing buttons simultaneously). 
00059 Timer speaker_timer;                                                                // Timer for speaker activation.
00060 Timer piezo_electric_sample_timer;                                                  // Timer for equally time-spaced samples.
00062 /* 
00063 The code underneath this commentbox has some fixed parameters for serial/ADC reading:
00064 -> The address for the angle_device_reference_belt is set to 0x68 in the file MPU6050_belt (rule number: 19);
00065 -> The adress for the angle_device_sensorplate is set to 0x69 in the file MPU6050.h (rule number: 19);
00066 -> This is because of using the same I2C line;
00067 -> For detailed information/questions about this item, please read the technical manual or contact: Ricardo Molenaar |
00068 */
00069 I2C i2c_sensorplate_adc(PB_9, PB_8);                                                  // I2C for sensorplate.
00070 I2C i2c_power_adc(PB_11, PB_10);                                                         // I2C for accupack. 
00071 MPU6050 angle_device_sensorplate(PB_9, PB_8);                                          // i2c pins // i2c address hardcoded 0x68.
00072 MPU6050_belt angle_device_reference_belt(PB_9, PB_8);                                  // i2c pins // i2c address hardcoded 0x69.
00073 Adafruit_ADS1115 piezo_resistive_adc1(&i2c_sensorplate_adc, 0x48);                  // i2c pins, i2c address.
00074 Adafruit_ADS1115 piezo_resistive_adc2(&i2c_sensorplate_adc, 0x49);                  // i2c pins, i2c address.
00075 Adafruit_ADS1115 piezo_electric_adc(&i2c_sensorplate_adc, 0x4B);                    // i2c pins, i2c address.
00076 Adafruit_ADS1115 adsAccu(&i2c_power_adc, 0x48);                                     // i2c pins, i2c address.
00077 Serial usb_serial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);                                            // tx, rx  
00078 Serial pi_serial(PC_10, PC_11);                                                     // tx, rx  
00079 Ticker total_readout_cycle;                                                         // Polling cycle.
00080 // End of commentbox related to the serial configuration/ADC reading components. 
00082 int boot_delay_ms = 500;
00083 int total_readout_cycle_time_us = 100000 * 2;                                           // Cycle time in us.
00084 int i2c__frequency = 400000;                                                              // I2C Frequency.
00085 int baud_rate = 115200;                                                             // Baud rate.
00086 short piezo_resistive_array[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};                                 // 8 PR sensors 1 time per cycle.
00087 short piezo_electric_array[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};                                        // 1 PE sensor 5 times per cycle.
00088 int angle = 0;                                                                      // Accelerometer Z-axis.
00089 float accelerometer_sensorplate[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};                               // Raw accelerometer data.
00090 float gyroscope_sensorplate[3];                                                     // Raw gyroscope data.
00091 float accelerometer_reference_belt[3];                                              // Raw accelerometer data from belt.
00092 float gyroscope_reference_belt[3];                                                  // Raw gyroscope data from belt.
00093 char LED_colour = 'g';                                                              // Variable to set LED colour (standard set to green, untill PI sends other character). Other possible colours: red ('r') & yellow ('y').
00094 bool lock_state = false, lock_flag = 0, mute_state = 0, alarm = 0, calibration_flag = 0, intensity_select = 1;            // Boolean variables for logging states.
00095 bool mute_flag = 0, new_patient_flag = 0, reposition_flag = 0;                      // Flag variables.
00096 bool speaker_state = 0, LED_red_state = 0, LED_yellow_state = 0, LED_green_state = 0, power_plug_state = 0;
00097 bool speaker_logged = 0, LED_red_logged = 0, LED_yellow_logged = 0, LED_green_logged = 0, power_plug_logged = 0; // is toevoegen
00098 int locktime_ms = 2000;                                                             // Waittime for lock user interface in ms.
00099 int calibrationtime_ms = 5000;                                                      // Time to press new_patient button for calibration system.
00100 int calibration_flash = 0;                                                          // Variable for flash LED's to indicate calibration.
00101 int buttondelay_ms = 750;                                                           // Button delay in ms.
00102 int delay_lock_interface = 3000*60;                                                 // Delay for non using interface locktime.
00103 int speaker_active_ms = 750;                                                        // Time to iterate speaker on and off when alarm occurs.
00104 int alarm_voltage = 2400;                                                           // Needed voltage for alarm expressed as a digital 15 bit value (= 20% of max battery voltage).
00105 int LED_red_intensity = 0, LED_blue_intensity = 0, LED_green_intensity = 0;         // Variables to set LED intensity.
00106 short batteryvoltage_current = 0, batteryvoltage_last = 0, powervoltage_current, powervoltage_last;                  // Variables to manage batteryvoltage. Maybe change current to other?
00107 const int digital_value_ADC_powervoltage_unplugged = 15000;                         // Digital value to set the indicating LEDs to wall blue (should be set off later). const in hoofdletters
00108 int intensity_day = 40, intensity_night = 10;                                       // Intensity settings for LED's to wall.
00109 double intensity = 0.0, control_LED_intensity = 0.0;                                // Variable between 0 and 1 to set the intensity of the LED's above the buttons. Intensity change to smart name!
00111 /*************************** TEST ********************************/
00112 // Verify algoritm function: for belt activation, set test_belt 1 (connect pin p20 to 3.3V).
00113 Timer test_timer;                                                           
00114 DigitalIn test_pin(PA_11, PullDown);
00116 // Variable to set if belt is used to test algorithm: 
00117 bool test_belt = 0; 
00119 // Set test mode on (log functions to pc serial: interrupts, LED intensity and serial messages): 
00120 bool test_mode = 1;
00122 // Variable for connection test (should be changed):
00123 int connection_test_sensorplate; 
00125 /*************************** CODE ********************************/
00127 void set_intensity_LEDs()                                                           // Function to set the intensity for the LED's.
00128 {
00129     if (intensity_select == 1) {
00130         intensity = intensity_day;
00131     } else {
00132         intensity = intensity_night;
00133     }
00134     control_LED_intensity = (intensity/100);
00136     if (test_mode == 1) {                                                           // If statement for test purposal LED_intensity values. if def gebruiken voor testmode
00137         usb_serial.printf("Intensity LED's shines to wall = %f\n", intensity);
00138         usb_serial.printf("Intensity LED's above buttons = %f\n", control_LED_intensity);
00139     }
00140 }
00142 void serial_read()                                                                  // Function for serial read for select LED intensity and colour.
00143 {
00144     if (pi_serial.readable()) {                                                     // Function to check if pi is readable.
00145         char message[10];
00146         pi_serial.scanf("%s", message);
00148         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00149             usb_serial.printf("Message = %s, Intensity_select = %d en LED_colour = %c\n", message, intensity_select, LED_colour);
00150         }
00152         if (intensity_select != (message[0]-'0')) {                                 // Read intensity for LED's variable from PI. 
00153             intensity_select = (message[0]-'0');
00154         }
00156         if (LED_colour != message[1]) {                                             // Read character from PI to set LED_colour.
00157             LED_colour = message[1];
00158         }
00160         if (test_mode == 1) {
00161             usb_serial.printf("Message: %s\n", message);
00162             usb_serial.printf("Intensity_select = %d en LED_colour = %c\n", intensity_select, LED_colour); 
00163         }
00164     }
00165 }
00167 void serial_log()                                                                   // Function for serial logging. See link to table with code declarations above in code.
00168 {
00169     if (mute_flag == 1) {                                                           // If statement to control logging for mute button. 
00170         pi_serial.printf(">01\n");
00172         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00173             usb_serial.printf(">01\n");
00174         }
00176         mute_flag = 0;
00177     }
00179     if (new_patient_flag == 1) {                                                    // If statement to control logging for new patient button.
00180         pi_serial.printf(">03\n");
00182         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00183             usb_serial.printf(">03\n");
00184         }
00186         new_patient_flag = 0;
00187     }
00189     if (reposition_flag == 1) {                                                     // If statement to control logging for reposition button. 
00190         pi_serial.printf(">02\n");
00192         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00193             usb_serial.printf(">02\n");
00194         }
00196         reposition_flag = 0;
00197     }
00199     if (batteryvoltage_current != batteryvoltage_last) {                            // If statement to control logging for batteryvoltage.           
00200         pi_serial.printf("%%" "%d\n", batteryvoltage_current);
00202         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00203             usb_serial.printf("%%" "%d\n", batteryvoltage_current);
00204         }
00206         batteryvoltage_last = batteryvoltage_current;
00207     }
00209     if (LED_red_logged != LED_red_state) {                                          // If statement to control logging for LED_red.
00210         if (LED_red_state == 1) {
00211             pi_serial.printf("&04\n");
00212             LED_red_logged = LED_red_state;
00213             if (test_mode == 1) {
00214                 usb_serial.printf("&04\n");
00215             }
00216         }
00218         if (LED_red_state == 0) {
00219             pi_serial.printf("&40\n");
00220             LED_red_logged = LED_red_state;
00221             if (test_mode == 1) {
00222                 usb_serial.printf("&40\n");
00223             }
00224         }
00225     }
00227     if (LED_yellow_logged != LED_yellow_state) {                                    // If statement to control logging for LED_yellow.
00228         if (LED_yellow_state == 1) {    
00229             pi_serial.printf("&06\n");
00230             LED_yellow_logged = LED_yellow_state;
00231             if (test_mode == 1) {
00232                 usb_serial.printf("&06\n");
00233             }
00234         }
00235         if (LED_yellow_state == 0) {
00236             pi_serial.printf("&60\n");
00237             LED_yellow_logged = LED_yellow_state;
00238             if (test_mode == 1) {
00239                 usb_serial.printf("&60\n");
00240             }
00241         }
00242     }
00244     if (LED_green_logged != LED_green_state) {                                      // If statement to control logging for LED_green.
00245         if (LED_green_state == 1) {
00246             pi_serial.printf("&05\n");
00247             LED_green_logged = LED_green_state;
00249             if (test_mode == 1) {
00250                 usb_serial.printf("&05\n");
00251             }
00252         }
00254         if (LED_green_state == 0) {
00255             pi_serial.printf("&50\n");
00256             LED_green_logged = LED_green_state;
00258             if (test_mode == 1) {
00259                 usb_serial.printf("&50\n");
00260             }
00261         }
00262     }
00264     if (speaker_logged != speaker_state) {                                          // If statement to control logging for speaker. 
00265         if (speaker_state == 1) {
00266             pi_serial.printf("&07\n");
00267             speaker_logged = speaker_state;
00269             if (test_mode == 1) {                                                   // If statement for test purposal.
00270                 usb_serial.printf("&07\n");
00271             }
00272         }
00274         if (speaker_state == 0) {
00275             pi_serial.printf("&70\n");
00276             speaker_logged = speaker_state;
00278             if (test_mode == 1) {                                                   // If statement for test purposal.
00279                 usb_serial.printf("&70\n");
00280             }
00281         }
00282     }
00284     if (power_plug_logged != power_plug_state) {                                    // If statement to control the logging for the state of the power plug.
00285         if (power_plug_state == 1) {
00286             pi_serial.printf("#08\n");
00288             if (test_mode == 1) {                                                   // If statement for test purposal.
00289                 usb_serial.printf("#08\n");
00290             }
00291             power_plug_logged = power_plug_state;
00292         }
00294         if (power_plug_state == 0) {
00295             pi_serial.printf("#80\n");
00297             if (test_mode == 1) {                                                   // If statement for test purposal.
00298                 usb_serial.printf("#80\n");
00299             }
00300             power_plug_logged = power_plug_state;
00301         }
00302     }
00304     if (connection_test_sensorplate == 1) {                                                     // If statement for sending serial information sensorplate data when connection test is active. 
00305         // Receiving order sensor information: 8 resistive sensors, 5 electric readings. Is splitted in two parts - part 1/2. 
00306         pi_serial.printf("!,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\n", piezo_resistive_array[0], piezo_resistive_array[1], piezo_resistive_array[2], piezo_resistive_array[3], piezo_resistive_array[4], piezo_resistive_array[5], piezo_resistive_array[6], piezo_resistive_array[7], piezo_electric_array[0], piezo_electric_array[1], piezo_electric_array[2], piezo_electric_array[3], piezo_electric_array[4]); // print all to serial port
00308         if (test_mode == 1) {
00309             usb_serial.printf("!,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\n", piezo_resistive_array[0], piezo_resistive_array[1], piezo_resistive_array[2], piezo_resistive_array[3], piezo_resistive_array[4], piezo_resistive_array[5], piezo_resistive_array[6], piezo_resistive_array[7], piezo_electric_array[0], piezo_electric_array[1], piezo_electric_array[2], piezo_electric_array[3], piezo_electric_array[4]); // print all to serial port
00310         }
00311     }
00313 }
00315 void colour_select_indicating_LED_wall(char LED_colour)                             // Function to select the colour for LED's to wall (values comes from algorithm).
00316 {
00317     set_intensity_LEDs();                                                           // Call function set_intensity_LEDs to set the intensity for LED's to wall and above buttons.
00319     if ((LED_colour == 'r') || (LED_colour == 'g') || (LED_colour == 'b') || (LED_colour == 'y')) { // If statement to prevent potential errors in communication.
00320         LED_red_intensity = 0;                                                                // Reset 
00321         LED_green_intensity = 0;
00322         LED_blue_intensity = 0;
00324         if (LED_colour == 'r') {                                                    // Set LED_colour to red.
00325             LED_red_intensity = (2.55*intensity);                                             // 255 / 100 = 2.55 (8 - bit digital value; 0-255 = 256 steps); intensity is a value between 0 and 100. 
00326             LED_green_intensity = 0;
00327             LED_blue_intensity = 0;
00328             LED_red_state = 1;
00329         } else {
00330             LED_red_state = 0;
00331         }
00333         if (LED_colour == 'y') {                                                    // Set LED_colour to yellow.
00334             LED_red_intensity = (2.55*intensity);
00335             LED_green_intensity = (2.55*intensity);
00336             LED_blue_intensity = 0;
00337             LED_yellow_state = 1;
00338         } else {
00339             LED_green_state = 0;
00340         }
00342         if (LED_colour == 'g') {                                                    // Set LED_colour to green.
00343             LED_red_intensity = 0;
00344             LED_green_intensity = (2.55*intensity);
00345             LED_blue_intensity = 0;
00346             LED_green_state = 1;
00347         } else {
00348             LED_green_state = 0;
00349         }
00351         if (LED_colour == 'b') {                                                    // Set LED_colour to blue.
00352             LED_red_intensity = 0;
00353             LED_green_intensity = 0;
00354             LED_blue_intensity = (2.55*intensity);
00355         }
00356     }
00358     if (calibration_flash >= 1) {                                                   // If statement for flashing LED's (colour = white) when calibration is active. 
00359         if ((calibration_flash % 2) == 0) {                                         // If value can not be devided by two, set LED's on.
00360             LED_red_intensity = 255;
00361             LED_green_intensity = 255;
00362             LED_blue_intensity = 255;
00363             LED_on_dev_board4 = 1;
00364         } else {                                                                    // Else set LED's off.
00365             LED_red_intensity = 0;
00366             LED_green_intensity = 0;
00367             LED_blue_intensity = 0;
00368             LED_on_dev_board4 = 0;
00369         }
00370         calibration_flash--;
00371     }
00372 }
00374 void trigger_lock()                                                                 // If rising edge lock button is detected start locktimer.
00375 {
00376     if (test_mode == 1) {
00377         usb_serial.printf("Lock triggered.\n");
00378     }
00380     button_lock_hold_timer.reset();
00381     button_lock_hold_timer.start();
00382     delay_between_button_pressed.reset();
00383     delay_between_button_pressed.start();
00384 }
00386 void end_timer_lock_button()                                                        // End timer lock.
00387 {
00388     if (test_mode == 1) {                                                           // If statement for test purposal. 
00389         usb_serial.printf("Lock released.\n");
00390     }
00391     lock_flag = 0;                                                                  // Set lock_flag off.
00392     button_lock_hold_timer.stop();                                                  // Stop and reset holdtimer
00393     button_lock_hold_timer.reset();
00394 }
00396 void reposition_button_triggered()
00397 {
00398     if (lock_state == 1 | (delay_between_button_pressed.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {  // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
00399     } else {
00400         delay_between_button_pressed.reset();
00401         delay_between_button_pressed.start();
00402         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00403             usb_serial.printf("Reposition triggered.\n");
00404             LED_on_dev_board1 = !LED_on_dev_board1;
00405         }
00406         reposition_flag = 1;
00408         reposition_feedback_LED = control_LED_intensity;
00409     }
00410 }
00412 void rise_reposition()                                                              // Interrupt for rising edge reposition function (deactivation; active low). 
00413 {
00414     if (test_mode == 1) {                                                           // If statement for test purposal. 
00415         usb_serial.printf("Reposition released.\n");
00416     }
00417     reposition_feedback_LED = 0;
00419 }
00421 void mute_button_triggered()
00422 {
00424     if (lock_state == 1 | (delay_between_button_pressed.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {  // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
00425     } else {
00426         delay_between_button_pressed.reset();
00427         delay_between_button_pressed.start();
00428         mute_state = !mute_state;
00430         if (mute_state == 1) {                                                      // If statement for if mute_state is active, set mute feedback LED active.
00431             mute_feedback_LED = control_LED_intensity;
00432         } else {
00433             mute_feedback_LED = 0;
00434         }
00436         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00437             usb_serial.printf("Mute triggered %d.\n",mute_state);
00438             LED_on_dev_board1 = !LED_on_dev_board1;
00439         }
00441         mute_flag = 1;
00442     }
00443 }
00445 void trigger_new_patient()                                                          // Function to trigger hold timer for new patient and calibration function.
00446 {
00448     if (lock_state == 1 | (delay_between_button_pressed.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {
00449     } else {
00450         button_calibration_hold_timer.reset(); // inline ?
00451         button_calibration_hold_timer.start();
00452         new_patient_feedback_LED = control_LED_intensity;;
00454         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00455             usb_serial.printf("New patient triggered.\n");
00456         }
00457     }
00458 }
00460 void activate_new_patient_function()                                                            // Timer calibration function.
00461 {
00462     if (test_mode == 1) {                                                           // If statement for test purposal. 
00463         usb_serial.printf("New patient released.\n");
00464     }
00465     new_patient_feedback_LED = 0;
00467     if (0 < button_calibration_hold_timer.read_ms() < calibrationtime_ms) {         // If statement for new_patient function: holdtime for calibration is les then set time to calibrate algorithm. && toevoegen? -. als mogelijk mailtje naar Bart:
00468         new_patient_flag = 1;
00469     }
00471     button_calibration_hold_timer.stop();                                           // Timer reset for calibration function of new patient button. 
00472     button_calibration_hold_timer.reset();
00474     if (lock_state == 1 | (delay_between_button_pressed.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {  // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
00475     } else {
00476         if (calibration_flag == 0) {
00478             if (LED_on_dev_board1 == 0) {                                           // If statement for test purposal. 
00479                 LED_on_dev_board1 = 1;
00480             } else {
00481                 LED_on_dev_board1 = 0;
00482             }
00484         } else {
00485             calibration_flag = 0;
00486         }
00487     }
00488 }
00490 void timer_functions()                                                              // Function which contains statements using timers. 
00491 {
00492     if ((button_lock_hold_timer.read_ms() > locktime_ms) && lock_flag == 0 && button_lock == 0) { // If statement for lock function.
00493         lock_flag = 1;
00494         LED_on_dev_board2 = !LED_on_dev_board2;
00495         lock_state = !lock_state;
00497         if (lock_state == 0) {                                                      // If statement to control lock feedback LED above button. 
00498             lock_feedback_LED = control_LED_intensity;
00499         } else {
00500             lock_feedback_LED = 0;
00501         }
00502     }
00504     if ((button_calibration_hold_timer.read_ms() > calibrationtime_ms) && calibration_flag == 0 && button_new_patient == 0 && lock_state == 0) { // If statement for calibration algorithm.
00505         calibration_flag = 1;
00506         calibration_flash = 11;
00508         if (test_mode == 1) {                                                       // If statement for test purposal. 
00509             usb_serial.printf("Calibrate triggered.\n");
00510         }
00512         pi_serial.printf(">30\n");                                                  // Print statement for serial communication to inform algorithm to calibrate.
00513     }
00515     if (delay_between_button_pressed.read_ms() > delay_lock_interface) {            // If buttons are not pressed for 3 minutes, set lock active.
00516         lock_state = 1;
00517         LED_on_dev_board2 = 1;
00518         lock_feedback_LED = 0;
00519     }
00520 }
00522 void generate(neopixel::Pixel * out, uint32_t index, uintptr_t val)                 // Generate LED colour function (library function PixelArray is used for this item).
00523 {
00524     out->red   = LED_red_intensity;
00525     out->green = LED_green_intensity;
00526     out->blue  = LED_blue_intensity;
00527 }
00529 void set_userinterface_LED()                                                                   // Control functions for LED above buttons (added because of failures).
00530 {
00531     if (lock_state == 1) {
00532     } else {
00533         if (button_reposition == 0) {
00534             reposition_feedback_LED = control_LED_intensity;
00535         } else {
00536             reposition_feedback_LED = 0;
00537         }
00539         if (button_new_patient == 0) {
00540             new_patient_feedback_LED = control_LED_intensity;
00541         } else {
00542             new_patient_feedback_LED = 0;
00543         }
00544     }
00545 }
00547 void read_voltage()                                                                 // Function for reading voltages from power and battery.
00548 {
00549     if (power_plug_state == 1) {                                                    // If supplyvoltage (readed from input) is greater then the setted alarmvoltage.
00550         alarm = 0;                                                                  // Alarm is off.
00551         speaker_state = 0;
00552     } else {
00553         alarm = 1;                                                                  // Else alarm is on.
00554         speaker_state = 1;
00555     }
00558     if (alarm == 1 && mute_state == 1 && (batteryvoltage_current > alarm_voltage)) {// Set speaker on for 750 ms. Use PWM? => Split in more functions. 
00559         speaker1 = 0;                                                               // Set speaker.
00560         speaker2 = 0;
00561     }
00563     if ((alarm == 1 && mute_state == 0 && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < speaker_active_ms)) || ((batteryvoltage_current < alarm_voltage) && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < speaker_active_ms) && power_plug_state == 0)) { // Set speaker on for 750 ms.
00564         speaker1 = 1;                                                               // Set speaker.
00565         speaker2 = 1;
00566         speaker_timer.start();                                                      // Set timer for speaker to iterate on and off.
00567     }
00569     if ((speaker_timer.read_ms() > speaker_active_ms) && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < (speaker_active_ms*2))) {
00570         speaker1 = 0;                                                               // Turn off speaker (use two outputs because of currentlimiting of one).
00571         speaker2 = 0;
00572     }
00574     if (speaker_timer.read_ms() > (speaker_active_ms*2)) {                          //
00575         speaker_timer.stop();                                                       // Stop speaker timer.
00576         speaker_timer.reset();
00577     }
00578                                                                                     // Read channel 0 from external ADC (batteryvoltage); voltagedeviders are used, 
00579     batteryvoltage_current = adsAccu.readADC_SingleEnded(0);                        // because of higher voltage then Vcc of ADC (5.3 V (= Vcc + 0.3 V) max possible at each analog input).
00580     powervoltage_current = adsAccu.readADC_SingleEnded(1);                          // Read channel 1 from external ADC (powervoltage).
00582     if (powervoltage_current < digital_value_ADC_powervoltage_unplugged) {          // If statement to set LED's to blue. 
00583         power_plug_state = 0;
00584         LED_colour = 'b';
00585     } else {
00586         power_plug_state = 1;
00587     }
00588 }   
00590 void read_adc() {
00591     piezo_electric_sample_timer.reset();                                            // Clock gebruiken o.i.d.?
00592     piezo_electric_sample_timer.start();
00593     connection_test_sensorplate = angle_device_sensorplate.testConnection();
00595     if (test_mode == 1) {
00596         usb_serial.printf("Connection test sensorplate = %d\n", connection_test_sensorplate);
00597     }
00599     /*
00600     if (connection_test_sensorplate == 0) {
00601         lock_state = 1;
00602         LED_on_dev_board2 = 1;
00603         lock_feedback_LED = 0;
00604     }*/
00606     if (connection_test_sensorplate == 1) {
00607         piezo_electric_array[0] = piezo_electric_adc.readADC_SingleEnded(0);            // First PE readout.
00609         for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
00610             piezo_resistive_array[k] =    piezo_resistive_adc1.readADC_SingleEnded(k);  // First 4 PR readout.
00611         }
00613         while(piezo_electric_sample_timer.read_us()<(1*(total_readout_cycle_time_us/5))) {} // Wait untill 20% of cycle. Energy efficiency is not fine in this situation, correct if low energy is needed.
00615         piezo_electric_array[1] = piezo_electric_adc.readADC_SingleEnded(0);            // Second PE readout.
00617         for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
00618             piezo_resistive_array[k+4] =  piezo_resistive_adc2.readADC_SingleEnded(k);  // Last 4 PR readout.
00619         }
00621         while(piezo_electric_sample_timer.read_us()<(2*(total_readout_cycle_time_us/5))) {} // Wait untill 40% of cycle. Energy efficiency is not fine in this situation, correct if low energy is needed.
00623         piezo_electric_array[2] = piezo_electric_adc.readADC_SingleEnded(0);            // Third PE readout.
00625         angle_device_sensorplate.getAccelero(accelerometer_sensorplate);                // Get accelerometer data.
00626         angle = accelerometer_sensorplate[2]*100;
00627         if(angle == 0) {
00628             MPU6050 angle_device_sensorplate(PB_9, PB_8);
00629             angle_device_sensorplate.getAccelero(accelerometer_sensorplate);
00630             angle = accelerometer_sensorplate[2]*100;
00631         }
00632         angle_device_sensorplate.getGyro(gyroscope_sensorplate);                        // Get gyroscope data.
00634         if (test_belt == 1) {
00635             angle_device_reference_belt.getGyro(gyroscope_reference_belt);              // Get gyroscope data from Belt.
00636             angle_device_reference_belt.getAccelero(accelerometer_reference_belt);      // Get accelerometer data from belt.
00637         }
00639         if (connection_test_sensorplate == 1) {                                                     // If statement for sending serial information sensorplate data when connection test is active. 
00640             // Receiving order sensor information: 3 accelero sensors & 3 gyroscope sensors from sensorplate; 3 accelero sensors & 3 gyroscope sensors from belt. Is splitted in two parts - part 2/2. 
00641             pi_serial.printf("?,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,\n", accelerometer_sensorplate[0], accelerometer_sensorplate[1], accelerometer_sensorplate[2], gyroscope_sensorplate[0], gyroscope_sensorplate[1], gyroscope_sensorplate[2], accelerometer_reference_belt[0], accelerometer_reference_belt[1], accelerometer_reference_belt[2], gyroscope_reference_belt[0], gyroscope_reference_belt[1], gyroscope_reference_belt[2]);
00642         } // binair print and convert in pi
00644         while(piezo_electric_sample_timer.read_us()<(3*(total_readout_cycle_time_us/5))) {}  // Wait untill 60% of cycle. Energy efficiency is not fine in this situation, correct if low energy is needed.
00646         piezo_electric_array[3] = piezo_electric_adc.readADC_SingleEnded(0);        // Fourth PE readout.
00647     }
00649     timer_functions();
00651     batteryvoltage_current = batteryvoltage_last;
00652     powervoltage_current = powervoltage_last;
00653     read_voltage();                                                                 // Read_voltage function to control alarm.
00655     if (test_mode == 1) {
00656         usb_serial.printf("Voltage = %d   ,   %d\n", batteryvoltage_current, powervoltage_current);
00657     }
00659     uint32_t val = 0;
00660     colour_select_indicating_LED_wall(LED_colour);                                  // Function to select colour.     
00661     indicator_LEDs.update(generate, NUMBER_LED_FRONT, val);                         // Function to set the LED's which shines to the wall (indicating change patient position).
00662     set_userinterface_LED();                                                        // Set LED's of user interface (LED's above buttons).
00664     while(piezo_electric_sample_timer.read_us()<(4*(total_readout_cycle_time_us/5))) {}  // Wait untill 80% of cycle. Energy efficiency is not fine in this situation, correct if low energy is needed.
00666     if (test_mode == 1){                                                            // If statement for test purposal. 
00667         usb_serial.printf("Angle device sensorplate = %d\n",angle_device_sensorplate.testConnection());
00668     }
00670     if (connection_test_sensorplate == 1) {
00671         piezo_electric_array[4] = piezo_electric_adc.readADC_SingleEnded(0);         // Fifth PE readout.
00672     }
00674     while(piezo_electric_sample_timer.read_us()<(4.25*(total_readout_cycle_time_us/5))) {}  // Wait untill 85% of cycle. Energy efficiency is not fine in this situation, correct if low energy is needed.
00676     serial_read();                                                                   // Call function for reading information from PI by serial connection. 
00677     serial_log();                                                                    // Call function for logging information to PI by serial connection. 
00679     if (test_mode == 1) {                                                            // If statements for test purposal (untill * mark).
00680         usb_serial.printf("Loop time: %d ms\n",piezo_electric_sample_timer.read_ms());
00681     }
00682     if (test_pin == 1) {
00683         test_mode = 1;
00684         usb_serial.printf("%d\n",test_mode);
00685     }
00686     if (test_pin == 0) {
00687         test_mode = 0;
00688         usb_serial.printf("%d\n",test_mode);
00689     }
00691     if (test_mode == 1) {
00692         usb_serial.printf("Loop time: %d ms\n",piezo_electric_sample_timer.read_ms());
00693     }                                                                                
00694                                                                                     // * End of if statements for test purposal. 
00695 }
00697 int main() {                                                                        // Main function. inline function "Momo Init" bijvoorbeeld
00698     wait_ms(boot_delay_ms);                                                         // Wait to boot sensorplate first.
00699     i2c_sensorplate_adc.frequency(i2c__frequency);                                        // Set frequency for i2c connection to sensorplate (variable is declared in config part).
00700     i2c_power_adc.frequency(i2c__frequency);                                              // Same as line 695, but now for ADC to read battery- en powervoltage. 
00701     usb_serial.baud(baud_rate);                                                     // Set serial USB connection baud rate (variable is declared in config part).
00702     pi_serial.baud(baud_rate);                                                      // Same as line 697, but now for serial PI connection.
00703     piezo_resistive_adc1.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS);                                   // Set ranges of ADC to +/-6.144V (end is marked with #):
00704     piezo_resistive_adc2.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS);                                   
00705     piezo_electric_adc.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS);                                     
00706     adsAccu.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS);                                                // #) End of configuration ADC ranges.
00707     pi_serial.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);                                       // Set serial communication line with PI. 
00709     button_lock.fall(&trigger_lock);                                                // Interrupt for rising edge lock button.
00710     button_lock.rise(&end_timer_lock_button);
00711     button_reposition.fall(&reposition_button_triggered);
00712     button_reposition.rise(&rise_reposition);
00713     button_mute.fall(&mute_button_triggered);
00714     button_new_patient.fall(&trigger_new_patient);                                  // New patient/calibration button rising event.
00715     button_new_patient.rise(&activate_new_patient_function);                                    // Falling edge for calibration algorithm option.
00716     delay_between_button_pressed.reset();                                           // Delaytimer reset en start.
00717     delay_between_button_pressed.start();
00719     set_intensity_LEDs();                                                                // Initialize intensity for user interface LED's and LED's shines to wall.  
00720     lock_feedback_LED = control_LED_intensity;                                      // Lock LED initialization.
00723     total_readout_cycle.attach_us(&read_adc, total_readout_cycle_time_us);          // Call function to start reading sensorplate and other functionalities.
00725     while (1) {
00726         wait_us(total_readout_cycle_time_us+1);                                     // Wait indefinitely.
00727     }
00728 }